View Full Version : Another Trikes Concept

10-12-2009, 08:04 AM
Hey guys,

Check out this new trike concept from BMW. I wouldn't trade my spyder for one, but I thought it was interesting.



10-12-2009, 02:11 PM
This one I REALLY only like 10%!!! :roflblack:


10-12-2009, 02:54 PM
And take a look @ this
not for me to low i am :spyder2: all the way.

10-12-2009, 03:00 PM
Hey guys,

Check out this new trike concept from BMW. I wouldn't trade my spyder for one, but I thought it was interesting.



Why don't any of these concepts ever come to market. I bet if priced right they could sell something like either of those units.

Looks like a starfighter with the wings clipped off....

10-12-2009, 03:42 PM
:agree: I would definitely like to see some alternatives and more competition in the market place.

10-12-2009, 04:42 PM
Hey guys,

Check out this new trike concept from BMW. I wouldn't trade my spyder for one, but I thought it was interesting.



I would guess at $125,000 and that's a lot of ugly!

Tom in NM
10-12-2009, 05:33 PM
Why don't any of these concepts ever come to market. I bet if priced right they could sell something like either of those units.

Looks like a starfighter with the wings clipped off....

Or a cheap knock off of a Disney Star Wars ride.

As to your question; Sure, millions of BMW owners are just going to flock to this. Millions! It has so much more to it than the bikes. It has so much less than the cars! Luxury (nope) Safety (nope) Comfort (nope) Image Enhancement (nope) Sexy German Engineering (since I can't see any sign of that in the pictures - nope).

Actually, it is pretty sad BMW even let this idea escape from the lab. I really thought they were better than that.


10-12-2009, 05:58 PM
It has so much less than the cars! Luxury (nope) Safety (nope) Comfort (nope) Image Enhancement (nope) Sexy German Engineering (since I can't see any sign of that in the pictures - nope).

Actually, it is pretty sad BMW even let this idea escape from the lab. I really thought they were better than that.

Tom, I think you should do a bit more research on what BMW has been doing over the past several years before coming to such conclusions. I would agree with you that the looks of this aren't too good, but the vehicle itself has engineering behind it that I wish GM, Ford, and any other American company would try to achieve.

BMW has been working on a three-wheeled tilting vehicle design for several years, and this is simply the latest offing. That last concept was the C.L.E.V.E.R. vehicle which they did not move forward with due to some tilting problems they had with it. Now they come up with the "Simple" vehicle which has ALL THREE tires tiling in a turn, which is an incredible engineering feat if they actually pulled it off.

These vehicles are not new, though. Carver, a company in Europe, has had a vehicle like this on the road for several years now. Just google CarverOne vehicle, and you'll find out a great deal about them. Also, there is the company in California that is designing a Hybrid vehicle like this, and whom I have had a contract with and have run a forum over the past couple years.

These vehicles are simply incredible, and if they actually get these to the marketplace in America, it will be a definite plus for consumers. And, again, the engineering on these is something that any company should/would be proud to display.

We have a large amount of videos on the Carver, BMW CLEVER, and other vehicles at our website: www.FlyTheRoadClub.com (http://www.FlyTheRoadClub.com)


10-12-2009, 07:28 PM

10-12-2009, 07:41 PM

LOL! I know. I overreacted. LOL! :shemademe_smilie:

(I'm assuming you were laughing about my post. If not, please disregard! LOL!)


10-12-2009, 08:34 PM
Those are some pretty interesting concepts as well.

It mignt be fun to run up against one of the Cirbin vehicles sometime.

Tom in NM
10-12-2009, 09:23 PM
LOL! I know. I overreacted. LOL! :shemademe_smilie:

(I'm assuming you were laughing about my post. If not, please disregard! LOL!)


. . . . you made reasonable statements. But, I stand by my overly snide assessment, BMW ( who I respect - though a little less now ) is entering Segway territory here. Brilliant engineering of a concept that time and again does not mesh with the real world. A valid idea - as you stated - with limited application (now and into the next decade). And it looks like a trendy, but pedestrian novelty to boot. Perhaps it will be valid as a personal form of public transportation in areas where cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed, but that is not happening anytime soon (on a commercial scale).

Of course, somebody ( most likely a snide idiot ) probably said the same thing about the Spyder when they first saw it.


10-12-2009, 09:57 PM
. . . . you made reasonable statements. But, I stand by my overly snide assessment, BMW ( who I respect - though a little less now ) is entering Segway territory here. Brilliant engineering of a concept that time and again does not mesh with the real world. A valid idea - as you stated - with limited application (now and into the next decade). And it looks like a trendy, but pedestrian novelty to boot. Perhaps it will be valid as a personal form of public transportation in areas where cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed, but that is not happening anytime soon (on a commercial scale).

I guess I'm just puzzled by your assessment. Hey, everybody has a right to their opinion. But I'm worried that your opinion is based on a complete lack of information.

Let me go over a few of your statements one by one...

"BMW is entering Segway territory here."

And how do you reach this conclusion, Tom? Do you know about these type of vehicles? Have you seen the detailed specs on them? Have you researched it out? To compare these types of vehicles to a Segway tells me that you simply do not know these vehicles. :gaah:

"A valid idea with limited application"

Limited in what way? These are actual VEHICLES that are being developed for transportation purposes, not toys. I dare say that you would ride these vehicles in conditions that you wouldn't even think about driving a Spyder or any other open air vehicle in. Again, I think you have a lack of understand here about these things.

"...but pedestrian novelty to boot. Perhaps it will be valid as a personal form of public transportation in areas where cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed..."

I guess this statement is what captured my attention most, and causes me to sit back and realize that you have no idea what these vehicles are whatsoever. A "pedestrian novelty"? LOL! I think not. Use "where cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed"? Really? These are vehicle concepts that will get over 100 miles per gallon, and go up to around 140 miles per hour. Not a pedestrian vehicle or toy by any means.

Again, I think you need to RESEARCH these things out before making statements that have absolutely no basis in reality. Please go check out the vehicles that are ON THE ROAD NOW in Europe. They are winding around the Autobahn in Germany at speeds that we just are not able to drive here in America. These vehicles are the real deal, and incredibly fun to drive. Like I said, please look up the Carver in Europe. Check out the videos. I know some owners of the vehicle in Germany, and they LOVE the things. A complete joy to ride on the open road at high speeds.

But, hey, if you don't like vehicles that go 140 miles an hour, get over 100 miles per gallon, and can maneuver the roads like a jet airplane, then that's OK!


bone crusher
10-12-2009, 10:06 PM
I'll take a sportscar to this heinous thing any day of the week...heck, I'll take my BMW convertible to this thing...yuck!!

I guess I'm just puzzled by your assessment. Hey, everybody has a right to their opinion. But I'm worried that your opinion is based on a complete lack of information.

Let me go over a few of your statements one by one...

"BMW is entering Segway territory here."

And how do you reach this conclusion, Tom? Do you know about these type of vehicles? Have you seen the detailed specs on them? Have you researched it out? To compare these types of vehicles to a Segway tells me that you simply do not know these vehicles. :gaah:

"A valid idea with limited application"

Limited in what way? These are actual VEHICLES that are being developed for transportation purposes, not toys. I dare say that you would ride these vehicles in conditions that you wouldn't even think about driving a Spyder or any other open air vehicle in. Again, I think you have a lack of understand here about these things.

"...but pedestrian novelty to boot. Perhaps it will be valid as a personal form of public transportation in areas where cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed..."

I guess this statement is what captured my attention most, and causes me to sit back and realize that you have no idea what these vehicles are whatsoever. A "pedestrian novelty"? LOL! I think not. Use "where cars and other motor vehicles are not allowed"? Really? These are vehicle concepts that will get over 100 miles per gallon, and go up to around 140 miles per hour. Not a pedestrian vehicle or toy by any means.

Again, I think you need to RESEARCH these things out before making statements that have absolutely no basis in reality. Please go check out the vehicles that are ON THE ROAD NOW in Europe. They are winding around the Autobahn in Germany at speeds that we just are not able to drive here in America. These vehicles are the real deal, and incredibly fun to drive. Like I said, please look up the Carver in Europe. Check out the videos. I know some owners of the vehicle in Germany, and they LOVE the things. A complete joy to ride on the open road at high speeds.

But, hey, if you don't like vehicles that go 140 miles an hour, get over 100 miles per gallon, and can maneuver the roads like a jet airplane, then that's OK!


10-12-2009, 10:32 PM
I'll take a sportscar to this heinous thing any day of the week...heck, I'll take my BMW convertible to this thing...yuck!!

I agree! This body design is a complete disaster. I don't know what they were thinking! But the mechanics of it are incredible.

Hopefully they'll get a new design team for the body! LOL!


10-12-2009, 10:37 PM
Take a look at this....


Tom in NM
10-13-2009, 12:35 AM
I guess I'm just puzzled by your assessment. Hey, everybody has a right to their opinion. But I'm worried that your opinion is based on a complete lack of information. (don't worry, it is not a complete lack of information)

Let me go over a few of your statements one by one... (good points, but lets skip to your final wrap-up, that summarizes it all)

But, hey, if you don't like vehicles that go 140 miles an hour, get over 100 miles per gallon, and can maneuver the roads like a jet airplane, then that's OK!


