View Full Version : Spyder Runs Good in Hot City Traffic

09-08-2009, 01:21 PM
Today was the first time I had the Spyder in city traffic since the canisterectomy. I usually head for the countryside to do "cruising". The ambient temperature was 91F degrees, which is 5F degrees, or so, less than it has been running for most of the summer. Our temperatures are moderating somewhat so I might not get a chance to "test" the Spyder in the hot city traffic for a while. The Spyder and I are leaving town on Friday for maybe four weeks to do a Harley ride. Today had to be "test day".

Neither of my Spyders liked to run in hot city traffic. They would stumble around a bit and hesitate some accelerating from a standing stop. The higher the temperature, the less they liked it. At cooler temperatures they were fine.

The software update generally improved the driveability of my Spyder, except for the "gust of wind effect" at 4,000 RPM. The software update did not seem to have any effect on the temperamental behavior in hot city traffic. The canisterectomy eliminated the "gust of wind effect" and now, as of today, it appears it also eliminated the annoying behavior in hot city traffic. The Spyder seemed not to know how hot it was outside. It was running just fine. I hope to get a day when it is even hotter to run this test again.