View Full Version : February Weather News 2022

Little Blue
02-01-2022, 05:12 AM
:coffee: Welcome back from the cold temperatures and what ever you have in your region.
Today is a new month "FEBRUARY" and Indiana has begun to take some real changes in our weather.
The Weather News People are saying that we are going to be getting some more rain today and tomorrow morning the snow ❄️ ❄️.

I am not feeling good about the forecast. Calling for 5-8" of Snow. Here in Indiana we really don't know how to handle 2-4" of Snow. So it could get mighty nasty for driving the car/truck the next few days.

The Wife has been making a big list of things that I have to get/pickup today. ...:shemademe_smilie:

High today only 50°F with some rain. Lows are 35°F.

Currently no Snow.

Post your local area weather news. ......:thumbup:

02-01-2022, 09:40 AM
Calling for 3 to 4 inches of snow here in southern Ohio, but the kicker is the half inch of ice supposedly coming with it. 4 inches of snow is no problem, but that much ice will be an issue. Nice today with high of 50 so we, like you, are getting a few things together in case we get the ice.

02-01-2022, 10:55 AM
It looks like we are in the cross hairs for a biggy. Predicted is a full day plus of freezing drizzle followed by 4 - 6 inches of snow. That will put the brakes on driving for at least a couple days. Our biggest fear is potential power outages. If I am not here at my usual times, then it got us.

Hoping everyone is preparing as much as they can.

02-01-2022, 04:38 PM
Got back in PA Sunday, 38 F today. The Spyder is still in FL, I'll be heading back to FL in two weeks and will stay there for maybe 6 or 7 weeks before bringing the Spyder back to PA (first or second week of April).

02-01-2022, 07:19 PM
Warmed up to 47* today. Helped get rid of the remaining snow.

02-01-2022, 08:48 PM
Low to mid 60s here in the desert S.W. until mid-next week. Then we will get into the mid to UPPER 70s!!!! Imagine, I could be riding in shorts and a t-shirt next week! Thursday doing a group ride to a Titan Missel Silo just south of Tucson. Wanted to do that tour for a long time and looking forward to it. Stay safe and warm..... Jim

02-02-2022, 06:47 AM
One good thing about all the cold we've been seeing, preserves the snow since our snowmobiling area hasn't seen a lot.

02-02-2022, 07:20 AM
The big central U.S. snow storm is going to miss us in southern WI - yay :) The groundhog here in Sun Prairie (WI) won't see his shadow, so spring should be right around the corner. That said, the next (7) days call for high's in low/mid 20*'s. What do groundhogs know :(

02-02-2022, 08:36 AM
I am in South Carolina and it is going to be in the 60's and low 70's for the next 3 days :ohyea:

02-02-2022, 01:07 PM
Phase one of the storm passed us by. A slight sleet drizzle for about an hour.

Phase two is on the way.

Little Blue
02-02-2022, 04:59 PM
:chat: So far we had all day rain, currently 30°F.
Weather People are saying that we might get some ice.
Definitely going to get the big Stuff (snow).

Just now 4:30 pm the rain is changing to freezing rain/ice.
At 5:00pm it changes to snow.
Update: it has started to snow (4:50pm). Calling for 3 - 8" by Friday morning. ..:yikes:

Hopefully we can get out if we need too. ....... : )

Peter Aawen
02-02-2022, 07:50 PM
The last couple of days we've scored some 'not really forecast' cooler days here in the Hills of South Oz this week (something to do with the tropical moisture that has been forced South by the recent Cyclones that's ended up giving us the wettest/highest humidity start to the year since 1984 :shocked: ). So there's been a bit of respite before a return to the warmth of Summer for the weekend/early next week.... only hopefully no more of the stinking humidity that's accompanied the heat of late! I don't mind it cold, even freezing, quite enjoy it in fact; I normally don't mind it hot either, I pretty much thrive in our Deserts; but I really don't like the stifling humidity we've been getting here lately... might as well be living in a sauna! :gaah:

But today, despite the Extreme UV warnings & High Fire Danger, our local weather is for temps that are only in the low 20's (°C), partly cloudy, with a bit of a gentle breeze - so it's looking like a great day for Ryding! :ohyea:

See ya! :p


02-02-2022, 10:38 PM
I know it’s been posted before but with this cold weather:

Little Blue
02-03-2022, 05:20 AM
:gaah: Well, I only ordered 1-2" of snow for my local area.
Sooooooo I have about 1" so far. But the second wave is coming very soon. Supposedly it will bring another 3-5" of snow. ....:banghead:

Yesterday morning it rained and we received over 2". Then it turned to freezing rain and ice. So now we have a thin film of ice covered by 1" of snow.
I put down a little bit of snowmelt and it works very well.

High today of 24°F with wind chill makes it feel like 0°F. Calling for off and on all day snow.
Low of 10°F.