Derwin, first, the 2nd 1/3 of this issue; just where would you drive such a vehicle? Then the 3rd part; just who would drive such a vehicle?

Like you mention, the Autobahn might work for where, but what is the cost to build an infrastructure across this nation for such a roadway? Even just one? This past weekend I took a ride out to the VLA (Very Large Array radio telescopes). Here is what the road looked like.
(actually, the VLA is in the valley, hidden by the trees on the left)

Two lanes, wide paved shoulders, straight as an arrow for about 20 miles, speed limit 60 mph. The road surface would not support going faster (to my limited abilities) 90 mph, but I would rate it as good. Twice I had to brake for cows. Once for a coyote. I saw a couple of dozen Pronghorn antelope, but they stayed off the road. I noticed about 6 snakes that had not. Two sections of the road in the valley had gravel and dirt spills on them. This stretch was being lightly traveled, so less than 20 cars and trucks were in the oncoming lane. Nobody passed me or was visible in my mirrors (I was going the speed limit). There were two vehicles maybe 5 to 10 miles ahead of me. How much would it cost to make this stretch of road safe for a Simple vehicle to travel at 140 mph in all weather and seasons? Raise it? Enclose it? Widen and segregate other traffic? Convert railroad tracks to Simple Roadways? How much to resurface and maintain high speed roadways and keep them clear of debris? What was the cost of the Bullet Train infrastructure - it requires similar special considerations. Infrastructure costs for new technologies are a major hurdle. Building the infrastructures for things like cell phones, highways, electricity, bridges, roadways, water systems, pipelines, railways, and so on are incredibly expensive. Maintaining them is also very expensive.

Actually, this became an immediate issue for the Segway ( a brilliant piece of engineering - I know the wheels don't swivel, but maybe some day ). Where would you ride it? The road? The sidewalks? Bike Paths? Wherever? Where would you park it? The usual places? At your desk? What about riding in buildings? Until the infrastructure is there, it won't be anything but a "pedestrian novelty" - no matter how clever it is. Even 'lower-tech' things have this problem - like skateboards, roller-skates, and bicycles. And given the picture, Simple looks like it has less ground clearance than the Spyder - not good even on a lot of poorly maintained city streets.

The Simple vehicle does look like it can integrate into lots of existing roadway infrastructure, but with no real value besides its mileage. The highest speed limit in the US is ( I believe ) 85mph in parts of Texas, so Simple has at least an excess 50mph built into it.

And finally, how many drivers do you know and see around you every day that are capable of 'going 140 miles an hour and maneuvering the (existing) roads like a jet airplane'. (and you can't count Doc, Setho, or 3wheeldemon) The picture that comes to my mind is something that would appear in the Darwin Awards. (actually, I speculate that with Simple's wheel configuration it must have a Nanny system that makes the Spyders look like a total zero and only in a highly engineered environment, would it ever be able to get close to its speed potentials). I personally think one of the great accomplishments of Civilization is that fact that most of the time, people drive on the correct side of the road and kind-of stay in their lanes. If we could properly use horns and turn signals, that would be a miracle.

So, well engineered concept, looks like a Disney World Space Mountain ride, expensive, requires special infrastructure to reach masses and commercial viability (gazillons expensive), even with a Nanny system it generally beyond the operating capabilities of 50% of the population (much like cars), does not reflect the vast majority's life style needs (kids, dogs, luggage, furniture moves, groceries, tools, family drives, vacations, etc.).

Derwin, I can tell you love this stuff and follow it closely. I am only saying it is just 1/3 of the solution. It won't be more than a novelty if the other 2/3rds are not addressed. It has a better chance than the Flying Car, but many of the same problems. Yup, that is my opinion. My wish is that we all were better and capable of doing things like this. I am old. It won't be in my lifetime. Just in the movies.


10-13-2009, 06:22 AM
I just wanted to share something with you guys. snif snif!

10-13-2009, 06:58 AM
Derwin, first, the 2nd 1/3 of this issue; just where would you drive such a vehicle? Then the 3rd part; just who would drive such a vehicle?

Again, you are basing your opinion on a lack of understanding.

Where would you drive this these types of vehicles? Well, anywhere you would drive ANY vehicle! Did you get a good look at the video I posted? Do you see him driving this on normal roads that are narrow, and even in small villages? Wherever you would drive the Spyder, or any other vehicle for that matter, you would drive these vehicles. Why you are having a problem understanding that is beyond me.

How much would it cost to make this stretch of road safe for a Simple vehicle to travel at 140 mph in all weather and seasons?Well, your Spyder is capable of doing around 130 miles per hour (according to the posts I've read in here!). Does this mean you MUST drive that fast? Does this mean that you need the roads to be changed to accommodate the Spyder? Of course not! That is a ridiculous argument on it's face. Sorry. These arguments you are making are so our of left field that I'm now beginning to think that your just BAITING me! If so, you've done a great job! LOL!

