View Full Version : Recap of the Lamonster BBQ

09-27-2009, 04:59 PM
This was one of those events that could have gone really bad or really good depending on so many things.

Help Preparing for the BBQ-
This really went well starting with BajaRon coming over the week before and helping me clean up the place a bit before everyone got here. My trees on the drive were pretty much out of control and Ron came over and with his boys and we got a ton of work done in a short amount of time. Ron has always been there for me when I needed him and I never have to really ask, he just shows up and we go for it. I'm really blessed to have him as a friend and living so close to me now. He followed me all the way from San Diego.

The day of the BBQ Deb and Brian showed up along with Butch and Carrol and they offered to help with getting everyone parked in the right spot and making sure everyone got a raffle ticket and a meal ticket along with a Lamonster BBQ shirt provided free of charge by Butch and Carrol. I couldn't have asked for a better pre BBQ team to help out.

As folks started to show up Brian got them all herded in the right direction. From there everyone did a good job of parking themselves.

It was really hot that day and I was running out of water and I had no ice. Ron brought more water and Deb and another gal (I'm so bad with names) went out and picked up some ice.

Did I order enough BBQ and will they be here on time?

When I talked to Will and Rocko we planned on feeding about 140 folks. As the time went by we picked up quite a few more folks that I didn't really plan for. Will and Rocko said they would bring some extra and it was a good thing they did because we needed it. We still ran out but we fed close to 200 folks before we did.

I was concerned about them getting there on time and getting them parked and setup. They made it on time just fine and we got them backed in okay but I had a major power problem. They really needed a 30 to 35 amp circuit to run everything and I just didn't have it. The big thing was their air conditioning and every time we plugged that in it would pop the breaker.

We had to go to plan B and that was to steal the fan from the BRP tech and give it to the BBQ guys. Like I said it was real hot and those guys were dieing in there even with the fan. Then the BRP tech was boiling up so I had to find him another fan. I did and we were all set to eat BBQ.

Will the folks like the BBQ?

I've eaten a lot of BBQ in my day and to me this is some of the best BBQ I've ever had. It's really juicy and the sauce is really good in my book. Then I started to hear some grumbling about who makes the best BBQ and what makes the best BBQ and I started to get a little worried. I know I loved it but we had folks from all over the country here and just because I thought it was great didn't mean anyone else would.

The line was real long and I would say it took over an hour just to run everyone through but as I walked around I could hear the folks loving it just like I did. That was a relief and the boys did good and everyone got a good helping of BBQ and sides.

Who's going to do the Raffle?

I was running around like a chicken with his head cut off and didn't know how I was going to pull that off too. No problem, once again Deb took the bull by the horns and recruited some helpers and went to town giving away a lot of great door prizes. We had Oil Filters donated from BaJa Ron, Gift Certificates from NoMagicNeon and ISCI, T-shirts and bags from B2K (Butch & Carol) Hats from BRP I believe and of course a SpyderLover Patch and decal from Lamont via CAT. (I copied that from Debs post)

That took a major load off of me because as it was I never got to see the prizes handed out as I was busy running around doing other stuff.

Here's a link to the folks that won stuff.

Will the weather be good?

Besides being really hot we didn't get any rain. That was a real concern for me as I din't have enough roof to keep everyone out of the rain. I guess if I needed just one thing to go good that was it. The only reason any of us were wet was because we were sweating like pigs. Other than that it was great.

Will everyone get along okay?

Somebody said this was like a family reunion and it was. We had all walks of life there but we all got along just fine. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and there were no books judged by their cover that I could see. Maybe all we need for World Peace is a few billion SpyderLovers. All kidding aside I was very happy how everyone was treating each other and I'm sure some lifetime friendships were made this week. I know I feel a little closer to a bunch of you even though i may not remember your names, I still know how great you are to hang around with. Even my wife and son thought you all were a great group of folks.

Once again a big thanks to all that traveled so far for a BBQ sandwich and some fellowship with a bunch of great SpyderLovers. This is one of those life memories for me.

Here's the link to the pics and videos if you missed it.


09-27-2009, 05:10 PM
I think your Wife, and your family needs to be praised for allowing you to put on such a great event.

Hip Hip Hurah, for the LaMont family.

Yepper, you get much thanks from me as well.

09-27-2009, 05:30 PM
Thanks, Lamont, Chris and Alex for your hospitality. It was a great afternoon, and I really enjoyed chatting with so many Spyder enthusiasts from all over the U.S., as well as a few of us from the GWN (Great White North)! Best of luck to you Alex, in your plans to join the USAF.:thumbup:


09-27-2009, 05:30 PM
You all done good :ohyea:your Family and Baja and his Family :2thumbs: and special thanks to Dltang and BJT :doorag:

09-27-2009, 05:51 PM
This was the first event of this type I have attended and there were a lot of firsts for me. I did enjoy meeting so many of you and the rides I took were fantastic. I even witnessed the smimming pool walk... I hope there will be more gatherings in the Smokies...

