View Full Version : This is too funny not to share

09-02-2022, 08:08 PM
So me and my bride of 38 years are out cruising on the Spyder along Longboat Key here in Florida in the 90 plus degree heat and just enjoying the morning cruise, school buses are done for the time being, most everybody else is still in work.
So we decided to stop at Small City Island Beach out by the Mote Aquarium and drink some water and sit on the park swings and enjoy Sarasota Bay.
Then it's time to head on back to the house, and 10 minutes in my bride is saying how hot it's getting since we stopped, and she's sweating bullets. She has the chin bar up jacket undone and she just can't believe the heat, so the entire way the woman is just on fire, in fact I can feel the heat coming off of her, so we finally get home after what must have been an agonizing 30 miles and close to an hour ( it's 24/7 traffic on the Key).
Kathy just about launches herself of the trike and when I say she is dripping I mean she is drenched in sweat! I get off the trike and the first thing I notice is her seat heater is turned to MAX, she must have bumped it when getting on. Well, after a cold shower and ice pack on her neck to get her cooled down, we were able to laugh about it.

I'll be looking into unplugging seat heater, so long as it wont throw any codes....

09-02-2022, 08:10 PM

Lew L
09-03-2022, 09:43 AM

More than once I have turned on the grip heaters by accident.

Lew L

09-03-2022, 09:54 AM
Ouch... I've accidently hit the heated hand grips a few time and wondered why my handlebars were so hot.

09-03-2022, 11:22 AM
We should start a 'Funny Things that happened while Riding' thread.

I was running up through California and Oregon on my 750 Honda in the mid 70's. I did the tour around Crater Lake (beautiful areal).

Rather than take everything off at each stop to look at the view or read informational signage, I just got off the bike, helmet and all. At one stop there was a couple standing near the plaque admiring the view. As I pulled into the turnout, shut the bike off and walked the short distance to read the plaque, the wife turned to me and asked, in a shocked voice; 'Can you see through that thing?', referring to my dark smoke face shield.

I turned to acknowledge her, but her question took me by surprise. Before I could answer her husband said; 'He just drove up on a motorcycle hun.'

I said; 'Have a great day' and took my leave.

Picture is NOT of me!

09-03-2022, 11:32 AM
Nothing like turning on the heated seat when it is hot outside. :bowdown: :roflblack:

Me...I have never done anything like that on the Spyder. :roflblack:

Breaking the drive belt and digging a hole in my soft driveway gravel for my first spring ride one year, don't count. :roflblack:

09-03-2022, 01:33 PM
I saw that one coming. At least you know in case it ever happens again. Unpluggging it shouldn't be a problem though.

09-03-2022, 04:46 PM
I'll be looking into unplugging seat heater, so long as it wont throw any codes....

I would think that now she'll always check and make sure it's in the off position. It only needs to happen once.

09-03-2022, 09:24 PM
Ouch... I've accidently hit the heated hand grips a few time and wondered why my handlebars were so hot.

I have done that more than once, those grips heat up good in the summer time. LOL

09-03-2022, 11:12 PM
Hmmmm, maybe a summer/winter switch in the glovebox on the Spyder that disables both grips and seats.....

09-04-2022, 11:40 AM
One of the reasons I bought an RT rather than an RTL was that I couldn't justify the extra $4,000 just for the trunk, since I know I would never use the heated seat. I've had heated seats on other bikes, most recently my 2016 Goldwing, and I never could stand the feel of the heat, even in cold weather. Heated grips are great, but for me, not the seats. Riding in really hot weather is not my idea of fun, but I guess if you live in Florida, riding in the heat is the only alternative to not riding at all. When I lived in San Antonio years ago I hardly rode from May through Oct each year, as the heat and humidity were so oppressive. Riding at night when it is a bit cooler was no solution since that is when the hordes of bugs come out.