The Simple vehicle does look like it can integrate into lots of existing roadway infrastructure, but with no real value besides its mileage. The highest speed limit in the US is ( I believe ) 85mph in parts of Texas, so Simple has at least an excess 50mph built into it.I'm really puzzled. Are you serious, or just pulling my chain? :dontknow:

And finally, how many drivers do you know and see around you every day that are capable of 'going 140 miles an hour and maneuvering the (existing) roads like a jet airplane'. (and you can't count Doc, Setho, or 3wheeldemon)How many are capable? LOL! I only mentioned the "jet airplane" thing because of the FUN FACTOR involved in riding a vehicle like that. Again, if you did a bit of research, you would understand that the tilting mechanism goes into affect based on how "hard" you turn the steering wheel. So if a person doesn't desire to "FlyTheRoad", and would rather just stay level, then he has that option. And as far as the speed is concerned, I think I already addressed that. Just because a vehicle is CAPABLE of doing a particular speed, doesn't mean that you must do it. Heck, I've NEVER pushed ANY of my vehicles to the limit as far as speed is concerned.

So, well engineered concept, looks like a Disney World Space Mountain ride, expensive, requires special infrastructure to reach masses and commercial viability (gazillons expensive), even with a Nanny system it generally beyond the operating capabilities of 50% of the population (much like cars), does not reflect the vast majority's life style needs (kids, dogs, luggage, furniture moves, groceries, tools, family drives, vacations, etc.).Wrong on almost every count. Your opinion about the LOOKS of this particular concept is right on the money, and I agree 100% with you. But that look would never reach the marketplace anyway, so it's really a moot point. It would NOT require "special infrastructure" anymore than the Spyder, or your Ford or Chevy would require.

Again, please go research the Carver vehicle which is already on the market in Europe. It is driven in little hamlets and villages, as well as on highways. No need for a special roads to be created! And, no, it would not be "expensive". Actually, the Persu Hybrid which is being developed now by a company in California is expected to retail for between $20,000 and $25,000.... Less than what the new Spyder is selling for!

And these types of vehicles simply are NOT beyond the populations capabilities to drive. If you know how to drive a "normal" vehicle, then you won't have a problem with these things. And as far as the "vast majorities lifestyle needs".... I don't think ANY one vehicle would meet your laundry list of things! Try moving furniture with the Spyder, or doing any number of other things that you mentioned with any motorcycle, or even small car for that matter. You can't. Period.

Derwin, I can tell you love this stuff and follow it closely. I am only saying it is just 1/3 of the solution. It won't be more than a novelty if the other 2/3rds are not addressed. It has a better chance than the Flying Car, but many of the same problems. Yup, that is my opinion. My wish is that we all were better and capable of doing things like this. I am old. It won't be in my lifetime. Just in the movies.Well, Tom, I just wish you were basing your opinions on reality and the facts as they are. If you did that, then we could have an intelligent conversation about this. The problem is that most everything that you've stated is simply wrong, and can be proven wrong with just a little research by anyone interested. And as for you not seeing this type of vehicle in your lifetime.... I'm glad to say that these vehicles exist NOW and have been on the market for a few years in Europe already. I can give you the phone number of a few people that own these vehicles and have been driving them. This is something that is REAL and is being brought to America. It's fun ride, and anyone that has ever driven one would tell you that.

But your 100% correct on the LOOKS of this new BMW concept. Why they put that body on it is beyond me.

OK. I think I've said enough about this. If you want to educate yourself and have an informed opinion, then please do the research. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find out.


10-13-2009, 07:58 AM
Take a look at this....

YouTube - Top Gear: Carver (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR1V24dzHrg)

That is a cool vehicle!

PS: Some great points in both sides. Despite their cleverness is hard to see these type of vehicles become mainstream without a government mandate (direct or indirect through MPG laws or taxes).

Keep it coming guys! :popcorn::D

10-13-2009, 08:02 AM
Despite their cleverness is hard to see these type of vehicles become mainstream without a government mandate (direct or indirect through MPG laws or taxes).

Actually, the Carver which is already on the market in Europe only gets around 45 miles per gallon. So I would not think any new MPG laws would be required for that car to go "mainstream".

Like the Spyder, I think once a company puts a vehicle like this up for sale in the American marketplace, it will sell like hotcakes, and there will be a waiting list to get one. Well, as long as the price is right!


10-13-2009, 11:05 AM
I'm with Derwin on this one. I would drive it (the BMW or the Carver) and, just like my Spyder, I would drive it anywhere in the US. Tom, why is there an issue as to what roads you would ride it on? :dontknow:

10-13-2009, 11:20 AM
I'll ride anything, anytime, anywhere. Sometimes the more bizarre looking or technically sophisticated the better. Come to think of it, that attitude may have put me on a Spyder in the first place. Every piece of machinery may not be our cup of tea, but they all deserve a place in this world. Just my two cents.

10-13-2009, 12:21 PM
I think these things are great! We're lucky to have designers who think out of the box and to have people with the money to support them and their 'crazy' ideas. The Spyder was once such a vehicle too and now we all have one (or 2 or ?).

I'd drive/ride the Carver in the US. Lots of M/C feeling plus the weather protection of a car. If the demand was there, it could be made to get a lot better mileage for commuters (think diesel). Almost all motorcycles get pretty bad mileage when compared to economy cars in you compare mileage vs weight. We still ride'em and love them. :clap:

10-13-2009, 01:47 PM
I'll ride anything, anytime, anywhere. Sometimes the more bizarre looking or technically sophisticated the better. Come to think of it, that attitude may have put me on a Spyder in the first place. Every piece of machinery may not be our cup of tea, but they all deserve a place in this world. Just my two cents.

:agree: Well said! I like eccentric vehicles too, which I think is partly why I have a Spyder. :clap:


10-13-2009, 02:19 PM
Take a look at this....

YouTube - Top Gear: Carver (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR1V24dzHrg)
w much was it they didnt tell on vido let us all no my son wants one

10-13-2009, 03:47 PM
LOL! I know. I overreacted. LOL! :shemademe_smilie:

(I'm assuming you were laughing about my post. If not, please disregard! LOL!)


Actually I was laughing at the really ugly concept pic of that thing. Don't get me wrong - I like Beemers but I wouldn't buy that. They make gorgeous touring bikes though!

10-13-2009, 03:52 PM
Actually I was laughing at the really ugly concept pic of that thing. Don't get me wrong - I like Beemers but I wouldn't buy that. They make gorgeous touring bikes though!

The funny thing is, Smylinacha, is that the only reason I jumped in on this conversation is to point out the NICE LOOKING vehicles that are using similar technology. I agree, the LOOKS of this BMW concept are atrocious. But the TECHNOLOGY that is in the thing is incredible. And, as I've pointed out, there are already vehicles on the market using similar tilting technology. And THAT is what I'm excited about.

Sorry about the misread! :opps:


10-13-2009, 03:54 PM
here's a site with a couple reverse trikes


Amanda B
10-13-2009, 04:05 PM
Now that looks like a space ship straight out of Star Wars. I've heard the Spyder called a space ship, but the BMW wins hands down!

10-13-2009, 07:22 PM
If they make a Beemer in a reverse Trike (I was just talking to HDX about this the other day), I'd be all over it.

The funny thing is, Smylinacha, is that the only reason I jumped in on this conversation is to point out the NICE LOOKING vehicles that are using similar technology. I agree, the LOOKS of this BMW concept are atrocious. But the TECHNOLOGY that is in the thing is incredible. And, as I've pointed out, there are already vehicles on the market using similar tilting technology. And THAT is what I'm excited about.

Sorry about the misread! :opps:


10-13-2009, 07:27 PM
If they make a Beemer in a reverse Trike (I was just talking to HDX about this the other day), I'd be all over it.
You're gonna have to get a second job! :roflblack:

10-13-2009, 07:32 PM
You're gonna have to get a second job! :roflblack:

I will for that bike! :2thumbs:

If I ever won Lotto, I'd keep the Spyder but I'd have to move to a place that had a garage like Jay Leno and in it would be a Beemer trike (if they ever make one), a Ducati, a Harley streetglide trike with all the bells and whistles, a Cadillac XLR V Series & a Dodge Viper.:thumbup: And a small plane and I'd get my pilot's license.

bone crusher
10-13-2009, 09:08 PM
My biggest concern is safety with this thing...

I'll give you an example how screwed up the crash tests are (I am a crash reconstructionist, BTW)...when they test a vehicle by smashing it into a barrier or off-set barrier, the physics translate to crashing into a vehicle of the same size and mass...

In a real world situation, if you have a tiny car, and you're hit by a minivan, you're dead meat. The push in this country to small cars is really pathetic...go ahead and get one...in a crash, you're in far greater danger...the gov't wants EVERYONE to have a small car, as in Europe, so motor vehicle crashes will be 'equal and fair' to everyone...as long as there are larger vehicles on the road, you want to have one, trust me!

So, the car manufacturers keep saying they have all these cars with 5 star crash ratings...keep in mind this only matters if your civic hits another civic...if a Suburban smashes into your civic, your crash rating means nothing...

