View Full Version : Let me just say I'm not happy either

10-21-2009, 08:32 AM
I feel as though I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've spent the last two years building this site and a relationship with you guys and BRP. Right now I feel like I should be taking sides if I'm going to keep any credibility I may have with you all.

First off I want to say I don't take a nickle from BRP and I'm not a controlled mouth piece for them. I have made some good friends within the company and my loyalty is to them and not the company.

I've also made some great friends here too and I hate to see anyone have the problems they are having and I've made every effort to be a mediator between them and BRP to help solve these problems. Judging by the PM's and emails I've gotten that has worked out pretty good. I have a "sticky" post at the top of this board to try and help those with on going problems and those who have taken the time to send me the info have had good reports back. That's more credit to BRP for doing what they told me they would do for those who have slipped through the cracks.

I have yet to have anyone fillout this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.

Here's my real problem. I've been swamped with emails, PM's and phone calls about this issue and I really don't know what to tell you other than my experience with my Spyder. I can't tell you if it's safe or not to drive your Spyder after the second software update because there are enough members on this board that have had a steering problem at speed and I wouldn't want to be the one to say it will be fine and then someone gets hurt or worst. I don't feel mine is unsafe because I just don't have any power steering and there are plenty of folks that have driven thousands of miles in this same condition without any issues.

So I'm pretty bummed out for my friends here and my friends at BRP. I see some good members that are now giving up on the Spyder and moving on to something else and I see potential Spyder owners thinking that the Spyder is too problematic to own and by reading the post on this board the last few days I don't blame them at all.

Part of me wants to just shut down this site and turn it back on when everything is fixed because I don't know if we are helping or hurting the situation here. BRP is well aware of the problem and nobody wants to see a resolve to this more than they do. Problem is will the love for the Spyder be crushed because of this board before they have a chance to really fix the problem?

As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

Some Guy
10-21-2009, 08:46 AM
As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on

:agree: It's still the best ryde I've ever had.

10-21-2009, 08:51 AM
:agree: I just cannot dump my first love just yet!

Lamont, this is your site and if you think it is best to shut it down for a while, then I will support your decision and will be the first in line when it reopens.

This site has been a blessing and would not want to lose it.

10-21-2009, 08:54 AM
:agree: It's still the best ryde I've ever had.

:agree: also

10-21-2009, 09:12 AM
Thank you Lamont. Very well thought out post. I too am willing to wait and I know BRP is aware of our issues and working on them. I know when I have my spyder back, I will be posting more fun riding adventures. That is what this forum and our spyder is all about.

10-21-2009, 09:13 AM
even with my tid-bit issues as compared to the steering that some are reporting to have.

I agree with you Lamonster... 1000 % ....

10-21-2009, 09:36 AM
Maybe we do need a few days cooling off, or like my Grandsons, a time out. We could all use the time to reflect on what this site means to us and come back ready to share ideas, suggestions, mods, maintenance tips and even criticisms without name calling, incivility and accusations. :dontknow:

10-21-2009, 09:43 AM
Hey Lamonster I truly feel your frustration and can empathize with you. I also know that I have been caught up in some of the rhetoric surrounding the steering problem and have made a few posts that in hindsight may have only stirred the pot some more which has done nothing but add to your frustration.

For this I am truly sorry and offer my apologies. I have said to you previously that while I have not actually met you in person, from your approach and your passion you are one standup guy !

I have faith in BRP that they will eventually resolve the steering issues and I have faith that eventually this board, your board, will return to positive, information filled board that you intended it to be. If you believe that shutting the board down for a cooling off period is the best approach then I support you 100%.

Just please make me a promise that you will never lose the passion for the spyder that you do have because I would truly be at a loss without spyderlovers !

10-21-2009, 09:48 AM
Lamonster, you don't need to take sides and you don't need to feel between a rock and a hard place.

While we're a "Spyder community" we're all grown ups who can make our own decisions. God forbid someone gets hurt but if it happens no one on this forum is to blame.

I take responsibility for my own actions. And sure, a forum is a place to come and vent once in a while too. However, I don't take a poll if my toaster isn't working properly. I assess the issue and make a decision based on the God given good sense I have.

I'm with you big guy. My husband too. We're standing by our bikes. We love the fun we have on them.

XXX 74
10-21-2009, 09:51 AM
I can see how frustrating this can be...

However there is a lot of good on this site that completely overshadows any of the "bad". :doorag::clap:
I find this site full of very useful information. I have talked to you over the phone and via PM, I have also talked to other people on the site that assisted me during the "build up" of my Spyder and I am very thankful...:2thumbs:
I have also met local people that share the same interest...:thumbup:

as far as shuting the site down until everything is fixed... don't listen to that part of you.. that is the red guy behind your ear ! Listen to the one in white !:D

10-21-2009, 10:01 AM
I would hate to see a site shut down unless it was short term. That said I understand that it seems things are getting hotter with no quick fix on the horizon. It's your call and I won't complain either way.
I don't know if this is considered proper but sometimes an announcement from BRP in some manner could go a long way. None of this is simple, I have not given up on the Spyder and have no intention of doing so. Thanks for all you do. :dontknow:

10-21-2009, 10:05 AM
Hey Lamonster I truly feel your frustration and can empathize with you. I also know that I have been caught up in some of the rhetoric surrounding the steering problem and have made a few posts that in hindsight may have only stirred the pot some more which has done nothing but add to your frustration.

For this I am truly sorry and offer my apologies. I have said to you previously that while I have not actually met you in person, from your approach and your passion you are one standup guy !

I have faith in BRP that they will eventually resolve the steering issues and I have faith that eventually this board, your board, will return to positive, information filled board that you intended it to be. If you believe that shutting the board down for a cooling off period is the best approach then I support you 100%.

Just please make me a promise that you will never lose the passion for the spyder that you do have because I would truly be at a loss without spyderlovers !

Hang in there Lamont, you have done the right thing. I realize there has been overreaction on the issues with the Spyder (both pro and con). But as you have said before that carries through to any board on the internet and involves any brand. I have decided not to worry about my Spyder and just ride it like I have done with all the other bikes I have owned. As I have said before the Spyder is the most enjoyable ride I have ever owned and I am not about to part with it.nojoke Things will soon settle and all will move on to other issues soon.:thumbup:We need to get back to the oil and octane thing:D


10-21-2009, 10:10 AM

When I met you in LA and again at your BBQ, I knew you were one of the good guys. Please know that there are a number of us out here in the :spyder2: community that appreciates all the things that you have done for us.

To All,

For those of you that have had a problem with your :spyder2:and feel that it is unsafe, I respect your concern. I also understand the fustration in wanting your :spyder2:'s repaired in a timely manner. I am confident that all this will improve in time. We must work with our dealers and BRP. WE are the group that will make or break this product. If WE can't work through this together as a team, WE will all lose in the end.

For those of us that own a :spyder2:, I say hang in there and let's work through this.

For those of you thinking about purchasing a :spyder2:, I would recommend purchasing the BEST warranty to cover you for 5 years. I have no regrets purchasing my '09 SE5:spyder2: and I still grin from ear to ear just when I look at it.


10-21-2009, 10:23 AM
Lamont, please don't give up. I have learned more about the Spyder than any other bike I have had in 40 years because of this forum. There are a lot of vents here, but the human nature in us is sometimes to blame rather than the real issue. To those of us who are willing to be adventurous and ride and learn, this forum is priceless. To those that are just using this forum to just gripe and groan and bash the Spyder (even if they do not own one!) we can learn to live with them. When I first explored buying a Spyder I read about the "problems" the SE5 was having. Had I listened, I would probably not be riding anymore...I had just lost confidence in myself in riding 2 wheels with Jennifer, or alone. But, I felt that a lot of problems could be owner-caused (no proof, just a feeling). We bought our SE5 in November 2008 and have never looked back. After 27,000 miles the only major issue has been a cracked coolant bottle (I have found the cause and will modify to prevent it happening on the new bottle). After the first steering update, I realized that I had hardly any power steering before! The twisties, and any curve had been a power struggle! Had it not been for this forum, I would have known nothing about the steering issue! This forum is priceless! Stay with it, Lamont! We'll stand behind you all the way. Some of the real issues are a bit scary, but we know about them through this forum, and by knowing, we can be made aware before it happens to us, and this may save us injury or worse. Nothing we will ever ride or drive guarantees us that it will not break or injury us.

10-21-2009, 10:37 AM
:agree: It's still the best ryde I've ever had.


I remember being at the BBQ on Friday --- and Someguy and I decided NOT to have the 2nd update done---- because we were away from home and didn't want any possible problems on the road.

Glad we made that call. I also don't think either of us really needed the update as we both yanked the evap cans and plugged the purge lines.

This site and the members can weather this storm - and both sides of such issues need to be heard---- but it would be nice if it didn't turn into a Spyder-bash.

10-21-2009, 10:45 AM
Lamont - this is a great site - you have done a marvelous job in promoting the spyder and in taking care of all the people on this web site. I have had a few problems with my spyder. But I feel that they have not been inordinate in the number or has there been a problem getting it fixed.

BRP has called and made sure I am gettng taken care of and with you thread about someone having problems.. you forwarded them - I cannot believe how fast BRP's response was to my problem.

I feel this is a cutting edge product and as such I can expect to have some problems until all are sorted out. as long as we have this board to help voice our issues and our great times with the Spyder. I feel that the product will just get better.

I for one think the Spyder and SpyderLovers are:firstplace:.

Thanks Lamont

10-21-2009, 10:47 AM
Lamont, is your forum, your decision and the appreciation and respect we all have for you is beyond anything you decide. It is your call. That said, I personally would have a hard time not reading the potential temporary shutdown of this forum (even the threat of doing it) as censorship.

It is unavoidable that a safety issue would be controversial and divisive. 80% of motorcycle riding is recreational i.e. optional. Some of us are used to risk a little bit our lives in our free time (I boat offshore by myself, jet sky and used to parachute in addition to riding bikes) some others believe that is foolish to put your life in danger in a recreational activity, we have to respect them too.

