View Full Version : He's back!

08-27-2009, 08:39 PM
Hope you have noticed on the logged in register that Scotty is back. Recall on his knee required more work, but good medical dealer and techs got him back on the board. Back on the road will be awhile. Welcome back!

08-27-2009, 08:53 PM
Scotty? Oh, Scotty! Speak up, man! Tell us what's up with the knee.

08-27-2009, 09:19 PM
It seems that his knee took a bit more work than expected. Here is an excerpt from an email he sent me tonight

"They let me out about 7 PM yesterday. These things are supposed to be minimally invasive, with a 3" vertical incision, but due to my previous surgery there, and slanted scar, they opened a 7" flap and had to work backwards. 17 staples. I am not a perky as I expected. Can't even lift my leg today. PT tomorrow, so they'll get it working soon. "

It sounds like he hurts a bit. Keep him and Nancy in your prayers. We need them up and running around on the spyder and all those bikes. I expect he will be back soon, he loves us too much to stay off the board....LOL

08-28-2009, 07:20 PM
So much for keeping a low profile. Guess the lid is off this one. Had an Oxford partial knee replacement (http://www.biomet.com/patients/oxford.cfm) Tuesday. A bit more complicated than is typical, but I was blessed that they could even do a partial on a beat up old knee like mine. 39 years since my last surgery there.

I have some PT to go, some drugs to get off, and some pain and swelling to eliminate, but I will be fine. I am slower, but in no more pain than after Mid-Ohio last month. Of course, that is substantial! Probably can ride aain in 4-6 weeks, but with this October weather in August, we'll probably have snow by then. :D

Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. Trying to catch up on the forum now.

08-28-2009, 07:24 PM
So much for keeping a low profile. Guess the lid is off this one. Had an Oxford partial knee replacement (http://www.biomet.com/patients/oxford.cfm) Tuesday. A bit more complicated than is typical, but I was blessed that they could even do a partial on a beat up old knee like mine. 39 years since my last surgery there.

I have some PT to go, some drugs to get off, and some pain and swelling to eliminate, but I will be fine. I am slower, but in no more pain than after Mid-Ohio last month. Of course, that is substantial! Probably can ride aain in 4-6 weeks, but with this October weather in August, we'll probably have snow by then. :D

Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. Trying to catch up on the forum now.

Wish you a fast recovery :clap:

08-28-2009, 07:33 PM
Hope you heal quickly and are up and about soon!!! Take it easy while you can!!! PT will kick your butt!!

08-28-2009, 07:52 PM
Nice to see you back and wish you a quick recovery :thumbup::doorag:

Some Guy
08-28-2009, 08:04 PM
I'm super happy to hear that you're OK :thumbup:, but did some of us other "SpyderLovers" cause this whole problem at your cookout after the Air Zoo?! :roflblack:

Have fun at PT...been there for non-knees, but it still is a real :cus::cus: ! (knees are WAY worse than what I did nojoke)

08-28-2009, 08:29 PM
Get well soon buddy!

08-28-2009, 09:00 PM
I have been doing my workouts three times a week at PT, in between actual PT sessions, for several years. I know their mean and nasty ways, but they really are magic. :D They don't scare me or Nancy in the least, several of them ride motorcycles, and they love the Spyder!

08-28-2009, 09:20 PM
Hope you are pain free and back on the saddle real soon. :thumbup:

08-28-2009, 10:36 PM
Already added you to my prayers, Scotty, hope to meet you before snow flies.


08-28-2009, 11:05 PM
Glad to hear everything went ok scotty hope your feeling better real soon