The auto industry is filled with misinformation as is the NHTSA...the U.S. population, as a whole, is fooled by the crash tests...if you have a minivan that gets a 5, you're far better off than a civic that gets 5...they don't tell you that, though...most everyone thinks a 5 star holds true for safety for all cars that achieve this rating...

When it comes to vehicle safety, just remember that you get what you pay for...the better the car, the better the safety features...

Again, you are basing your opinion on a lack of understanding.

Where would you drive this these types of vehicles? Well, anywhere you would drive ANY vehicle! Did you get a good look at the video I posted? Do you see him driving this on normal roads that are narrow, and even in small villages? Wherever you would drive the Spyder, or any other vehicle for that matter, you would drive these vehicles. Why you are having a problem understanding that is beyond me.

Well, your Spyder is capable of doing around 130 miles per hour (according to the posts I've read in here!). Does this mean you MUST drive that fast? Does this mean that you need the roads to be changed to accommodate the Spyder? Of course not! That is a ridiculous argument on it's face. Sorry. These arguments you are making are so our of left field that I'm now beginning to think that your just BAITING me! If so, you've done a great job! LOL!

I'm really puzzled. Are you serious, or just pulling my chain? :dontknow:

How many are capable? LOL! I only mentioned the "jet airplane" thing because of the FUN FACTOR involved in riding a vehicle like that. Again, if you did a bit of research, you would understand that the tilting mechanism goes into affect based on how "hard" you turn the steering wheel. So if a person doesn't desire to "FlyTheRoad", and would rather just stay level, then he has that option. And as far as the speed is concerned, I think I already addressed that. Just because a vehicle is CAPABLE of doing a particular speed, doesn't mean that you must do it. Heck, I've NEVER pushed ANY of my vehicles to the limit as far as speed is concerned.

Wrong on almost every count. Your opinion about the LOOKS of this particular concept is right on the money, and I agree 100% with you. But that look would never reach the marketplace anyway, so it's really a moot point. It would NOT require "special infrastructure" anymore than the Spyder, or your Ford or Chevy would require.

Again, please go research the Carver vehicle which is already on the market in Europe. It is driven in little hamlets and villages, as well as on highways. No need for a special roads to be created! And, no, it would not be "expensive". Actually, the Persu Hybrid which is being developed now by a company in California is expected to retail for between $20,000 and $25,000.... Less than what the new Spyder is selling for!

And these types of vehicles simply are NOT beyond the populations capabilities to drive. If you know how to drive a "normal" vehicle, then you won't have a problem with these things. And as far as the "vast majorities lifestyle needs".... I don't think ANY one vehicle would meet your laundry list of things! Try moving furniture with the Spyder, or doing any number of other things that you mentioned with any motorcycle, or even small car for that matter. You can't. Period.

Well, Tom, I just wish you were basing your opinions on reality and the facts as they are. If you did that, then we could have an intelligent conversation about this. The problem is that most everything that you've stated is simply wrong, and can be proven wrong with just a little research by anyone interested. And as for you not seeing this type of vehicle in your lifetime.... I'm glad to say that these vehicles exist NOW and have been on the market for a few years in Europe already. I can give you the phone number of a few people that own these vehicles and have been driving them. This is something that is REAL and is being brought to America. It's fun ride, and anyone that has ever driven one would tell you that.

But your 100% correct on the LOOKS of this new BMW concept. Why they put that body on it is beyond me.

OK. I think I've said enough about this. If you want to educate yourself and have an informed opinion, then please do the research. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find out.


10-13-2009, 10:06 PM
...as long as there are larger vehicles on the road, you want to have one, trust me!

Well, I guess we should all sell our Spyders now according to that, right?

If a semi truck hits ANY vehicle on the road, you will be dead meat. If ANY normal car hits a motorcycle, the motorcycle will lose.

Just be careful no matter WHAT your riding is the best way to go. And I guess we should all be ESPECIALLY careful if we are riding a vehicle like the Spyder, or any other 2 or 3 wheel vehicle.


bone crusher
10-13-2009, 11:30 PM
Well, I guess we should all sell our Spyders now according to that, right?

If a semi truck hits ANY vehicle on the road, you will be dead meat. If ANY normal car hits a motorcycle, the motorcycle will lose.

Just be careful no matter WHAT your riding is the best way to go. And I guess we should all be ESPECIALLY careful if we are riding a vehicle like the Spyder, or any other 2 or 3 wheel vehicle.


Bikes don't apply to that as there are obviously not star ratings for safety for a motorcycle...we're usually done no matter what hits us...

Bikes, as we all know, are inherently more dangerous than cages...period...

My point was that a 5 star crash rating means little, unless you get in a crash with the identical vehicle...size (and safety features) do matter...