All riders on this site are adults (some act more like them than others :D) and can take our own decisions. If our posts influence each other one way or another that is our business. Nobody takes better decisions without information that being informed. This forum provides that information. Sometimes you have to dig it out of a lot of BS, but is there. It also provides a great vehicle to create friendships, help each other and even provides entertainment. My vote is por continuing sharing each other opinions in a free, uncensored, as objective as possible, and, above all, respectful manner.

Ride safe bro :doorag:


10-21-2009, 10:55 AM
:agree:with pretty much everything said so far, I haven't had any updates done on my Spyder, but I haven't had any problems to date, either. When (if) the updates get done, It's not coming out of the shop until all the sensors are checked.
My Spyder is more fun than any bike I've owned since 1954, and so far less trouble than most. I don't want to see this site shut down, it's the only one I go to regularly, and consider all of you an extended family.
Lamont, keep up the GOOD work.


10-21-2009, 10:58 AM
I understand your position, however, we need to be mindful that as an open forum, good and bad comments will be shared. Personally, my Spyder has been a blast. Other than oil in the airbox (which I'll soon fix) I haven't had any problems. I feel safe riding the Spyder and truly enjoy the ride. If, however, I had safety problems, I would probably be as desperate to share and get reassurance from fellow riders. This is what this site does, like a family, we share good and bad things.:chat:

10-21-2009, 11:09 AM
I feel bad that you feel bad but none of this is your fault and you shouldn't feel like you need to shut this place down. This is the BEST place to find out information - good or bad. Sure there is gonna be some ranting on here (I'm a cranky one sometimes and I make it known - just ask HDX). And there's gonna be totally positive stuff posted too. No matter what gets posted - it is all info for us to all take in. I don't think everyone needs to agree on stuff and that is what is good and makes us all individuals.

For those here w/ some issues - I hope they can be resolved or at least a decision will come to those on what they want to do w/ the Spyder. For those that have had no problems - I envy them and I think it's great that they are enjoying their machines.

So I'll try to cool it - I am known to have a temper and apologize if I offended anyone. Just very hard to not have emotions when it comes to stuff that plays a big part in your life, ya know?

Anyway, don't shut this place down - that wouldn't be a good idea.

10-21-2009, 11:27 AM
I don't think I'd have my Spyder were it not for SpyderLovers.com. The cost, even used, was a LOT of money just for something to have fun on. I needed to reassure myself by coming here and talking to people who already owned one in order to take the plunge. I am so grateful that this site exists.

I'm on other sites too. BeginnerBikers.org for one. Some of the forums I go to are heavily moderated. Some, not so much. I have appreciated that you moderate with moderation! This site isn't your own personl mouthpiece. Yet you have also nipped some threads, even removing all evidence of them when that needed to happen.

I think it only natural that if the Spyder itself is going through a bit of a rough road, that any forum dedicated to it would be going through a rough time too. My personal hope is that we all just ride it out. This is temporary. I, like most people here, think the Spyder is the best thing that's ever been put on the road. I just love mine. I'm not ready to throw it out because of a few problems.

Please let us all simply take a deep breath and think a bit more before we hit that "submit" button. Let's each of us try not to be reactionary, responding immediately to something without some serious thought. I think if we all just don't panic and give everything a chance to sort itself out, that all of us and our Spyders are going to come out of this just fine. Let's be honest. BRP has way too much time and money invested in the Spyder to give up on their efforts to get this right. Their company would never survive that attitude and action. They have to know this.

Sure there are some dealers out there with techs that seem to have their heads in the sand. This too will get sorted out eventually. In my area it seems like BRP set up too many dealers too close to each other so that they each undermine each other's success. In the end, some won't have the business to keep the Spyder line in their offerings. Supply and demand will rule in the end.

Thank you so much Lamont for your hard work and dedication to the Spyder. I hope you keep the site open. Let's face it. We all want the Spyder to have its problems sorted out so we can spend less time on the formus and more time on the road!!

10-21-2009, 11:35 AM
Lamont, I've had some issues and done some complaining but, issues or not, I enjoy my Spyder more than any of the many bikes I've owned. A large part of that enjoyment has been this site and I would be disappointed if it were to be shut down. Don't be discouraged, your efforts are appreciated by many.

10-21-2009, 11:48 AM
I will never give up on my spyder. No matter what.

It does sadden me that so many are selling their spyders, because of a few issues. They are the ones giving up so fast. Give the spyder a chance. BRP is working hard to fix any issues and flaws, I have faith in them.

Lamonster, don't give up on us or this site!!!! I get so much information from this site, and from you. We have to take the good with the bad.
I have made and met some really cool friends on this site :clap:

I would be lost without this site.......

10-21-2009, 11:49 AM
I know a good guy when I meet one.This is a great forum with a great leader in LaMont.There is very little flaming here very little mudslinging and the leadership is the reason.I turned down a Spyder yesterday just because the karma was not right between me and the Spyder.I know the concept is the correct one and I know that BRP will explore and correct these issues.It just takes time.

I have asked for info from members here and they were happy to share what they knew.I notice no issues of snobbery or elitism and I hope to treat others with the same respect and consideration I have seen here.

Lamont this will work out and you will be a big reason it does.

go for a ride,

10-21-2009, 11:49 AM
I vote for keeping the site up, I generally see the ranting for what it is & move on to informative and or fun topics.
Thanx for a great site :thumbup:

Tom in NM
10-21-2009, 12:15 PM
I don't think I'd have my Spyder were it not for SpyderLovers.com.

Lamont, I could not agree with Marilyn more. Plus, some of the vendors and posters on Spyderlovers have provided some great enhancements to my riding experience.

We are a passionate and diverse group with equally passionate and diverse opinions, speculations and perspectives. That is our greatest strength and weakness. I think it is our caring and consideration of each other that really activates the our strength and there is no shortage of that here.

I would hate to see Spyderlovers go away. Not many Spyder owners around here. I would miss all the sharing and the chance to share my little part of the Spyder Experience.

So, I hope you continue doing what you do so well and are able to put up with the crap that we sometimes cause. I am sure we can all live and learn.

With appreciation and admiration,

10-21-2009, 12:16 PM
just IMHO, it sounds like you are overwhelmed right now Lamont with all of the calls, PM's, and boards being posted with gripes. this is very understandable. i would be too.
now, i dont even own a Spyder but will one of the years! i would be disappointed if i had a lot of problems and had to keep taking it in for repairs, and it would scare the beegeebers outta me if something happened on the road that made me feel like i could have been hurt badly. all of that still wouldnt keep me from fixing MY ride and hitting the road again! i think people here and even on other sites and forums need to realize that when our cars and trucks break down...WE FIX THEM OR HAVE THEM FIXED AND MOVE ON DOWN THE ROAD. frustrated until we get them back from the shop....but as soon as its out of the shop, our smiles return and we keep on driving...happy once again. once in a while or lifetime the damages are bad enough to have to junk the car. but we go buy a new one or even a used one that we have no idea who owned it before or how they treated it before we got it!
why is the Spyder any different! and why are we relying on Lamonster sooooo much. we can make those calls ourselves! Lamont has provided every possible phone number, and address available that he is aware of so we can make things all better ourselves! we need to take some of the pressure off of Lamont in his time of need, like he does for us!
dont get me wrong here Lamont! everyone needs a break now and then! and some of us just need to take a break and go ride for a while to get the stress out! whether that ride is on the Spyder or whether that ride has to be in a CAGE until the Spyder gets out of the shop!
we live in a WANT IT NOW society, and this doesnt help in these forums! we all need to chill out and collect our thoughts and consider others feelings and how they will take what we say on these sites. frustration can kill it (this site amongst other relationship) in a heartbeat!
Lamont, maybe you can spread out the responsibilities you have or feel you have with other senior members here that you trust to make decisions and that are Spyderwise! this way it will take some of the pressure off of you. ALL COMPANIES HAVE ONE OWNER, BUT ALSO HAVE OTHERS TO RELY ON FOR HELPING WITH THE WORKLOAD. dont feel like you have to go at this alone Lamont!
all of what i said is IMHO! no more, no less! and can only be considered suggestions and is only me just trying to understand Lamonts position and duties as the owner of this site.
there are TONS of members here on this site now, and sooooo many of them have helped me realize that owning my own Spyder is probably the best vehicle i could ever own and one of the funnest!
all vehicles have there problems, get them fixed and get over it! stop stressing out the one man that brought this AWESOME site to us so we could learn about and love our rides!
Lamont is not our daddy! he's a very cool Daddy'O, but not our fix all! he has given us everything we need to have a fun and awesome time on our rides....and thats ALL he can do for us! AND THATS ALL WE SHOULD WANT FROM HIM!
it is very nice to have all of you back me up if i get in a jam, and i would do the same for all of you too! but our brother Lamont is taxed bigtime and needs our help!
like i said, i dont have a Spyder for now, but i would love to help in any way i can Lamont! i dont want to lose this site, because i will need it when i do get my Spyder! hopefully an RT-S but may settle for a use done from someone here on this site or elsewhere!

10-21-2009, 12:23 PM
I enjoy coming to this site and reading about everyone. It was because of this site and Spydertalk that I bought mine in the first place.
Maybe we need to segment it off to a :

AS&L (All Sweetness and Light) section where we could talk about adventures and experiences on the Spyder.
And a :
NDR (Not Doing Right) section where you could read about guys problems.


10-21-2009, 12:49 PM
This is far and away the best Spyder forum on the web. Lots of information has always been available here and non of it has been "white washed" like on the "other" site. People have always been able to post opinions on both sides of an issue, which is healthy in a free society. If this site is shut down the only one to gain would be the vehicle manufacturer.. Without a means for people to voice their experiences with a product, both good and bad, owners both current and future, would not know anything about the product except what they read on the manufacurers web site or in magazines where product advertisements $$$ rule the roost. Please don't even consider shutting down and giving the upper hand to BRP.....we all deserve to know how the Spyders problems are being handled and when they are actually solved. This is best accomplished from reading actual posts from people in the field. Lamont your good work here is really appreciated !!!

