View Full Version : Am I gone or not?

10-27-2020, 01:36 PM

I just sold my 2011 RTS to a very nice lady from Georgia. Her name is Kathy and I told her to introduce herself on SL and let all of you know she bought my Spyder.

It was a cold misty-rainy day when we made the deal. She let her husband ride it home (4 hours) and she drove the car. She's really smart. Anyhow, if she comes on the site, make her feel welcome.

I'm not buying another machine right away, but I still plan to hang around. I really like participating in the technical discussions.

Also, I'm leaving my videos on YouTube and plan to make a couple more.

So long for now.

10-27-2020, 02:01 PM
Congratulations on the sale. (I think)...? Sold my Spyder nearly a year ago and I do miss it. I check in here almost every day just to see what's happening. And, like you, try to provide helpful information when I can. I moved on to a Goldwing trike but have not eliminated another Spyder from my future. A lot of good, smart people here with a wealth of knowledge not only about Spyders, but other things too. Look forward to seeing your continued posts on the forum..... Jim

10-27-2020, 02:27 PM
When you don't post for awhile...that is not a problem. When someone actually leaves the site, all their previous posts and interactions remain in the archives. Inactivity just means you are currently not visible, when you want to come back and post...just do so. Your instantly back on board.

Nothing is deleted.

10-27-2020, 08:25 PM
Don't forget us.

10-27-2020, 10:25 PM
Congrats on the sale. I hope she enjoys my flag. Dont forget us, I have enjoyed your comments.

10-28-2020, 07:31 AM
Congrats on the sale. I hope she enjoys my flag. Dont forget us, I have enjoyed your comments.

The flag was one of the first things I showed her. She really liked it. Thanks.