Tom in NM
10-14-2009, 12:06 AM
Again, you are basing your opinion on a lack of understanding.

These arguments you are making are so out of left field that I'm now beginning to think that your just BAITING me! If so, you've done a great job! LOL! I'm really puzzled. Are you serious, or just pulling my chain? :dontknow:

Wrong on almost every count. Your opinion about the LOOKS of this particular concept is right on the money, and I agree 100% with you. But that look would never reach the marketplace anyway, so it's really a moot point. . . . . But your 100% correct on the LOOKS of this new BMW concept. Why they put that body on it is beyond me.

Well, Tom, I just wish you were basing your opinions on reality and the facts as they are. If you did that, then we could have an intelligent conversation about this. The problem is that most everything that you've stated is simply wrong, and can be proven wrong with just a little research by anyone interested.

OK. I think I've said enough about this. If you want to educate yourself and have an informed opinion, then please do the research. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find out.


Derwin, forgive my hacking your points, but we are in the same ballpark on a couple of things.

While you call the looks of the Simple "atrocious" in another posting, I am a little more concerned (with the looks) by what it portends - BMW is a very style conscious company - their looks are their brand. Why would they put out this Star Wars knock-off design? Who are they aiming for. Why does it look like some Disney World ride of Tomorrow? You are right, some literal and liberally applied plastic surgery (or Photoshop) can change the look. It is a strange look for the "professional commuter" - that is, an urban dweller who travels alone." demographic they say they are after. I think the look says you will ride in it, not drive it. When I look at it, I do not see a "freedom" machine, I see a "transport pod".

The other thing we are close to agreeing on is that this is not an intelligent discussion - but when has there ever been one on cars or motorcycles? You think I am baiting you and yanking your chain - generally mentioning things that have no basis in reality - just pulled from snide ignorance. Nope. If you knew me and what I used to do for a living you would count me among those who live on and beyond the cutting edge and the application of technology to problems and integrate them into the real world.

I am not as ignorant, dumb, un-educated, or perverse as you seem to think ( and really, no offense was taken ). I know this technology exists. I know people drive similar vehicles. I know there are some great positive potentials in them. (BMW may too, but I would guess patent income may be their first goal with the Simple). But so do other technologies, like the European diesel engines in "American" cars. They are quiet, powerful, efficient - nothing like the diesel engines we are familiar with. Why are they not on this side of the Atlantic? It kind of goes back to FireFly's question as to "Why don't we ever see these concept come to life?" And I would add, "for everyone?"

Experience has taught me if you do not address "the" three components of Technology-People-Infrastructure, you will have problems. The Simple would not have the issues of trying to re-introduce the horse as the preferred method of transportation in US or European cities and countrysides, but the problems would be analogous. And, I would bet it would be easier in most parts of Europe.

The people on this forum are in many ways very exceptional. Owning a Spyder says a lot about our attitudes and character. We are excited by new things, the unusual. Would most here give the Simple a spin? Yup. But we are not representative of the rest of the population. Out of the hundred plus people that have come up and gotten all enthused over the Spyder - I still think there are less than a dozen owners within 150 miles of me. My point is that while we seem to live out on the edge further than most, we are not the best examples of what fits everybody.

While I wish it were true that clever and well engineered vehicles like the Simple could drive the kind of global changes you envision, I have to remain the voice in deep left field saying, "no, not yet."


Tom in NM
10-14-2009, 12:08 AM
I just wanted to share something with you guys. snif snif!

. . . . . you did, just not what you expected.

Glad you did.



10-14-2009, 07:41 AM
I think the look says you will ride in it, not drive it. When I look at it, I do not see a "freedom" machine, I see a "transport pod".

I guess we have been talking PASSED each other, Tom. I never intended to be talking about this specific BMW design. As I've stated, I think the looks are ridiculous, and besides that, it is a CONCEPT design which will NEVER reach the marketplace anyway, so the point is indeed moot. My conversation was always about the TECHNOLOGY behind this vehicle, and other vehicles like it that are even on the market right now. NO LEARNING CURVE NEEDED, AND NO NEW INFRASTRUCTURE. These are the realities that I've been TRYING to present.

If you knew me and what I used to do for a living you would count me among those who live on and beyond the cutting edge and the application of technology to problems and integrate them into the real world. My response is simply that these vehicles have already been "integrated into the real world". No need to make any changes. Just enjoy the ride!

I am not as ignorant, dumb, un-educated, or perverse as you seem to think ( and really, no offense was taken ). Well, if that's what you took from my posts, then I deeply and sincerely apologize. I NEVER stated any of those things, and it was NEVER my intent to even insinuate such things.