10-21-2009, 01:06 PM
First off there is no reason to consider shutting down the site. Information whether good or bad is still information. Secondly people should not be asking Lamonster if their spyder is safe to drive. This is a decision based soley on an individuals gut feeling.
Since Lamonster seems to have more insight into the issues based on his involvement with people involved with BRP there is no reason to doubt it when he states BRP is involved with fixing the problem with the DPS. People have to understand that more then likely BRP had little to do with the actual design of the DPS, more then likely it was developed by another company and is being used in the Spyder. Now the problem with that is not every single Spyder has issues, so the units that are defective need to be shipped from BRP to the original manufacturer for troubleshooting and it may not be clear if it is a bad run of components or a bad design at this point. Issues like this take quite some time to diagnose. That being said I personally wouldn't allow what if's to prevent me from riding the spyder when I want to, but now having this information will allow me to teach my wife what to look for, and to have her practice shutting off the bike and rolling it to a safe location if problem arise. If you are already having DPS issues drop the bike off at a dealer stating you feel it is unsafe and start a paperwork trail or take any action you are comfortable with. I bought a 2003 Indian motorcycle knowing the engines were having problems and the company was going out of business. The day I bought it I pulled the engine with a whopping 1 mile on it and sent it out to be rebuilt along with replacing the the tranny with a six speed and rebuilding the front Paioli Forks. The reason was I loved the bike and was willing to make the necessary corrections in a flawed product to be happy. My wife loves the Spyder so I will do the same for her. Most people did not sign on to be product testers and unfortunately this is what is occurring. Based on your own individual ideas of what you are willing to accept and what is just too much crap to handle you should make your own decision on what avenues you need to take to resolve your conficts to make yourself happy. It can be the sale of the Spyder, Lemon law or attemts to have a dealer buy back. The choice is yours.

10-21-2009, 01:41 PM
Excellent post, Lamont. I think that will do it and you will see a 180 mood change as a result.

You wrote:
As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

I agree 100% ... my thoughts exactly. Thanks for putting it in writing.
I haven't been active on this website because I had decided to sell the Spyder (way before the update thing came about) but I just kept putting it off - and - I'm glad I did. I decided to keep it and started riding it again and loved every moment of it ................. and, along came the update and update II!! ... So, all of a sudden I jump back in the forum posting my complaints. Sorry!

You wrote:
I have yet to have anyone fill out this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.
http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=14122 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=14122)

:dontknow: I have no idea why I've never noticed that section nor, have taken advantage of it! That is where all of this stuff on the steering should have gone. I will use it in the future if needed. Sorry!

QUESTION: Should I and others that have already publicly posted our problems regarding the steering issue still fill out the info and send it to you????

Thanks for the Forum. Thanks for your time and patience ... hang in there. When BRP gets us all taken care of through our Dealers, hopefully we will all post up the good news also!!

P.S. Just got back from my dealer (Schronce Powersports, Taylorsville) and left my Spyder with them. Daniel had already called BRP and received instructions on what to do even before I got there...... very encouraging. I'm sure they will get the Spyder fixed and ... this too will pass.

10-21-2009, 01:55 PM
Keep us posted on how they fixed it.

Excellent post, Lamont. I think that will do it and you will see a 180 mood change as a result.

You wrote:
As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

I agree 100% ... my thoughts exactly. Thanks for putting it in writing.
I haven't been active on this website because I had decided to sell the Spyder (way before the update thing came about) but I just kept putting it off - and - I'm glad I did. I decided to keep it and started riding it again and loved every moment of it ................. and, along came the update and update II!! ... So, all of a sudden I jump back in the forum posting my complaints. Sorry!

You wrote:
I have yet to have anyone fill out this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.
http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=14122 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=14122)

:dontknow: I have no idea why I've never noticed that section nor, have taken advantage of it! That is where all of this stuff on the steering should have gone. I will use it in the future if needed. Sorry!

QUESTION: Should I and others that have already publicly posted our problems regarding the steering issue still fill out the info and send it to you????

Thanks for the Forum. Thanks for your time and patience ... hang in there. When BRP gets us all taken care of through our Dealers, hopefully we will all post up the good news also!!

P.S. Just got back from my dealer (Schronce Powersports, Taylorsville) and left my Spyder with them. Daniel had already called BRP and received instructions on what to do even before I got there...... very encouraging. I'm sure they will get the Spyder fixed and ... this too will pass.

10-21-2009, 02:01 PM
I'm sticking with what I posted two days ago in a different thread:

I suggest we take a break from the guesswork, assumptions and name-calling, and instead respect Lamonster's post and let him run with this issue. I for one completely trust he'll stay on top of it for us all.

10-21-2009, 02:10 PM
Hey without this site I'd be lost. And you don't want me lost do you? Everybody here appreciates what you (Lamont) have done here. If you shut it down then :yikes: I'll have something to complain about. Hang in there we are. :firstplace:

This site has helped me and others with a lot of spyder issues. Not only is this a great site, so are the people here. :2thumbs:

10-21-2009, 02:10 PM

And thanks to you,:bowdown: Lamont, we have this forum. As such we will see problems and issues, :gaah: that many of us would have no knowledge of without such a place. Thanks to others we know what to watch for, and apparently, how to (at least temporarily) safely deal with it.

In the meantime, we continue to enjoy this fantastic (if imperfect) machine. :spyder:

10-21-2009, 02:12 PM
We need this forum now more than ever. We need to keep the communications flowing - good news and bad. I bought my syder 8 months ago (in Feb. in Oregon - raining every day). Have put on just over 10,000 miles in all kinds of weather. Just finished a cold but exciting 1400 mile trip with my 3 sons. Traveled on some of the most challenging roads you can find throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho. I would not have purchased my spyder in the first place if it wasn't for the info and insights I gained from this forum. Riding the spyder has created great experiences. I am confident that BRP will solve the problems and this forum is the best in broadcasting what works and what doesn’t. Thank you Lamonster for all the hard work.

10-21-2009, 02:22 PM
Thanks for all that you do Lamont. I came over to the :spyder:because I have medical issues which prevent me from continuing to ride a 2 wheeled vehicle and it turned out to be the best thing I ever did, and just at the right time. Its a great machine.

It took a while getting used too but I take every opportunity to ride and for the most part its the first thought I have when I wake up in the morn and it has given me the a new look at life. The :spyder:has really helped me in more ways than I can say.

Your site is superb and I check it out as often as I can and have learnt a great deal about our machines from you and the many people that I may never meet but I consider them and you friends. I want to say thank you and our regular contributors for all of the information and thoughts posted here, It woudn't be the same if Spyderlovers disapeared.

Take care, every one needs a break at times and I support whatever you decide, its your site after all. Good luck in the future and look forward to reading more about the RT.

10-21-2009, 02:22 PM

You are right on target and as I wrote similar thoughts in the below in MM earlier posting of concern:

I do not disagree that there should be some concern, but my gawd anything mechanical can have issues. There is risk in everything in life, some things pose more risk then others. I read the concerns here and can not object but at the same time I feel many are dwelling on the negatives and feeding a train of Spyder bashing. I have yet to experience any major issues which would cause me grave concern to my life. Yes I have experienced some of the technical issues, such as bad GPS, the RPM surge after DSP #1, squeaky brakes, but you know what BRP through my dealership (go FMS!) has been a class act and FIXED ALL of these issues immediately. I recently had DSP #2 and the hose fix done and I can say my Spyder is back to its origianl running condition. That said I rode today and did have some minor GPS issues, but like I said my Spyder is back to its origianl running condition :thumbup:.

I do read and appreciate all the forum participants inputs, both good and bad. But that said in reading all the recent banter of "the spyder is falling" has not convinced me to pack it up and put my slick SE5 on Ebay.

Will keep on riding. Stand with me loyal Spyder riders! :ohyea:


10-21-2009, 03:35 PM
Without this site, we won't have a voice. Lamont's posting should be a pretty loud wakeup call to BRP. I believe we are all in good hands with Lamonster leading the way.

10-21-2009, 03:51 PM
Hey Lamonster, I really appreciate all you do in the Spyder Community.
Whenever I have a free moment, this is the FIRST site I check out, and the one I continue to come back to for reliable info. You and the other Spyderlovers make life so much more enjoyable. If it wasn't for you and this site, I probably wouldn't have bought the spyder, and I certainly wouldn't have made the Spyders in the Smokies trip, let alone the fantastic bbq at your lovely place. While there are other Spyder sites, this is the best by far.:clap:

Whatever happens, thank you for ALL you do and all you've done.:2thumbs:

10-21-2009, 03:52 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again - you're doing good things here Lamont - keep it up!:2thumbs:

10-21-2009, 03:54 PM
I feel as though I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've spent the last two years building this site and a relationship with you guys and BRP. Right now I feel like I should be taking sides if I'm going to keep any credibility I may have with you all.

Lamont, the last thing that I think any of us here would say or think is that you've lost any credibility over any of this.

You've given the Spyder a community that has provided a lot of good information to the masses here and I know have helped create a Spyder following and several good friendships.

While I'm a former Spyder owner and will say I let go of my Spyder due to mechanical issues. I still think this site is too valuable to shut down. I would never speculate that the Spyder is unsafe and quite the contrarie I think it provides a safer open road alternative to 2 wheels and has gotten many disabled riders on the road, many of which I'm certain wouldn't be on Spyders if not for this site and the technical info they can find about adapting the Spyder to their needs.

10-21-2009, 03:56 PM
I hope you decide to keep this site. It is the best - even with the good, bad and the ugly.

I have until recently had a near perfect Spyder for about a year. With the 2 updates done at the same time all was also well until cold hit (40's). Could be temperature or a co-inky-dink but I am now among the few with steering issue.

Only rode once in the cold low 40s, where for the first time steering issue occurred repeatedly throughout the ride - so further riding in the cold (once cold returns) is planned.

And Yes - I still love my Spyder and plan to ride on.:D

10-21-2009, 04:01 PM
In 1973 I bought a New PORSHE, the problems began before I got
home,stuck with it, and in less than three months it was the greatess car I ever drove WOW...
Please don"t take any of our complaints personal, without this site we would really be frustrated.. You have helped us all ..
A broken key is a real problem, the shop could not pick out the piece inside the ignition, so a new ignition is the only answer at a cost of $150
PLUS $79.00 labor. I dn"t have anyone to blame but me, unless you want to take my place.

