View Full Version : Akrapovic vs RLS vs Stock Exhaust

Martin Slovakia
03-06-2021, 05:05 AM


Hi guys,
here is full video about comparison between the exhausts.
Later in the week I will publish shorter version with sound comparison only and will add it here as well.

Enjoy and remember, Always have fun

03-06-2021, 08:10 AM
I love your enthusiasm that you put into all your videos and you are entitled to your opinion but I hate all 3 of your systems.The RLS is by far the loudest and most irritating to me.The other 2 are only loud and annoying bc you have that cat delete pipe on there.Im sorry but theres something about that 1330 engine that just wont allow for a low pitch type noise which I think would be much better.I just cant see driving anywhere other than bar to bar without that noise driving me nuts.Sorry pal but thats just my opinion.I do agree the Akrapovic is the best looking.The RLS just looks like a bent pipe with a hangar and wide tip.

03-06-2021, 08:55 AM
I wonder how the Two Brothers would have fared? True, it also has a straight delete pipe, but multitudes of 48mm baffles fit in the delete pipe inlet. Also, in addition, you can add a P1X suppressor tip. As far as true performance goes, without a dynamometer test on same dyno/bike/day, actual performance specs will never be known. Butt dynos are highly inaccurate :)
As far as sound goes, the Punisher is WAAAAY too raspy and higher pitched.
According to Ricky, RLS exhaust ranked from LOUDEST > quietest are:
3.Twin Kaos

03-06-2021, 08:58 AM
I don't believe Martin was asking for opinions ! And like him I don't give a rats ass if anyone likes after market pipes or not. I am running a two brothers exhaust and a cat delete and I like the way it looks and sounds and yep its loud. I could care a less if anyone doesn't like it. Give the guy some credit for helping people that are looking for a different sound and keep your opinions and your whining to yourself. Good job Martin !

03-06-2021, 09:16 AM
I have no idea who your comment is directed to, but when a comparison is posted, are you not expecting opinions?

03-06-2021, 10:22 AM
Like you I like the looks of the Akrapovic. Love the sound of the RLS. Me myself, I JUST replace my exhaust with the Two Brothers, and I am EXCITED all over again when riding my Spyder! Wish I had not waited so long to do this, but I was reading reviews about the TB, and was listening to others who had bought and then sold. Shoulda just did my own experimenting like you. Thanks for all you do! :ohyea: :b2b:

03-06-2021, 02:37 PM
To all who might care ..... the only thing you will achieve with any of these or any other muffler or " CAT " delete you might find ..... consider the fact that your changing something ( for whatever reason ) that will ONLY change the Sound and Appearance of the muffler ..... Why is this .... because the Rotax engine ( like all modern engines with Computer management systems ) can't be altered or improved because the STOCK computer program will Adjust for what you did and re-vert back to the original settings. .... This doesn't apply IF the ECU program has been re-written or changed ..... Mike :thumbup:

03-06-2021, 03:27 PM
I have no idea who your comment is directed to, but when a comparison is posted, are you not expecting opinions?

Opinions are always welcome/ expected however every time someone posts on SL or on Facebook about adding a muffler or removing the cat. Someone always chimes in and says increase noise, I don't like it, does nothing , blah blah blah. The haters should just move along and let them post about what they are doing and different ideas that people have. Not everyone has the same taste, It would be like me getting on here and bashing people that ride RT's. Just because I do not like them doesn't mean that others can't enjoy them. Just gets old after a while. Ok I am done :-)

03-06-2021, 03:47 PM
"Opinions are always welcome/ expected ..."

From the rest of the post, it would appear that you don't really feel that way. And the only opinions that are welcome are opinions that
agree with your opinion. Threads would be very short if the only people who posted were the people that agree 100% with the OP.

Peter Aawen
03-06-2021, 03:56 PM

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You have been warned....

Now, back on topic... Martin has posted an informative & well presented video that I quite liked to see/hear. ;)

03-06-2021, 10:16 PM
To all who might care ..... the only thing you will achieve with any of these or any other muffler or " CAT " delete you might find ..... consider the fact that your changing something ( for whatever reason ) that will ONLY change the Sound and Appearance of the muffler ..... Why is this .... because the Rotax engine ( like all modern engines with Computer management systems ) can't be altered or improved because the STOCK computer program will Adjust for what you did and re-vert back to the original settings. .... This doesn't apply IF the ECU program has been re-written or changed ..... Mike :thumbup:

Exactly...you can have RLS ...two bros etc...but none of them are worth anything without an ECU tune...in which martin does have as well as me....the tune also affects the overall sound..all in alI must say ..the RLS cat delete with no baffle sounds darn good...