Snow Report: 1"+

Have a Blessed Day. .....:thumbup:

Little Blue
02-03-2022, 06:02 AM
:yes: Almost forgot about this. Tuesday 2/01/2022 I finally got my 'first ryde' of the new year. The temperature was 54°F and I just had to do it.
Enjoyed the time and rode for a hour and half.
Let the good times roll. ......:thumbup:

02-03-2022, 09:25 AM
Another Day of the Same
-20 Degree again this morning, never got above zero yesterday, and same thing today. Have to love this Minnesota living.
Good weather for polar bears and sled dogs. Could be worse, No ice or blizzards.

02-03-2022, 09:55 AM
It is cold here in Central Utah, very cold. Below 0* this morning. No salt been too long since it snowed but there is still so much snow on the ground I can't get the Spyder out of the trailer. It has been so cold and it snowed so much in Dec that not a lot has melted away. I don't like the snow any more as I don't do any fun snow things any more, but I recognize we need it as here in the desert southwest, this is our water for the rest of the year. And after several years of drought we need it. They are in worse shape up north towards Salt Lake. No snow on the ground until you get up in the mountains. But still COLD.

02-03-2022, 12:09 PM
Hear in balmy Canada this morning is -31c or -24f . We have several feet of snow and 6 to 8 foot snow drifts so won’t be riding for a few days maybe 4 months if lucky.I miss wintering in Florida and Arizona but just have to hang in here for now.
Roger Smith

02-03-2022, 01:58 PM
We ended up with 6 inches of snow. The freezing drizzle did not impact us greatly. Traffic is out and about, but moving slow.

With this 6 inches, plus the 14 inches last week, we have had 20 inches so far this winter. So far, that is a record for the three winters we have now lived here. The mail carrier said that we most likely brought this with us from Alaska. :roflblack:

My internet just came on so thought I would get in a bit in case it crashes again.

02-03-2022, 04:41 PM
45F and rain all day today here in this part of PA.

Little Blue
02-03-2022, 06:33 PM
:gaah: Well we have officially, Six Inches of the 'White Gold' on the ground. The weather people are saying maybe 3" more by 9:00 am Friday morning. Let it Snow, Snow ......:yes: ....... : ) Tonight's temperature a cool 8'F. ......:thumbup:

02-03-2022, 07:17 PM
This morning I almost wimped out on the group ride to the Titan Missile Museum. I stuck my nose out the door as the sun was coming up and it was COLD! Only 37 degrees! Well, I slipped on the long johns and 2 pair of socks and all turned out well. If any of you visit the desert S.W. I highly recommend the Missile tour. It was fascinating. We did a total of 260 miles round trip. Sunny and crisp with very little wind. It did finally warm up to 59 degrees. The next few days will see us warming into the mid and even high 70s. Stay safe..... Jim

02-03-2022, 08:41 PM
but I really don't like the stifling humidity we've been getting here lately... might as well be living in a sauna! :gaah:
You obviously meant to say Turkish steam bath, didn't you? :lecturef_smilie: A genuine sauna, Finnish style, is 80 to 100° C and only about 5 to 20% humidity! The most invigorating and relaxing bathing experience one could ever ask for. Especially in the winter when you jump from a 180° F sauna into a 28° F snowbank! :yes:

02-03-2022, 10:15 PM
The temp in Carson City, NV got to 47 degrees this afternoon.
I rode 120mi just to check out my DIY heated jacket and gloves.
They worked fantastically!!!

Little Blue
02-04-2022, 07:27 AM
:coffee: Well yesterday's snow storm was a beautiful sight to see. There is 6" of Snow on the ground. Today's cleaning the driveway is going to be another grand project. ....:banghead:
Currently it is a cold morning and 17°F.
High today only 18°F and cloudy. Low of 0°F.
Have a Happy Friday and Stay Safe. ......:thumbup:

Snow Report : 6"

02-04-2022, 01:29 PM
The storm has finally moved past us. We got another 6 inches of snow on top of what was mentioned earlier. Still no bad icing. Today, sunshine, blue sky, 26, heading for 35...but it feels like zero with the wind coming from the North. We ended up with about a foot of snow in total with this storm. That is two feet of snow in the last couple of weeks. I am thinking a record for our part of the state.

Supposed to be in the mid forties tomorrow and beyond for the next week. We should be back to grass in about a week. I am glad it comes and goes so fast. :yes:

02-04-2022, 06:39 PM
We got the storm here last night, and it continued into today.

We got about 16 inches of snow. Tonight temps are supposed to drop to below zero, and into Saturday. Then on Sunday the temps will be in the 20's. Then next week, the temps will be in the 30's and 40's and no big storms in site. :clap:

( Off topic, I am going to ride my sled next week!).


Little Blue
02-05-2022, 06:38 AM
:coffee: Well to all of you who have a motorized sled. I hope you got some good snow and now have tons of fun.
Currently 3°F here and the WC makes feel like -5°F. ... : ).

02-05-2022, 07:21 AM
Here in Lincoln Nebraska we have been in the teens during the day and below zero at night. However starting today we will be back up into the 50s for a few days. Here we say if you don’t like the weather wait till tomorrow.

02-05-2022, 08:39 AM
We actually just cancelled a short sled trip. Everything is frozen up solid. This past storm was a real mess, snow, sleet and rain. Still cold.

