View Full Version : I Love this bike!!

09-01-2009, 04:34 PM
Just got back to the hotel room from a great ride. Thanks honey. Anyway, we are in Blairsville Georgia for our vacation. Riding with my parents. They have a HD Ultraclassic and a Honda Shadow. Hubby is riding his Goldwing. The rodes have been great. The bike is certainly getting a workout with all the twisties. It just keeps begging for more, so do I! The bike handles like a dream! Very comfortable and tight thru the turns and with great acceleration. Have to be careful not to run over mom. I am just amazed. Hubby is shocked and wants to take it through the turns. Maybe if be asks real nice. Mom and Dad are just shocked at how well it hugs the road. Not really used to driving twisties in Florida, so I don't have much experience with them, but WOW!!. I am just so comfortable with the bike that it almost has become second nature. Hubby says the bike just sings and growls going down the road. It's a beautiful thing. Just wanted to let you all know. We will be riding to Murphy, NC then to Hiawassee, and wherever else we might end up. My parents are going to Deals Gap. We all need a day apart just to do our own thing to make sure every thing stays amicable. You know what I mean. It was funny, Hubby has the Gps and he is the tailgunner, so my Dad is lead bike. While Hubby is giving directions to him over the CB. It has so far worked out very well. No stress on either party. I have been constant stares, questions, etc about the bike. I think the others are a bit jealous. Even the State and Highway Patrol are slowing down or passing us to get a better look. Guess it is a bit hard to miss being bright yellow.
Gotta go back out to ride while the weather is nice. We hit some terrible downpours the last few days and the bike just rode on through without a wimper, that sound you heard was me, complaining that since we brought the rain gear, why didn't we use it!
Stay safe and have fun. We will!!!

09-01-2009, 04:43 PM

Big Arm
09-01-2009, 04:48 PM
Sound like a fun trip...........ride safe.......and enjoy :thumbup:

09-01-2009, 04:50 PM

Ride Safe!

09-01-2009, 04:53 PM
:congrats: have fun and have a great time see the world and people you well be the one people look at.

09-01-2009, 04:58 PM
The Spyder is Sweet in the Twisties! No worries about gravel, water, mud, etc. Just sit back and soak up the pavement!

My brother rides a motorcycle and his wife wants a Spyder. He said he is worried about her keeping up.

I told him he would get over it as she passed him by!

09-01-2009, 05:59 PM
:congrats: Great something possitive. :ohyea:

09-01-2009, 06:03 PM
:2thumbs: :clap: YES, :spyder2: still out there exciting people! Great to hear your enthusiastic comments. All the problems and such still boils down to it's a wonderful, fun machine.

09-01-2009, 06:16 PM
Have fun w/ it Joyce!:2thumbs::clap::thumbup::doorag:

Tom in NM
09-01-2009, 06:28 PM
. . . . your account brought a smile to my face. I can't imagine how big yours is.



09-01-2009, 06:28 PM
:2thumbs: That's so much fun to be able to do the riding together with your loved ones.

09-01-2009, 07:17 PM
Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy:thumbup:

09-01-2009, 08:59 PM
That is awesome! Sounds like a fantastic time, ride safe and have fun! :thumbup:

09-01-2009, 09:06 PM

09-01-2009, 10:18 PM

Sounds like you are having a blast. I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my :spyder2: on the way to Lamonster's BBQ.

09-01-2009, 10:35 PM

09-02-2009, 02:40 PM
Great to hear the positive. (I know it can't all be that way) Enjoy ! :clap:

09-02-2009, 06:26 PM
Okay, today the spyder ran like s***. We got gas yeaterday at the circle K in Blairsville. Bike did not like it. Ran very rough today and was popping like crazy and just acting very unhappy. Hubby put some fuel additive, in it to help and also put high test in since I still had a 1/2 tank of the garbage gas. So I'll run it empty tomorrow and fill up with better stuff. Otherwise the ride today was great. We went into Hiawasse, what a beautiful town! Then we went to Brasstown Bald. It is the highest peal in Georgia. The ride up we were following a civic full of oldies who would not go above 20mph and would essentially stop at all hairpins. Both hubby's bike and mine were running hot, not overheating but generally pissed off at the slow speed. On the way down was much better. Although I did through a DPS fault going down a 15% grade on a hairpin. The spyder notified me of a possible brake failure. Wonderful! It cleared almost immediately. We were on a hairpin with a steep grade and an incline in it, so I think the computer thought I was tipped over and through the code. No more problems now. Going to start out for Fl tomorrow. We are planning another ride next year. This trip with my parents was planned lst minute, they invited themselves, so this was a test, but I have to say, we all had a great time. Nothing brings family together than a good ride. I have to thank my husband who did all the planning and stressing over the trip.