My thanks to Lamont and his family for a great BBQ. We have a different BBQ in my area, but I must say I liked yours better. I think I was talking to Forest and made the comment that this is and was an unusual group of people. We both agreed on that. We are diverse, but with a common interest and love. Everyone was great! It did indeed seem like family. I was pleased to be a part of this. Thank you all! :2thumbs:

Stan Turner

09-27-2009, 06:01 PM

09-27-2009, 06:05 PM
Great time--- everyone got along just great. The BBQ was very good---- I had the spicy and really liked the sauce---- the spicier the better!

Really enjoyed putting faces to usernames--- and of course no one every looks like you think they 'should'.

Forrest, Gene and Irish were a trip to meet to say the least!!!

I would get real tired of that view of the mountains from the front porch---- yup--- would get pretty sick of that after say 60-70 years !:roflblack:

Thanks for a great event!

09-27-2009, 07:13 PM
lamonster if you had a plug and some wire you should asked you would have had 30 or 50 amp.:D i work for the city of concord elect. dept

09-27-2009, 07:15 PM
a breaker will help also

09-27-2009, 07:33 PM
thank you lamont, your family, and everybody else who has helped put this great reunion together!
hope to see everybody, and some, again next year...

09-27-2009, 08:37 PM
Thanks for having us! Everything was awesome - your hospitality, food, friends, big mountains, nice weather, it was a perfect day :thumbup:

09-27-2009, 08:58 PM
lamonster if you had a plug and some wire you should asked you would have had 30 or 50 amp.:D i work for the city of concord elect. dept

Yup----- and the pool should already be at least 30 amps----- just tap in there and that would do it.

Some Guy
09-27-2009, 10:36 PM
What?!...there was a pool?! :shocked: I saw the tennis court, but what pool?! :roflblack:

09-27-2009, 10:40 PM
What?!...there was a pool?! :shocked: I saw the tennis court, but what pool?! :roflblack:

Someone thought that was a trampoline----:roflblack:

09-28-2009, 04:45 AM
You all done good :ohyea:your Family and Baja and his Family :2thumbs: and special thanks to Dltang and BJT :doorag:

Great talking with you, Pat, HDXBones and Smylinacha. :thumbup:

09-28-2009, 07:09 AM
To Lamont and all his merry helpers!! The BBQ was GREAT everything included. The best thing for us was putting faces to usernames, loved talking to meeting and talking to Irish, Baha, and all you other great people. We had hoped to get there early enough to help out also but by the time we got there at 4pm, everything was already taken care of.
Once again, thanks, Hope to be able to make it next year>
Lamont, you and your family please enjoy the syrup( it is the least we can do for your hospitality) and if you run out you just let us know and I will ship you more.
Bill, Lisa and Tony:2thumbs:

09-28-2009, 09:03 AM
I have been to a number of these type of events with various motorcycle models (or no particular motorcycle model) being the main theme.

But never have I attended anything like this. It was like a group of old friends getting together though I've only met a handful of you before.

It was pretty amazing!

One of the things that made me smile is that even though we have immigrants from Mexico all over the nation (legal and illegal) Spanish is still somewhat of an unknown language to many.

You tend to forget this being raised in San Diego where Spanish is everywhere.

My handle (BajaRon) has a story behind it and I think it may have been Lamont or his wife Chris who started calling me that many years ago.

Baja means lower, under or below, like Baja California

The "J" in Spanish is sounded as an 'H'. So phonetically it would be spoken Baha Ron. But many at the BBQ sounded the 'J' as a 'J' because of the spelling. Being called Ba-JA Ron made me smile.

I know it's a small thing but it made me smile and sometimes it's the small things that make big events like Lamont's BBQ special.

09-28-2009, 11:11 AM
Sounds like what I called La Jolla for a couple of years when I lived in Poway. :gaah:


I have been to a number of these type of events with various motorcycle models (or no particular motorcycle model) being the main theme.

But never have I attended anything like this. It was like a group of old friends getting together though I've only met a handful of you before.

It was pretty amazing!

One of the things that made me smile is that even though we have immigrants from Mexico all over the nation (legal and illegal) Spanish is still somewhat of an unknown language to many.

You tend to forget this being raised in San Diego where Spanish is everywhere.

My handle (BajaRon) has a story behind it and I think it may have been Lamont or his wife Chris who started calling me that many years ago.

Baja means lower, under or below, like Baja California

The "J" in Spanish is sounded as an 'H'. So phonetically it would be spoken Baha Ron. But many at the BBQ sounded the 'J' as a 'J' because of the spelling. Being called Ba-JA Ron made me smile.

I know it's a small thing but it made me smile and sometimes it's the small things that make big events like Lamont's BBQ special.

09-28-2009, 11:30 AM
Sounds like what I called La Jolla for a couple of years when I lived in Poway. :gaah:


OH!!! That must have hurt! :roflblack:

But it is very common with people from other parts of the country.

How did you do with El Cajon? :roflblack:

09-29-2009, 10:10 AM
Yippee! Lookit all those YELLOW Spyders!:spyder::ohyea:

09-29-2009, 11:07 AM
I was happy I won the light kit from no-magic but when I called today to claim them they was very rudd about it:cus: . when I called about buying something they was so nice