View Full Version : 10k service - compare with my report

08-21-2009, 01:40 AM
with 10.000 mls (16.000 kms) my baby got a big service..
oil / wiggly steering adjusted / brakedisks -pads / exhaust-gaskets /valve adjusted /new software / made all three shocks harder..
got a new bike - engine seems to be stronger - steering is perfect and the brakes don`t squeel (500mls tested now )
(they promised me to get the new pads (3rd version) - i`m still unhappy with the performance of this brake-system..
they printed out a lot of papers .. saying i drive : (see report)
43 % - 2000-4000 rpm
32,5% - 400-6000 rpm
17% - 6000-8000 rpm
so would be intrested to compare with some of you
last thing - they said i should NOT fill in oil between the oil-changings
its more dangerous (fire?) to have too much inside as to drive on lowlevel
chris (more-than-happy-user)

08-21-2009, 06:28 AM
Hmmm, I would love an explanation of why we should not put in oil between oil changes. That is a strange one....

08-21-2009, 08:00 AM
we have to change the oil each 5000km (3125mls) here in europe..
so if you are touring (not racing) the spyder needs no more oil then to come from the maximum to the minimum...
(I overfilled it last year when i was new here - filled in a lot !!...)
still miss this red sticker ..which says fill in XX l from minimum to maximum
thats why its intresting to get the "B.u.D.s. service report" which shows you what %-time rpm`s you have driven the spyder..
hope you understand

08-23-2009, 12:38 AM
I´m not shure if everyone gets his BUDS report printed out after the service - its good to have it if you want to sell the spyder once ..
specially on the last page you see -what kind of driver you are..
this would declare more about oil/fuel consumption /temperatur..on all the discussions here - thats why i wanted to compare with some others..