09-02-2009, 06:31 PM
Okay, today the spyder ran like s***. We got gas yeaterday at the circle K in Blairsville. Bike did not like it. Ran very rough today and was popping like crazy and just acting very unhappy. Hubby put some fuel additive, in it to help and also put high test in since I still had a 1/2 tank of the garbage gas. So I'll run it empty tomorrow and fill up with better stuff. Otherwise the ride today was great. We went into Hiawasse, what a beautiful town! Then we went to Brasstown Bald. It is the highest peal in Georgia. The ride up we were following a civic full of oldies who would not go above 20mph and would essentially stop at all hairpins. Both hubby's bike and mine were running hot, not overheating but generally pissed off at the slow speed. On the way down was much better. Although I did through a DPS fault going down a 15% grade on a hairpin. The spyder notified me of a possible brake failure. Wonderful! It cleared almost immediately. We were on a hairpin with a steep grade and an incline in it, so I think the computer thought I was tipped over and through the code. No more problems now. Going to start out for Fl tomorrow. We are planning another ride next year. This trip with my parents was planned lst minute, they invited themselves, so this was a test, but I have to say, we all had a great time. Nothing brings family together than a good ride. I have to thank my husband who did all the planning and stressing over the trip.
Check that brake fluid level. Brake fault warning on a steep grade or under heavy braking is a sign that it is just a teeny, tiny bit low. Sounds like a delightful trip. Enjoy!

09-02-2009, 06:43 PM
Awesome, Glad you all had a great trip..:2thumbs:

09-02-2009, 07:48 PM
Sound like the first of many rydes!! Glad you are having such a great time!

09-02-2009, 07:55 PM
:2thumbs: welcome :2excited: :clap: ENJOY!!!!

09-03-2009, 08:44 AM
Joyce...I know what you mean about "bright yellow Spyders". So is mine...and, yes, traffic slows down to take a look, when I'm out and about. I've even had bikers slow down, to take a look...:spyder2:

09-04-2009, 04:26 PM
Finally made it back to Florida. What a trip. We did hit more rain, about 30 min from home. Not too bad. Never had the spyder out in the rain until this trip, and it handled beautifully! Hubby was impressed by the "rooster tail" the rear tire throws. I didn't get to see since I was trying to drive. Anyway, the spyder handled great in the rain, only a little hydroplaning because of the deep puddles on the road. Nothing out of hand though. I must say, with the update the fuel economy was dramatically increased. I used to only get 27-30 mpg, now I get about 37 or so. Very nice! I was very impressed as to how well it handled the highway. Now problem with getting blown around too much. Loves the mountains though. I will check the brake fluid as well, just in case. We were on quite a steep grade and angled with a sharp turn in the mix. So that probably all contributed the the DPS fault. I just loved hearing the spyder "sing" in the mountains. I am thoroughly in love with this bike! I have about 2500 miles on it now. I know it may not be much for some, but with my SV650 I maybe put 1000 miles on it in 5 years. I just wasn't comfortable on it.

bone crusher
09-04-2009, 08:37 PM
Finally made it back to Florida. What a trip. We did hit more rain, about 30 min from home. Not too bad. Never had the spyder out in the rain until this trip, and it handled beautifully! Hubby was impressed by the "rooster tail" the rear tire throws. I didn't get to see since I was trying to drive. Anyway, the spyder handled great in the rain, only a little hydroplaning because of the deep puddles on the road. Nothing out of hand though. I must say, with the update the fuel economy was dramatically increased. I used to only get 27-30 mpg, now I get about 37 or so. Very nice! I was very impressed as to how well it handled the highway. Now problem with getting blown around too much. Loves the mountains though. I will check the brake fluid as well, just in case. We were on quite a steep grade and angled with a sharp turn in the mix. So that probably all contributed the the DPS fault. I just loved hearing the spyder "sing" in the mountains. I am thoroughly in love with this bike! I have about 2500 miles on it now. I know it may not be much for some, but with my SV650 I maybe put 1000 miles on it in 5 years. I just wasn't comfortable on it.

37mpg...I haven't been out enough since the update but I hope my mileage jumps up a little too...from 30 to 37...wow!

09-05-2009, 10:53 AM
Okay, today the spyder ran like s***. We got gas yeaterday at the circle K in Blairsville. Bike did not like it. Ran very rough today and was popping like crazy and just acting very unhappy. Hubby put some fuel additive, in it to help and also put high test in since I still had a 1/2 tank of the garbage gas. So I'll run it empty tomorrow and fill up with better stuff.

Update on the fuel (and not wanting to start an octane war). I suspect the regular at this particular station was contaminated, probably water intrusion. The Goldwing, being a lower compression motor, was able to handle it but the Spyder wasn't happy at all. Lots of stuttering, hiccups and off throttle popping (No, there aren't any air leaks in the exhaust). I put half a bottle of Techron in it and 3 gallons of 93 octane from a larger station. That seemed to clear it up after about 20 miles. Since we were only going about 2.5 gallons between fueling I used 89 octane until we got home. From here we'll go back to 87 octane from reliable stations as that has never been a problem here.

All in all the Spyder ran great under the highest load it's seen to date. The engine, transmission and steering work perfectly and the fuel smell has been greatly reduced. The only modifications to the powertrain is the Hindle pipe, everything else is bone stock. So far we are very happy with the bike and the support from the local dealers. I'm sorry to hear so many seem to not share that sentiment. I know Joyce has never enjoyed riding as much as she does now. :2thumbs: