View Full Version : What's Up?

10-18-2009, 10:03 PM
Is it the weather, health care, politics, constipation....?. Seems to be lots of harsh exchanges lately and the tone is becoming a bit testy. Not the usual disagreements (oil, octane, options), but tongues (text) seem to be bit sharp. Maybe a little bit of Mark Twain's observation; "Familiarity breeds contempt" :dontknow:

10-18-2009, 10:06 PM
Might be the weather - steady rain here for days. Sun is scheduled for tomorrow:clap:

10-18-2009, 11:52 PM
Wondering the same thing myself...certain Spyder owners are getting rather uncivil, to say the least.

Owned my SE5 for about three months..hearing this repetitive litany of woes and sharp rebuttals has me thinking...my lovely wife just purchased a beautiful new '09 Suzuki CT50, retro-styled in blue-white. While I've not had any problems with my SE5 (yet)...my gut feeling is my spouse got the better deal.:gaah:

10-19-2009, 12:39 PM
Is it the weather, health care, politics, constipation....?. Seems to be lots of harsh exchanges lately and the tone is becoming a bit testy. Not the usual disagreements (oil, octane, options), but tongues (text) seem to be bit sharp. Maybe a little bit of Mark Twain's observation; "Familiarity breeds contempt" :dontknow:
:agree: Lately I haven't enjoyed visiting the site. I know bad news is still news but this is getting discouraging.

10-19-2009, 12:57 PM
I did not notice anything unusual. Maybe I am getting desensitized! :dontknow:

10-19-2009, 01:36 PM
Lets put it this way, this site has always been the most agreeable, helpfull and co-operative site I have ever visited for any product. It's still great, I just sense a changing tone which may be due only to current problems people are experiencing. I'm not down playing any of those problems, only commenting on the tone as I see it.

Some Guy
10-19-2009, 02:22 PM
I confess, I used to bash BRP pretty bad at times. I stopped because my dense brain finally figured out all I was accomplishing was raising my blood pressure. :yikes: Now I just read posts and try to keep up to date on "potential" problems and interesting mod ideas.

Rock on my SpyderLovers family! :clap:

10-19-2009, 02:37 PM
Really sensitive here.Imagine me I'm the one who waited for the RT and found it would be too wide for my trailer.I stumbled around here and found the many issues with the RS were being put to bed and verbally purchased a 2009 RS and am waiting for bags,seat and windscreen to be installed.I'm trading a 2007 HD Ultra with the works that has never had a hiccup in 16,000 miles.I just find it too heavy at stop signs, that isthe only reason for trading.

The very next day here comes Spyder from hell stories all over again.Many here think losing $10,000 on a Spyder fling is fine and having it give me a surprise left turn in traffic is nothing to be really worried about.

Whoa not me,I hope for a quality dependable machine that retains some value.Having one in the hospital and paying big bucks for repairs is not what I'm about.

Yes I know they are machines but I am not a time machine or a money machine.

People seeing fires and rusted splines and out of control steering should be very concerned and it is no ones business to what level their concern.

My friend owns the dealership and gave me a super deal, the bike is assembled waiting for bags etc. and my title and rather than jumping for joy I feel like I'm walking to the gallows.

Enough of this drivel,I'll get over it either way.

ps this is really a great forum,with great people at all levels.Lamont has been great,we shall overcome and I am proud to be a member!

ride safe,ride often

10-19-2009, 05:15 PM
I am cranky because of these steering problems, fumes, brake problems and ongoing things w/ the Spyder. Even though I haven't had ALL these problems, the value of my machine is going down - not just due to the new models coming out but I think due to the problems people are having. I'm also cranky because I don't see owning it for a long time w/out problems. Sure it's a new machine but this is 2 yrs now on this forum (well 1.5 yrs for me I think) and all this going wrong in this time span? And ok, I can accept things going wrong, being a "new" machine but I am not pleased w/ the way BRP is handling stuff. - Who wants to buy a bike where you have to wait over a month for backordered parts? Who wants to take a bike in for warranty work so often? And the 12K mile service mad me cranky - thank God I have a decent dealer who knows what he's doing and I probably won't need to get my valves checked since they were checked at 6K. So much money to maintain - drives me nutz.

And don't tell me I knew all that when I bought the thing cuz I didn't!

10-19-2009, 06:47 PM
Hey guys, it could be worse... You could be a 42 year old stay at home wife/mom who is menopausal and homeschools a 7 year old boy with more energy than a cricket on speed.

