View Full Version : Little Blue's October 2021 Weather News

Peter Aawen
10-01-2021, 02:14 AM
Hi all, it's OCTOBER already! The fat guy in the red suit'll be climbing down your chimney sooner'n you think! :shocked:

I hope the weather in your part of the World is treating you well. Here on the other side of the World in South Oz, we've been subjected to an endless string of Low Pressure Systems rolling across the State bringing strong winds, cold temps, and wet conditions with them, and only the odd fine but cold day in between each front. :banghead: Not the nicest Spring of weather to encourage ryding, but at least it's not cold enough to stop me ryding in the rain! :p Hail tho, especially as big'n heavy as it was yesterday, that'll stop me! :gaah:

C'mon Summer, get all your stuff together & bring on some sunny days! :ohyea:

Little Blue
10-01-2021, 04:56 AM
:coffee: Welcome to the First Day of October. The month is already giving me some tuff health issues. Please keep me in your prayers.

Indiana Farmers are making the most of the weather and trying to get it all done

Currently 57°F with clouds.
High today is 85°F, a good jam day.
Low of 54°F and some new rain.

Be a Blessing to someone today. ......:thumbup:

10-01-2021, 06:32 AM
Wishing you the best.
Starting out very cold here, still riding though.

10-01-2021, 11:00 AM
Happy October 1st. :yes:

Starting off with fog and 70's. Supposed to remain in the 70's for the next five days. We will ride most of the days. Will let you know if and when the fall color kicks in. The current map says "patchy." Very true. No spectacular stuff yet.

10-01-2021, 01:41 PM
70’s here the next few days, going to have to get a few rides in the weekend for sure.

10-01-2021, 02:26 PM
We finally have some heat relief, with temps in the 80s rather than 100+ as it's been all summer.

The problem right now is smoke from the wildfires, it has gotten crazy some days. Dark yellow skies and a coat of ash on the car every morning. That is starting to decrease too, but no indications of rain yet. In other words, typical Central Valley California weather.

The color looks wrong in this picture, but it's accurate. The photo is from Sept. 24.


10-01-2021, 09:14 PM
We will be getting some rain on Sat. with breaks of sun shine in the southern part of Vermont. In the northern part of VT. it will be cloudy on Sat. and Sunday, with showers on Sunday.
The heaviest rain will be near the Canadian border. Temps in the 50's, southern areas in the 60's.

Starting next week the temps in the 60's during the day.

Off topic: the trees are showing there colors. Fall foliage will be moderate to near peak across the higher elevations to the northern and eastern Vermont this weekend. The brightest fall foliage is still 1 week away in most areas. When I was out and bout today I saw several tour buses on the roads. Also saw a lot of outer state cars on the roads).

Back on topic: The night time temps in the 40's.

Everyone be safe,and stay healthy out there!


Little Blue
10-05-2021, 04:15 AM
:coffee: Welcome to Indiana and the best time of the year. The month of October will be a good one. I think that the temperatures will not get to hot.

Today's high will be 73°F and some clouds. Low of 61°F.
Currently 62°F.

Have a wonderful day. .....:thumbup:

10-05-2021, 08:11 AM
Our ride: Canyon Lake to Nemo via Norris pk rd then Vanocker Canyon, Crook City rd, and Spearfish Canyon. Colors were not as good as years past due to the drought this year and are already past peak but temps around 80 made it a great ride.


10-05-2021, 10:00 AM
Another beautiful day in NW Arkansas. 60 this AM. Going for 77 by 2:00 PM> A great day for a ride. Color still patchy, mostly green.

Little Blue
10-06-2021, 04:14 AM
:coffee: Waking up to 64°F this morning. Got 3/10" of rain yesterday at the house.

Looks like the Fall temperatures are staying. I need to cut the lawn again. The wife said You can handle the ryder.

High of 74°F and some sunshine, low 64°F

Enjoy your Day. .....:thumbup:

10-06-2021, 12:12 PM
Sixties today. The rain is surrounding our area. Been dry, and can use the showers here. Still mostly green. Awaiting the fall color show.

