View Full Version : First zumo trip...

02-05-2021, 10:17 PM
And what a trip it was...

I have been planning some rides in an unfamiliar area this summer and that motivated my addition of a zumo to my RT. In preparation, I've learned to use Basecamp and have been planning various rides, just to learn how. Today I tried a ride on one of my experimental 'trips'.

The route was one that I ride a few times a season, so I know it well. I was able, using Basecamp, to lay out the route on the exact roads I use, mostly – there were a couple of variations. So, I thought it would be a good test/dry run for using the zumo.

I've owned a Nuvi for years, so most of the concepts aren't foreign to me. I also use the navigator in my other vehicles.

The fun began when ½ mile from my house the zumo informed me that I had gone off course. It thought I should be taking the gated, gravel road through the quarry. I declined the recalculation and continued. Even though I declined recalculation, each time I went somewhere it thought incorrect, new route lines appeared on the map. Frequently on gravel roads that were to be 'avoided'.

At one point, trying to avoid stopped traffic, I got lost. It's only solution was to go back to the traffic jam. I found my way out and around the jam fine.

I'll keep trying, since I'm sure it's my inexperience, but the Nuvi and other cars weren't this hard. Someday I may even get it to talk through the speakers with Lamonster's dongle.

02-05-2021, 10:37 PM
In 2019 on a tour in northern Colorado my Zumo kept wanting to send me down various gravel roads that I has elected to avoid in my profile. I've found that when creating routes in conjunction with Google Maps in satellite view it often seems wise to me to put tick on the route just after intersections; don't know whether or not it helps but I always set them not to alert.

02-05-2021, 11:12 PM
Need to tell it to avoid gravel roads. There are other options as well.

02-05-2021, 11:31 PM
Learning curve changes with each adjustment to settings, honestly prefer without base camp so can change depending wherever I’m at if see something extra to go try. Have had route few to gravel “HWY” just more failures from information providers. Just about every address in E Texas has been 6-12miles off. Nothing horrible (yet)almost comical when already sitting at locations & it’s still barking directions & then there’s updates:roflblack::roflblack: I do like the fuel gauge option that will display available gas stops & can reroute along the way easily, unfortunately Updates Donot seem to include if some stations are still in operation or burned down, close early, unmanned diesel only, etc etc. when you do find a particular location with no actual “” address can easily save location for return visits. & or correct locations rather than before mentioned incorrectness

02-06-2021, 08:19 AM
You can tell the BaseCamp and the device to avoid gravel roads and there are times when it just won't. Why? Beats me and that was one of the very few times Garmin techs had no answer.

02-06-2021, 08:46 AM
One likelihood is that all of your preferences are not set the same in both Basecamp and the Zumo. The preferences I’m referring to are: fastest vs. shortest route, avoidances, map versions, and Zumo operating system updates. What you’re describing indicates that there may be differences in your settings - allowing the Zumo to run amuck! I’ve used Zumo with Mapsource then Basecamp for ~15 years, you never reach the end of the learning curve - but it’s the best there is!

Steve W.
02-06-2021, 09:38 AM
You can tell the BaseCamp and the device to avoid gravel roads and there are times when it just won't. I was about to comment on this, then I saw the following:

One likelihood is that all of your preferences are not set the same in both Basecamp and the Zumo. ...
This is the point that I was going to make. It is my opinion that Basecamp will make "suggestions" to the Zumo on what route to take, but the Zumo has final authority on which way it goes. If it (Zumo) sees that the gated gravel road is a mile shorter or a minute quicker, it will try to take you that way.

I’ve used Zumo with Mapsource then Basecamp for ~15 years, you never reach the end of the learning curve - but it’s the best there is!
I have never used a Zumo and can't stand Basecamp. I have a Nuvi 1450 and use Map Source. Yeah, they are both outdated, but they both do the job, and they do it (more importantly) the way I want them to.

I have my Nuvi running all the time in my cage. Not so much for telling me where to go (plenty of people are happy to do that), but to track where I have been. I use it to keep track of miles that I can get reimbursed for work purposes. I upload the tracks every week, then separate out the "work" miles and add them to my expense report. So far, I have not found a way to to that in Basecamp. It's just as easy to move it to my bike and track where I have been. Very easy to see where I might want to go back or where to avoid.