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 10:58 AM
Hey buddy, why apologising??? Its your opinion, you dont curse at me, you dont use F words on me,, you just said what you like and what you dont. And that is all fine.
And I have big respect for that!!!! its better then to say.. oo yeah martin its the nicest exhaust i have ever seen and then you still think its rubbish.
I personally like it, and that is always what matters,. plus if the flames will work.. It will be sick and fun, and that is what matters to me :)
plus in Europe and specially in Eastern europe I want to be loud... It has already save my life several times.

I love your enthusiasm that you put into all your videos and you are entitled to your opinion but I hate all 3 of your systems.The RLS is by far the loudest and most irritating to me.The other 2 are only loud and annoying bc you have that cat delete pipe on there.Im sorry but theres something about that 1330 engine that just wont allow for a low pitch type noise which I think would be much better.I just cant see driving anywhere other than bar to bar without that noise driving me nuts.Sorry pal but thats just my opinion.I do agree the Akrapovic is the best looking.The RLS just looks like a bent pipe with a hangar and wide tip.

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:00 AM
According to Ricky ranking I am super happy I have went for PUNISHER :)))
as for the Two Brothers, I was not lucky enough to get around them. Even when I sell RLS, I would be more than happy to make a video for them. I think its fair and I would love to test it.. who knows, maybe one they tey will be interested in :)

I wonder how the Two Brothers would have fared? True, it also has a straight delete pipe, but multitudes of 48mm baffles fit in the delete pipe inlet. Also, in addition, you can add a P1X suppressor tip. As far as true performance goes, without a dynamometer test on same dyno/bike/day, actual performance specs will never be known. Butt dynos are highly inaccurate :)
As far as sound goes, the Punisher is WAAAAY too raspy and higher pitched.
According to Ricky, RLS exhaust ranked from LOUDEST > quietest are:
3.Twin Kaos

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:03 AM
Brother, thank you but chill, please :)
Its all fine, all the comments are fine, trust me. Its normal people like to say their opinion and many times it may sound that they try to advise or persuade you, but I know manytimes they are just saying how they feel.
RLS and neither 2brothers is not for everyone.. same as LED lights and Sounds speakers. People will love it or hate it.. its all fine.
And yea, thanx again for nice words brother.
Hope one day I will put my hands on two brothers :)

I don't believe Martin was asking for opinions ! And like him I don't give a rats ass if anyone likes after market pipes or not. I am running a two brothers exhaust and a cat delete and I like the way it looks and sounds and yep its loud. I could care a less if anyone doesn't like it. Give the guy some credit for helping people that are looking for a different sound and keep your opinions and your whining to yourself. Good job Martin !

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:05 AM
I have no idea who your comment is directed to, but when a comparison is posted, are you not expecting opinions?

true :) buuut chill troop, its all fine :)
Martin the vlogger is in ZEN mode ever since twins came to the life, sooooo....also I love if pppl also keep my back.. its nice to see it.. right? :)

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:10 AM
As I said many time here already... I have to put my hands on Two Brothers :)))) simply have to, even I sell RLS,. I want to experience it on my own.

Like you I like the looks of the Akrapovic. Love the sound of the RLS. Me myself, I JUST replace my exhaust with the Two Brothers, and I am EXCITED all over again when riding my Spyder! Wish I had not waited so long to do this, but I was reading reviews about the TB, and was listening to others who had bought and then sold. Shoulda just did my own experimenting like you. Thanks for all you do! :ohyea: :b2b:

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:11 AM

to all who might care ..... The only thing you will achieve with any of these or any other muffler or " cat " delete you might find ..... Consider the fact that your changing something ( for whatever reason ) that will only change the sound and appearance of the muffler ..... Why is this .... Because the rotax engine ( like all modern engines with computer management systems ) can't be altered or improved because the stock computer program will adjust for what you did and re-vert back to the original settings. .... This doesn't apply if the ecu program has been re-written or changed ..... Mike :thumbup:

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:12 AM
:)))) great sum up :))))))

Opinions are always welcome/ expected however every time someone posts on SL or on Facebook about adding a muffler or removing the cat. Someone always chimes in and says increase noise, I don't like it, does nothing , blah blah blah. The haters should just move along and let them post about what they are doing and different ideas that people have. Not everyone has the same taste, It would be like me getting on here and bashing people that ride RT's. Just because I do not like them doesn't mean that others can't enjoy them. Just gets old after a while. Ok I am done :-)

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:13 AM
We love opinions :) same way as we love Exhaust and Spyders and RYKERS... well more spyders :))) upps :)))

"Opinions are always welcome/ expected ..."

From the rest of the post, it would appear that you don't really feel that way. And the only opinions that are welcome are opinions that
agree with your opinion. Threads would be very short if the only people who posted were the people that agree 100% with the OP.

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:32 AM
Thanx buddy :)


Discussion & differing opinions are welcome on this Forum, but those discussions/opinions must be expressed politely and in accordance with the Rules above. If you object to something someone else has posted, &/or believe their post has broken any of these rules, DO NOT post up & argue with them on the public pages, simply REPORT their post (noting Rule 5 above tho!) via the little triangle with an exclamation mark down in the bottom left corner of the applicable post. Doing anything else besides ignoring them/their post risks YOUR posting privileges, even if their post did break the rules too!

You have been warned....

Now, back on topic... Martin has posted an informative & well presented video that I quite liked to see/hear. ;)

Martin Slovakia
03-07-2021, 11:34 AM
Aaaaa... yeeeeah and noooooo, more yeah than no,, but still there is that noooo :)
my friend dont have ECU tuned and he runs D-cat and he is all happy as he never used the whole potential of his Daytona... :)
soo as I said, more yes than noooo but :)

Exactly...you can have RLS ...two bros etc...but none of them are worth anything without an ECU tune...in which martin does have as well as me....the tune also affects the overall sound..all in alI must say ..the RLS cat delete with no baffle sounds darn good...

Peter Aawen
03-07-2021, 02:26 PM
...... Martin the vlogger is in ZEN mode ever since twins came to the life, sooooo....also I love if pppl also keep my back.. its nice to see it.. right? :)

Yeah Martin, but with twins, that's probably not actually 'ZEN' mode, it's more likely just 'sleep deprivation'! :shocked: Kids are usually worth it tho :thumb: and I hear it gets better once they turn 30, too.... :ohyea:

Hmmm, hang on tho..... yep, just checked with the Child Bride - all our kids are older than 30 already!!? :yikes:

Dammit! :banghead:

Martin Slovakia
03-08-2021, 02:19 AM
heheheheheh very funny Pete very funny ;)))))))
so i have 29 years 5 months 15 days, 13hours 55min and 48,47,46,45 to go :))))))) great LOOOOL

Yeah Martin, but with twins, that's probably not actually 'ZEN' mode, it's more likely just 'sleep deprivation'! :shocked: Kids are usually worth it tho :thumb: and I hear it gets better once they turn 30, too.... :ohyea:

Hmmm, hang on tho..... yep, just checked with the Child Bride - all our kids are older than 30 already!!? :yikes:

Dammit! :banghead:

03-08-2021, 10:41 AM
Hey buddy, why apologising??? Its your opinion, you dont curse at me, you dont use F words on me,, you just said what you like and what you dont. And that is all fine.
And I have big respect for that!!!! its better then to say.. oo yeah martin its the nicest exhaust i have ever seen and then you still think its rubbish.
I personally like it, and that is always what matters,. plus if the flames will work.. It will be sick and fun, and that is what matters to me :)
plus in Europe and specially in Eastern europe I want to be loud... It has already save my life several times.

I think if I could I would like to take back the word 'hate"it has triggered some hard feelings here.I dont hate any piece of metal but Ive gotten jaded over the years to the sound of loud exhaust.I actually had a Muffler shop for many years and have built many very loud systems for cars,trucks and some bikes.Nowadays I prefer quiet systems with a good look.I love all your videos and your love of the Spyder,cant wait to see you get the flame tip going.Be careful I think you have to inject raw gas near that sparkplug.Flames were popular in the 50s in the USA.

Martin Slovakia
03-24-2021, 10:09 AM
Guys, I have updated the post with new shorter video.