View Full Version : 9-11 one of the many untold stories

redneck diva
09-11-2021, 08:11 AM
just throwing my two cents worth in today.............. I have a friend that was a police officer in Manhattan & was at the scene of the towers when they came down. This brave lady has shared with my many stories of that day. some will give you shivers & goosebumps, some will just make you instantly cry. With everything that is going on in this day & age. what if just what if, we became a united nation like we were after that attack happened........ it didn't matter if you were man, woman, black, white, we all worked together to support & help each other. maybe one day we can be back to that type of a united nation.......

anyways........... you will see & hear many tv shows about that day but one that you will not hear about is one that Ms Pam told me of..... it is on you tube & is about 12 minutes long. please take 12 minutes out of your hectic days & watch this video & when the boat captn talks about making *the call* (about the 5:48 mark in the video) if it doesnt give you a sense of pride in what people can be when called upon, nothing will.


i hope everyone has a great day & do some spyder rydin today & thank God for those brave men & women that day.

i'm off my soap box now..............

lets ride & show each other a little respect. who knows they may show you some respect right back :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:

09-11-2021, 10:11 AM
redneck diva; With everything that is going on in this day & age...what if just what if, we became a united nation like we were after that attack happened........ it didn't matter if you were man, woman, black, white, we all worked together to support & help each other. maybe one day we can be back to that type of a united nation.......

A very worthwhile goal, I agree.

09-11-2021, 02:41 PM
Really enjoyed that video - thank you @redneck diva. May we never forget…

redneck diva
09-11-2021, 05:01 PM
yeah it is an amazing video & i cant believe it never made it to main stream media. especially with Tom Hanks narrating it

09-12-2021, 09:14 AM
Very uplifting story. This was a story I had not heard... thank you so much for posting!

And... NEVER forget.

Gina J

09-12-2021, 01:59 PM
The USA is the USA because of people like this video describes. There are tens of thousands if not millions of them, and if and when the call comes, they will jump into action and do whatever it calls for to be done. You may not know who they are, but you unknowingly bump shoulders with them every day. GBTUSA!
Thanks for the video Diva.

redneck diva
09-14-2021, 10:10 AM
that is by far one of my most favorite videos............ & it was shown to me by a real walking talking hero. a female police officer (retired & on disability from injuries sustained in the fall of the towers) that was at & in the towers when they fell.

i have watched it 100 times & get goose bumps every time. it just goes to show you. all hero's don't wear capes......... some are just normal people doing what's right