I know this technology exists. I know people drive similar vehicles. I know there are some great positive potentials in them. (BMW may too, but I would guess patent income may be their first goal with the Simple). But so do other technologies, like the European diesel engines in "American" cars. They are quiet, powerful, efficient - nothing like the diesel engines we are familiar with. Why are they not on this side of the Atlantic? It kind of goes back to FireFly's question as to "Why don't we ever see these concept come to life?" And I would add, "for everyone?"Well, GOOD NEWS for you, Tom and FireFly! There is an American company developing a vehicle like this NOW for sale in the American market. This concept IS coming to life....and for everyone! That's what my website is all about at the FlyTheRoad Club. I've had that site up and running for 2 years now, and I have a contract with the company. You can check the company out...They are called Persu Mobility (Yeah, I don't care for the name either!), and they are developing the Persu Hybrid. They are entered into the Progressive XPrize Contest which you will find a GREAT DEAL of information about if you google it. They've made their rounds on Good Morning America, as well as a bunch of other shows. This company bought the North American rights to the tilting technology of the Carver vehicle for the sole intent of developing a hybrid version of the Carver for America. Check them out, along with the Progressive XPrize contest and I think you'll be surprised at what you find.

Experience has taught me if you do not address "the" three components of Technology-People-Infrastructure, you will have problems. Now I just feel like I'm beating a dead horse :bdh: with all of this! Persu Mobility has addressed these components that you are worried about. The technology has certainly been covered. They have done incredible research on the marketplace "people" who would purchase this vehicle. And the infrastructure is fine as it is. Although Howard Levine (former CEO of Persu Mobility) put together a lobbying team and had new legislation passed specifically for 3 wheeled vehicles like this. Not a small feat if you look at the details. Again.....research.

My point is that while we seem to live out on the edge further than most, we are not the best examples of what fits everybody.And what vehicle does "fit everybody"? That's why there are so many models out there, and so many vehicles to choose from. Some people would never ride a Spyder, your correct. But some people would never drive a pick up truck either! LOL!

While I wish it were true that clever and well engineered vehicles like the Simple could drive the kind of global changes you envision, I have to remain the voice in deep left field saying, "no, not yet."Who said anything about "global changes"? :dontknow: I don't envision any global changes with this vehicle, or the Persu Hybrid, anymore than I see global changes taking place as a result of the Spyder. All I'm talking about is a FUN RIDE, Tom! That's about it. A fun ride that not everybody will like, as with most things in life. A fun ride that will not need any changes to infrastructure or massive "global changes" as you suggest. Just a nice new vehicle that will give us a new experience on the already existing roads.


This is the vehicle that the company I have a contract with is working on right now...


10-14-2009, 08:50 AM
Derwin: You definitively succeeded in raising awareness and interest for the Carver and the Persu. What is the status of those vehicles in NA? Are they available anywhere? I check your webpage (maybe not thoroughly enough) I found a lot of excitement but few details.


10-14-2009, 09:29 AM
Derwin: You definitively succeeded in raising awareness and interest for the Carver and the Persu. What is the status of those vehicles in NA? Are they available anywhere? I check your webpage (maybe not thoroughly enough) I found a lot of excitement but few details.

The Carver is not entering the North American market at this time, and were going through a few problems of their own in Europe. Although the vehicle is highly sought-after, the company was mishandled to a certain degree, and they are now working that all out. As to the AVAILABILITY of a CarverOne vehicle.... You can buy one and have it imported. I know of several people selling them, but they will run you around $35 to $40 grand. These were all HAND BUILT, and very costly.

The company I am working with that is building the Persu Hybrid is using the Carver tilting technology, and they are officially entered in the Progressive XPrize contest. So if all goes as planned, we should be seeing their vehicle show up there first. But I don't think we will see these in the hands of consumers for at least a couple more years.

My Club website has all of this information, but it may be difficult to find by just browsing. You can use the "search" feature to look for specific things, though.

Regretfully, the only way to "FlyTheRoad" in one of these vehicles is by importing a Carver. But I don't have an extra 40 grand to do that. Heck, I'm still trying to save up for a Spyder! LOL!


10-26-2009, 08:31 PM

found this one...

10-27-2009, 08:31 AM


Tom in NM
10-27-2009, 10:54 AM


Looks like a lawnmower.


10-27-2009, 12:07 PM
These are the guys who make the bodywork for the Spyder. Pretty cool stuff.


10-27-2009, 12:25 PM
And take a look @ this YouTube - SEMA: 3 Wheel cruiser from Cirbin Motors (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHbK_BrUvqs)
not for me to low i am :spyder2: all the way.

Cirbin and the T-rex are made by the same company. This thing is powered by a V-Rod 1250cc engine and really flies. Kind of ugly though. Still like the Rex better!

10-27-2009, 08:19 PM
Very interesting new pictures.