I have also had a LOT of difficulty trying to plan a multi-day trip in Basecamp. Maybe it's because I am more familiar with it or maybe because it's actually easier, but I really enjoy using Map Source for that purpose. I am not looking forward to the day when my GPS can not connect through Map Source and HAS to use Basecamp. I have a few friends with Zumos, I have tried most of them, none of them will talk to Map Source, so a Zumo is not in my future.


02-06-2021, 10:27 AM
Multi-day trips in Basecamp are not difficult. I've done multi-stage trips using Basecamp, but not often. The multi-day
trips usually end up using different routes than originally planned so a pre-planned route only works at first. I usually
plan them out in advance, but make them one day trips so they are easier to amend along the way.

02-06-2021, 11:01 AM
... I usually plan them out in advance, but make them one day trips so they are easier to amend along the way.

That's a good tip!

All avoidances and setup options have been done on both Basecamp and the Zumo. I'm sure with practice Zumo and Basecamp will be more cooperative with each other and myself. There always is a first time.

I would like to be able to pause and resume navigation, so when I go off course (intentionally or not), Zumo won't make irrational suggestions, while I get back on the route. For some reason the Zumo's ability to get you back on route isn't as effective as my old Nuvi.

The ability to reject a Zumo suggested route would be nice, too.

And I still have the challenge of getting it to talk through the speakers.

02-06-2021, 12:21 PM
If you want it to follow the exact Basecamp route you could try importing it a a track.

02-06-2021, 05:57 PM
...What you’re describing indicates that there may be differences in your settings - allowing the Zumo to run amuck! I’ve used Zumo with Mapsource then Basecamp for ~15 years, you never reach the end of the learning curve - but it’s the best there is!

The first thing I did when I dug into BaseCamp was ensure that both my Zumo 590 and BC had all the settings exactly alike. In my experience and in talking with a Garmin tech one of the things he did not know was the algorithm priorities in the Zumo. For example, I generally always have route preference set for Shortest Distance on BC and Zumo and on a tour several years ago I specifically had selected Avoid Interstates on both but approaching Birmingham one day the Zumo put me on a section of interstate because it was in fact the shortest distance (most direct) route between two county roads. Perhaps if I had put a shaping point just after the interstate ramp on the county road the Zumo might have followed the route I created. Yes, I agree strongly the BaseCamp learning curve NEVER ends.

02-07-2021, 12:16 PM
That's a good tip!

All avoidances and setup options have been done on both Basecamp and the Zumo. I'm sure with practice Zumo and Basecamp will be more cooperative with each other and myself. There always is a first time.

I would like to be able to pause and resume navigation, so when I go off course (intentionally or not), Zumo won't make irrational suggestions, while I get back on the route. For some reason the Zumo's ability to get you back on route isn't as effective as my old Nuvi.

The ability to reject a Zumo suggested route would be nice, too.

And I still have the challenge of getting it to talk through the speakers.

Hate to say this but using Sygic in the dash would solve all these issues.

02-07-2021, 01:21 PM
...I would like to be able to pause and resume navigation, so when I go off course (intentionally or not), Zumo won't make irrational suggestions, while I get back on the route....

Check your Zumo's Navigation Settings. If it has Off-Route Recalculation set it to Off (my 590 has Automatic, Off and Prompted). Then when you go off route it should let you get back to your route by whatever way you choose.

02-07-2021, 06:13 PM
Hate to say this but using Sygic in the dash would solve all these issues.

Only if I could see it... Even the Zumo is a bit small for my eyes.

02-07-2021, 06:16 PM
Check your Zumo's Navigation Settings. If it has Off-Route Recalculation set it to Off (my 590 has Automatic, Off and Prompted). Then when you go off route it should let you get back to your route by whatever way you choose.

Thank you. I had it set to prompted, but when I checked (spurred by your post), it was magically set to automatic. Turned that sucker off again -- I'm going to keep an eye on it now!

Steve W.
02-07-2021, 08:31 PM
Hate to say this but using Sygic in the dash would solve all these issues.
Wouldn't that require BRP Connect? Some of us are increasingly thankful that we don't have it.

I have been watching all these frustrations with connectivity, most of them are centered around BRP Connect and how to pair your GPS/Phone/helmet. I am increasingly more and more thankful that our (HER) '17 RT-S does NOT have BRP Connect and we don't use our phones for navigation, AND we use wires to our helmets.