10-21-2009, 04:03 PM
I suggest we take a break from the guesswork, assumptions and name-calling, and instead respect Lamonster's post and let him run with this issue. I for one completely trust he'll stay on top of it for us all.

10-21-2009, 04:34 PM
I understand how you feel but this forum is a great place for all types of information (good or bad). It's helped me make decisions on mods as well as helping me install said mods. I am on here every day to see what's going on. I'd rather sit at my computer to check out the forum than read the newspaper with all of its BAD news. And they aren't shutting down. Please keep up the great job. Many of us rely on it. I never would have come up with the idea for your air box oil fix. Thank you for this forum. jf

Amanda B
10-21-2009, 04:53 PM
This site is where I get all my information! Without this site I would be lost!!! Plus, I have met other spyder ryders through this site. Maybe you should have a complaint area and a just venting area or something. I think there are always complaint areas for sites. Also, post somewhere that you don't work for BRP and that you cannot tell them if their bike is safe (disclaimer or something)!

10-21-2009, 05:03 PM
:2thumbs:As a newcomer I Thank You for ALL you do. Please keep the site open- The Amount of things I learned here is awesome!!
BRP sites always have negative posters ( Usually much more vocal than Here!) because they are always on the Cutting Edge of Performance whether it be Sea Doo,s or Sleds. Their jet Ski,s out sell all the others combined and have won more races than any other manufacturer by a Great Margin yet there are ALWAYS negative posts.
I was a Lurker here long before I bought my Spider and it Convinced me to buy One.
Got my Recalls done today and my dealer has done over a hundred of the recall updates. None had problems before and None have called with problems after!! I trust My Spyder!!
Today I gave it a Name "Buddy Boy!!!" And I,ll be out tomorrow as its going to be 70-75 here!!!

10-21-2009, 05:19 PM
Lamont - Good to see you again at Biketoberfest. As for the current situation - You have set the course and speed. Continue the march!!

10-21-2009, 05:29 PM
putting in my 2 cents here.....this is the best site I have ever been to. I try to get here every day just to get caught up on things, find out what everyone's doing, etc. Plus this site has helped me solve problems, be aware of potential problems, and even allow me to do some of my own work! I appreciate all the work you've put into this and really hope you'll continue to keep the site open but obviously will support you in whatever you decide. You're the only one who can truly take care of yourself and you need to do what's best for you.

10-21-2009, 05:36 PM
Hang in there, Lamont. There may be good rants, there may be bad rants, there may be pro rants, there may be con rants. The important thing, Lamont, is that you have given us the place and the freedom to rant.

As my dear 85 y/o father (who still goes riding with me in the desert from time to time) loves to say with a big smile on his face - "This too shall pass.... to be replaced by something completely worse!" :thumbup:


10-21-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi Spyder family, I'm new to this forum. Quickly: My first motorcycle was a brand spanking new 1970 Bonneville Triumph 650cc. But a few years ago, I suffered an injury and sold my last motorcycle- mostly because of a very weak knee and lack of balance. Ever since the Spyder came out, I have become very much interested in purchasing one as an alternative to the traditional two wheel motorcycle. In fact, I have plans to buy an RT-S in the early part of 2011. Let me make it perfectly clear: Lamont you are doing a great service by providing this forum. I was not looking for a site that would only display the good things about the Spyder, but have appreciated the negative as well. Both, consumers and BRP, should be open to all views and issues concerning this product. This is the only proven method for a company to improve its product and continue to have a loyal following. As a new member, I have read all points of view and still plan on buying one. I agree that BRP will continue to improve on this relatively new method of entertainment. I, for one, would like to thank ALL of you for posting your true feelings about the Spyder whether it be in good light, or with some flaws. I can take it.

10-21-2009, 06:01 PM
Lamont, you've done a great job and your only one person. Hang in there, all feelings can be justified because we all have them. How someone expresses them is something different. In these difficult times maybe some of the expressions are do to the bad economic times or work, etc. a host of issues. I support you and BRP, yes I've had my worries and expressed them on this site, but I do it because the feed back on this site is awesome, good or bad. But I think the good news, I'm confident it's 100% truthful and honest. I enjoy my Spyder every time I get on it, and life always has it's risks. My dealer has done a great job and I trust them totally, I also trust BRP will do the right thing and are working hard to resolve this problems. Look at all the mistakes car companies have done the K-car, Pinto, Vega, etc. But do people still buy Ford, Chrysler, Chevy, YES. All companies make bad designs, it's the good ones that survive, the rest just go away. If BRP thinks of their customers they and the Spyder will thrive. Thank you and BRP for all your hard work.

10-21-2009, 06:16 PM
Please dont shut it down. There is a ton of useful info here i never would have hadd access to if it wasn't here. We come here to "discuss" our machines. We are going to complain, we are going to disagree, we are going to be angry from time to time. But most of us get on our Spyder everyday anyway and drive on. Knowledge is power. I have learned more here about my Spyder than i would have in years and years of word of mouth gleaning. While I do have concerns about what is going on i still ride mine everyday and abosulutely LOVE IT. Would I buy again even knowing what I know now. YEP. The pleasure I get from this machine far exceeds the issues I have with it for sure.

10-21-2009, 06:16 PM
[quote=Lamonster;141564]I talked to a lot of the big wigs last week at the dealer meeting and one of the guys I talked with was the VP of support. They read our boards daily and are very concerned about anyone having an on going problem with their Spyder and would like to work with me on taking care of these folks if somehow they have fallen through the cracks.
This is if your dealer as not been able to fix your problem (on going problem) not if you ever had a problem, I guess I didn't make that clear before.

Here's what I need from you to help.

Name Donald s Douglas Jr (sm5)
Address: 21 edgewater road
Phone number:1 508 477 7187 cell 1 508 367 4621
VIN number: 2BXJAWA188VOO2356 MODL A18L yr 2008
Servicing dealer:bobs skydoo no,easton mass
Any mods like pipe Juice Box, or air filter: oil brether, lights ,
Brief description of your problem:pulls to rt when going left all most went off mountion in New hampsher had up dates dune 1st one then truble started back fireing ,slogess ,pulsing while driving .
2 nd update fixed pulsating , back fireing gone ,stering soso was out of aliment still scared if this thing well send me off the road on a curve drove it for 3hr today sence I left dealer...( I was driveing on kangamanguss hy.in New hampsher the road went left then right well I turned left bike wanted to go rt pulled hard the spyder didnt want to go left missed the trees and cliff 89ft drop off. if I would of went over I would be dead I am a little scared about my spyder ) I DROVE IT at 25 30 TO LOON MOUNTION LODGE AND PARKED IT WENT AND GOT TRAILER BEEN THERE SENCE AND DROVE IT TODAY TO BOB'S SKYDOO same thing ... Don VT 228 here you go lamonster I don't no if i'll drive it againe ...

Amanda B
10-21-2009, 06:30 PM
So, I did some reading to see what all the negative stuff on the site is about because I was clueless as to what the problem is, and I have to admit though my Spyder seems okay now I'm a little worried. Before I got the first update, I went to turn right and the bike wanted to go left or straight (I thought until now that it was my fault, that I did something, and it surprised me when it happened), luckily no one was on the road and I was driving it to the dealership for the update anyway. It would have been fixed earlier when I took my Spyder in for it's first scheduled maintenence, but for some reason they didn't do the update and I was told the update was no big deal and not to worry about it so I went home. I contacted BRP regarding this issue, and they told me it had to do with the steering and was a big deal. Now, I have to say the dealership that I use has never been a wonderful one and they sell all kinds of bikes, quads, and jetskis, so I blame that dealership and their hiring young kids. After the update, I haven't had a problem and I'm hoping it stays that way but now I'm worried. I am glad that I read about the steering though, because I am now aware that it could happen, and what I should do if it happens. If this site wasn't here I would be clueless and not prepared in case the worst were to happen.

10-21-2009, 06:37 PM
I think your post was very honest, straight-forward and heartfelt...and I hope it opened a lot of eyes. I am so sorry to hear you are inundated. I'm not sure how you have kept it together, frankly. Your mixed thoughts are understandable under the circumstances. I hope you don't shut down the site, but I would understand if you did.

If I can be of service in any way, please, please, please let me know. You have my phone number and email. I'm always ready to lend an ear if you need to bounce things off someone, cry on somebodies shoulder, or just rant and rave (I really can't see you doing that.) I'd even reluctantly help moderate the site if it would be of benefit. I'm here for you, Bro, if you need me.

10-21-2009, 06:43 PM
I don't want you to shut down the sight we all nead to no whats going on and if so n so went west coast to east coast and the photos they show. The way you show us new mods to do if we want to and the friends you meet and make for a life time first time you meet one he or she is a friend then we all become a family for a life time and no one can take it away from us . I would never have dun the mods if I didnt see them here on SpyderLovers the name means family and Love for the fun to ride free to meet new people and see the things we have dune to ower toys .
You and magicMan are a gift and a life line to all on this site my ride is down had 2nd up date dune runs ok still stering is a ??? but I love my spyder and you and your family and all out there .I have met 9 people sence I found your sight bill lizz dudley and Jan Davied and Patty Paula daive you on this sight . the form is on last sight about shuting down sight I filled it out and gave a little info .Be good my friend I don't call to menny people Friend have to earn it you did the first time always your friend Don VT228 :thumbup::doorag::doorag:

10-21-2009, 06:47 PM
Think of it this way folks --- without this forum those that are having the steering problem might think they are the only one. I always find some comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.

This place makes having the Spyder MUCH more fun and easier to upkeep.

And it doesn't cost you a dime.

Big Arm
10-21-2009, 07:22 PM
Just wanted to say "Thanks Lamont, I appreciate all you do for us." Please keep it up. :clap:

10-21-2009, 07:23 PM
Lamont, I hope you think of all these post as sort of a hug and they have brought you to the realization of how much this site means to all of us. I hate that you feel caught in the middle, but I do appreciate the support and insight we get from you. Stand tall, we'll get through this together.

10-21-2009, 08:05 PM
Think of it this way folks --- without this forum those that are having the steering problem might think they are the only one. I always find some comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.

This place makes having the Spyder MUCH more fun and easier to upkeep.

And it doesn't cost you a dime.

:agree: The Spyder is still a brand-new product, and may still have some teething problems, but I believe it is the most innovative product to come on the market in a long time, and deserves our support. Don't sweat it Lamont, all these issues will be sorted out in due time. :thumbup:


10-21-2009, 08:08 PM
I love my spyder. I have had some probelms with my bike but I still love it and I drove it today.:ohyea: I have wined myself about the probelms but brp has tryed to fix them all. Yes I was unhappy when they done the 1st update on my bike and missed it up and it did take a long time to come up with number 2 fix .I have not had it done yet.

Lamont this is a good site you have help me out and a lot more people also on your site.

10-21-2009, 08:40 PM
I have owned my spyder for about 3 weeks now and love it. With all the problems that I was reading on this site about the Spyder I still bought it and I DONT regret it. Currently I have 3 cars sitting outside in front of the house. 98,99,06. Each one of them has at least one recall others a few more. If things are made by humans problems are going to occur...I guess the best way to put it..***** happens

10-21-2009, 09:09 PM
Lamont, I've read your post several times over to make sure that I could understand what was of concern. It seems to me that when you opened yourself up to helping others, that you thought you'd get one or two problems a week that you could fit into your schedule. The response has overwhelmed you and your resources and has no doubt led to your frustration.

My suggestion? How about a separate forum section for owners to list their specific problems, that can be read by BRP at their leisure. Maybe BRP will choose to respond. Maybe we'll all find out if the problems run into tens, hundreds or thousands of Spyders. Maybe those that do not have problems can bypass this forum altogether and use the regular forums for information or which is the best exhaust system or the best seat.

Take the monkey off your back, and enjoy the website for what you designed it to do.

10-21-2009, 09:21 PM
Lamont--Say it ain't so....we need you and this site! Hey, when you get the RT back, come on done to Texas for a little R&R. Some good old Lone Star hospitality will work wonders!


10-21-2009, 09:48 PM
First and foremost, this is without a doubt he most informative site I've come across in many years. I sincerely hope that you don't decide to throw in the towel.

Lamont, as the webmaster/owner of the site, you are in somewhat the same position as the fabled messenger, not responsible for the viewpoints presented, and should not be 'shot' by others or yourself.

Tomorrow I will pull the trigger and purchase a red 09 SE5. Is there an element of risk of having steering issues, fire, etc.? Certainly! But any machine that I've ever ridden/driven/flown has always had the potential to reach around and bite me in the a$$. The higher the performance factor, the bigger the potential bite. (for a pucker check, come off the gas during a hard turn in any '70s era 911....)

I'm a big boy (actually more of an old guy), and it is my responsibility to determine if the risks involved in any activity are acceptable to me. If at some time in the future, I decide the risks become to high I'll sell it or park it and walk away.

Each of us have varying levels of what we consider "acceptable" risks. Always variable all of the time. In my humble opinion, if/when the level of uncomfortableness becomes to high then it is time to go. Especially in what is essentially a recreational activity. None of is required (except by our own motives) to ride.

I certainly believe that BRP will solve the steering problem. Until they do, I hope to enjoy the ride, and always understand that some activities are more dangerous than others.

Sorry for the long post and pontification, but thought I'd throw out a perhaps different point of view.


10-21-2009, 10:44 PM
Thank you. I apprecaite what you've done and are doing. I certainly do not hold you or any member of this site accountable for the BRP product or my actions but I know I ride safer and have more fun as a result of this board.

10-22-2009, 12:05 AM
Hi Lamonster,

1st off, thanks very much for all of your incredible work in building this site into a fantastic asset for us to share in.

It would be a shame to lose the site, but it's yours and that's your choice.

Problems that some of us are having , and those that BRP is having, aren't yours, though. Unless you want them to be.

Maybe a solution is to let us continue to rant, praise, or whatever, but don't get personally involved and get to the point where you own the problems.

Not to be unkind, but there's lots of experience and ideas that float around here and maybe we'll muddle through -- as long as we have a place to congregate and share. You don't need to own all of our crap, though.

I like this site because I know that I'm not the smartest guy, but being here lets me at least sit next to those who are smarter and learn, and then make my own decisions.

"None of us is as smart as all of us."


10-22-2009, 01:14 AM
Hi Lamont and all Spyder lovers. I just got in from the field and a bit tired so I didn't read all the replys but it certainly shows that we are all Very Passionate :spyder2:owners and love them very much. The website is a wonderful tool and really needs to here for all. I have met some wonderful people and learned countless things about my Spyder because of this site. Hey, these things are very new and there are going to be some issues. Perseverance!! Thanks to all - Lets keep it going!

10-22-2009, 01:20 AM
:agree: It's still the best ryde I've ever had.


Thank you Lamont. Very well thought out post. I too am willing to wait and I know BRP is aware of our issues and working on them. I know when I have my spyder back, I will be posting more fun riding adventures. That is what this forum and our spyder is all about.


Lamont, please don't give up. I have learned more about the Spyder than any other bike I have had in 40 years because of this forum. There are a lot of vents here, but the human nature in us is sometimes to blame rather than the real issue. To those of us who are willing to be adventurous and ride and learn, this forum is priceless. To those that are just using this forum to just gripe and groan and bash the Spyder (even if they do not own one!) we can learn to live with them. When I first explored buying a Spyder I read about the "problems" the SE5 was having. Had I listened, I would probably not be riding anymore...I had just lost confidence in myself in riding 2 wheels with Jennifer, or alone. But, I felt that a lot of problems could be owner-caused (no proof, just a feeling). We bought our SE5 in November 2008 and have never looked back. After 27,000 miles the only major issue has been a cracked coolant bottle (I have found the cause and will modify to prevent it happening on the new bottle). After the first steering update, I realized that I had hardly any power steering before! The twisties, and any curve had been a power struggle! Had it not been for this forum, I would have known nothing about the steering issue! This forum is priceless! Stay with it, Lamont! We'll stand behind you all the way. Some of the real issues are a bit scary, but we know about them through this forum, and by knowing, we can be made aware before it happens to us, and this may save us injury or worse. Nothing we will ever ride or drive guarantees us that it will not break or injury us.


Maybe all us spyder ryders should take every complaint posted from now on and try to add a compliment to the post to even it out. :dontknow:

Mo Lee
10-22-2009, 04:42 AM
It is your board and of course you have the right, and can do what you want. However if and when you brought it back I doubt it would ever regain the popularity that is has now. I'm sure because of human nature people would just flock to the other Spyder sites to keep informed and might not come back. Although I agree there is way too many negative comments right now, closure might be misinterpeted as censorship. Although I fear the day my steering acts up like has been described here, I almost would welcome it just to see how severe it really is. I'm sure any of us that have been Spyder owners for any length of time can think of at least one person they may have been partly responsible for their purchase and may be feeling a little of what Lamonster is feeling right now.

10-22-2009, 05:16 AM
Thank you. I apprecaite what you've done and are doing. I certainly do not hold you or any member of this site accountable for the BRP product or my actions but I know I ride safer and have more fun as a result of this board.
Hi Lamont,
I really think that a major reason for a lot of the griping is borne out of frustration with BRP. We are told that BRP reads the forums, and consequently knows the problems, but nothing is heard from them. This should be a wake up call to BRPs Customer Service and their Technical service to be accountable.
On a personal note. The only problem I have had with my Spyder (other than not putting enough Kilometres on it) is a VCM that died while on a 4000Km trip while I was 1200Kms from home. It was back on the road (new VCM delivered and fitted) the next day. that's what I call service. I have had the first update done with no problems, and the Technician at my dealers is first rate. Both of these matters could have gone the other way according to the posts on this (and other) forums. If they had, then I think the frustration would be showing with me. I really don't think people should be bombarding you with their problems,. There should be an effective means of bombarding BRP with the problems
I can really sense your frustration in all this, as can most everybody else here. I hope you don't feel you have to shut down for a while,but if you do then be sure, we will understand.

10-22-2009, 07:11 AM
Along with what Mo Lee posted, I would like to ride a Spyder that is having the steering issue that everyone is concerned about to see how it compared to mine. I had my DPS quit working on me and I remember what that was like. I would like to compare the two situations.

10-22-2009, 07:27 AM
and once again, NOTHING BUT CLASS:2thumbs:

10-22-2009, 07:52 AM
I think your post was very honest, straight-forward and heartfelt...and I hope it opened a lot of eyes. I am so sorry to hear you are inundated. I'm not sure how you have kept it together, frankly. Your mixed thoughts are understandable under the circumstances. I hope you don't shut down the site, but I would understand if you did.

If I can be of service in any way, please, please, please let me know. You have my phone number and email. I'm always ready to lend an ear if you need to bounce things off someone, cry on somebodies shoulder, or just rant and rave (I really can't see you doing that.) I'd even reluctantly help moderate the site if it would be of benefit. I'm here for you, Bro, if you need me.

My vote is to elect "Nancy's Toy" to help with the forum as a moderator !!!:clap:

10-22-2009, 08:34 AM
Lamont, If it weren't for u and this site, I might not have be riding right now...its because of u and ur handbrake that i can ride(handicapped) not only did u come up with the idea, but u helped me on the phone...I know there has been a lot of negativity as of late. To me that is understandable. Its a passionate issue and will no doubt pit people against people. But, you shouldn't feel like its your fault.....you have been a God-send to us here. Of course it is your decision as to whether or not to shut down the site, but I personally feel it would be a mistake as you and your site have helped so many people, including myself...maybe everyone will see this and respect your privacy and not ask you silly questions that you cant answer....like "will i kill myself on the spyder" etc....whatever your descision i want ot thank you for what you have done for me and everyone else, u truly are a good man:thumbup:

10-22-2009, 09:11 AM
I think we all need to learn to chill a bit and remember the good times we had before the Spyder.
My new addition makes me laugh everyday and that what life should really be.
Lamont, your site is priceless on helping us through all this. Keep up the good work. The rest of us need to take sometime and enjoy the simple things.
Be safe
Smokster and Bucky

10-22-2009, 12:02 PM
Lamont; Long story short; Put on a rain coat (the tears of all the disgruntled Spyder owners will run off your shoulders), buy a case of beer and a bottle of Jack, build a small fire on a remote piece of your land, get drunk, and repeat the mantra: The problems of all Spyder owners are not mine, the problems of all Spyder owners are not mine…..fall asleep and come back fresh.

