View Full Version : Sena speakers

09-22-2020, 02:15 PM
I have read a lot of comments on here about Sena speakers being junk and not loud enough.
I got an email today that they have come out with new HD Speakers that will plug into the old units. I read and watched some tester reviews and they say they are very good. The price they emailed me was $39.00 a pair.

I called Motorcycle Dave and he explained that there are two different sets of them and you need to make sure you get the ones for your headset. Sena says that you MUST download the latest firmware to your headset or they will not sound much different than the original speakers. Motorcycle Dave's price was better also.

Has anyone else tried these speakers yet?

I ordered them and will update you on my opinion of how different the sound is if at all.

09-22-2020, 02:19 PM
Just ordered a set from Dave. He said his phone is ringing of the wall with people wanting these.

09-22-2020, 02:41 PM
Me to, but I told him I was going to wait and see what you guy's think of them!!

09-22-2020, 05:25 PM

09-22-2020, 08:36 PM

09-23-2020, 06:00 AM
Very interested in your coming review. I invested in a pair of isotunes wired earplug headphones, but they are rather large under my lid.

09-23-2020, 07:59 AM
My Sena 10 speakers are fine for voice but music sounds terrible.

09-23-2020, 08:23 AM
Kinda bummed they aren't available for my 10S unit :(

09-23-2020, 08:53 AM
I'll follow this as well. Wife likes music while we ride. I don't, but happy wife happy life.

09-23-2020, 09:44 AM
Kinda bummed they aren't available for my 10S unit :(

Will be soon they say!!

09-23-2020, 10:30 AM
Will be soon they say!!

Not for the 10S. Only for the 10C EVO and 10C Pro camera models.


Premium HD Speaker kits are now available worldwide for your Sena device. 30K, 20S EVO, 20S (and soon 10C EVO and 10C Pro) users will be able to upgrade to the same premium Sena HD Speakers first seen with flagship 50R and 50S devices. Sena is relentlessly committed to enhancing the riding experience of our customers. The all new premium HD Speakers offer a significant increase in bass boost, and clarity for a noticeably enhanced audio experience while riding. The HD Speakers are also redesigned for physical comfort with a beveled taper to reduce contact with the ear.

09-23-2020, 10:39 AM
Also following!

09-23-2020, 06:30 PM
I did upgrade my sena speakers from the original speakers that came with the 30k unit and put on HD speakers for Sena 50s on my 30k. They were louder and sounded much better then the original speakers that came with the 30k. The cost was $39.00 for them also. Probably the same HD speaker that they are able to fit to other older model Sena head sets. The 50s and 30k have the same plug at the end of the speaker wire to the head set and changing to HD speakers is plug and play between the two models.

09-23-2020, 07:47 PM
I have experience with different systems. Uclear speakers are WAY better sounding than Sena playing music. We only use Uclear for snowmobiles. The intercom on the Sena is WAY better than Uclear. So if these HD Sena speakers are a good as my unclear pro speakers then Sena wins overall! I will also be following this!

09-24-2020, 09:02 AM
I did upgrade my sena speakers from the original speakers that came with the 30k unit and put on HD speakers for Sena 50s on my 30k. They were louder and sounded much better then the original speakers that came with the 30k. The cost was $39.00 for them also. Probably the same HD speaker that they are able to fit to other older model Sena head sets. The 50s and 30k have the same plug at the end of the speaker wire to the head set and changing to HD speakers is plug and play between the two models.

Very well could be. Did you see if there was any update on the firmware of the headset as Sena says you must download to get the optimized sound out of them?

09-30-2020, 02:51 PM
Just a quick update.
Have not received the speakers yet, they didnt ship until yesterday :dontknow:and are coming via snail mail or pony express, they are now scheduled for delivery October the 3rd. So much for getting to try them out on this weekends trip! :banghead:

I did download the latest updated firmware onto the 20S units, and have checked out the HD settings for the new speakers. There are a few different audio boost options listed in the setup, including a bass boost mode.

I will update how they sound as soon as i get to install them. :popcorn:

09-30-2020, 05:14 PM
curious if they'll fit my older 10C or just the pro ? cycle gear said they were plug and play but wouldn't fit my wires.

10-01-2020, 07:06 AM
curious if they'll fit my older 10C or just the pro ? cycle gear said they were plug and play but wouldn't fit my wires.

Here is a link to the Sena site that shows what speakers work with what units.

Looks to me like the "B" speaker is what would work for your 10C. It also shows that the speakers for the 10C are "coming soon".

You must have been shipped the "A" speakers that will not match your wiring.

10-02-2020, 12:05 PM
Just a quick update.
Have not received the speakers yet, they didnt ship until yesterday :dontknow:and are coming via snail mail or pony express, they are now scheduled for delivery October the 3rd. So much for getting to try them out on this weekends trip! :banghead:

I did download the latest updated firmware onto the 20S units, and have checked out the HD settings for the new speakers. There are a few different audio boost options listed in the setup, including a bass boost mode.

I will update how they sound as soon as i get to install them. :popcorn:

Mine are also due in Saturday. I intend to use them for the big ride to Maggie Valley. IF they get delivered in time.
I'm wondering how they'll affect battery life.
Still, I'll bring my old speakers with me "just in case".

10-03-2020, 07:10 PM
OK. I got the new speakers.
I tried three levels of HD boost. Balance, Midrange and Treble.
I didn't notice any difference in volume from the plain audio boost.
In my view, it's a big nothing burger.
I don't see any reason to change them back, but they're not the improvement I hoped for.

As always, this is my own opinion. Others may come to a different conclusion.

10-04-2020, 10:11 AM
After a long wait, I finally recieved one of the two sets of speakers I ordered. Hopefully the second set will come faster.
I have never had problems of getting enough volume out of the old
speakers, I didn't like the sound quality and clarity.
I had not changed the volume of the headset from the old speakers, installed the new and had to turn the volume down.
I used the bass boost setting and noticed a big differance, I now here the bass line of the song. Being a bass player it is one of the things I listen for and was missing on ther old speakers. This is not as important to my wife.
It rained here most of the day yesterday so I did not get to test them running down the road, so I will update you as I Get to try them out.
At this point I think they were well worth it, but a true road test will tell more.

10-07-2020, 05:27 PM
OK. I got the new speakers.
I tried three levels of HD boost. Balance, Midrange and Treble.
I didn't notice any difference in volume from the plain audio boost.
In my view, it's a big nothing burger.
I don't see any reason to change them back, but they're not the improvement I hoped for.

As always, this is my own opinion. Others may come to a different conclusion.

After 900 miles in three days, I've got to tell you, this guy who posted this is an A$$HAT.
Higher volume. Better frequency response.
I can tell you with personal experience, the new speakers are definitely better than the original.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

10-12-2020, 09:09 AM

I went on a 3 day color tour and got to see how the speakers were at low speed to 85mph freeway speeds.

Bass was awesome and could be heard throughout the entire trip, with the old speakers I would lose the base as the road and wind noise would get louder. I also noticed that I did not have to have them turned up as loud in my ears to understand what my wife was saying. Much clearer at a lower volume.
I also did not have any less battery life with the new speakers. I can still get a good 10 hours out of the 20s on each charge.

Well worth the money in my opinion.

10-12-2020, 09:21 AM
I just installed the newest software and was able to boost the bass. Not so bad now. For me at least, I wear hearing aids but not when riding. I would probably imagine that it wouldn't make a lot of difference if I spent $2 or $200 on speakers they would still not sound great. Just my take on this.

10-12-2020, 09:37 AM
Nice to hear :) I just bought a lightly used Sena 5S dual pack on ebay for $155. I use two helmets, and need to buy a second helmet kit, so WTH. Save some $$, and now I have a second 5S unit. Gonna replace my current Sena 10S kits. I currently use UClear Digital Plus speakers in my 10S. I read a nice review of the 5S here ..

10-13-2020, 11:06 AM
I am hard of hearing and always wear earplugs when I ride. I had a Sena 20s with the original smaller speakers and upgraded to the bigger speakers. Absolutely increased the volume of my intercom! I rarely use the Sena for music so have no opinion there. I recently updated to the Sena 50s that includes the larger speakers and they are just as good, if not better than the 20s bigger speakers.

10-17-2020, 11:05 AM
Just got my Sena 5S dual pack comm devices updated and installed. I set my audio/speakers to treble boost, as this makes the music a bit louder/clearer on the road at higher speeds. I use these for music and an occasional incoming phone call. Gotta say I'm quite happy with the results. Not as convenient as the 10S unit if using as a comm device. Now I have a device for each of my two primary helmets and no more switching :)

10-17-2020, 11:45 AM
When I bought my 1st set of 20s evo I was very disappointed in the sound quality, much worse then my SMH10. I made a comment about it on the site here, Dave saw it and reached out to me to warranty them. The new set was better but not great. With the new speakers I can enjoy classical music again on the bike. The sound level is much improved and do is the clarity. I can also hear highs better. The 35 bucks was money well spent. Thanks MotorcycleDave.