02-08-2021, 12:13 AM
Wouldn't that require BRP Connect? Some of us are increasingly thankful that we don't have it.

I have been watching all these frustrations with connectivity, most of them are centered around BRP Connect and how to pair your GPS/Phone/helmet. I am increasingly more and more thankful that our (HER) '17 RT-S does NOT have BRP Connect and we don't use our phones for navigation, AND we use wires to our helmets.


You don't pair to BRP Connect, you pair to the dash which isn't all that hard to do. The newer models don't have anywhere to plug headsets into as it comes with bluetooth and you pair the headsets to that. Music and GPS are viewed in the dash with the cable and bluetooth. It was problematic at first but works great now.Need to keep up with the latest smartphone tech to understand how to use it. Youtube videos show it's not hard at all.

02-08-2021, 09:57 AM
I keep my Zumo on “prompted” so I know when it’s about to go amuck! I choose “do not recalculate” and then go to change route (lower right on Zumo) where you can “skip” a missed via point.

02-08-2021, 12:36 PM
Thank you. I had it set to prompted, but when I checked (spurred by your post), it was magically set to automatic...

My 590 came set to Automatic by default. When touring I leave it on Automatic because I'm generally in foreign land. If I have maps I may turn it Off. It might be wise to check the setting after a you install updates to the device software. I generally recheck both BaseCamp and the GPS to ensure both are identical after I've created all my routes for a tour.

02-08-2021, 01:32 PM
The good pointers and tips just keep rolling in. Thank you Dgdecker and again thanks JayBros. That bit about checking after updates is probably what got me... And the change route is one of the specific things I was looking for.

02-08-2021, 05:18 PM
Since the experts are here, I have a question.....
What are your thoughts about the tracking program REVER? Am I correct that it's free, but the Pro version costs?

02-09-2021, 10:00 PM
I just downloaded the trip I'm going to take tomorrow. Zumo test 2. After the download the recalculate option was changed again. Must be a feature-- certainly couldn't be a bug... Know what to watch for now, though.

05-01-2021, 02:48 PM
:yes:I know this will sound kind of crazy, but it works for me. I have a double problem, but when I combine the problems it works well for me so far. I have a 2020 Spyder RT Limited. Downloaded Sygic to use on BRP Connect. Some days it works like a champ while other times it won’t. Who wants to walk out of their motel room and spend a lot of time trying to connect with BRP Connect. Stopped at Lamonster Garage and had some work done. (they are great by the way). That day was one of those not so good days with BRP Connect. That made an easy decision for me when they suggested the Zumo XT. That night I place the route on my phone (Sygic) on one side of me and my new Zumo XT on the other side. I love planning using Sygic Navigation on my computer and it is so easy. Inputting that route on the Zumo XT was also easy. I love planning. For me it is part of the fun. I also love the demonstration part of Sygic. Can’t stand the BRP part. Not having much luck with Basecamp either. For now it will be Sygic in one hand and Zumo in the other. Double the fun.

05-01-2021, 03:55 PM
Last summer mine gave me a wrong turn and I almost ended up in Pocatello Idaho rather than Utah. But I came down from the north and it was a beautiful ride through the hills into Salt Lake City. Sometimes we just have to double check.

05-01-2021, 05:47 PM
I use Basecamp a lot and have the 595. Basecamp's learning curve is steeper than some but once you understand the process it's is very efficient . I take a lot of day trips and a few long trips to new places every year and plan with Basecamp. I create a Waypoint for all the 'features' and let Basecamp connect the dots based on travel mode (drive/MC Curvy) between and at the features. Basecamp does the heavy lifting and I fine tune by dragging the suggested route to my preference. All the Waypoints I create for a trip remain in Basecamp for re-use when I create another route. Mix & match by knitting different routes into the 'next' ride.
BTW, the suggestion to break longer trips into chunks is key to making it faster to import & easier to change route once en-route. I try to keep each trip segment to ~16 hrs saddle time - 2 days/route. I also pre-load each segment after xfer to zumo to ensure they work. I've had a few that looked fine on Basecamp but refused to load after being imported to Zumo.

05-01-2021, 06:07 PM
:yes:I know this will sound kind of crazy, but it works for me. I have a double problem, but when I combine the problems it works well for me so far. I have a 2020 Spyder RT Limited. Downloaded Sygic to use on BRP Connect. Some days it works like a champ while other times it won’t. Who wants to walk out of their motel room and spend a lot of time trying to connect with BRP Connect. Stopped at Lamonster Garage and had some work done. (they are great by the way). That day was one of those not so good days with BRP Connect. That made an easy decision for me when they suggested the Zumo XT. That night I place the route on my phone (Sygic) on one side of me and my new Zumo XT on the other side. I love planning using Sygic Navigation on my computer and it is so easy. Inputting that route on the Zumo XT was also easy. I love planning. For me it is part of the fun. I also love the demonstration part of Sygic. Can’t stand the BRP part. Not having much luck with Basecamp either. For now it will be Sygic in one hand and Zumo in the other. Double the fun.

I might like to check out Sygic, I see two options on the App Store, which one are you referring to sygic gps navigation and maps or sygic travel maps offline?

I’m currently using Senic Motorcycle Navigation app which is easy to make a route on the fly but it’s not a perfected app yet, although a new version should be out fairly soon.

05-05-2021, 10:14 PM
I have used BC for years but not with a Zumo...yet. I have one of the older handle GPSMAP 63 models still. I have routes all over the mid-south/southeast saved in BC. I have one group just dedicated to Arkansas rides.

If you are using waypoints, BC is picky about where you place them. You have to make sure you zoom in and get them on the road or BC can send you down roads you were not expecting to take. On interstates you have to get them on the correct side you are riding on or it will get you off and head you in the wrong direction.

I just got back into riding after 5 years hiatus and my maps were outdated (2012). After updating my maps I noticed a lot of my routes were taking weird roads and it seems that my waypoints were not exactly on the road or some were slightly past an intersection, etc. I am thinking a 10yr difference in maps changed some things, but now I will have to check any routes really well before using them.

I still love BC though, but my 2014 Macbook Pro is having some difficulty keeping up with the map display now, and is sluggish with higher details when zooming in. I have a separate GPU in mine MBP too. I guess it is going to be time for me to upgrade the MBP if I plan to build a lot of new routes/trips in BC.

05-05-2021, 11:52 PM
Base Camp is VERY literal. I wish there were a way to put a straight section from one point to another, when a road exists that BC doesn't know about.

05-06-2021, 09:31 AM
Base Camp is VERY literal. I wish there were a way to put a straight section from one point to another, when a road exists that BC doesn't know about.

Do all BaseCamp users a favor when you find a map problem. Go to the Help tab and select the fifth option down, Report a Map Error. I sent a couple recently while preparing routes in the Ozarks for a fall tour.

05-06-2021, 09:44 AM
Garmin updates the map a couple times a year so it's a good idea to check often. Regarding phantom roads (not in Garmin yet), if auto-reroute is on, just continue on the phantom road and wait for the GPS to fix its route when you approach the next known road.

:lecturef_smilie: Just beware of being routed up private driveways in rural areas! :gaah:

05-08-2021, 10:04 PM
I am using Sygic Navagation, Version 18.8.6.

05-12-2021, 06:34 AM
We have a 396. I suspect others may have the same "feature". At the top of the screen is an icon to show what navigation it is set up for. The 396 defaults to motorcycle. DANGER WILL ROBINSON! In this mode it defaults and reverts at any opportunity to "adventurous routing" which will suggest any goat path out there. The work-around (seems most of the time getting Zumos to work is learning work-arounds) is to tap on that icon and change it to automobile. Oh, if only they had upgraded memory, processor, and screen for the old StreetPilot series and left the programming alone!

05-19-2021, 11:07 PM
One has to remember when you plan in BaseCamp, the settings in BC should be identical with the settings in the GPS. When you import the route in the GPS it will use the setting in the GPS to create the route, which may not necessarily be the same as BC. One quick check is to compare the total mileage for a route in BaseCamp and the GPS and if they are not close (say 1 or 2 miles) you may have a setting issue.


05-20-2021, 09:36 AM
One of the things one needs to be aware of, even when one is absolutely certain the settings in BaseCamp and the GPS are identical is that, particularly when creating routes using waypoints, if your activity profile route preference is set to Shorter Distance it is worth the time to run the route (s) in BC to be certain the software isn't taking you on shortcuts you might not want to take when on the ride(s). I experienced a couple of instances of such this past weekend when creating new to/from routes from home to Harrison, AR that avoid the Hernando De Soto bridge problem on I-40 im Memphis. Adding a couple of waypoints to each route knocked out the shortcuts.