View Full Version : Question for the moderators, if I am allowed.

04-18-2021, 03:21 PM
I started a thread about exercising and masking up a week or so ago. I noticed yesterday or Friday it wasn't there anymore. If someone responded and broke the rules, why not just remove that post and P.M. the offending member. I've seen other threads that were locked, but not removed. Just curious.

04-18-2021, 03:25 PM
I think it was probably my post and for that I apologize.

Cruzr Joe
04-18-2021, 06:52 PM
you are not allowed to question or criticize the moderators (watch how fast this gets zapped)

Anonymous (aka Cruzr Joe)


Cruzr Joe
04-18-2021, 06:54 PM
NO you are not allowed, go to your room until you adjust your attitude.


Peter Aawen
04-18-2021, 07:58 PM
Wyliec et al, if a 'borderline' thread is 'recoverable' by removing one or even maybe a couple of posts, then that's the preferred option - and that's what happened to your post Plarimer, so don't think this one is (entirely... ) your fault.

However, when a thread starts out heading 'borderline' then the first few posts/responses (that were otherwise fine) serve as the trigger for others to go even further and take the discussion into areas that are not allowed here (I would've thought for obvious reasons!) at times there is no clear way to defuse that apart from closing the thread, which is what would normally happen, as you've noticed before and mentioned wyliec.

But when more than one of those 'going even further' posts refers back to earlier posts & takes the whole thing to an entirely different level of rule breaking & posting that goes well beyond 'borderline', then in the interests of protecting the Forum and all the posters NOT involved in turning that thread &/or the whole Forum into an offensive all out brawl, there's every likelihood that the thread will be deleted - and it was!

Remember, the Mods are here to try and keep the Forum a friendly, helpful place that's easy to use, ask questions (about Spyders/Rykers etc) & share knowledge &/or experience place for anyone with an interest in Spyders &/or Rykers; the Forum IS NOT here as a venue for political, religious, or any other type of argument that you might want to drag up - there are other places where you can do that, but they are NOT HERE!

That said wyliec, you knew going in that your question & its implicit involvement with many of the political & ideological 'discussions' going on atm meant that the thread had the potential to be de-railed and head down a path that wasn't ever going to be allowed here, even tho the early responses/posters did try to stick to the topic! But the question itself and those same early posts also raised points and used words that could readily be used to drag it off track & into areas of discussion & argument that are not permitted here; and that's exactly what happened! So all up, given that the question and the earlier responses, while they were sorta OK in their own right, were the triggers for the thread heading down that 'not allowed' path, a decision was made to close & remove the entire thread!

The Mods discuss these sorts of things, usually before but sometimes, due to the nature of the issue, afterwards - regardless, any decision re closing &/or removing threads is subject to consultation and discussion within the Mod Team. So just like everything else, this particular thread was discussed and collectively, the Team that's been appointed to oversee the Forum & posting behaviour decided that removing the thread was the most appropriate response. The posters involved in dragging it off track know exactly what they did & who's to blame for its removal; just as you wyliec, know that this particular subject at this particular time was always going to be pushing the envelope a little and was likely to end up being moderated, potentially closed, or maybe even removed. Is it so surprising that it went the way it did?!

04-19-2021, 10:26 PM
Belong to an Airstream forum. Some posts (not all) started to go sideways. Moderator gutted the thread, pulled everything, not just the questionable ones. :gaah:

04-19-2021, 11:20 PM
Fortunately our moderators are much wiser and patient then that here and are doing a great job of keeping this a Spyder focused forum. Thank you monitors for all you do mostly in the background.

04-24-2021, 01:34 AM
The Mods discuss these sorts of things, usually before but sometimes, due to the nature of the issue, afterwards - regardless, any decision re closing &/or removing threads is subject to consultation and discussion within the Mod Team. So just like everything else, this particular thread was discussed and collectively, the Team that's been appointed to oversee the Forum & posting behaviour decided that removing the thread was the most appropriate response. The posters involved in dragging it off track know exactly what they did & who's to blame for its removal; just as you wyliec, know that this particular subject at this particular time was always going to be pushing the envelope a little and was likely to end up being moderated, potentially closed, or maybe even removed. Is it so surprising that it went the way it did?!

If this is the case in this situation, what's the case where a moderator takes offence at a comment, regarding it as a 'staff insult'? If a moderator takes an unintended personal offence at a post should s(he) not get opinions from other moderators before slapping an 'Infraction' on the posting member? Or doesn't such consultation need to happen in such a case?

Just curious. :cheers:

Peter Aawen
04-24-2021, 02:56 AM
Such consultation still does take place Freddy, and it did for your recent post/s too - but you hafta realise that as Moderators, we too have a set of Rules to work under AND oversight of our decisions... and sometimes, as in your recent case, your previous 'pushing of the boundaries' meant that enough of those consulted &/or overseeing these decisions felt that in this most recent incident, you definitely had overstepped the mark, so there's really only one person to blame - and it isn't any of the Mod/Admin Team :rolleyes:

Ps: you might want to carefully check out the Rules before posting again/in reply.... ;) ;)

04-24-2021, 07:04 PM
Wyliec et al, if a 'borderline' thread is 'recoverable' by removing one or even maybe a couple of posts, then that's the preferred option - and that's what happened to your post Plarimer, so don't think this one is (entirely... ) your fault.

However, when a thread starts out heading 'borderline' then the first few posts/responses (that were otherwise fine) serve as the trigger for others to go even further and take the discussion into areas that are not allowed here (I would've thought for obvious reasons!) at times there is no clear way to defuse that apart from closing the thread, which is what would normally happen, as you've noticed before and mentioned wyliec.

But when more than one of those 'going even further' posts refers back to earlier posts & takes the whole thing to an entirely different level of rule breaking & posting that goes well beyond 'borderline', then in the interests of protecting the Forum and all the posters NOT involved in turning that thread &/or the whole Forum into an offensive all out brawl, there's every likelihood that the thread will be deleted - and it was!

Remember, the Mods are here to try and keep the Forum a friendly, helpful place that's easy to use, ask questions (about Spyders/Rykers etc) & share knowledge &/or experience place for anyone with an interest in Spyders &/or Rykers; the Forum IS NOT here as a venue for political, religious, or any other type of argument that you might want to drag up - there are other places where you can do that, but they are NOT HERE!

That said wyliec, you knew going in that your question & its implicit involvement with many of the political & ideological 'discussions' going on atm meant that the thread had the potential to be de-railed and head down a path that wasn't ever going to be allowed here, even tho the early responses/posters did try to stick to the topic! But the question itself and those same early posts also raised points and used words that could readily be used to drag it off track & into areas of discussion & argument that are not permitted here; and that's exactly what happened! So all up, given that the question and the earlier responses, while they were sorta OK in their own right, were the triggers for the thread heading down that 'not allowed' path, a decision was made to close & remove the entire thread!

The Mods discuss these sorts of things, usually before but sometimes, due to the nature of the issue, afterwards - regardless, any decision re closing &/or removing threads is subject to consultation and discussion within the Mod Team. So just like everything else, this particular thread was discussed and collectively, the Team that's been appointed to oversee the Forum & posting behaviour decided that removing the thread was the most appropriate response. The posters involved in dragging it off track know exactly what they did & who's to blame for its removal; just as you wyliec, know that this particular subject at this particular time was always going to be pushing the envelope a little and was likely to end up being moderated, potentially closed, or maybe even removed. Is it so surprising that it went the way it did?!

Geez, I'm sorry I missed that one. Anyone have a screenshot...? Can't imagine what would have been so controversial!

04-24-2021, 07:53 PM
It was my post.


Thanks Freddy. All I can say is that it's been my experience that when I've gotten into a heated debate and been admonished by an administrator, once I cool down I can see their point of view. I don't always agree with them even then, but at least I can see that my comments weren't the kindest or wisest and if I want to belong to this community I need to observe someone else's rules. The rules aren't perfect, but they are well considered I think and have evolved over the years and based on moderators' experience. Let's face it, some of us can be pretty ornery at times, and that's just not good for the community as a whole.

Take a break, chill out for awhile and consider what you would say to that person should you meet them in person some time (which you very well might).

04-24-2021, 09:09 PM
Heated debate - yeah, check it out.


Peter Aawen
04-24-2021, 09:37 PM
C'mon Freddy, give it a rest! You were mildly rebuked in that thread, but you insisted upon taking it further so you earned yourself an infraction, and now you are arguing about it. Just accept it and get on with life - I don't know about all the other Mods at this time of their night, but it's ANZAC Day here so I've got a lot of better things to be doing; and on top of that, I certainly don't have the time or energy to continue this particular discussion! Besides, this is a Spyder Forum, no-one else is really interested! Just let it go!

04-24-2021, 11:12 PM
:agree: :thumbup: :bdh:

04-25-2021, 11:24 AM
A subtle request........................................... ..........................................


04-26-2021, 05:43 AM
The only forum that can breathe the word is over on TrikeTalk, and that's all I'm saying. I do not want to get into trouble here. If this comment is over the top, I have no problem with the mods dumping it.

04-26-2021, 07:32 AM
This thread has more than reached its usefullness. We are going to close it for now.