View Full Version : 2021 RT bars too close

03-13-2021, 07:22 PM
So, I'm a fat dude w/a fat arse which I know brings me a bit closer to the bars than someone who was more normal. I've installed pretty much all handlebars available and ended up with the Helibars. The Helibars are the best by far but I still feel I'm a couple inches closer to the grips than I'm comfortable with. I've got the grips slightly turned in and down which feels good on my hands/wrists/arms but I'd like them a little bit more in and down. No way I can do that unless I'm farther away from the bars. When I rest my wrists on the grips, things feel like that's just about perfect.

I've looked for any seating that would push me back a couple inches but there's nothing out there. The BuRP Comfort seat doesn't. It now appears the new Ultimate seat doesn't have a Tall Boy option anymore. I get all that. With the way BuRP mounts the backrest, it can't be moved anywhere like it could on the previous version although with a 1 piece seat, Ultimate "could" offer a Tall Boy option. (Personally, I think Ultimate Seats is missing out on some serious sales by not offering this option.)

Seems like that leaves my only option as a modification to the handlebars/steering. I don't feel comfortable grinding the locating nub off the steering shaft/stock riser. Since I have Helibars which are taller than any of the stock bars, there's more leverage so I don't know if the bars would move. (Also, the next owner might want stock bars and the nub.) My other thought was to lengthen the groove in the bars that goes around the locating nub but my concern w/that is that it might decrease the strength of the bars.

What do you folks think? Any other suggestions I haven't though of? (Before the comics start, I already know I need to lose weight and that this would solve my problem.)

03-13-2021, 08:02 PM
Send in your seat to a seat shop and get it setup the way you want it for comfort. Have you checked Russel long Day if they can help? or Call ultimate seats to see if they can help??

Peter Aawen
03-13-2021, 08:27 PM
There's been a number of Spyder Ryders here in Oz who've taken their seats in to their local 'Mom & Pop' Auto Upholstery place & had their particular seats 'Custom made & Custom Fit' to their specific requirements - has anyone tried that over there?? :dontknow:

Sure, there's places like Corbin & Ultimate etc who make some really good 'up market/high end' seats in some quantity & sell a fair few of them with all the flash leather & trimmings, but while they might 'tailor' their seats a little to suit your particular bum/needs/wants, they still mainly do seats to cater for those who fit into the fairly standard & readily identifiable 'most common size' market and they tend to aim for the top end/most profitable section of that market too; so not too many of their seats really seem to cater for those who juuussst want a basic seat that FITS, only they don't fit in amongst the rest of the crowd at all!! :rolleyes:

But there's ryders here who've found that the little & local 'Custom Seat' Auto Upholstery places will usually work with them to build a truly unique seat that suits their particular needs, caters for their particular (uncommon) size, and puts their bum where it needs to be, instead of using a std seat pan & just putting a sorta flashy 'custom' covering on it with some extra padding/padding changes etc.... :p . And here in Oz, some of those who've done this have been pleasantly surprised at the price of getting a seat truly 'Custom made & Custom Fit' - it's certainly not ever gonna be called 'cheap', and they're usually more expensive than the OE 'Upgrade' seats; but they can end up costing something less than the 'high-end' mass marketed 'custom' offerings with all the sexy coverings that is pretty much the standard fare from the big names in motorcycle seats mentioned previously. :lecturef_smilie:

Russell Day-Long & Laam are 2 fairly well known 'specialist seat makers' who may well fit into this category for you lot over there, altho they too are maybe juussst getting a little on the 'big business' side to truly meet your specific needs Monk, but possibly there's an even smaller 'Mom & Pop Auto Trimmer/Upholsterer' nearby who'd be prepared to help you? Just sayin' - surely, it's gotta be worth a shot?! :thumbup:

03-13-2021, 08:40 PM
Nobody around here that I know of that I would trust to customize a seat although some make some pretty nice seat covers. More (or less) padding isn't what I'm after. I need to actually move back a couple of inches. I've talked to RDL and Seth Laam. Both can make a 2020+ seat more comfortable but neither can move anything back.

Peter Aawen
03-13-2021, 08:49 PM
Yeah, the places I'm talking about actually make this sorta custom seats from the pan up.... so if you want to move your behind back a little, THAT's how they make the seat pan! (within any restrictions imposed by frame design etc. ) ;)

They frequently do fabricating stuff for Hot Rodders, Independent Vehicle Constructors, Prototype vehicles etc.... any one like that around? :dontknow:

03-13-2021, 09:03 PM
What if you modified the passenger seat to move the backrest lip back a couple of inches? As a simple test, take the passenger saddle off and see if you can move to a comfortable position.

03-14-2021, 08:38 AM
I took the passenger seat of my RTL to my upholstery shop he cut out the front area back to the backrest mount 3/4 almost an inch. Work perfect for me! There is a small "air " pocket in the upholstery but unless you push on it you don't see it. For me it was right where my belt pushed against & was very annoying! The best part was I could still ride while the seat was at the shop.