No one has a right to put you on the spot as being responsible for problems with their Spyders. Shame on anyone who does. I have seen quite a few Spyders, and have yet to see one with “Lamont edition” stamped on it. Anyone who accuses you of being on the take from BRP should be banned, as having nothing productive to add to the site. Censorship be darned; “free speech” doesn’t apply here. Your house, we are invited guests, and should behave as such or be told to go home. No need for you to have to defend yourself or “take sides” except your own. You have provided a great amount of valuable advice, and passed on vast amounts of information based on your personal experiences and wealth of knowledge on the subject of Spyders. Like any great leader, you feel the pressure because you put so much of yourself into what you love. Some people just don’t appreciate it. Not everyone will. We should all just thank you very much for all you have done thus far, acting as middle-man to BRP. You have had a lot of success, but again no one should expect it of you. You’re not a BRP representative. The Spyder is a fairly new product. As such there are bound to be bugs. I know that BRP is working feverishly to address these issues and come out with a better product. That’s their job. Your task, Lamont, is to administer this site, and mediate (censor) if necessary. No one should expect more. Since you feel the need to provide more, we should simply say thank you and go about our business. Closing the site will not solve anything. It’s your site, so you can if you want. But people will simply find another forum to vent on, congregate on line and find new friends. I don’t think that opening the site again later would be as successful as what you have now. Riding (regardless of the type of bike) is a sport, or hobby. As with running shoes, or model glue, if you don’t like the product, go buy something else. The successful manufacturers are the ones which listen to their customers and build what the majority want. You can’t please everyone. If Spyder owners feel their product doesn’t satisfy their need, they can sell it and get something else, or stay home and watch TV. The ones who love it and are willing to work through the issues are the ones who will experience the most joy from their Spyders. The greatest satisfaction comes through overcoming the problems and experiencing the end result. I work in acquisition for the Dept of Defense, so I know firsthand that when you put a new product out to the masses, the majority of comments arise from problems. If people are happy with the product, they rarely offer an unsolicited opinion. But, when there is a problem, the world has to know about it ..now. We’ll get through this. Patience grasshopper. My two cents (feel free to offer change, or just delete) is that closing or suspending this forum will be its permanent undoing. You may be able to resurrect it later, but it’ll never be the same.

If we ever meet, I’ll buy the Jack.

Thanks for all you do brother.


10-22-2009, 12:15 PM
I use this site daily and even though I don't always log in, I have received so much useful information that has saved me much grief and money. I have even asked my dealer several time to look at a certain thread when I have work done on the Spyder. In fact, just this morning I emailed him a quote stating that multiple downloads might be affecting the update #2 which I intend to have done. This site is a valuable jewel of information!!!

10-22-2009, 03:20 PM
Think of it this way folks --- without this forum those that are having the steering problem might think they are the only one. I always find some comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.

This place makes having the Spyder MUCH more fun and easier to upkeep.

And it doesn't cost you a dime.

Also when you bring it back for any problems, And the dealer tells you=
You can tell him you know better.:lecturef_smilie:

10-22-2009, 03:57 PM
Also when you bring it back for any problems, And the dealer tells you=
You can tell him you know better.:lecturef_smilie:


10-22-2009, 04:27 PM
Lamont I was the poster of the thread "A non-owners conclusion after reading this forum". I did decide to wait a while to pull the trigger on a Spyder but I did indicate that I would likely buy one in the future. It just seemed logical to give BRP time to sort out some of the problems first.

I would encourage you to keep the forum up as it is the best source of information for both Spyder owners and prospective owners. As you have read in this thread the problems have not discouraged all new folks from buying the Spyder. Frankly it has no equal out there for what it is. Although I am not buying at this time I will continue to monitor this forum as the best source of info as to when the time is right for me.

You have done a remarkable job and like some others have suggested you might need to just step back a little and let each individual who has problems communicate it to BRP through their dealer and if that does not satisfy them to contace BRP directly like they would do with any other object with which they had a problem. I see no need for you to be an intermediator between individuals and BRP.

Thanks for your efforts in creatinging the such a great resource on the Spyder. I am sure BRP appreciates it as much as the owners and guys like me do. You are definitely a cheer leader for the Spyder for which we are all thankful.

10-22-2009, 07:08 PM
Lamont I want to echo the feeling stated by everyone else. I am very grateful to this site to you and to all the regular posters. I have not had problems with my Spyder but I can empathize with the people that have. The proper place to proclaim the problems is with the dealers and if they don't listen then with BRP not with you. Although you did open yourself with the sticky asking people to let you know so you could pass it on. You have posted the e-mail and links to Carlo the man who really should be getting the bombardment that you are getting. This forum is a proper place to let others know what has happened to their Spyder and what to watch out for. I appreciate those posts even if I do not have the same problems. BRP should be more forthcoming about what they are doing even if it means folks we don't have an answer yet but stay tuned. If this forum closed then how would we find out what is happening. You Lamont are not BRP and are not the one who designed the Spyder. You are not the one who "decided" for me to buy one. You and your forum are however the best tool we the riders and prospective owners have of getting a non-candy coated view of what is going on. We need this forum.
And we need you since you do have an in with some of the people at BRP, they obviously value your opinion and so do we.:thumbup:

10-22-2009, 07:32 PM

plus 2

10-22-2009, 07:34 PM
Lamont I want to echo the feeling stated by everyone else. I am very grateful to this site to you and to all the regular posters. I have not had problems with my Spyder but I can empathize with the people that have. The proper place to proclaim the problems is with the dealers and if they don't listen then with BRP not with you. Although you did open yourself with the sticky asking people to let you know so you could pass it on. You have posted the e-mail and links to Carlo the man who really should be getting the bombardment that you are getting. This forum is a proper place to let others know what has happened to their Spyder and what to watch out for. I appreciate those posts even if I do not have the same problems. BRP should be more forthcoming about what they are doing even if it means folks we don't have an answer yet but stay tuned. If this forum closed then how would we find out what is happening. You Lamont are not BRP and are not the one who designed the Spyder. You are not the one who "decided" for me to buy one. You and your forum are however the best tool we the riders and prospective owners have of getting a non-candy coated view of what is going on. We need this forum.
And we need you since you do have an in with some of the people at BRP, they obviously value your opinion and so do we.:thumbup:

Where mare these links & e-mail to Carlo?

10-22-2009, 08:00 PM
Lamont, for what it's worth I will post Ann's & my thoughts.

We did the opposite of most. imo
Got the :spyder2: home(05/09) & then what?
Where do we go for info/answers?
Checked BRP site, no help for what we wanted.
Then we find Spyderlovers. Too Cool. :2thumbs:
It was like it was meant to be for us in our eyes.

A rally (our first ever).A BBQ @ Lamonts? Riding the Smokies? OK.

It's really been just an awesome expierance for the both of us.
No regrets what so ever. Problems or not.nojoke

What ever you decide to do is all good & your choice.
You have an incredible family.

God Speed!

10-22-2009, 08:36 PM
Lamont ... You feeling the love yet??

"Kumbaya" kind-of sums up this thread doesn't it!! :ohyea:

Sleep tight and let us hear from you!!

Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones singing lord, kumbaya
Someones singing lord, kumbaya
Someones singing lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbayah

Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Someones laughing, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones crying, lord, kumbaya
Someones crying, lord, kumbaya
Someones crying, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones praying, lord, kumbaya
Someones praying, lord, kumbaya
Someones praying, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

Someones sleeping, lord, kumbaya
Someones sleeping, lord, kumbaya
Someones sleeping, lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya
Oh lord, kumbaya

10-22-2009, 08:57 PM
Ah he can't close it. If he does who going to look after the coons? You guys forgot about them.:ohyea::roflblack:

Trickie Dick
10-22-2009, 09:11 PM
I was just thinking, before I read this thread, that I would have no clue as to what is going on with the spyder without this forum. At least knowing, I have the ability to plan for the potential problem instead of going blindly about my way.
I havn't had the update done yet though I called the dealer to schedule it. I'm thinking now of just waiting it out. With the cold weather, it runs better anyway. I can live with the gas smell for while.
I'll be putting the spyder away for the winter soon but I don't look forward to a winter without Spyder Lovers. I remember last winter, I hadn't taken delivery of the spyder yet but I tuned in here and learned so much. It really increased the anticipation. The success of this site rests so much with you, Lamont. None of us want you to leave or shut it down. We'll all work through the problems together. After all, that part of what this is all about, isn't it.
I know I rambled but it comes down to: Please stay.

10-22-2009, 09:17 PM
I know all too well about M&A and all too well about DOD - those DOD dudes try to steal my parking space at work :yikes:. I am behind the scenes w/ it all - I just sit and watch the chaos from 8-5 or so 5 days a week. No beer or jack is ever gonna cure that dude.

Lamont; Long story short; Put on a rain coat (the tears of all the disgruntled Spyder owners will run off your shoulders), buy a case of beer and a bottle of Jack, build a small fire on a remote piece of your land, get drunk, and repeat the mantra: The problems of all Spyder owners are not mine, the problems of all Spyder owners are not mine…..fall asleep and come back fresh.