Oh wait, that's my life. But hey! To combat the fact that my cool-o-meter was WAAAAY low my darling husband bought me a :spyder:. AND when it's too cold for that he bought me an 89 red vett with only 58,000 original miles on it! Can you say "I love toys that go fast"?

If ya ain't bothered with service issues then it's tailgaters. If it's not tailgaters then it's bad weather. It's always something. :gaah:

I say we hang tough and stick together. :ohyea:Ride on my friends!

10-19-2009, 07:24 PM
OK, here's my theory. It's not an election year, so people the ranting and raving that would normally have been aimed at the politicians, has to be channeled elsewhere. The forums take the toll. :joke:

10-19-2009, 07:53 PM
Hey guys, it could be worse... You could be a 42 year old stay at home wife/mom who is menopausal and homeschools a 7 year old boy with more energy than a cricket on speed.

Oh wait, that's my life. But hey! To combat the fact that my cool-o-meter was WAAAAY low my darling husband bought me a :spyder:. AND when it's too cold for that he bought me an 89 red vett with only 58,000 original miles on it! Can you say "I love toys that go fast"?

If ya ain't bothered with service issues then it's tailgaters. If it's not tailgaters then it's bad weather. It's always something. :gaah:

I say we hang tough and stick together. :ohyea:Ride on my friends!
I love your attitude, your post made me smile.:clap:

10-19-2009, 08:06 PM
Can you say "I love toys that go fast"?

http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/daily-news/091016-Study-Testosterone-Makes-Men-Buy-Fast-Cars/ :2thumbs:

10-19-2009, 08:28 PM
Hey guys, it could be worse... You could be a 42 year old stay at home wife/mom who is menopausal and homeschools a 7 year old boy with more energy than a cricket on speed.

Oh wait, that's my life. But hey! To combat the fact that my cool-o-meter was WAAAAY low my darling husband bought me a :spyder:. AND when it's too cold for that he bought me an 89 red vett with only 58,000 original miles on it! Can you say "I love toys that go fast"?

If ya ain't bothered with service issues then it's tailgaters. If it's not tailgaters then it's bad weather. It's always something. :gaah:

I say we hang tough and stick together. :ohyea:Ride on my friends!

+1 :thumbup: Great post! Made me smile too! :)

10-19-2009, 08:32 PM
Meh... We are all just now coming off of our Gatlinburg highs!!

Seriously. That was one fun, sensational week. I want more. :thumbup:

Tom in NM
10-19-2009, 10:15 PM
Bi-Polar describes it best, and since this Spring, the Peaks have gotten higher and the Depths lower. Kiss and Spit. Praise and Punch. Ride Like You Stole It and then fear to even think of riding it.

I don't know what is causing it, but I could not agree with Saluda more;

Lets put it this way, this site has always been the most agreeable, helpfull and co-operative site I have ever visited for any product. It's still great, I just sense a changing tone which may be due only to current problems people are experiencing. I'm not down playing any of those problems, only commenting on the tone as I see it.

We all have problems, just be happy we all don't have them at the same time. (How would you like to be in Deb and Brian's house with them both going through Sypder-withdrawl at the same time? :yikes: ) The number of people on this forum who help is incredible. And not just advice or the sharing of experiences;

they will bring you a trailer so your vacation is not ruined
they will loan you equipment/parts you need
they will research for you and get you the contacts you need.
they will painstakingly document how to fix something and stay with you until you "get it".
they will ride out and meet you, show you around, feed you, treat you like family.
they will escort you home when you need them to.
they will come to your house and help you install mods
they will meet you and walk you through your baby steps with the Spyder
and by example, they will show you the joys that riding can bring

When we can, we show our camaraderie through action and support.
That is what friends are for.

**** Warning, judgmental opinion follows ****
And friends should not get upset, panicky, and on their own personal dead horses when a friend has a problem. Those without the problem need to be there for support and to be an anchor when things get to be overwhelming. It just does not help when someone says "Fire!" and everyone just stands there and yells "Fire!" too. It is times like that when you discover who your real friends are. I will paraphrase Saluda's last sentence, these problems are not petty, but a lot of the whining responses are.

We are a diverse group and there is a lot of strength in that. But if each of us do not focus on the issue and contribute valuable support to those that need it, the things we value most in this forum ("this site has always been the most agreeable, helpfull and co-operative site I have ever visited") will evaporate.


10-20-2009, 01:32 PM
To all those who get offened when anybody post's negative statement's about the Spyder/brp,