02-05-2022, 11:51 AM
Today is a crisp, cool day (for us) in the desert S.W. No clouds, sleight breeze and the high will only get to 68. Then for the next week we will warm up into the 70s and by this time next week we will be in the low 80s.:yes: Stay safe and warm..... Jim

02-05-2022, 12:22 PM
Sunny 80*f, just got done cutting the lawn.

Little Blue
02-05-2022, 12:40 PM
:yes: Enjoy your Day and Stay Healthy. Currently 16°F with sunshine and lots of blue sky.
Lots of great snow on the ground but the streets are cleared off. I am able to get out and do my errands...:yes:

I am going to visit my mother and see what she has been doing. She loves to look at this snow.

High today will be 25°F with sunshine, low of 13°F.
Sunday's high 35°F with lots of great sunshine. Low of 21°F.

Snow Report: 5" + and melting.
Have a Blessed Weekend. ........:thumbup:

02-06-2022, 07:54 AM
7:50 am, 68*f and will warm up towards 80*f, possible intermittent showers but should be a wonderful day.

Peter Aawen
02-06-2022, 01:09 PM
Well, it's the start of another week here in the Adelaide Hills & we're back into expecting temps in the mid 30's (°C) today with the forecast telling us that'll likely build towards the high 30's/low 40's by next weekend despite the chance of a little cooling rain Wed/Thurs..... and just to set the mood for the week, our Sunday night o/night temp didn't drop below 20°C either. :rolleyes: . But the great news is that the Weather Bods are cautiously optimistic that the bloody humidity will be at least a little less sticky for a while! Sounds like Great Ryding Weather! :ohyea:

02-06-2022, 01:17 PM
Back to thaw cycle. 40's today and tomorrow...then...three days of 50's. The grass is poking through the snow cover again. Nights into the freezer though.

02-06-2022, 04:25 PM
Today first thing it was partly sunny, temps in the 20's above zero.

Now it is cloudy.

This week the temps in the 30's and 40's( off topic excellent sled weather).


02-06-2022, 04:39 PM
42° and sunny here in SW Idaho today! Still some snowbanks around from our December snow since it's been mostly below 32° since then.

02-06-2022, 08:11 PM
72 F forecast for Overton, Tuesday, with 10 MPH N wind...great for a ride from Las Vegas to Overton and return (160 miles)
North Shore Road along Lake Mead is constant sweeping turns.

High here yesterday was about 62 F (3 PM) and was almost two warm in my gear for a ride to Corn Creek Springs...especially walking the trails at a brisk pace.

02-06-2022, 08:25 PM
This is what that storm system left behind at my home in Tannersville, New York.

Man, I hate ice storms. The snow we could actually have used here in ski country. This stuff is the pits.


Lew L
02-06-2022, 11:15 PM

Great ryde out to Pyramid Lake with 4 other Spyders in the high 40 to mid 50 temps. No complaints as we all dressed for the cooler weather. Only one problem--- one of the group somehow switched the kill switch but we figured it out quick and were on our way for a quick 130+ mi ryde with lunch at the lake.

And tomorrow---- Another day skiing.

Lew L

02-07-2022, 07:00 AM
Wundergorund says this
Today Mon 02/07
High 81 °F
35% Precip. / 0.01 in
Cloudy early, then off and on rain showers for the afternoon. High 81F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.

No plans to take the Spyder out, except to get it out of the way. Need to prep vintage motocross race bikes for Daytona and do some work on aircraft parts. If time permits later, I hope to get in 15 miles of trail riding the off road bicycle.

Pretty typical weather for a SoFlo February day.

02-07-2022, 11:13 AM
58 for a high here today, might have to decide between a ryde to Sturgis or Iron Mt. Road. Usually Iron Mt. Road and Needles highway are closed this time of year due to no winter maintenance, but there’s no snow…

Little Blue
02-07-2022, 02:03 PM
:coffee: Well the weekend has gone and we still have some snow on the ground. Currently 21°F and sunny.

Today 22°F with sunshine low 7°F.

Snow Report: 4"+ and melting

Stay Healthy ......:thumbup:

02-08-2022, 06:23 AM
Looking like today will be 75 to 80 degrees, sunny, with the typical chance of rain throughout the day. Perfect day to enjoy all sorts of activities.

Little Blue
02-08-2022, 11:28 AM
:yes: Enjoy your Day and Stay Healthy. Currently 23°F and sunny. Looks like another good day with cold temperatures. Still have snow on my yard.
The sun has melted the frost on the truck windshield.

Need to do some errands today and get some gas for the truck. Oh yeah, gas prices have jumped up $0.30...:banghead:

02-08-2022, 11:48 AM
Yesterday 61 degrees, today 50 kt windgusts...

02-08-2022, 09:53 PM
This is what that storm system left behind at my home in Tannersville, New York.

Man, I hate ice storms. The snow we could actually have used here in ski country. This stuff is the pits.


Over here in Vt. we got 12 inches of snow. ( off topic: it is great for snowmobiling and etc.).


02-08-2022, 09:54 PM
Today the temps were in the 30's, and cloudy.

