View Full Version : My Best NAV/Audio solution for 2012 RTL

04-13-2022, 07:34 PM
YMMV, of course, but...

First, the mount. I did not receive the factory nav unit with my Spyder. That is actually fine with me; I would prefer to use Google maps on my phone anyway.
I bought this:
https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005001414151204.html?spm=a2g0n.order_detail.0.0.2 098f19cJpW9H4

I bought the cheapest one (USB charging only) for under $12 with free shipping from China. Took two weeks to arrive. If you need wireless charging, get one of those type. My Samsung Galaxy S20 barely fits between the handlebars. If I am to charge my phone in the mount, I will need to get
a cable with some right angle plugs. Regular USB plugs are too long. I really do not think I will need to charge it while I'm on the bike. If I do, I will charge it in the trunk and I will still get the audio with navigation audio via Bluetooth.
This adapter works with the factory nav mount and it works great. The power works from the USB also, but I was not able to test the audio playing through the speakers via the USB connection on the mount.
Edit: I just realized that I can tilt the mount upward and plug the phone in. But the viewing angle is not ideal in that case. A shorter phone would fit better in this adapter.

As for audio, I tried two approaches: playing everything through the speakers and playing everything through ear buds.

I bought a Monster brand Bluetooth FM transmitter ($15). It works well enough, but the audio through the speakers is just not very clear for me while I'm riding down the highway. Maybe it is my helmet, I don't know.

My preferred audio solution is my Bluetooth wireless ear buds. I can hear much clearer music and navigation directions with the ear buds, and I think they isolate just enough road noise without blocking ambient sound entirely.

So I have a good way to mount my phone without modifying the factory navigation unit mount, and I can hear music and directions clearly without any wires anywhere.