View Full Version : Storage cover for the Spyder?

10-25-2009, 08:44 PM
What kind of cover do you use?

I need one that will work with the touring windshield and saddlebags...preferably a vented cover.

Tom in NM
10-25-2009, 10:14 PM
Is this for Winter storage?
Inside or outside?
If inside, is it climate controlled?
To take along on trips or just for use at home or seasonal storage?


10-25-2009, 10:50 PM
Outside cover...Spyder will be under a carport with roof but no sides..just want to cover it up between use. Husband has a vented cover for the Harley and it's nice...when we want to ride it, it's always clean and dry.

I won't be actually storing the Spyder for the winter. Being as we live in Georgia, winter is mild compared to where some of you live and ride...I expect I'll have opportunities to ride it even during the winter here.

Tom in NM
10-26-2009, 12:10 AM
Ahh, that helps.

Before I got my Bike Barn, I borrowed my neighbor's regular car cover ( breathable, highly water resistant ) and lightly bungied it to protect my Spyder from the dust, tree sap, birds and rain. It worked well - was pretty inexpensive - I think under $45.

But, I hate dealing with covers, so I got the Bike Barn. Worth it to me.


10-26-2009, 12:11 AM
I like Tom's idea!

I use the outside storage cover from BRP for the Spyder (http://spyder.brp.com/GearsAccessories/en-US/Product-Detail/280000337) when I go on trips. It packs up pretty small. It looks and works great and keeps people from messing with my Spyder when I am not around (hotel parking lots, etc.). You can get a good price from Rob's Performance (http://www.robsperformance.com/) or eBay. It folds up into a self contained storage bag when not in use.

It will work with the factory and possibly the sport/touring shield (original one). It will not work with taller shields if you want the it to go over the front wheels and front storage.


10-26-2009, 12:48 AM
I like Tom's idea!

I use the outside storage cover from BRP for the Spyder (http://spyder.brp.com/GearsAccessories/en-US/Product-Detail/280000337) when I go on trips. It packs up pretty small. It looks and works great and keeps people from messing with my Spyder when I am not around (hotel parking lots, etc.). You can get a good price from Rob's Performance (http://www.robsperformance.com/) or eBay. It folds up into a self contained storage bag when not in use.

It will work with the factory and possibly the sport/touring shield (original one). It will not work with taller shields if you want the it to go over the front wheels and front storage.


I also use the BRP outside cover. My Spyder has the tallest BRP touring windshield, mirror extensions, the sport rack and back rest and the BRP hard bags on the back. The cover fits over it all nicely and bungees under the Spyder. It covers down to about 10 inches off the ground including front and rear fenders. I use it when traveling and to keep the dust off when doing wood projects in my garage. On a recent trip to the Oregon coast I used it to cover the Spyder for 3 days in a covered parking lot that was open on all sides to the salt air next to the beach. It did a great job of protecting the Spyder and keeping curious eyes away (although a few people came out to see what was under the "curtain" when I took the cover off to leave). My wife and I were surprised that the cover went over the whole enchilada with all the bulky accessories added on.

the nicko
10-26-2009, 06:10 AM
can am

10-26-2009, 12:21 PM
I got a cover from JCPenny - it is made for a side by side quad - $29.00 fits over the Spyder easily and stores back in the stuff sack it came with easily - very cheap and works great.

10-26-2009, 12:47 PM
I have an Industries 7 outside cover. It fits over my Calsci medium windshield at the front and my Givi V46 top box at the rear. Works very well.


10-26-2009, 07:57 PM
I took Toms advice and got a bike barn Best money Ive ever spent on the :spyder2:! If you have to store it outside its the way to go.

10-26-2009, 08:18 PM
I also use the BRP outdoor cover for mine that sits under our carport.

I must admit the Bike Barn has really peaked my interest though, so thanks for starting this thread. :)

10-27-2009, 09:50 AM
I have never understood the difference and reason for the BRP indoor and outdoor covers. Do you need two covers or will the outdoor suffice?

10-27-2009, 10:00 AM
I have never understood the difference and reason for the BRP indoor and outdoor covers. Do you need two covers or will the outdoor suffice?
The outside cover doesn't breathe and will lead to condensation on the bike if used indoors, especially in a non-climate controlled indoors.

10-27-2009, 10:13 AM
The outside cover doesn't breathe and will lead to condensation on the bike if used indoors, especially in a non-climate controlled indoors.


10-27-2009, 08:23 PM
The fabric is also not as UV resistant on the indoor cover, as they state to not leave it in direct sunlight.

10-27-2009, 11:18 PM
I use the BRP cover, with large CalSci and Corbin Bags. works very well.

See pix in my albums,