The rest of this week the temps in the 30's and 40's and partly sunny. Also no big snow storms in site!


Little Blue
02-09-2022, 05:47 AM
:coffee: Yesterday the day time temperature got up to 46°F.
The original high was going to be about 39°F. I still would not have gotten the Spyder out, do to all the road salt.
Indiana has a bad habit of using way to much road salt.
Not good for the life of the roads and diffentily bad news for my Spyder. ....:banghead:

Currently 34°F with clouds. High today 41°F with some sunshine. Low of 12°F.

Snow Report : 4" and melting ......:yes:

Have yourself a Great Day. ......:thumbup:

02-09-2022, 06:52 AM
Supposed to be around 68*f today with rain. Totally fine though since it has been quite dry and the lawn needs some water.

02-09-2022, 07:19 PM
Sixty above and sunny here. I would say 98% of the snow is now gone. Back to Spring. :yes:

02-09-2022, 08:07 PM
Had a great ride today with 4 other bikes. A couple hundred miles with a lunch break. The temperature got to 78. Tomorrow we expect the first high in the 80s this year here in the desert S.W. Now, have to decide to do pool time or another ride tomorrow? I'll decide in the morning. Too important decision to make while sipping a cocktail. Stay safe..... Jim

02-10-2022, 05:34 AM
Weather is predicted to be 75*f, with light winds and a few clouds, rain chance is essentially none. Again, the Spyder will sit unridden on account of more important stuff getting done.

Little Blue
02-10-2022, 09:48 AM
:chat: Welcome to another day. I have cloudy skies and 31°F. Yesterday had a nice day and 47°F. Got several trees that were down cleared away. One of those pesky 'honey do's'. ....:shemademe_smilie:

Today I am taking the car 'wife's car' in to get the tires serviced.
High today 32°F with lots of clouds. Low of 25°F

This is from my local area, how about you? ..... : )

02-10-2022, 11:24 PM
Low 60’s again today here so put a few miles on. Strong winds from the northwest still had a bite to them, so stopped at Black Hills Harley to grab some coffee. Those trikes are spendy, could get a nice pickup for what they want for one of those.

02-11-2022, 08:15 AM
Again, supposed to be right around 80*f, sunny with light clouds and light breeze. There may be some showers, but that is typical here and often does not happen.

Little Blue
02-11-2022, 08:43 AM
:coffee: Well today's weather has turned out to be another Grey Day. Off and on all day rain. :banghead:
I was hoping to get a couple more outdoor projects done.
Oh well there's always another day.

Currently lite drizzle and 37°F. This should melt the remaining snow and make the yard totally a mess.

High 40°F, low 21°F.

Snow Report: 1"

Stay Healthy ......:thumbup:

02-11-2022, 11:33 PM
Carson City and Reno, NV.
High 64°F this afternoon.
Rode to Reno to get a Valentines present for SWMBO.

02-12-2022, 08:03 AM
Yesterday was pretty much a perfect SoFlo day with temp at 80*f, light breeze, blue skies with scattered clouds and no rain.

Today is expected to be about identical.
Spyder will remain parked while I continue the important task of building race motorcycles for upcoming events.

If only these snowbirds from up north and their poor attitudes would be gone, then it will restore sanity to this SoFlo location. But the weather is pretty much perfect.

Little Blue
02-12-2022, 09:59 AM
:chat: YES, it's finally the weekend. So grab some coffee and enjoy the Time. Currently 23°F with some snow showers. Hopefully this 'white stuff' will be only an inch or two. Time will tell about the amount.

High of 25°F with some snow showers. Low of 9°F.
Calling for maybe an inch or two on the ground.
Sunday's high 21°F with clouds, low of 8°F.

Enjoy your Weekend and Stay Healthy. .......:yes:

Peter Aawen
02-12-2022, 11:11 AM
Sunday morning's already here in South Oz, and the temp is already in the mid 20's (°C) & heading for the high 30's (°C) on a fine day with humidity finally below 50%! :clap:

Pretty clear out there right now, with the moon on it's way down in a cloudless sky. It looks like we've got a bewdiful clear sunrise on the way, probably even a bit of a spectacular one due to the light smoke & dust that's slooowly drifting in from somewhere to the North/West of us. I hope everyone out that way is fine - and especially all those in the bad fires currently over in Western Australia... they copped over 800,000 lightning strikes on 11 Feb, and so another bunch of fires got started! :shocked: It's gonna be relatively clear here for most of the day, altho we're expecting gradually increasing cloud and maybe a chance of those thunderstorms rolling in from the West late this coming evening... :sour:

But, looking on the bright side, that means there'll be plenty of time for Ryding first! :riding: So if you don't see me on the boards too much today, you know where I'll be! :ohyea:

Cheers! :cheers:

02-12-2022, 11:32 AM
Today (2/12) is the cold one for the week. Supposed to reach 31 today. Then, back to the 50-60's. We will take it. :yes:

02-12-2022, 05:42 PM
It's been in the low 80s the last couple of days here in the desert S.W. Nighttime lows get down to the mid 50s. Perfect weather for all outdoor activities. And I don't need to turn the furnace or air conditioner on. Stay safe..... Jim

02-13-2022, 07:46 AM
Weather folks say, today will be a typical rainy day and around 70*f.
Perfect day to watch on TV AMA Supercross and also get more stuff done on vintage motocross machines, plus more.
No plans or intentions to watch football.