10-06-2021, 03:27 PM
HELLO, October! I got home Monday from 4 days in the White Mountains of Eastern Arizona. There were heavy thunder storms just before our ride and thunder storms all day yesterday. Seven HD trikes and me. We did just under 800 miles in 3 days of touring. Elevations from 2,100 feet up to 9,300. Temperatures from the mid 40s to mid 80s. Many stops to layer-up, layer-down, layer-up, layer-down. Our 3 riding days all had perfect sunny and windless weather sandwiched between the nasty stuff. First riding of the season for me and it was fantastic.

Today, after yesterday's thunder storms, it is a perfect, blue sky, windless, day in the desert S.W. Highs will be about 92. But we have a really big cooling trend coming. By mid-next week we will have highs only in the 70s. Today I rolled the trike out onto the sunny driveway and spent a couple hours cleaning and chatting with neighbors. It's the second best way to spend time with Fat Old Grey. F.O.G. is now ready for the next great adventure. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-07-2021, 04:30 AM
:coffee: Rain...Rain...Rain, I got over 2" of Rain in a 24 hour period. .....:gaah:

High today 73' F with more Rain. Low of 61' F. currently 66' F.

Stay Healthy and Ryde Safe. .....:thumbup: l

10-07-2021, 10:08 AM
Beautiful day today. Sunshine, blue skies, 70's. Going to ride some. Still green, no major color showing.

10-07-2021, 01:01 PM
Mostly sunny with a high of about 90 in the desert S.W. Winds are light at about 5 MPH. Beautiful day. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-08-2021, 06:16 AM
:coffee: Welcome to my Friday and 63°F. The last 2 days we received over 2.5" of rain. Lots of water areas in the yard. Most of the rain will be gone by noontime.

Poor Indiana Farmers are going to have to wait 3 or 4 days to get back in their fields for harvest.

I will need to wait until Monday to cut the grass. ......:gaah:

High today 75°F with clouds, low of 58°F.

Have a Blessed Day Everyone . .....:thumbup:

Little Blue
10-11-2021, 04:16 AM
:coffee: Got up early to make sure everything was good to go. Yesterday was a tuff day for me, a little health issue. They say this is normal for the treatment. Always a work in progress, I guess.

Morning temperature was 66°F, and a little fog.
High today 82°F with sun, low of 59°F and some rain this evening.

Make Today Last Forever. .......:thumbup:

10-11-2021, 10:22 AM
Morning temps low 60's. Currently partly cloudy, but the sun is also shining.

A bit breezy today. That fall "edge" is here now. Colors about 15% still. Most green except for the low lying areas near water.

We dodged a bullet last night. A line of severe t-storms with tornadoes passed by on our western side. OK had at least four tornadoes near the Joplin area.

10-11-2021, 03:45 PM
Mid 80s today in the desert S.W. No clouds. Cooling down to the 70s on Tuesday and Wednesday. In advance of the "cold" front we are having a windy afternoon with winds reaching 30-40 mph and possibly some blowing dust. After Wednesday we will start warming up and will get back to the low 90s by the weekend. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-12-2021, 04:34 AM
:coffee: Good Morning and Happy Tuesday to you. 61°F and clear. Received another .5" of rain yesterday. Maybe get some grass cut on Friday.

High today 68°F with clouds, low of 51°F.

Stay Healthy. ......:thumbup:

10-12-2021, 08:52 AM
First freeze of the year, along with Winter Storm Warnings just west of here. Supposed to get 3 plus inches of rain out of the storm, which we need. Don’t think I’ll be on the Spyder until this weekend.

10-12-2021, 09:08 AM
The seasons are well into their chage here in central Utah. The leaves in full bloom with beautiful rich colors. There is definately gold in them thar hills with all the Aspens showing off. Last week was nice but by Friday storm clouds, rain and snow at the higher elevations above 8,000 feet had come in. Last night and today a real fall storm with rain,cold, cold winds and snow even down into the valleys. For many it is time to find the cover,garage parking space, battery maintainer, and check on winter accomodations down South. Colors are fading fast and after this storm the leaves will be falling fast. Bundle up kiddies this winter could be a rough one.

