View Full Version : Hope I didn't make a huge mistake!!!

03-26-2021, 09:59 PM
Traded Indian Chieftain Deluxe for 2020 Spyder Limited for health reasons. BUT!! The Indian
was super easy to connect android phone Bluetooth. I used phone for Google maps, music.
Also used a memory stick loaded with music. All of it hooked up through Indian controls and speakers!
No such luck with BRP connect. I don't want to use BRP Connect. I haven't heard much good about it.. HELP PLEASE. Also can't get phone bluetooth paired up.

03-26-2021, 10:22 PM
Ditch the BRP connect and contact Motorcycle Dave, he's a sponsor here on SL. He can set you up with everything you want and + more. I use Sena for everything I need.

03-26-2021, 10:31 PM
Did you get an F3 or RT?

03-26-2021, 10:44 PM
Apple Car Play and Android Auto have been out longer and used by millions more. BRP Connect is still very new and many users can't even figure out how to connect their phone. When connected it works fine.

03-27-2021, 12:25 AM
Ok, thanks

03-27-2021, 12:26 AM
I bought an RT.

03-27-2021, 12:32 AM
Yes, I can't get my android phone to connect to Bluetooth. It was so easy with my other motorcycle. I think I'll really like the Spyder RT, but I need my phone and music hooked up.

03-27-2021, 12:44 AM
Ok thanks. I'm not familiar with forums. Hope I'm answering everyone correctly.

Peter Aawen
03-27-2021, 01:11 AM
..... Hope I'm answering everyone correctly.

Don't worry about it too much SpyderJerry, each thread is effectively a 'conversation' made up of a collection of posts - so it's meant to be read as a whole; and if you're still/really concerned, all you need to do most of the time is put the username from the specific post you're replying to into your response, just like I have in this sentence.... ;)

Or you can use the 'Reply with Quote' button to actually include a quote/copy of the post you are replying to in your reply.... just like I have above; only please bear in mind that everybody has very likely just read the post you're quoting, so instead of parroting the entire thing back at them, it's only polite to edit out the unnecessary parts as I have done above! :thumbup: . Only if you do choose to do that, please try to leave the 'Quote' delimiters at each end, AND the square brackets on either side of them completely intact - they NEED to appear before & after each 'quoted reply' as shown here: [.QUOTE] ...the text you should edit to remove any unnecessary text/info from, leaving ONLY the bits critical for your reply to make sense... [/.QUOTE] (I've added the '.'s before each underlined QUOTE just so the software doesn't read/take the command & apply it, hiding the important bits of what you need to ensure that you DO NOT EDIT OUT! ;) )

As for making a mistake buying a Spyder - I doubt it will seem that way once you really get used to it, altho it might take some miles to get comfortable with the different ryding dynamics - only once you do, then the Miles of Smiles will really begin! :ohyea: But like many others, you might find it easier/smarter to just ignore the BRP Connect balls-up completely alone as a poor attempt that failed miserably, and simply do your own thing instead of chasing your tail down the rabbit hole of trying to get it to work properly. If you really NEED bluetooth or a degree of integrated connectivity for some specific functionality that's not met by your helmet headset/alternative comms devices, then as mentioned by others, Motorcycle Dave will get you sorted! :clap:

03-27-2021, 02:00 AM
Thanks Peter for all the information. I'm an older guy and some of the technical stuff baffles me. I'll trudge my way through it somehow. I'm definitely gonna avoid BRP Connect if possible.

Joel The Biker
03-27-2021, 06:00 AM
Keep trying to connect the bluetooth with your phone. I had the same issue. I had to turn the bluetooth off and on on my phone to get it to connect. Once connected it works. To use the maps on the dash, you need to connect your phone to the USB in the front glovebox and have BRP connect on your phone. I dont use it. I use siriusxm for music or iHeart radio app on my phone and a separate GPS mounted on the handlebars. A new ride take some getting used to, but when you figure it all out, you will be as comfortable as you were on the Indian. Welcome to the Spyder world!

03-27-2021, 06:01 AM
Quite a few folks have had negative feedback regarding BRP connect. I haven't had any bad experiences on my 20 RT base. I Installed the app onto my Android phone, but have only used the app once. After seeing all of the 2ndry apps that needed to be installed to do things, I decided against using their app.
Many folks have said there is a process to using it properly. Something like Launching the app on your phone, then starting your spyder.
I don't do any of that. Once I established my blue tooth connection between the phone and the spyder, that was it.
I'm able to connect and play blue tooth connected audio from my phone through the speakers of the RT. I'm also able to toggle the audio back and forth between the spyder's speakers and my new to me Sena SRL without any problems. My google maps, pandora, and amazon music all play clear audio without a problem and I never launch the app.

I could be wrong or my situation could be broken in a good way, but I don't think the BRP Connect app is explained and understood properly. This is solely based on my experience. The BRP Connect app appears to be just a hub for other 3rd party apps to connect via 1 source that directs connectivity. If you don't have a desire to use FOBO and whatever map app other than Google, or some random music app that is compatible with the BRP connect app, I think just pairing your device with the spyder's blue tooth(even though it is called BRP Connect) does the job just fine without ever having to launch BRP's app 1st or following some magical process to make sure the spyder and your device connect properly via the app.

I say all that to say, don't let the app deter you from enjoying the spyder. I'm a new rider and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'm still learning a lot and this forum has provided access to a lot of knowledgeable people. I'd recommend that everyone who complained about the app, just try to connect via blue tooth and launch their music app and maps app of choice as stand alone instances instead of trying to use the BRP Connect app as a hub for everything.

.....And Congrats! Welcome to the world of spyders. Have fun and ryde safely.

03-27-2021, 07:51 AM
I gave up and run everything through my phone. AM, FM, Sirius satellite radio and of course telephone calls and messages. Outsmart the frustrations.

03-27-2021, 09:06 AM
The Indian Chieftain was always on my bucket list, but it did not happen for me. Yes, there have been a lot of posts about the BRP connect system. We use Sena communicators for ours, and don't play around with phone calls or music. Crude, but it works for us.

You will get helpful advice on BRP connect or other systems. That is the only negative about the Spyder. Your going to like the machine.

:congrats: on your new Spyder. :yes:

Mazo EMS2
03-27-2021, 05:50 PM
Traded Indian Chieftain Deluxe for 2020 Spyder Limited for health reasons. BUT!! The Indian
was super easy to connect android phone Bluetooth. I used phone for Google maps, music.
Also used a memory stick loaded with music. All of it hooked up through Indian controls and speakers!
No such luck with BRP connect. I don't want to use BRP Connect. I haven't heard much good about it.. HELP PLEASE. Also can't get phone bluetooth paired up.

My wife and I are in our early 50's so we feel sort of "techy". She got a 2019 RT last year and has messed around with "connect" a little bit. Honestly, she just prefers to listen to music from her phone bluetoothed to earbuds. Last week we both got new helmets with SENA units....so we'll see what happens now.

03-27-2021, 10:20 PM
Thanks Joel the biker. I'll keep trying.

03-28-2021, 01:26 AM
Thanks John Ruckus for your reply. I'm going to somehow get my android phone paired up with Bluetooth on the Spyder.

03-28-2021, 01:30 AM
Thanks Plarimor I agree. I'm going to just try getting my phone connected .

03-28-2021, 01:53 AM
Hi Maso EMS2, that's what I want also. I'm older than you but I'm somewhat capable of some tech stuff. I had no problem with the Indian getting it connected. But can't get my Spyder hooked up. Forums are new to me though. I've been riding since I was 19, and had every motorcycle known to man. The Spyder has me perplexed! My buddies and I went riding today and i had to listen to the radio for music. YUK! I like recorded music on my iPad shuffle for better sound quality. It won't hook up EITHER! Be safe friend.

03-28-2021, 08:03 AM
I like recorded music on my iPad shuffle for better sound quality. It won't hook up EITHER! Be safe friend.

Don't get frustrated when you can't hook up those little music players. The only way you can hook up pretty much anything other than an actual cell phone is to use the 3.5mm audio cable. You won't be able to manipulate anything on the device (tracks, volume, etc) but you'll be able to hear the tunes.

03-28-2021, 08:11 AM
Hi, too jumped (from a Yamaha Venture to the Spyder) for pretty much the same reason, and I was as frustrated as you sound .. I mean with a brand new bike, why should there be these types of issues, right? First, if you haven't done so already, join the BRP Connect group on Facebook.

What I did for the couple of months my RTL was out last year, was connect my phone to the BRP connect port - BUT use a data blocker. That stops BRP connect from accessing your phone, but it will still charge your phone. Pair your phone to the bike ... pair the helmet to the bike ... DO NOT PAIR YOUR PHONE TO THE HELMET.
Now I run whatever GPS app or maps I choose with my phone mounted with a RAM Mount. It's not using the Spyder screen, but I am no longer ready to set Dudley on fire!!!

I learned today that Genius maps had an update a few months ago that might make that much easier and smoother, but to be honest, I have only done what I described above, and been plenty content.
Once things settle down, you'll be happy with the swap ... you're back out in the wind!

03-28-2021, 08:56 AM
...I am no longer ready to set Dudley on fire!

I read that and thought, "this guy must know my dad!". :)

03-28-2021, 02:08 PM
Maybe they should rename the product to BRP DisConnect?

03-29-2021, 02:37 AM
I'm old and don't understand why any of this is important. Only had my radio on once by accident and had to keep pushing buttons until it quit. Don't use the GPS either, did plug it in once but it's way to complicated for me. Of course I have trouble answering my phone.

03-29-2021, 01:55 PM
5 1/2 years ago i moved to Spyder RTS after ~300K miles on BMWs. Knew Spyders from W's 08, so when left knee became questionable, Spyder was natural choice. I also recommend working with MotorCycleDave as he knows SENA. We went with Schuberth helmets which are now SENA-compliant. Happy with setup. Have fun shopping.

03-29-2021, 02:54 PM
Hi Monk. Well that sucks to hear that! I want to use my ipod shuffle for recorded music. But what's the use if I can't use handlebar controls to skip forward etc.! The little plug won't even fit into my shuffle. I'm very disappointed. The Indian bike had "the best" electronics ever. I'm stuck because of a bad left knee replacement and bad balance. I love my favorite music when I ride and it's not working out with the Spyder. I've owned it 2 weeks now using the bikes radio. YUCK! Sorry to be complaining, but I'm frustrated.

03-29-2021, 03:22 PM
Hi Mike0123, I'm not familiar with using a data blocker and I don't wear a helmet. Does The way you are hooked up permit the GPS to transmit through the Spyder speakers even though not showing up visually? As I stated earlier, I used a memory stick and a ipod shuffle at different times for my music. Neither one will work now. I'm "old school" , I like my country rock loud. LOL

03-29-2021, 03:53 PM
I'm old and don't understand why any of this is important. Only had my radio on once by accident and had to keep pushing buttons until it quit. Don't use the GPS either, did plug it in once but it's way to complicated for me. Of course I have trouble answering my phone.

If I can't use GPS(I'm directionally challenged according to my buddies), and can't listen to music, then I might as well stay at home.

03-29-2021, 10:50 PM
No mistake at all. You'll find you can probably sit on your Spyder all day without discomfort, unlike just about any motorcycle.

03-29-2021, 11:30 PM
No mistake at all. You'll find you can probably sit on your Spyder all day without discomfort, unlike just about any motorcycle.

Ok Terry Spyder, I guess if I don't get phone and ipod shuffle to work, then I'll just sit on Spyder in my garage next to my Victory Cross Country (I kept it) and play my music through the Vic with the Shuffle. LOL just kidding.

03-30-2021, 04:30 PM
Check a Best Buy or other electronic store for an adapter plug for your Ipod. I had to get one for my wife's and for mine but they work just fine with the adapter, we can use the handlebar controls.

03-30-2021, 04:46 PM
My experience has been identical to JohnRuckus. I was able to get the phone paired to the bike, and have never opened the BRP app again. I have a Ram mount for the phone, so I use it for GPS.
Now, SpyderJerry; I was like you. I switched from years of riding two wheelers to the Spyder this past October, and while my wife and I have enjoyed the Spidey so far (she loves it), I have had times of missing the feelings, and sensations of all of the characteristics that a two wheeled motorcycle brings. I'm getting more and more accustomed to the Spyder, and really like the heck out of it though. It's a superb machine.

03-31-2021, 04:17 AM
Check a Best Buy or other electronic store for an adapter plug for your Ipod. I had to get one for my wife's and for mine but they work just fine with the adapter, we can use the handlebar controls.

Ok, that's sounds good to me. I'll go to best buy store and get the adapter. Thanks for the info.

03-31-2021, 04:37 AM
Hi Big Lenny,Yep I miss the 2 wheels but I'm sure I'll get used to the Spyder. Three of us rode this past evening for some pizza. A Indian Chieftain just like the bike I traded for the Spyder, a new '21 Gold Wing DCT, and me on the Spyder. The Indian had nice sounding pipes. I miss that sound already. I did manage to get my phone paired up to Bluetooth though.

04-09-2021, 07:45 PM
Traded Indian Chieftain Deluxe for 2020 Spyder Limited for health reasons. BUT!! The Indian
was super easy to connect android phone Bluetooth. I used phone for Google maps, music.
Also used a memory stick loaded with music. All of it hooked up through Indian controls and speakers!
No such luck with BRP connect. I don't want to use BRP Connect. I haven't heard much good about it.. HELP PLEASE. Also can't get phone bluetooth paired up.

I'll answer my own thread. YES!! I MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!... BRP Connect absolutely sucks. I can't use my USB stick or my ipod nano with my songs on it, like I could with the Indian and Victory using handlebar controls. No front brake hand lever....and every time I ride it, it feels like I'm in a "windstorm"! The electronics and horrible wind "buffeting" are terrible.