No one has a right to put you on the spot as being responsible for problems with their Spyders. Shame on anyone who does. I have seen quite a few Spyders, and have yet to see one with “Lamont edition” stamped on it. Anyone who accuses you of being on the take from BRP should be banned, as having nothing productive to add to the site. Censorship be darned; “free speech” doesn’t apply here. Your house, we are invited guests, and should behave as such or be told to go home. No need for you to have to defend yourself or “take sides” except your own. You have provided a great amount of valuable advice, and passed on vast amounts of information based on your personal experiences and wealth of knowledge on the subject of Spyders. Like any great leader, you feel the pressure because you put so much of yourself into what you love. Some people just don’t appreciate it. Not everyone will. We should all just thank you very much for all you have done thus far, acting as middle-man to BRP. You have had a lot of success, but again no one should expect it of you. You’re not a BRP representative. The Spyder is a fairly new product. As such there are bound to be bugs. I know that BRP is working feverishly to address these issues and come out with a better product. That’s their job. Your task, Lamont, is to administer this site, and mediate (censor) if necessary. No one should expect more. Since you feel the need to provide more, we should simply say thank you and go about our business. Closing the site will not solve anything. It’s your site, so you can if you want. But people will simply find another forum to vent on, congregate on line and find new friends. I don’t think that opening the site again later would be as successful as what you have now. Riding (regardless of the type of bike) is a sport, or hobby. As with running shoes, or model glue, if you don’t like the product, go buy something else. The successful manufacturers are the ones which listen to their customers and build what the majority want. You can’t please everyone. If Spyder owners feel their product doesn’t satisfy their need, they can sell it and get something else, or stay home and watch TV. The ones who love it and are willing to work through the issues are the ones who will experience the most joy from their Spyders. The greatest satisfaction comes through overcoming the problems and experiencing the end result. I work in acquisition for the Dept of Defense, so I know firsthand that when you put a new product out to the masses, the majority of comments arise from problems. If people are happy with the product, they rarely offer an unsolicited opinion. But, when there is a problem, the world has to know about it ..now. We’ll get through this. Patience grasshopper. My two cents (feel free to offer change, or just delete) is that closing or suspending this forum will be its permanent undoing. You may be able to resurrect it later, but it’ll never be the same.

If we ever meet, I’ll buy the Jack.

Thanks for all you do brother.


10-22-2009, 09:39 PM
Looks like they are stepping up their support. :doorag:
http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/Share/Co...6-2009964d0e2b (http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/Share/Community/News-Detail.html?ArticleID=eca7a0d8-ac36-4c94-8346-2009964d0e2b)

Spyder News
April 8, 2009, Spyder Announcements

BRP is proud to announce a new Customer Service representative dedicated to the Spyder owner Community. We recognize that our first Spyder owners are important ambassadors and deserve quality service. Therefore, Carlo will be assisting Spyder owners through a dedicated E-Mail address spydertechsupport@brp.com (spydertechsupport@brp.com) . Carlo is an avid motorcyclist and Spyder Ryder and has been with BRP as a member of the Customer Assistance Centre since 2000. Carlo is fluent in English, French and Italian and has extensive experience in powersports and assisting BRP product owners around the world.

Carlo will also be monitoring the various Spyder websites and forums to best identify key questions, trends and comments from Spyder owners. He will then respond to owners directly to ensure they have the most recent information. Please note that spydertechsupport@brp.com (spydertechsupport@brp.com) contact method is exclusive to Spyder owners. Once contacted through E-Mail, Carlo will coordinate the follow-up with owners through E-Mail or by phone in an efficient and timely manner. To assist in the process, we invite owners to identify their VIN (vehicle identification number) when E-Mailing Carlo.

In summary, here are the contact options:

spydertechsupport@brp.com (spydertechsupport@brp.com)
Owners-only customer support resource designed to provide quick, expert responses to product-related or service questions.

spyderteam@brp.com (spyderteam@brp.com)
Open to existing owners or Spyder enthusiasts for general product information, Web site information, information requests, local or corporate events and Web site support.

715-848-4957 OR 819-566-3366 : Open to everyone for general questions/requests.

I don't know how to do those links where you link to the thread but this is a copy of the important part.

10-22-2009, 09:43 PM
Old news

Looks like they are stepping up their support. :doorag:
http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/Share/Co...6-2009964d0e2b (http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/Share/Community/News-Detail.html?ArticleID=eca7a0d8-ac36-4c94-8346-2009964d0e2b)

Spyder News
April 8, 2009, Spyder Announcements

BRP is proud to announce a new Customer Service representative dedicated to the Spyder owner Community. We recognize that our first Spyder owners are important ambassadors and deserve quality service. Therefore, Carlo will be assisting Spyder owners through a dedicated E-Mail address spydertechsupport@brp.com (spydertechsupport@brp.com) . Carlo is an avid motorcyclist and Spyder Ryder and has been with BRP as a member of the Customer Assistance Centre since 2000. Carlo is fluent in English, French and Italian and has extensive experience in powersports and assisting BRP product owners around the world.

Carlo will also be monitoring the various Spyder websites and forums to best identify key questions, trends and comments from Spyder owners. He will then respond to owners directly to ensure they have the most recent information. Please note that spydertechsupport@brp.com (spydertechsupport@brp.com) contact method is exclusive to Spyder owners. Once contacted through E-Mail, Carlo will coordinate the follow-up with owners through E-Mail or by phone in an efficient and timely manner. To assist in the process, we invite owners to identify their VIN (vehicle identification number) when E-Mailing Carlo.

In summary, here are the contact options:

spydertechsupport@brp.com (spydertechsupport@brp.com)
Owners-only customer support resource designed to provide quick, expert responses to product-related or service questions.

spyderteam@brp.com (spyderteam@brp.com)
Open to existing owners or Spyder enthusiasts for general product information, Web site information, information requests, local or corporate events and Web site support.

715-848-4957 OR 819-566-3366 : Open to everyone for general questions/requests.

I don't know how to do those links where you link to the thread but this is a copy of the important part.

10-22-2009, 09:53 PM
Yes I know but Putt Putt wanted the info.:doorag:

10-22-2009, 11:56 PM
I feel as though I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've spent the last two years building this site and a relationship with you guys and BRP. Right now I feel like I should be taking sides if I'm going to keep any credibility I may have with you all.

First off I want to say I don't take a nickle from BRP and I'm not a controlled mouth piece for them. I have made some good friends within the company and my loyalty is to them and not the company.

I've also made some great friends here too and I hate to see anyone have the problems they are having and I've made every effort to be a mediator between them and BRP to help solve these problems. Judging by the PM's and emails I've gotten that has worked out pretty good. I have a "sticky" post at the top of this board to try and help those with on going problems and those who have taken the time to send me the info have had good reports back. That's more credit to BRP for doing what they told me they would do for those who have slipped through the cracks.

I have yet to have anyone fillout this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.

Here's my real problem. I've been swamped with emails, PM's and phone calls about this issue and I really don't know what to tell you other than my experience with my Spyder. I can't tell you if it's safe or not to drive your Spyder after the second software update because there are enough members on this board that have had a steering problem at speed and I wouldn't want to be the one to say it will be fine and then someone gets hurt or worst. I don't feel mine is unsafe because I just don't have any power steering and there are plenty of folks that have driven thousands of miles in this same condition without any issues.

So I'm pretty bummed out for my friends here and my friends at BRP. I see some good members that are now giving up on the Spyder and moving on to something else and I see potential Spyder owners thinking that the Spyder is too problematic to own and by reading the post on this board the last few days I don't blame them at all.

Part of me wants to just shut down this site and turn it back on when everything is fixed because I don't know if we are helping or hurting the situation here. BRP is well aware of the problem and nobody wants to see a resolve to this more than they do. Problem is will the love for the Spyder be crushed because of this board before they have a chance to really fix the problem?

As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

I am quite new to Spyderlover and have done some complaining ,hoping Brp would somehow hear and listen .I am sorry for my negativity ,but I truly believe these sites are at their best when honesty prevails even if its on the negative side of the coin. On a positive note I have learned an incredible amount from the forums and tech talk and really appreciate everyones input. I hope to one day be a contributer rather than a sponge:D. Keep up the good work Lamonster it is much appreciated .I love my Spyder.,cheers Kevin:2thumbs:

10-23-2009, 07:53 AM
Yes I know but Putt Putt wanted the info.:doorag:

THANKS -- DannyS :thumbup:

10-23-2009, 01:13 PM
:agree: I just cannot dump my first love just yet!

Lamont, this is your site and if you think it is best to shut it down for a while, then I will support your decision and will be the first in line when it reopens.

This site has been a blessing and would not want to lose it.


10-23-2009, 01:27 PM
Lamont; Long story short; Put on a rain coat (the tears of all the disgruntled Spyder owners will run off your shoulders), buy a case of beer and a bottle of Jack, build a small fire on a remote piece of your land, get drunk, and repeat the mantra: The problems of all Spyder owners are not mine, the problems of all Spyder owners are not mine…..fall asleep and come back fresh.

No one has a right to put you on the spot as being responsible for problems with their Spyders. Shame on anyone who does. I have seen quite a few Spyders, and have yet to see one with “Lamont edition” stamped on it. Anyone who accuses you of being on the take from BRP should be banned, as having nothing productive to add to the site. Censorship be darned; “free speech” doesn’t apply here. Your house, we are invited guests, and should behave as such or be told to go home. No need for you to have to defend yourself or “take sides” except your own. You have provided a great amount of valuable advice, and passed on vast amounts of information based on your personal experiences and wealth of knowledge on the subject of Spyders. Like any great leader, you feel the pressure because you put so much of yourself into what you love. Some people just don’t appreciate it. Not everyone will. We should all just thank you very much for all you have done thus far, acting as middle-man to BRP. You have had a lot of success, but again no one should expect it of you. You’re not a BRP representative. The Spyder is a fairly new product. As such there are bound to be bugs. I know that BRP is working feverishly to address these issues and come out with a better product. That’s their job. Your task, Lamont, is to administer this site, and mediate (censor) if necessary. No one should expect more. Since you feel the need to provide more, we should simply say thank you and go about our business. Closing the site will not solve anything. It’s your site, so you can if you want. But people will simply find another forum to vent on, congregate on line and find new friends. I don’t think that opening the site again later would be as successful as what you have now. Riding (regardless of the type of bike) is a sport, or hobby. As with running shoes, or model glue, if you don’t like the product, go buy something else. The successful manufacturers are the ones which listen to their customers and build what the majority want. You can’t please everyone. If Spyder owners feel their product doesn’t satisfy their need, they can sell it and get something else, or stay home and watch TV. The ones who love it and are willing to work through the issues are the ones who will experience the most joy from their Spyders. The greatest satisfaction comes through overcoming the problems and experiencing the end result. I work in acquisition for the Dept of Defense, so I know firsthand that when you put a new product out to the masses, the majority of comments arise from problems. If people are happy with the product, they rarely offer an unsolicited opinion. But, when there is a problem, the world has to know about it ..now. We’ll get through this. Patience grasshopper. My two cents (feel free to offer change, or just delete) is that closing or suspending this forum will be its permanent undoing. You may be able to resurrect it later, but it’ll never be the same.