02-13-2022, 04:33 PM
Today here in VT it is partly sunny and cold. The temps will be below zero tonight and tomorrow will be similar.

Then they are forecasting another warm-up this week with more spring like temps. Tuesday highs in the low 20's, then on Wednesday temps in the 40's, on Thursday the temps in the 50's. On Wednesday into Thursday they are forecasting heavy rain and possible flooding ( off topic: there goes the snowmobile trails!!). Friday the temps will be colder again with some snow showers.


02-14-2022, 06:36 AM
Today is supposed to be a cool day in the 60s with winds 15 to 25. Still should be sunny with no rain though.

Little Blue
02-14-2022, 07:08 AM
:coffee: First off the Super Bowl Game was fun. Sorry about that, but my team was on the short end. ...:banghead:

Welcome to the Monday morning Frost, currently 10°F and overcast sky. Weather People are saying that this week will be up and down for the temperatures. Spring is only weeks away. Still have some snow on the ground.

High today 29°F with clouds, low of 12°F.
Everything is Good. ......:thumbup:.

:shemademe_smilie:...Oh yeah, Today is Valentine's Day.

Little Blue
02-15-2022, 09:09 AM
:chat: Today it's going to be a beautiful dry day, currently 17°F. Nothing but blue skies and sunshine. Going to try and finish a 'honey do's' project.

High of 45°F with sun, low of 37°F.
Spring is only 33 days away. .....:yes:

02-15-2022, 12:49 PM
It has been sunny and 60's for yestrerday (14) and today. Sunshine.

There is a storm coming that is supposed to be here Thursday afternoon. We could get freezing rain in our area. Then...it is going to crash with a warm front from the South and fire up a lot of T-storms which could be severe. They have also mentioned the possibility of tornadoes. Ideal conditions for that scenario, and this time, looks like it could be close. Time will tell. :bowdown:

02-15-2022, 08:40 PM
Today it was cloudy, we had some snow showers in the morning. Temps today were in the 20's. We have a wind advisory until tomorrow at 10:00 pm. Wind gusts at 45 to 55 mph, in Vermont, in 3 of the our counties, and in New York Franklin, and Clinton County.

Then on Wednesday/Thursday they are forecasting rain and near record high temps in the 50's.

Thursday night they are forecasting a cold front.

So on Friday will be the end of the warm weather, the rain will be changing over to a mix and then snow. Ice and snow accumulation will likely be limited but a flash freeze is possible Friday morning, freezing any water on the road to ice. The weekend is looking partly sunny and close to seasonable. The temps on Saturday and Sunday with highs in the upper 20's and 30's.

Rain will arrive by early morning on Thursday. Rainfall totals of a half inch to one inch could cause isolated ice jam flooding. Temps on Thursday will be in the 50's!


Little Blue
02-16-2022, 05:33 AM
:coffee:....Indiana weather has been crazy for the past couple of weeks. A real roller coaster ride. Enough with the up and down temperatures and on with Spring.

Currently 44°F and clear skies. Today is going to be a beautiful Full Moon. I got up early to see it. Just one of those 'like to enjoy' moments. .... :yes:

High of 54°F with lots of sunshine. Low 49°F.
Going to be a little windy today, 15 mph, gusts 25 to 35 mph. Also calling for a Flood Warning till Thursday.

What is the weather news for your local area of the world?

02-16-2022, 06:47 AM
Supposed to be a wonderful South Florida day. Sunshine, light breeze, some typical random clouds, and temp towards 78.

02-16-2022, 07:21 AM
45* and rain today in southern WI, but back to low 20*s tomorrow. Pushing 50*/sunny on Sunday. Roads are full of salt :(

02-16-2022, 12:04 PM
Woke up to rain here in the desert S.W. We get it so infrequently that I can't remember exactly when the last time I saw rain.
The high today will only be 62. My usual Wednesday group ride has been cancelled. The rain is expected to end by 11AM with clearing after that. By tomorrow we'll be back to normal with highs in the 70s. I participate in group rides with 3 different groups. The Thursday group is still on for this week so missing one day's ride won't hurt too much. I need to do some grocery shopping anyway. Stay safe..... Jim

02-16-2022, 06:21 PM
We have high winds. Tommorow the temps in the 50's and rain.

Then the temp drops for the weekend.


02-16-2022, 07:58 PM
SE Idaho 47° this afternoon with sun and some clouds. If we don't get more snow in the next couple of months here in the Western US we are facing the worst drought in 1200 years. Yes, that is one thousand two hundred years. Boaters on Lake Mead may have to put wheels on their boats in order to move around down there! :yikes:

Little Blue
02-17-2022, 05:00 AM
:gaah: Well Indiana has a lot of rain this morning. Currently 54°F and lot's of water areas in the yard. Flood Warning till Friday do to all the melting snow and now all this rain. ..:banghead:
Hopefully people can make it safely and enjoy the day.
I am glad that I have higher ground and generally don't have any flooding problems.

High of 55°F with all day rain. Low of 10°F.

Stay Healthy and Enjoy Your Day. .......:coffee:

02-17-2022, 05:58 AM
Raining at the moment, but today is expected to be around 80*f with a few morning showers. Once the showers pass thru, should be a great sunny, with a light breeze, SoFlo day.

Like so many other times, no Spyder riding today, still prepping race motorcycles, and I have some aircraft work to do also.

02-17-2022, 10:23 AM
Too much rain and warm temps recently, a lot of sledders are crying.

02-17-2022, 01:25 PM
Too much rain and warm temps recently, a lot of sledders are crying.

I know what you mean. I am 1 of those sledders that is crying.


Little Blue
02-18-2022, 06:42 AM
:gaah:....I got up early and had ice and a little snow on the Truck Windshield. Needed to pry open the door to get inside.
Not a good thing, but I had to go and do some errands.
Before all the crazy people are out there and making accidents. Some people never learn.

Currently 15°F with clear skies. The roads are safe to drive but you will need to be careful.
High 31°F with sunshine, low of 12°F.

Remember to keep your fuel tank full.
Because you never know what can happen down the road.

Enjoy your Day. .....:thumbup:

02-18-2022, 05:25 PM
Well Nebraska weather again. Yesterday and today in the high 50s along with Saturday. Sunday in the 60s! After Sunday at the bottom drops out. Oh well at least we don’t have 5 feet of snow:yes:

02-18-2022, 07:12 PM
:gaah:....I got up early and had ice and a little snow on the Truck Windshield. Needed to pry open the door to get inside.
After decades of scraping ice off of windshields a few months ago I had an idea! As many of you probably know, turning on the wipers and giving the windshield a squirt of washer fluid doesn't do a good job of clearing the ice, even if the fluid is the -20°F variety. The wipers push the fluid off before it has a chance to do much. So, I decided to put windshield deicer in a squirt bottle. Now I squirt deicer all over the windshield and let it set until it has melted the ice. Then I turn on the wipers and clear off the glass. Sure works a lot better than the old way!

02-18-2022, 09:34 PM
They are forecasting next week temps in the 20's to 30's and 40's here in Vt. (off topic, there goes the snowmobile riding)!


02-18-2022, 11:00 PM
After decades of scraping ice off of windshields a few months ago I had an idea! As many of you probably know, turning on the wipers and giving the windshield a squirt of washer fluid doesn't do a good job of clearing the ice, even if the fluid is the -20°F variety. The wipers push the fluid off before it has a chance to do much. So, I decided to put windshield deicer in a squirt bottle. Now I squirt deicer all over the windshield and let it set until it has melted the ice. Then I turn on the wipers and clear off the glass. Sure works a lot better than the old way!

:agree: .....however it's really hard to do while actually driving the veh. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: ..... Mike :thumbup:

Little Blue
02-19-2022, 06:36 AM
After decades of scraping ice off of windshields a few months ago I had an idea! As many of you probably know, turning on the wipers and giving the windshield a squirt of washer fluid doesn't do a good job of clearing the ice, even if the fluid is the -20°F variety. The wipers push the fluid off before it has a chance to do much. So, I decided to put windshield deicer in a squirt bottle. Now I squirt deicer all over the windshield and let it set until it has melted the ice. Then I turn on the wipers and clear off the glass. Sure works a lot better than the old way!

I am using the Rain-X WS Fluid. I will try the spray bottle Tip.
Thank You .......:thumbup:

Little Blue
02-19-2022, 09:59 AM
:chat:....Welcome to the WEEKEND. Indiana has a cold wave coming up, currently 18°F.

Just had to note this 'No Frost on the Truck Windshield'.
A bonus Tip: Spray Windshield Solvent on the night before and see what happens....:yes:

Today 21°F, with sunshine and lots of blue sky. Low 13°F.
Sunday's high 50°F with sunshine, low of 39°F.

Enjoy your Weekend. ......:thumbup:

02-19-2022, 11:49 AM
Perfect "winter" weather here in the desert S.W. It will be 78 both today and tomorrow. Bright blue sky and no clouds. Later next week we will cool down and have a chance of sprinkles. Meanwhile, today is a day to lounge around and in the pool. Tomorrow we have a planned group ride. Not sure where we're going but we usually cover a couple hundred miles with a good meal on the agenda. Stay safe..... Jim

02-19-2022, 11:50 AM
The big storm passed us by, except for a little rain. The next three days will be in the sixties. :yes:

02-19-2022, 06:15 PM
We were going to go for a ride since it was near 60 here, but opted to trade 3 wheels for the quad and play in the snow and mud in the hills instead.

Little Blue
02-21-2022, 05:28 AM
:coffee: Just an amazing day yesterday. 58°F with lots of sunshine and a blue sky. I had hoped to get out there and enjoy some ryde time.
The wife and family had made other plans. So I enjoyed the family. Life is short but still good.

