View Full Version : Deer Season

08-31-2009, 08:51 AM
Got a deer this morning with the car. Early cool weather (44 degrees this morning) has them moving. Third one in six years, but we do live in one of the largest deer populated counties in Michigan. The violence of the impact and the damage ($2,700) from a 160 lb animal is always shocking. Glad it wasn't on the Spyder, but the event still has me rattled and I will probably leave the Spyder parked for a day or so to regain my nerve.

08-31-2009, 09:29 AM
Got a deer this morning with the car. Early cool weather (44 degrees this morning) has them moving. Third one in six years, but we do live in one of the largest deer populated counties in Michigan. The violence of the impact and the damage ($2,700) from a 160 lb animal is always shocking. Glad it wasn't on the Spyder, but the event still has me rattled and I will probably leave the Spyder parked for a day or so to regain my nerve.

Been there--- done that-- many times. Ususally it's them hitting you--- and their isn't anything you can do about it.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is swerving-- which usually will make things worse.

I believe Jackson--- where you live--- is still the highest population of deer in Michigan--- maybe even in the US.

Need to have open season on them.

Some Guy
08-31-2009, 10:03 AM
Wabbit Season! Duck Season!
Wabbit Season! Duck Season!
Wabbit Season! Duck Season!

Glad you're OK Mike. I have had several deer hits over the years, it's never fun!

08-31-2009, 10:22 AM
An impact with an animal that large is never good. At least you weren't hurt. The car can be fixed.

I know about having one's nerves shaken. A good sized buck came at me years ago glancing off the side of my car. All I could see was those huge antlers thinking "good thing it was cold and my windows were closed". This was years ago and I still think of that encounter every time I go by that spot. The horrid things are so unpredictable. I wonder when one of them will have my number again.

So glad you weren't on the Spyder.

08-31-2009, 10:58 AM
glad to hear you are not hurt

in oz we have to look out for kangaroos........and they also create mass carnage on the object they hit......

glad it wasnt the spyder

08-31-2009, 11:19 AM
Glad your OK and you were not on the Spyder. On our trip we saw a few deer, antelope, buffalo, burros, etc., but none posed any danger. The only elk we saw were on the Elk Warning Signs. Would have loved to take a picture of a real one. Ryde Safe.

08-31-2009, 11:34 AM
Glad you're ok! Deer are everywhere here. Just the other day one was eating right below the window. I was knocking on the window and she just looked up at me and then back down to continue eating.

It's as common as squirrels around here.

Gotta be extra careful on a bike now.

08-31-2009, 12:14 PM
glad to hear you are not hurt

in oz we have to look out for kangaroos........and they also create mass carnage on the object they hit......

glad it wasnt the spyder

incy, you might have to think about putting roo bars on your Spyder! :2thumbs:
