View Full Version : What a lovely day!!!

10-19-2009, 06:34 PM
After homeschooling our son (he's 7) I got some ironing done and as a reward to myself we bundled up and went for a ride!!!

The sun was shining! It was about 50 outside but with extra layers we had a good time.

We had lunch together and then went to feed the ducks at the duck pond. (love having that trunk to store stuff)

I tried the "wait for higher rpm's to change gears" thing and ya know, it changed with no jerking! Lil thing does like it's higher rpm's. LOL

I hope ya'll had a good day. I prayed for a safe ride. I've prayed for all those who ride actually. I hope we have a long and happy relationship with BRP and with eachother. I do love my bike!:clap:

10-19-2009, 07:23 PM
After homeschooling our son (he's 7) I got some ironing done and as a reward to myself we bundled up and went for a ride!!!

The sun was shining! It was about 50 outside but with extra layers we had a good time.

We had lunch together and then went to feed the ducks at the duck pond. (love having that trunk to store stuff)

I tried the "wait for higher rpm's to change gears" thing and ya know, it changed with no jerking! Lil thing does like it's higher rpm's. LOL

I hope ya'll had a good day. I prayed for a safe ride. I've prayed for all those who ride actually. I hope we have a long and happy relationship with BRP and with eachother. I do love my bike!:clap:Yes, the rotax loves to spin. My town was socked in with fog today, but I went for a ride anyway. A few miles up the Fraser valley the fog lifted, the sky was blue and the autumn colors were gorgeous. The kind of day that makes it all seem worthwhile!

10-20-2009, 07:57 AM
That sounds beautiful!!!

10-20-2009, 08:01 AM
To be perfectly honest, I rather bundle up and ride when it's 50 degrees than to sweat to death at 90+. I love this time of year.

Of course up here, we've gone beyond 50s and now we're happy to be in the 40s during the day, but I'm still riding.