If we ever meet, I’ll buy the Jack.

Thanks for all you do brother.

+1 (you're very knowledgeable about spyder )

10-23-2009, 01:33 PM
I know there has been a lot of negativity as of late. To me that is understandable. Its a passionate issue and will no doubt pit people against people. But, you shouldn't feel like its your fault.....you have been a God-send to us here. Of course it is your decision as to whether or not to shut down the site, but I personally feel it would be a mistake as you and your site have helped so many people, including myself...maybe everyone will see this and respect your privacy and not ask you silly questions that you cant answer....like "will i kill myself on the spyder" etc....whatever your descision i want ot thank you for what you have done for me and everyone else, u truly are a good man:thumbup:

+2 (wife also ):clap::thumbup:

10-23-2009, 01:45 PM
I nead this sight please stay with us here and keep the sight open .we love you and what this sight can do for ower spyders and magicman for the wonderfull things you guys come out with to make ower bikes one of a kind .we don't blame you at all and want to let you know it every time....We are all Family here and always well be...:2thumbs:

10-23-2009, 04:56 PM

Sorry you have been put in a bad place. I value this site very much. I was here reading about the Spyder before I bought. Even then in 2008, there were complaints about the Spyder. Issues like brake squeal, radiator heat, etc. But I bought anyway. Knowing there were knowledgeable people on this site including you and some of the other senior members willing to help gave me the confidence that I could not only get past those issues, but try different fixes and repairs. This site has helped me a lot. My Spyder has slowly been evolving into a machine I enjoy riding and fits me well thanks to tricks and tips I learned here, and mods from your sponsors like NMN.

That being said, please keep Spyderlovers running! :pray:

10-23-2009, 05:31 PM
I feel as though I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've spent the last two years building this site and a relationship with you guys and BRP. Right now I feel like I should be taking sides if I'm going to keep any credibility I may have with you all.

First off I want to say I don't take a nickle from BRP and I'm not a controlled mouth piece for them. I have made some good friends within the company and my loyalty is to them and not the company.

I've also made some great friends here too and I hate to see anyone have the problems they are having and I've made every effort to be a mediator between them and BRP to help solve these problems. Judging by the PM's and emails I've gotten that has worked out pretty good. I have a "sticky" post at the top of this board to try and help those with on going problems and those who have taken the time to send me the info have had good reports back. That's more credit to BRP for doing what they told me they would do for those who have slipped through the cracks.

I have yet to have anyone fillout this info and send it to me on the steering issue. I don't know why but this should be reported and why not use all the tools available to you.

Here's my real problem. I've been swamped with emails, PM's and phone calls about this issue and I really don't know what to tell you other than my experience with my Spyder. I can't tell you if it's safe or not to drive your Spyder after the second software update because there are enough members on this board that have had a steering problem at speed and I wouldn't want to be the one to say it will be fine and then someone gets hurt or worst. I don't feel mine is unsafe because I just don't have any power steering and there are plenty of folks that have driven thousands of miles in this same condition without any issues.

So I'm pretty bummed out for my friends here and my friends at BRP. I see some good members that are now giving up on the Spyder and moving on to something else and I see potential Spyder owners thinking that the Spyder is too problematic to own and by reading the post on this board the last few days I don't blame them at all.

Part of me wants to just shut down this site and turn it back on when everything is fixed because I don't know if we are helping or hurting the situation here. BRP is well aware of the problem and nobody wants to see a resolve to this more than they do. Problem is will the love for the Spyder be crushed because of this board before they have a chance to really fix the problem?

As for me I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have faith that they will get it fixed and the Spyder has just been too fun for me to give up on it now. Now if BRP says it can't be fixed then I'll move on but until they do I'll be waiting for the answers and I will share them here as soon as I know what they are.

I value your judgement and I have faith in BRP. They didn't spend 10 years in R&D before bringing the Spyder to market to let it fail. As we all know, when you make a software adjustment it can throw a glitch somewhere else. I truly believe they will get it worked out. I also have a very good dealer who has done an excellent job taking care of my issues. Lamont, keep up the good work and your advice is appreciated!:firstplace:

10-23-2009, 08:31 PM
Lamont: No doubt your site has the most traffic of them all. This could be attributable to the wealth of knowledge provided by your subscribers, both positive and negative. Of course, most posts will be of the negative kind because problems require solutions, whereas satisfied customers are content watching 'House' or 'Grey's Anatomy' on their big screens.

Forums are by their nature designed to be an open and free exchange of ideas and opinions. Disagreements and malcontent are an inherent nature of the beast. Where else can one gleam pertinent information to better prepare ones perspective?

If it becomes cumbersome to the point that cons outweigh pros, then by all means put this site to rest. The masses will survive, albeit less conveniently. Just be sure to continue your barbecue, as the sandwiches were far superior to those served at the awards ceremony.

10-23-2009, 09:17 PM
I have learned alot from YOUR site met some very nice people on here.
With that said people on here will not discourage me from buying a spyder if their is a problem with the bikes i know BRP is working on a solution the best they can. If this site is physically hurting you or even mentally then turn it off their is nothing more important than your health. I will remember what i have learned here. Goodluck on your decision.
Your Friend

10-23-2009, 10:18 PM
FYI...I would also regret it, should SpyderLovers be shut down, even though temporarily. IMHO, the negatives erupted because BRP was perceived as dragging their heels, helping solve these problems. Whether that perception was true or false, or in between...is personal perception or experience.

Keeping the lines of communication open at this critical time...is utterly important. So, we need to ALL think our way through this crisis.:ani29:

10-24-2009, 08:05 AM
I get the impression that many have forgotten any new type of machine has to be debugged. If the past teaches us anything we know that in the later part of the third year the bugs usually disappear. Remember the Vega with the aluminum engine. Their engineers forgot that steel rings in an aluminum cylinder don't play well together. This particular problem was resolved when they started installing the pontiac "iron duke" 4 cyl. The Spyder is not an exception to this rule.

With input from all of us Spyder riders, want to be Spyder riders, and dealers the manufacturer will make this motorcycle a fine piece of machinery. Remember other motorcycles did not start out perfect, they evolved. Every new product takes time to work out imperfections. Patience and perseverance are the keys to correcting the imperfections on the Spyder.

Lamont, I have noticed you keep a balanced approach to all the posts. I believe that is the proper way to handle these issues. You, like the rest of us, point out possible solutions to problems, pass information from and to the factory and I personally have not seen you side with the factory or a member unless they are in the right. As stated above "a fair and balanced" approach.

You have no credibility issue with me or my SO. Thanks for the opportunity to vent. And I, for one, appreciate your efforts. /Ken

10-24-2009, 09:13 PM
When I first got on this board I noticed a lot of postings about gasoline smell and even the fire issue with "some" spyders. I haven't been a biker for years nor do I have a lot of mechanical skills. Well I became concerned about the gasoline smell issue and sent an email to Can Am telling them hey this appears to be a problem and I'm putting a fire extinguisher in my trunk just in case.
This was not done to solve a problem, but just to say I was a concerned owner and let's hope this is not a problem. I forgot about the email until about three weeks later I get a call from a concerned Can Am guy out of Quebec. At first I couldn't believe it then we went over the email and he said they were watching the issues with the smell and if it continues be sure to bring it to the dealer.

My conclusion is that this is a company that cares about their reputation. They didn't have to call me but they did. So I'm sure they are working on any problems. I was in manufacturing for 40 years and have seen many customer complaints some right and many wrong. But what I know is that it takes time to sort out the the legit from the bogus.

I don't post here much but needed to say something. Poor Lamont doesn't need to get beat up over these issues, this is not his company he's only doing us a great service by having this board. State your problem here, but expect BRP to fix it or your dealer.

10-26-2009, 08:29 PM
When I first got on this board I noticed a lot of postings about gasoline smell and even the fire issue with "some" spyders. I haven't been a biker for years nor do I have a lot of mechanical skills. Well I became concerned about the gasoline smell issue and sent an email to Can Am telling them hey this appears to be a problem and I'm putting a fire extinguisher in my trunk just in case.
This was not done to solve a problem, but just to say I was a concerned owner and let's hope this is not a problem. I forgot about the email until about three weeks later I get a call from a concerned Can Am guy out of Quebec. At first I couldn't believe it then we went over the email and he said they were watching the issues with the smell and if it continues be sure to bring it to the dealer.

My conclusion is that this is a company that cares about their reputation. They didn't have to call me but they did. So I'm sure they are working on any problems. I was in manufacturing for 40 years and have seen many customer complaints some right and many wrong. But what I know is that it takes time to sort out the the legit from the bogus.

I don't post here much but needed to say something. Poor Lamont doesn't need to get beat up over these issues, this is not his company he's only doing us a great service by having this board. State your problem here, but expect BRP to fix it or your dealer.
they call you no one has called me yet wish they would . I am going to leav it at dealers till it is like the day I got her ....or they give me a rt and take her back...

10-26-2009, 11:06 PM
Wow Lamont! This is pretty heavy stuff. Not sure what to say or if I should say anything at all.

The Bible recommends we count our blessings in times like these. I've always liked lists so I guess this is my take...

1-The great majority of Spyder Owners LOVE their ride. Even if it has a wart or two. (Count me in this crowd) :ohyea:

2-Because of this meeting place, many of us have had some incredible times together, rides, BBQ's, etc., that we will never forget. :thumbup:

3-Where else would we go if you folded this up? :dontknow:

4-You've put too much work into this board (and we've gotten too much good out of it) to think about carving out a headstone for it.

5-BRP built an incredible machine and we are making it go because we have a place to put our heads together (here).

6-All of us have teamed up together to create something that really doesn't exist anywhere else. You just can't go out and buy what we have here.

Every family has bumps in the road. Some bumps are bigger than others, but we're still family here. The object is to put the bumps behind us and ride on.

Hey! If the Spyder were perfect....what would we have to talk about!? :D

10-27-2009, 02:56 PM
:agree: :chat: :spyder:

10-27-2009, 04:14 PM
Along with what Mo Lee posted, I would like to ride a Spyder that is having the steering issue that everyone is concerned about to see how it compared to mine.Mine is available!