Little Blue
10-13-2021, 04:42 AM
:coffee: Good Morning to you. Indiana weather is starting to slowly change to the cooler temperatures. The rain has been very heavy and cold. We are having an early Fall.

High today 77°F with sunshine and 10% chance of getting some more rain. Low of 66°F.

May Your Day Be Good. ....:thumbup:

Yesterday was a good Health Day.

Little Blue
10-14-2021, 02:21 AM
:pray: I go to my doctor today for my monthly health check up. I need prayers for some 'good news '.

Indiana weather has been somewhat crazy here. Several cooler days and then a warmer day. I guess that is what they call Indian Summer.
Currently 69°F with clouds.

High of 79°F with some sun, low of 61°F with rain in the evening.

Enjoy your Weather. ....:thumbup:

10-14-2021, 10:26 AM
Headed for a week of 60's. Been raining on and off the last couple days. Still no fall color to speak of. Leaves are falling, but most of the trees are still green.

Little Blue
10-15-2021, 03:55 AM
:coffee: So far all Rain day here in Indiana. :banghead:...:banghead:
Currently Raining and 65°F. ....:ohyea:

High today of 71°F with lots of water areas. Low of 45°F and some more rain. Indiana Farmers are having a hard time getting the Harvest in this Season.

Be a Blessing to Someone Today. .....:thumbup:

Doctor visit was great and everything was good to go.
Thanks for the Prayers

10-15-2021, 05:53 AM
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Nebraska. Furnace in the morning and air-conditioning in the afternoon:gaah:

10-15-2021, 09:31 AM
Back up near 70 this weekend after our first snowstorm. I feel a ride coming on this weekend if the Spyder gets out of the shop (routine maintenance)

10-15-2021, 09:37 AM
:pray: I go to my doctor today for my monthly health check up. I need prayers for some 'good news '.

Indiana weather has been somewhat crazy here. Several cooler days and then a warmer day. I guess that is what they call Indian Summer.
Currently 69°F with clouds.

High of 79°F with some sun, low of 61°F with rain in the evening.

Enjoy your Weather. ....:thumbup:I hope you got good news yesterday and that you are making positive progress.

Little Blue
10-15-2021, 10:24 AM
:ohyea: Monthly Doctor visit was 'Everything is Good To Go at this Time'. Keep those :pray:..:pray:....coming. Thank You. .......:thumbup:

Little Blue
10-16-2021, 03:37 AM
:coffee: Welcome to the WEEKEND. Three-day rain is finally
Over. ......:yes:...:clap:

Indiana has been hit with the most rain ever. My Farmers have been saying that this season has been somewhat difficult and almost every day I has been a challenge.

High today will be 57°F with some clouds. Low of 43°F. Current temperature is 50°F.

Have a Blessed Weekend. ......:thumbup:

10-16-2021, 02:46 PM
Did another 100 today. Temp hovering around 60. Cool breezes up on the mountains that contained that winter "chill" we know so well.

Some of the trees are losing their leaves. Most are still green. Fall color is really slow to kick in around here. Small patches, but not full color change yet.

We put on our mesh jackets for the first time in months today. Turns out we needed more. For the next ride: The winter jackets are out now. Also gone are the fingerless gloves. :bowdown:

10-17-2021, 02:12 PM
The weather this week day time temps in the 50's and cloudy, night time temps in the 40's.

(off topic: the fall foliage is past the peak).


10-17-2021, 04:13 PM
It’s 78 degrees, no wind and sun, and I chose this weekend to get the 29k checkup done. :banghead:

Little Blue
10-18-2021, 03:40 AM
:coffee: Welcome to Indiana and a little chilly starting out this morning. Currently 41°F. The yard is to wet to cut. We will wait another day. Some people cut their grass on Sunday and it left muddy tire tracks.

High today 70°F with sun. Low of 41°F.

Going to be a beautiful Day. ......:thumbup:

Little Blue
10-19-2021, 04:34 AM
:coffee: A little bit of a warm up day. Currently cool at
Going to be 72°F and sunny, low of 45°F.
Maybe the yard will dry out and I can cut the grass.

Stay Healthy. .....:thumbup:

10-19-2021, 08:56 AM
Managed to get a short ride in yesterday, took the long way back from the shop. It was a 78 degree day, but now another round of winter coming through. Might be Friday before the Spyder gets out again.

10-19-2021, 03:11 PM
Temperatures in the desert S.W. are in the low 80s pretty much each day. Some of my Snowbird friends have flocked back to the valley for the winter. On Sunday we rode about 200 miles up into the mountains. Looked at some of the small towns that had major flooding problems a couple months ago. Still evidence and sandbags in many places. Tomorrow we have a 300+ mile ride planned. Going up over some mountains and down to Camp Verde and on to Sedona for lunch. It's a beautiful ride and one of my favorites. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-20-2021, 04:05 AM
:coffee: A Sunshine morning to you currently 46°F. Sunrise is at 8:00am this morning here in Indiana.

The yard has dried up some and I was able to get most of the grass cut yesterday. The wet areas will be tackled today. Next chance of rain is Saturday. There is always work to be done when you own your own home.

High of 73°F with lots of sunshine. Low 57°F.
The leaves are falling, but most are green/yellow.
Several trees are almost bare. The lack of rain this year, colors of Fall is a poor showing.

Thank you for Looking. .....:thumbup:

10-20-2021, 06:33 PM
We drove 150 miles total to Nixa and back. I had new tires put on at Lamonster Garage. Left in the low 50's and dark. Came back in the 70's.

The color is a little better North in MO. A bit more showing than here in Valley Springs. This is a very beautiful ride and we enjoy going N to Branson...etc.

Little Blue
10-21-2021, 04:34 AM
:coffee: Just going to take everything in and enjoy the Day. I am feeling some what better than last week. I'm taking the time to read and enjoy family and friends.
God has been so good and His blessings has been more than enough.

Currently 61°F and a full moon in the western sky.
High today of 63°F and sunny, low of 46°F.

Ryde when you can and the best to you. .....:thumbup:

Little Blue
10-22-2021, 03:36 AM
:ohyea: I know no coffee. Well that's because after 2 years and 3 months the Mr Coffee maker decided to retire. Made in China, you know the rest of the Story.
So my wife said, 'Guess what we will be doing'. I said maybe it was time to give up the coffee thing.
Wrong, she loves her coffee and doesn't want to stop. I have stopped and started but it's tough for me too. I have cut way back.

So long story short, new coffee maker is coming today. :shemademe_smilie:

Almost forgot about this post 'Weather News'.
Currently Raining and 50°F.
Off and on all day rain here in Indiana.
High of 57°F with clouds/rain. Low of 39°F.:gaah:

Have a Blessed Day Everyone. .......:thumbup:

10-22-2021, 06:25 AM
Still good riding weather, actually multiple days in a row with no rain ! Enjoying it, sleds soon. :)

Mazo EMS2
10-23-2021, 10:30 AM
Here we are in southern WI and we finally had a freeze last night. Strange for sure, but we'll take it. Our days are numbered now, but it's some of the best riding this time of year.

Lew L
10-23-2021, 10:43 AM

MAJOR storm to hit tonight and for the next few days. No snow at the house now but soon. Most of the western US is going to get the rain and snow it needs badly. Kind of hoping for a real winter or two as all the reservoirs are down a lot. Lake Tahoe is down to its natural rim, not good. Need a couple of winters like 2017 where the local ski resort reported well over 600" of snow. Not hyperbole--- just fact.

Lew L

10-23-2021, 12:20 PM
Still in the lower to mid 80s here in the desert S.W. Monday and Tuesday will bring breezy and colder weather (70s) as we feel the skirts of pretty big and wet storm system attacking the West Coast. No rain forecast here though. Then, mid-week we will get back to mid-80s. Yesterday I joined a bunch of my swimming pool friends to swap lies and talk about health issues while bobbing in the pool. I ride my (peddle) tricycle to the pool and back, about a mile each way. Usually I just drip-dry when riding home. NOT yesterday. It was only 86 when I got out of the pool and felt down right COLD! Had to towel off before peddling home. Damn, I'm getting to be an old spoiled wimp!!! Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-25-2021, 02:57 AM
:shemademe_smilie: Checked out new coffee makers and decided that Mr Coffee was not going to be the best choice.
The data from the internet had 2 other brands rated higher than 'Mr Coffee'. So I let the wife pick the correct one for us.

She pick the one that looked the best. Number 2 on the list.

Time will tell if this was a good choice.
Any how it makes good coffee. :yes::yes:..

Man the weather has been crazy for Indiana. We had over 3" of Rain in in 2 days. It is really rainy here and we will probably have major flooding. .....:thumbup:

Little Blue
10-25-2021, 06:34 AM
:coffee: Indiana has been very wet all weekend. In 3+ days of rain we received over 4" of rain. Lots of water areas and some flooding.

Hopefully people will use good sense and stay away from the dangers of the flood waters.
Seems like some people are not very wise when it comes to what to do around fast moving water.

High today of 61°F with rain. Low of 42°F.

Stay Safe. .......

10-25-2021, 10:49 AM
:shemademe_smilie: Checked out new coffee makers and decided that Mr Coffee was not going to be the best choice.
The data from the internet had 2 other brands rated higher than 'Mr Coffee'. So I let the wife pick the correct one for us.

She pick the one that looked the best. Number 2 on the list.

Time will tell if this was a good choice.
Any how it makes good coffee. :yes::yes:..

Man the weather has been crazy for Indiana. We had over 3" of Rain in in 2 days. It is really rainy here and we will probably have major flooding. .....:thumbup:

Keurig has been our go to for years now. :yes:

10-25-2021, 10:52 AM
We dodged another bullet yesterday. All the storms were to our West and then North. No tornadoes in AR, but there were several points North in MO. We got a little wind and some light rain around 8:00 PM. Prior to that the skies looked very threatening prior to getting dark.

Today, we are looking for highs in the low 60's. Currently 55 and cloudy.

10-25-2021, 01:20 PM
Well, the breezy cool weather forecast for today and tomorrow didn't quite work out! Today it will get to 90 with beautiful blue skies. Tomorrow, it is still expected to get only up into the high 70s. Then back to high 80s to low 90s after that. We did a nice little 185 mile lunch ride yesterday to Tonto Village. It's in the mountains at about 5,400 feet. Temperatures for the ride ranged from 85 to a low of 62. Fun ride with great friends, and as usual, great food. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-26-2021, 05:29 AM
:gaah: Indiana weather people are saying 32°F for tonight.
I will try to be cool and enjoy the change, but not looking forward to winter.
I still enjoy seeing the snow falling and how everything is covered with it. It has a calming effect. Getting older has been tough and hard. Health issues are causing me to think about being a snow bird and going to a warmer state.

So, just wanted to know where I should go for some warm weather. AZ, CA, FL ?????

High today only 54°F with some clouds. Low of 32°F.
Indiana has received 7" of Rain this month. The record is almost 8".

Stay Healthy my friend. .....:thumbup:

10-26-2021, 01:48 PM
Here in VT, they are forecasting a nor'easter( rain and high winds). Wind Gusts up to 40 to 50 miles an hour. Maybe some power outages.

Daytime temps in the 40's and lows in the 30's.


Little Blue
10-27-2021, 05:35 AM
:yes: Currently have 34°F, and the 32°F did not happen. I think that the weather people were looking for a full freeze and not the lite one. The wife and I did manage to get everything done, just in case.
Flowers covered and hoses drained and put away.

No rain yesterday and none scheduled for today. .... :shemademe_smilie:

Rain tomorrow is the forecast for us. ........:gaah:

High of 57°F with clouds, low of 45°F.

Well Indiana has a new rain record for the month of October 2021. The wettest in over 30 years.
The Farmers are not very happy about this information.

Hope you have a Safe and Happy Day. .......:thumbup:

10-27-2021, 06:29 AM
:gaah: Indiana weather people are saying 32°F for tonight.
I will try to be cool and enjoy the change, but not looking forward to winter.
I still enjoy seeing the snow falling and how everything is covered with it. It has a calming effect. Getting older has been tough and hard. Health issues are causing me to think about being a snow bird and going to a warmer state.

So, just wanted to know where I should go for some warm weather. AZ, CA, FL ?????

Well I live in the mountains of N.C. My three neighbors, girl friend, her 4 closest friends here, dog groomer, barber are all from Florida. I see soooo many Florida tags everywhere I go here. They ALL say Florida is NOT what it's cracked up to be. I think you should maybe take Florida off your list.

10-27-2021, 11:17 AM
Beautiful sunny blue skies here in the Desert S.W. High today is expected to be 78. No clouds, no wind. Getting ready to head out the door to meet with my regular Wednesday riding group. Expect we'll do a couple hundred miles with a meal thrown in. Stay safe..... Jim

Little Blue
10-28-2021, 05:16 AM
:coffee: Welcome to Indiana and the cooler temperatures. Currently 48°F and clear skies.
Yesterday was a very good day for me. I got a needed 'wind therapy ryde'. Just traveled the county roads and really enjoyed the time.

There are still fields that need to be harvest. Hopefully today's rain will not be a problem.
High today of 54°F with clouds and afternoon rains.
Low of 41°F.

Oh yeah, the colors are awesome.

Stay Healthy. .......:thumbup:

10-28-2021, 10:39 AM
Where I am located in VT, I did not get the Nor-Easter ( rain and wind).

Today's temps in the 50's and sunny.

Lows in the 40's.


10-28-2021, 10:48 AM
Another day of rain and cool. (50's). Saturday & Sunday are supposed to be sunny and in the 60's. Going to do what may be a final leaf looking ride. They are starting to show color all over now...but it is washed out and subdued. No brilliant stuff. High winds have also thinned out many trees.

This year's leaf season has not been great. :gaah:

10-28-2021, 11:56 AM
It'll be 86 today and 92 tomorrow in the desert S.W. Yesterday morning I started out riding with a t-shirt, light sweat shirt, and wind breaker on. After our afternoon ice cream break, the wind breaker and sweat shirt were in the trunk. We saw a high of 80. This is absolutely the best time of year for riding here. It's warm enough to go to the mountains (only 40 miles away) yet cool enough if we want to stay in the valley. Makes enduring a few months of 105-115 worth while. Stay safe..... Jim

10-29-2021, 08:04 AM
73 day forecast today, definitely going to get an end of month ride in.

Little Blue
10-29-2021, 12:17 PM
Currently 59°F and lite rain. Suppose to be all afternoon rain showers. So no Ryde Time for me today.

The leaves are dropping off quickly so this is our last blast for the colors.
Be a Blessing to someone Today. ....:thumbup:

Little Blue
10-30-2021, 03:35 AM
:popcorn: Good Ole Indiana has a new record for 2021. The most rain in the month of October.

Currently have 54°F and lite rain. The rain is going to stop this morning and be clear in the afternoon. :yes:
May get another Ryde in for the month of October.

Today's high only 54°F and clouds. Low of 46°F.

Sunday weather is good for us

10-30-2021, 08:44 AM
Today (Sat) heavy clouds with misting rain - Temp currently 52 with a predicted high of 61. Don't think we will be riding today...
Tomorrow should be better... maybe some riding time tomorrow (or at least clean the bikes).

10-30-2021, 12:29 PM
Another month almost gone! The desert S.W. will have highs of 86 today and tomorrow with lows of 63 to close out the month. November starts out with temperatures in the mid 80s as far out as the forecast goes. Sunny blue skies and no rain or wind in the forecast. Will meet with a regular Sunday riding group tomorrow at 11:00 for an after church brunch ride. Have an enjoyable Halloween and stay safe..... Jim

10-30-2021, 02:17 PM
73 yesterday, 48 and a bite in the air today. Temps supposed to not be above the 50’s here until Thursday. I’m afraid the rides are going to start getting fewer for me.

Little Blue
10-31-2021, 05:12 AM
:chat: It has been a great month and health wise I am on track. More on that in November (tomorrow is the first of November).

Currently 45°F with clouds.
Indiana has been crazy wet the last couple of weeks.
The Farmers that have patiently been waiting for the rain to stop now are needing the fields to be dry.

Colder days are coming, low of 27°F. Head to a warmer area is on the list.