I will enjoy some 'wind therapy' today. ....:yes:

02-21-2022, 07:35 AM
Another possible storm at the end of the week, every time we finish shoveling out the camp (and roof) we get another one.

Little Blue
02-21-2022, 08:29 AM
Welcome to Indiana Winter, currently overcast and 37°F.
Going to be a beautiful dry day and melt the last little bit of snow. Weather People are saying that we will have 2 days of warmer weather and then back to the low 30s for a week.

High today of 60°F with lots of sunshine. Low of 33°F.
I will get out and enjoy the Time. .....:thumbup:

02-21-2022, 12:50 PM
Lots of sunshine today in Las Vegas, but wind gusts forecast.
Should be good riding weather Thu & Fri:


02-21-2022, 02:49 PM
54 here and several bikes out yesterday. -4 today and antigel in the diesel for the days ahead.

02-21-2022, 03:29 PM
65 above here today. Partly sunny. We went for a 15 mile drive on the dirt roads on our Kawi Mule.

Little Blue
02-22-2022, 05:50 AM
:coffee: Well yesterday's sunshine was great and I enjoyed some 'wind therapy'. Rode my Spyder for a 2 hour trip. I didn't really go anywhere in particular but I enjoyed the time. This was my second Ryde for the year and second of February. ....:yes:

Currently raining and 55°F. Weather People are saying all day rain today.....:banghead:

High 61°F with rain. Low 33°F.

Indoor time and 'honey doos' ......:shemademe_smilie:

02-22-2022, 10:16 AM
Current weather at 914A CST in Stoughton (Madison) WI:
Freezing rain > Hail > Freezing rain

Sheeesh :(

02-22-2022, 12:01 PM
I don't post on this thread much - but in my area of Vt. this has been the worst winter in memory, at as far as Skiing & Snow-mobiling goes .... Very little actual snow ( I've used the snow-blower 5 times ) and what decent snowfalls were then eaten by warm weather and rain. We recently had two big dumps less than a week apart .... and most of the farm fields are almost Bare now :gaah::gaah: .... My Ski area had some decent skiing ( because they made snow ) but the recent temp swings have caused the snow to become HARD Ice ..... even the large groomers can't do much with it ..... Thurs night into Fri. we are supposed to 8 to 12in. so I'm :pray::pray::pray: things will get better ..... Mike :thumbup:

02-22-2022, 12:11 PM
In my location, we average 40" snow/year. 200 miles south in central Ill, they likely have 40" now. 200 miles north, in the upper 3rd of WI, they likely have 60"+. Ashland/Superior/Bayfield/Hurley are all likely over 100". Everything has been north or south here. We now have almost have 2" hail/sleet on the ground today.

02-22-2022, 12:48 PM
In my location, we average 40" snow/year. 200 miles south in central Ill, they likely have 40" now. 200 miles north, in the upper 3rd of WI, they likely have 60"+. Ashland/Superior/Bayfield/Hurley are all likely over 100". Everything has been north or south here. We now have almost have 2" hail/sleet on the ground today.

As a former Duluthian and Ashlander, I have been watching the last storm with interest. Looks like both are getting heavy winter weather.

02-22-2022, 12:49 PM
The storm bypassed us with its fury last night. Looks like we are in the cross hairs for a long period of freezing rain/sleet. That is one of the most dangerous situations. Time will tell in the next 24 hours. :bowdown:

We are 40 degrees cooler today. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

02-22-2022, 03:45 PM
Part of the big cool down/storm coming in from the north will affect the Desert S.W. for the next 36 hours. We had 80 degree+ temperatures over the weekend. Today it will barely get above 60 and tomorrow it will be in the mid-50s with rain all day. The high country surrounding the Valley of the Sun will see snow. Predictions are for 4-8 inches with more than that above 6,500 feet. Our local reservoirs are largely dependent upon snow melt for water. Storms like this are infrequent but welcome. We'll be glad for the water come spring and summer. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
02-23-2022, 05:49 PM
:spyder: Today we had a 38°F drop from yesterday, currently 24°F. Going to be getting some snow showers today. Maybe get 1 - 3" of Snow by tomorrow. Sorry folks that were hoping for an early Spring.

High 25°F, low 20°F with some snow showers.
Spring is only 25 days away. ......:ohyea:

02-23-2022, 06:48 PM
It only got to 50 degrees here in the desert today. The rain started a 10AM and was steady until about 4PM. The sun returns tomorrow with each day getting a little warmer. By this time next week, we will be back up to 84.:yes::yes::yes: Stay safe..... Jim

02-23-2022, 07:04 PM
Today the temps were near 50 degrees, ( off topic the snowmobile system here in Vt. has been shut down due to no snow. May be Friday we will get snow.) Last night we had rain.

As of tonight 2/23 we have a winter storm watch out until 2/25 at 10:00 pm. The winter storm watch reminds in effect from late Thursday night through Friday evening. They are forecasting heavy wet snow with the total accumulations of 6 to 12 inches possible. Where all of northern New York, and and VT. Impacts......Travel will likely be difficult as the day progresses on Friday. Additional details Snow will move in the area after midnight Thursday night, with only minor accumulations.They also saying the snow rates around an inch per hour and reduced visibilities will exist Friday morning through Friday afternoon.


