View Full Version : God bless our men and women in the United States Armed Services.

05-29-2021, 06:38 AM
Sometime this weekend please bow your head in a moment of silence for all the men and women that served in the armed services of our country over the years. Pray for the souls of those lost and pray for the safety of those serving now in these tumultuous times. God bless America.

05-29-2021, 07:16 AM


05-29-2021, 08:26 AM
I always feel that the primary way to thank and honor those we have lost in service is to pray for those now in service.

05-29-2021, 09:10 AM
A lot of our vets wear hats saying so. My dad did. I try to go out of my way to tell them thank you. I will never know what it is to go to war. But I can tell in their eyes that it means a lot to them to hear a simple 'Thank You!' Especially the Viet Nam vets.

Even if you don't agree with the war, it doesn't lessen the sacrifice that these men and women made on our behalf. We sent them, they answered the call and did their duty. It deserves our eternal gratitude.

05-29-2021, 09:32 AM
Sometime this weekend please bow your head in a moment of silence for all the men and women that served in the armed services of our country over the years. Pray for the souls of those lost and pray for the safety of those serving now in these tumultuous times. God bless America.

:agree: .... and sending many :pray::pray::pray: ............. Mike :thumbup:

05-29-2021, 09:48 AM
A lot of our vets wear hats saying so. My dad did. I try to go out of my way to tell them thank you. I will never know what it is to go to war. But I can tell in their eyes that it means a lot to them to hear a simple 'Thank You!' Especially the Viet Nam vets.

Even if you don't agree with the war, it doesn't lessen the sacrifice that these men and women made on our behalf. We sent them, they answered the call and did their duty. It deserves our eternal gratitude.

:agree: completely. I never tire of hearing 'thank you for your service'

05-29-2021, 09:53 AM
Sometime this weekend please bow your head in a moment of silence for all the men and women that served in the armed services of our country over the years. Pray for the souls of those lost and pray for the safety of those serving now in these tumultuous times. God bless America.

Better yet, walk straight up to a vet, look him or her straight in the eyes, extend a hand of friendship if possible, and thank them sincerely for their service. That means a lot more than anonymous prayers, however sincere those may be. We need to hear from you personally. Thank you.

05-29-2021, 10:52 AM
Thanks to all those who served, and of course a special thanks to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

05-29-2021, 11:08 AM
Memorial Day honors the fallen. Those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service to our great nation. Their families sacrificed, as well. We shall be eternally grateful, because freedom isn’t free. That price was paid in blood. Please say a prayer to wish Godspeed to our fellow Americans who perished.

05-29-2021, 12:13 PM
Armed Forces Day
Honors those in uniform

Veterans Day
Honors those who have hung up their uniforms

Memorial Day
Honors those who never made it out of uniform

God Bless America

Lew L
05-29-2021, 09:47 PM

A BIG +1 to all the above posts.

05-30-2021, 06:26 AM
The truth be known, we should give thanks every day for our armed forces and first responders. They deserve it.

05-30-2021, 12:43 PM
This "Memorial Day” remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice:

You were, are, and always will be an “American Hero” One of “Gods Heroes”! You served us on soils of lands afar with your blood, sweat & tears. Memorial Day is meant for “You” a day to say “Thank You” for all of you who gave your all….. because now you lie in your heavenly grave with our Lord and Savior who protects you from any further harm.
We are Thanking You, one and all, each and every “Veteran” who served and died on behalf of us in every military battle. Because of you, we have a Memorial Day. Today, we can raise our Flag, place our hand over our hearts, sing our National Anthem and say” God Bless America”.
Today, we can have a picnic with our family with a hot dog or hamburger. We can go camping, laugh and joke around with each other. That’s OK with me, but can we remember first and foremost that the day belongs to the men and women who gave their lives for us and our freedoms? Does that sound right to you? I think we should be saying God Bless America and not burning our Flag. We should not be allowing our flag to be stomped on! This is the ultimate insult to those who died for it. Instead of looking around at each other with hate in our hearts and burning down cities, perhaps we should take this time to look at each other with a renewed sense of kindness, love and respect. I believe that those who gave their lives in every war would want us to look upon each other that way.
Our military is second to none! It will never be out trained or out beaten by any other nation. “Unless”, we allow that to happen. We have for centuries had the “Greatest Military” on our planet who have defended this great Nation. I am so “Proud” of every single one of our members serving us now and those who will serve us in the future. It is inevitable that names will be added to the lists of those past Heroes at our Memorial Day Services.
Those who chose to serve in the Military, did so knowing that they may be called to action at any time, and that they may never return home. They have a grave stone that this weekend their families will visit, place flowers upon, clean around it and say prayers. The rest of us probably will celebrate in a different fashion, perhaps wave a flag, then forget it’s true meaning.
Whatever organization presents this Memorial Day service, whether it be the VFW, American Legion, Moose or Elks, it really doesn’t matter. Do it with the dignity, honor, and reverence to our men and women who lived and died in service to our Great Nation. We are living in times right now where our country is being questioned on its character. I pray that we have the courage to honor them by living up to that which they fought and died for.
God Bless all of you & God Bless America.

Written by Anonymous


05-30-2021, 08:04 PM

Memorial Day: Honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

God Bless...

06-08-2021, 04:13 PM
I never thought that a simple “God bless“ would cause so much controversy. The important thing is that we pray for the lives lost, we pray for our wounded, and we pray for those serving. Simple as that

Little Blue
06-08-2021, 06:18 PM
God Bless our Men and Women in Service to the Great USA. May God protect you as you Fight to protect our country. Prayers Go out to Our Military's Safety. .......:pray:....:pray: