View Full Version : Saddlebag opens on highway/jacket lost

03-15-2021, 01:07 PM
Pissed me off. I was riding Friday and stopped for lunch at a rest area. I checked (and double checked) to ensure both saddlebags were securely closed before taking off again. Twenty miles later, I see that nasty warning on the dash telling me a saddlebag was open. Sure enough, I look in my mirror and a high(er) dollar rain jacket (that happens to go along with my high(er) dollar mesh jacket) is flying down the highway. Heavy traffic, in the middle of road construction, 70mph in a 50mph zone (just to keep from getting run over). No way I was stopping to try to retrieve same. I happened to have bought (2) of the same jacket, one in a muted color in a size too big and anther in hi-viz yellow in the correct size. (I usually wear the rain jacket over the mesh for temp control.) It was in the high 70s so I didn't have the rain jacket on (obviously). Now, I'm wearing the muted, one size too big rain jacket. Not the end of the world but pisses me off that the saddlebag came open. When I stopped, I made sure I removed everything from that bag. It also looks like the bottom front edge of the bag sticks out a little bit now (compared to the right side bag). Not sure if that happened when the bag popped open or if it's always been that way and I just never noticed it. Next time I'm at the stealer, I'm going to see if they can get the bag door replaced under warranty.

Just wanted to vent.

03-15-2021, 01:27 PM
Pissed me off. I was riding Friday and stopped for lunch at a rest area. I checked (and double checked) to ensure both saddlebags were securely closed before taking off again. Twenty miles later, I see that nasty warning on the dash telling me a saddlebag was open. Sure enough, I look in my mirror and a high(er) dollar rain jacket (that happens to go along with my high(er) dollar mesh jacket) is flying down the highway. Heavy traffic, in the middle of road construction, 70mph in a 50mph zone (just to keep from getting run over). No way I was stopping to try to retrieve same. I happened to have bought (2) of the same jacket, one in a muted color in a size too big and anther in hi-viz yellow in the correct size. (I usually wear the rain jacket over the mesh for temp control.) It was in the high 70s so I didn't have the rain jacket on (obviously). Now, I'm wearing the muted, one size too big rain jacket. Not the end of the world but pisses me off that the saddlebag came open. When I stopped, I made sure I removed everything from that bag. It also looks like the bottom front edge of the bag sticks out a little bit now (compared to the right side bag). Not sure if that happened when the bag popped open or if it's always been that way and I just never noticed it. Next time I'm at the stealer, I'm going to see if they can get the bag door replaced under warranty.

Just wanted to vent.

Well that S*CKS big time ...... I had that happen once on my 14 RT but nothing was lost from the bag ...... I have given serious consideration to either attach a wire or 300 lb fishing line to the inside of the bag to prevent from opening completely, but just enough to detach the wire ..... or adding a small locking " clasp " to the top or side ..... I've seen a few on E-bay that would work nicely ...... sorry for your loss ..... Mike :thumbup: look for Item # 264745245550 for a pair ....( I like the smallest one listed ) there are other choices in this category

03-15-2021, 02:15 PM
I had my right saddlebag pop open within 3/4 mile from home just heading out on a ride within the first year of owning my Spyder; had nothing in the bag and attributed it to my not checking when I last closed the bag. I always check now each time I open either bag and it has not happened again since that single time. Touch wood!

03-15-2021, 03:04 PM
As BlueKnight said: that sucks. Your idea to try to get it looked at and fixed under warranty is a good one. :bowdown:

03-15-2021, 03:06 PM
Ouch......sorry to hear that, Monk......I would probably be even more p!sped off than you if that happened. I have to get mine custom made, which takes weeks and extra $ over stock. :shocked:


03-15-2021, 05:14 PM
Monk, I have noticed that my 2020 RT-L saddle bag doors stick out a little more than I thought they should. Mine has not came open yet.

Let us know what they say.

03-15-2021, 06:12 PM
Monk, I have noticed that my 2020 RT-L saddle bag doors stick out a little more than I thought they should. Mine has not came open yet.

Let us know what they say.

The part that sticks out is the lower front pointy part. Could be it's been that way since day 1 or maybe it got tweaked when it came open. I'm not sure. I won't get to the dealer this weekend as I'm getting my car inspected and the front tires on the RT changed but maybe next weekend.

03-16-2021, 05:50 AM
Sorry to hear.

03-16-2021, 08:23 AM
Sorry to hear that. I have heard of that happening to the F3T and F3 Limited, but not to the newer RT. I did have the bag open on my 2014 RT once. Lost a pair of gloves. Bad thing is, the guys following me didn't even mention it. They saw the gloves as they passed and thought it was road debris.

03-16-2021, 03:08 PM
Not sure if BRP sells them, but for our earlier model, very reasonably priced, a pair of side bag luggage bags. We put rain gear in one bag, the travel cover in the other bag. Since the stuffed bags fit snuggly into the molded plastic sidebag area, very doubtful you would lose anything, or at least you would have a bit more reaction time.

Works for us, not sure about the newer models.

03-16-2021, 03:28 PM
Monk, just out of interest, were the bags locked, or just shut?


03-16-2021, 03:33 PM
Not sure if BRP sells them, but for our earlier model, very reasonably priced, a pair of side bag luggage bags. We put rain gear in one bag, the travel cover in the other bag. Since the stuffed bags fit snuggly into the molded plastic sidebag area, very doubtful you would lose anything, or at least you would have a bit more reaction time.

Works for us, not sure about the newer models.

In this case, I think the entire bag would have fallen out but good idea.

Monk, just out of interest, were the bags locked, or just shut?


Just shut. I don't think I've ever locked the bags. I've heard too many posts where someone locked the bags then couldn't reopen them.

Peter Aawen
03-16-2021, 06:48 PM
In this case, I think the entire bag would have fallen out but good idea.

Just shut. I don't think I've ever locked the bags. I've heard too many posts where someone locked the bags then couldn't reopen them.

Re your first point Monk, once my RT Ltd has the BRP Optional Luggage (even partially full) stuffed into the panniers, they aren't gonna come out without SOME assistance! :shocked: . They're a pretty snug fit even when empty, and with ANYTHING in them, the little 'pull tags' on the outer seams are an essential feature to enable their extraction from the pannier; and even then it's a bit like pulling a stopper out of a container with a fairly solid vacuum inside it! :gaah: . But I take it that the RT panniers & luggage on the 20-21 RT's have changed to be much more like the F3's, that were a bit more prone to losing luggage from the OE panniers from the get go - so maybe that's not such a great move by BRP from a 'luggage retention' point of view?! :dontknow:

All that said, waaay back when I purchased my 2013 RT, one of the things the very good Salesbod told me during the 'hand-over' was to ALWAYS keep the luggage locked while ryding, cos even at that stage, with only a couple of years of panniers being part of the fit-out on RT''s or ST's etc, quite a few people had lost loose gear due to the panniers popping open during a ryde because the panniers were only 'latched' (ie, just 'shut') instead of being 'shut AND locked'!! ;) So if BRP Salespeople (who I'm sure would've reported it up the corporate structure) knew about this being an issue waaaay back then, why aren't buyers being told this now, and how come BRP hasn't fixed it yet?! After all, it's only been what, 11 years?! :rolleyes:

You don't really hafta try to answer those last two questions, I know that BRP doesn't really give a rats about things like that, look at the crummy tires they're still foisting off on us!! :banghead: Besides, those questions were intended as being rhetorical, tinged with a whole bunch of sarcasm! :p :thumbup:

03-17-2021, 12:16 AM
Guess I'll start locking the bags.

03-17-2021, 05:38 AM
Guess I'll start locking the bags.

FWIW, locking the bags simply prevents the handle from being moved. If the sidebag latching is inadequate, locking or not locking makes no difference. The lock is not a mechanical safety to prevent opening.

Secondly, you previously mentioned that had you utilized the oem aftermarket luggage bag, that would have been lost also. Anything is possible, but our experience indicates that does not happen when the bag is nestled into the compartment.

Very concerning to read so many of your posts and disappointments with such a new machine. Sorry to read this happens to you.

03-17-2021, 07:57 AM
FWIW, locking the bags simply prevents the handle from being moved. If the sidebag latching is inadequate, locking or not locking makes no difference. The lock is not a mechanical safety to prevent opening.

Secondly, you previously mentioned that had you utilized the oem aftermarket luggage bag, that would have been lost also. Anything is possible, but our experience indicates that does not happen when the bag is nestled into the compartment.

Very concerning to read so many of your posts and disappointments with such a new machine. Sorry to read this happens to you.

Story of my life. **** happens, I guess.

I've never used any luggage bag. Someone else suggested I do so. The only way I can think of that might have prevented the loss would be if I were to sew a big piece of velcro to the back of a luggage bag and stick the opposite piece on to the saddlebag wall. Maybe that would have worked.

03-17-2021, 09:29 AM
I was on a trip a couple of years ago on my ‘14 RTS when my right side saddlebag popped open. I was using the soft removable liner bags in the saddlebags. Rode probably a couple of miles that way until I could find a safe area to stop. Nothing had moved. If I had not used the soft side liner bags, I’m sure that I would have lost it all. just my $0.02.

Big Juice
03-17-2021, 11:25 AM
Had that happen to me on my '17 F3-Ltd, but saw it soon enough that I didn't loose anything (also had everything packed tight in a bag then stuffed into the saddle bag). Just luck I'm sure.....I never locked my bags, but started doing that after the bag opened, and sooooo far, it has not happened again, but I am constantly aware of my dash for "open" notifications!! I also check visually after I have hit a big bump/pot hole/etc. just to see if anything popped open. If it happens again, time to look for fixer options.........good luck!

03-17-2021, 12:00 PM
Had that happen to me on my '17 F3-Ltd, but saw it soon enough that I didn't loose anything (also had everything packed tight in a bag then stuffed into the saddle bag). Just luck I'm sure.....I never locked my bags, but started doing that after the bag opened, and sooooo far, it has not happened again, but I am constantly aware of my dash for "open" notifications!! I also check visually after I have hit a big bump/pot hole/etc. just to see if anything popped open. If it happens again, time to look for fixer options.........good luck!

I had just gotten through some construction. Not a particularly rough road but one of those bumps may have done something. I'm still going to get it checked out by the dealer next time I'm in that area. I'm no longer using that saddlebag for fear it will pop open again. If I didn't want saddlebags, I could have gotten an F3-S and saved a boatload of cash.

03-17-2021, 01:23 PM
Maybe installing a mesh bungee across pannier opening (not the door) will prevent loss?

03-17-2021, 02:16 PM
Maybe installing a mesh bungee across pannier opening (not the door) will prevent loss?

Great minds think alike, Ray. I was JUST thinking about either a mesh bungee where I could undo one side or even a bag and a single bungee cord stretched side to side. Still don't want the door to open on it's own but at least I wouldn't lose anything.

03-17-2021, 02:16 PM

Does your gap look like this? It's the lower front outside edge, both sides of mine are like this.


03-17-2021, 03:51 PM

Does your gap look like this? It's the lower front outside edge, both sides of mine are like this.


A qualified yes. The right side is less, the left side is more.

03-17-2021, 09:12 PM
Seemed like a good idea after reading your plight! Used 7/16 metal framing screws and the tabs that came with the nets.
Sorry for tilt!

Edited to correct screw length.

03-18-2021, 07:35 AM
Seemed like a good idea after reading your plight! Used 7/8 metal framing screws and the tabs that came with the nets.
Sorry for tilt!

Looks like the top section fits pretty snug in your pre 2020 saddlebag. I wonder how it will fit in my 2021 saddlebag. I don't think the dimensions changed (or at least not by much) but I'd like confirmation of that before I order.

I'd probably spread the hooks on the top section so I could "open it up" if needed. That way, If I had larger items in there, I would have good accessability.

03-18-2021, 08:23 AM
wow. That is unfortunate. sorry. The locks on my bags look a little janky. They're kind of recessed and don't look like they're flush with the surrounding plastic. Does yours look like that? I have a 2020 and figured it was due to the fitment issues that I still need to have addressed when I get my seat replaced. I wonder if some fitment type issue is still present on the 21s...?
I keep an extra helmet in my right bag, and try to keep it locked. I don't want to open it one day and find out that the helmet is missing b/c I forgot to to take it out or lock the bag when the spyder is unattended.
This is added motivation to validate that. I will try to upload a photo of the lock and bag a little later.

03-18-2021, 09:29 AM
wow. That is unfortunate. sorry. The locks on my bags look a little janky. They're kind of recessed and don't look like they're flush with the surrounding plastic. Does yours look like that? I have a 2020 and figured it was due to the fitment issues that I still need to have addressed when I get my seat replaced. I wonder if some fitment type issue is still present on the 21s...?
I keep an extra helmet in my right bag, and try to keep it locked. I don't want to open it one day and find out that the helmet is missing b/c I forgot to to take it out or lock the bag when the spyder is unattended.
This is added motivation to validate that. I will try to upload a photo of the lock and bag a little later.

The rear fitment issues are long gone. TBH, I'm not sure I've ever really looked at the locks. I reach down, pull the lever and open the saddlebag. I understand why BuRP moved the handles/locks on the 2020+ since not all have a trunk anymore but it's a bit inconvenient.

03-18-2021, 09:59 AM
Monk, My RT is a 2020 so panniers are same as yours. I mounted the nets below center for ease of access. I crimped the lower hooks and left the uppers open enough to unclip if needed.

03-18-2021, 11:01 AM
Monk, My RT is a 2020 so panniers are same as yours. I mounted the nets below center for ease of access. I crimped the lower hooks and left the uppers open enough to unclip if needed.

Perfect. I'll order a set today!

03-18-2021, 02:20 PM
Janky lock and saddle bag fitment. I sure hope the image isn't rotated. 188595188596188597

03-18-2021, 03:58 PM
ouch. Guess I'll have to look at mine.