Little Blue
02-24-2022, 07:08 AM
:coffee: Well yesterday's snow showers left us with a little snow dusting. Today's predictions are saying maybe get 1 - 3" of Snow by tonight. Currently 22°F with some snow showers.

Winter is still hanging on in Indiana. ....:banghead:

High 33°F with some snow, low of 24°F.
Enjoy your Day. .... : )

02-24-2022, 07:13 PM
I took a walk this afternoon to check out road conditions. This is how my road looks after yesterday's thunder sleet storm and the freezing rain. With a high of 31°, there wasn't much thawing, and expected low of 19° tonight won't help. I don't anticipate going anywhere for a while.


Peter Aawen
02-24-2022, 07:20 PM
....... This is how my road looks after yesterday's thunder sleet storm and the freezing rain. With a high of 31°, there wasn't much thawing, and expected low of 19° tonight won't help.......

Where's your ice skates!! :dontknow:

02-24-2022, 07:31 PM
Where's your ice skates!! :dontknow:

With my luck, if I tried skates, I'd hit the downhill slope and not be able to stop. So no thanks!

Peter Aawen
02-24-2022, 08:19 PM
You don't wanta do that Rowdy! :lecturef_smilie:

Meanwhile, here in South Oz, we've got the other end of the scale!! No ice at all in this neck of our woods, but there is a bit of a gusty breeze, lotsa pollen & smoke in the air, and lotsa hot sunshine! Temps are forecast to be hitting mid to high 30's (°C) by 15:00.... and I'm stuck at home doing some reno's on the house! :p . Other parts of Oz are battening down - North West Coast for Cyclones, the whole East Coast for flooding rains; while the South West is already in the grip of a mid 40's & higher heat wave.... which'll probably make its way over to us in the next coupla weeks.... :rolleyes:

Maybe you could send us some of that ice Rowdy?? :dontknow:

02-24-2022, 10:02 PM
We have a Winter Storm Warning out from Feb. 24th to Feb 25th which reminds in effect from 1 AM to 10PM EST Friday.

Heavy snow is expected.Total snow accumulation of 6 to 10 inches. Where....All of Northern New York and Central and northern Vermont. Impacts Travel will be very difficult especially on during the Friday commute across northern New York into Central and Northern Vermont.

I am hunkering down for the weekend!

Little Blue
02-25-2022, 07:39 AM
:coffee: Welcome to my local area weather news.
Only have about one inch of snow on the ground,
currently 28°F.
Maybe get some more snow today.

High of 32°F with clouds, low is 19°F.

Stay Healthy .......:thumbup:

Please post your weather news. .......:popcorn:

02-25-2022, 08:13 AM
Snowing now. Update, it's done. Not a bad storm.

Little Blue
02-26-2022, 05:51 PM
:clap: Indiana weather has been somewhat crazy here for the past days. Currently 36°F which is the high for today.
Absolutely beautiful day with sunshine and lots of blue sky.

All the rest of the snow has melted away. It looks pretty but cold. Spring is only 22 days. .....:yes:

Today 36°F/22°F.
Sunday's high 44°F with sunshine, low 23°F.

Have a Blessed Weekend. ......:thumbup:

02-27-2022, 04:50 PM
45 today, 60 tomorrow and high 60's to 70 the next three days. Happy Spring??????? :bowdown:

02-27-2022, 06:15 PM
55 today, sunny, and no wind. Got a few miles in.

Little Blue
02-28-2022, 07:43 AM
:popcorn: Well this is the last day of February 2022. The days seem to fly by and soon it will be Spring in Indiana. (March 20, 2022)
Sunday was a beautiful day but a little chilly, currently 25°F.
I hope you had a good day and enjoyed your time. I sure did.

High today 51°F with some sun, low of 35°F.

Enjoy your Ryde Time if you're able. .....:thumbup:

02-28-2022, 11:59 AM
While our area NW AR seemed to dodge the bullet on weather, parts of AR received a tornado (Jonesboro) and areas further South got up to 5 inches of sleet.

The weather is very interesting here. We have four days of spring for our area.

See you all next month. :yes:

02-28-2022, 12:54 PM
Here in Yuma, it's been unseasonably cold (60s) and windy the past week, but February looks to end on a normal note (80)

02-28-2022, 01:04 PM
Near 60 today, almost warm enough to ditch the leather coat in favor of the vest…

02-28-2022, 01:55 PM
Got a ride of 197 miles in yesterday. The high was 75 degrees. Today will be a little warmer and we will be in the mid to upper 80s by Wednesday. My next rides will be next month on Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday. I ride with 3 different groups on those days. Trying to get in as much riding as possible now. All too soon summer will come to the desert S.W. and we'll have to pick and choose the cooler days for riding. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
02-28-2022, 11:45 PM
:chat:...Thank You to Everyone who has participated and posted on Weather News. I hope you have enjoyed reading the posts and News. For me, I enjoyed the posts of Weather News from around the World.

So I closed the February Chapter and starting the March Weather News Chapter. ......:thumbup: