View Full Version : Brother Blocks me BUT loves me?

08-25-2021, 03:38 PM
Just looking for opinions IF you understand FB.

My brother "Blocked" me a month before the election because I supported the former President even though he bashed the man daily? (Not Political-Past History)

When someone Blocks you-you can Never, Ever , see a family picture IF he is in it Sooo I haven't been able to see any Family pictures since.

Yesterday he calls my older sister to wish her Happy Birthday AND reminds her to tell me he LOVES ME.

Now this Brother doesn't want to know me and blocked me out of his life and took away my right to see family pictures OR for that matter to have a 1st Amendment Opinion and he says He Loves Me?

Opinions? Would you take him out of you will? What do you think.

PS: He was reminded by a family member that I can't see pictures if I'm Blocked.

08-25-2021, 05:00 PM
We may never know what makes some people tick. It's OK to be mystified, but don't let yourself give in to resentment. That will only damage your own life.

08-25-2021, 05:02 PM
Unfortunately, this is what this country has and is coming to and many keep throwing gasoline on that fire. If he is married, ask him if his wife would care to take a vacation trip to Kabul, seeing what is happening there after the CnC's misstep. There's a bunch of fellows there, with guns, who have a special place in their hearts for women.

08-25-2021, 05:06 PM
Sarge707, I have been in a similar family estrangement situation, its heart wrenching for sure. I found a lot of great advise from psychologist Joshua Coleman in his daily emails which are free . Here is his site: https://www.drjoshuacoleman.com/ he also has an excellent book on Amazon. Happy to share more details on private message if interested. Hang in there !!

08-25-2021, 05:32 PM
I can understand that things come between friends and family members, but a POLITICIAN??? Come on already. There isn't a politician alive that I would place above family or friends. Yep, you guessed it. I have a low opinion of all politicians. I tend to avoid any discussions about politics or religion. My opinions probably differ from yours, but then we don't like the same foods either so what's the big deal. He's your brother. Offer the olive branch and call for a truce. The ball will then be in his court.

08-25-2021, 05:58 PM
Just looking for opinions IF you understand FB.

My brother "Blocked" me a month before the election because I supported the former President even though he bashed the man daily? (Not Political-Past History) When someone Blocks you-you can Never, Ever , see a family picture IF he is in it Sooo I haven't been able to see any Family pictures since. Yesterday he calls my older sister to wish her Happy Birthday AND reminds her to tell me he LOVES ME. Now this Brother doesn't want to know me and blocked me out of his life and took away my right to see family pictures OR for that matter to have a 1st Amendment Opinion and he says He Loves Me?

Opinions? Would you take him out of you will? What do you think. PS: He was reminded by a family member that I can't see pictures if I'm Blocked.

I know how hurtful and bewildering this can be. We expect that "blood is thicker than water", so that whenever issues or differences arise, both parties will work unselfishly to resolve those differences to 'keep the family together'. Unfortunately that's not always the case and we get blindsided when family members choose ideology over family loyalty.

Just look at our own Civil War that pitted brother against brother. One of you is going to need to choose family over ideology I think. Good luck.

BTW, I think gifting one's earthly possessions upon death should reflect what that person's relationship meant to you during life. There are no rules other than tradition.

08-25-2021, 06:08 PM
When we focus on what we don't have. We miss out on a lot of joy. When someone is very unhappy, deciding to damage their own life, there will always be collateral damage. Being a brother, you are close and are bound to get some of it. But don't get caught up in the mire that results. Avoid the swamp where footing is treacherous. Stay on high ground where the footing is solid. Sometimes we simply have to walk around the land mines and continue on our way. Don't collect them. When they go off, you will always be the looser.

I know it's hard. I wish you luck.

08-25-2021, 08:26 PM
He also blocked his daughters husband and she is a Veteran like myself and says "he's Losing it?" We were never really close but it hurts that a brother would block you over an opinion. Time to move on with positive things! Thanks for listening!!

08-25-2021, 11:19 PM
Did you ever think about talking to your brother about this in person? Or even on the telephone? I think communication the old fashioned way has worked well for a long time. Good luck..... Jim

08-26-2021, 08:30 AM
I can understand that things come between friends and family members, but a POLITICIAN??? Come on already. There isn't a politician alive that I would place above family or friends. Yep, you guessed it. I have a low opinion of all politicians. I tend to avoid any discussions about politics or religion. My opinions probably differ from yours, but then we don't like the same foods either so what's the big deal. He's your brother. Offer the olive branch and call for a truce. The ball will then be in his court.

+1 for this suggestion... Life's just too unpredictable and way too short not to try...

Best of luck with whatever you decide.

Gina J

08-26-2021, 08:36 AM
I can understand that things come between friends and family members, but a POLITICIAN??? Come on already. There isn't a politician alive that I would place above family or friends. Yep, you guessed it. I have a low opinion of all politicians. I tend to avoid any discussions about politics or religion. My opinions probably differ from yours, but then we don't like the same foods either so what's the big deal. He's your brother. Offer the olive branch and call for a truce. The ball will then be in his court.
:agree:100%. Not a single politician is worth losing family or true friends over. They only care about you for your next vote and whatever they can get from you. Unfortunately this is happening too often. My daughter has 2 friends that just moved out of their house (although they should have a while ago) due to differing political views with their mom. I thought they were exaggerating until I saw their mom at the grocery store yesterday and things that she said about her own kids was unbelievable. One is moving to Texas with her job, and she says that she is so glad that she will not even be in the same state with her, and doesn't care if she never comes back. That kind of hatred is unreal for me.

08-26-2021, 09:09 AM
My brother and I split the sheet many, many years ago. Like 50 of them. The last time I saw him was at our dad's funeral. My wife threatened me if I engaged in any negative conversation with my brother before, during, or after the funeral. I have to live with her and not him, so I avoided him at all costs. Life is good and I don't dwell on our family relationship. Don't let an ugly brother get under your skin.

08-26-2021, 10:02 AM
Too ofter one person forms an opinion of another person, based on just one small part of the person, not the total person. Some times you have to except a little bad to get a greater good. That is true of relatives, politicians, and friends. Your brother and you should both dwell on that. As far as a will is concerned, my opinion is that a person only MUST leave anything to their spouse or life partner. If their children have tried to live a GOOD life and used the talents they were given, they come next. After that it is totaly up to you. In any case NEVER tell people that you are going to leave them money. It will taint the relationship.

08-26-2021, 10:32 AM
Don't worry about it. I had a brother that split with the rest of the family. It was not over politics, it was over money, as I suspect the majority of problems are. It is his loss. It is his right to not have any communication with any of the rest of the family. I don't miss him or care what he does. That happened about 10 years ago and I have not seen him or spoken to him since. Don't dwell on it at all. Get on with your life. Living well is the best revenge in any situation.

08-26-2021, 12:00 PM
My brother and I split the sheet many, many years ago. Like 50 of them. The last time I saw him was at our dad's funeral. My wife threatened me if I engaged in any negative conversation with my brother before, during, or after the funeral. I have to live with her and not him, so I avoided him at all costs. Life is good and I don't dwell on our family relationship. Don't let an ugly brother get under your skin. I agree, I didn't block him and I don't let what people believe get in the way of a friendship and if he does- So Be It!!! I'm done with it!

08-26-2021, 12:02 PM
Don't worry about it. I had a brother that split with the rest of the family. It was not over politics, it was over money, as I suspect the majority of problems are. It is his loss. It is his right to not have any communication with any of the rest of the family. I don't miss him or care what he does. That happened about 10 years ago and I have not seen him or spoken to him since. Don't dwell on it at all. Get on with your life. Living well is the best revenge in any situation.

Thank You!!!!!

09-04-2021, 09:16 PM
Just stab him.:thumbup:

Little Blue
09-17-2021, 05:30 AM
Life is to short for this.

If you are able, just let it go.

Have a wonderful day. ......:thumbup:

09-17-2021, 06:36 AM
Oh my, been there, done that. Not much you can do if you reach out and nothing improves. Try not let it impact your family and your quality of life. Blessings.