View Full Version : Clock not keeping time.

08-20-2020, 10:02 PM
Hey folks,
Any idea why my 2015 F3S dash clock won't keep time? Any time I set it to the correct time, it goes forward over the course of a few days to be about 5-6mins fast ex. if the current time is 12:05 it will show as 12:11.

Peter Aawen
08-20-2020, 10:25 PM
That seems to be pretty much par for the course on ALL Spyder clocks.... some gain even more time; few gain anything much less! :banghead:

I correct my RT's clock about once a week, putting it back anything between 10 & 15 mins each time. :rolleyes: But the Garmin GPS that came with my 2013 RT Ltd is almost exactly spot on, all the time, every time! Only time it isn't spot on is when I start it in demo mode inside (no satelites) repeatedly, letting it run like that for a while each time.... ;)

08-21-2020, 04:58 AM
Hey folks,
Any idea why my 2015 F3S dash clock won't keep time? Any time I set it to the correct time, it goes forward over the course of a few days to be about 5-6mins fast ex. if the current time is 12:05 it will show as 12:11.

For years some of us joke and comment that a kids $1 toy watch keeps better time than a Spyder clock.

The really amazing part is, there are no moving parts, so how difficult can it be to make a clock that keeps accurate time?

08-21-2020, 07:23 AM
They may have fixed it with the new dash in 2018. I have not changed my clock on my 2019 in 9 months that I can remember and it may be a couple minutes off.

08-21-2020, 08:02 AM
Spyders are $30,000 machines with a $.02 clock. Get a Timex. They take a licking and keep on ticking.:coffee:

08-21-2020, 08:49 AM
They may have fixed it with the new dash in 2018. I have not changed my clock on my 2019 in 9 months that I can remember and it may be a couple minutes off.

My 2018 is the same. Keeps good time. I have not adjusted it since I put the battery back in this spring.

08-21-2020, 08:50 AM
The clock on my 2019 F3S lost (3) minutes over the past year. Just changed it, which is a PIA :(

08-21-2020, 08:52 AM
That seems to be pretty much par for the course on ALL Spyder clocks.... some gain even more time; few gain anything much less! :banghead:

I correct my RT's clock about once a week, putting it back anything between 10 & 15 mins each time. :rolleyes: But the Garmin GPS that came with my 2013 RT Ltd is almost exactly spot on, all the time, every time! Only time it isn't spot on is when I start it in demo mode inside (no satelites) repeatedly, letting it run like that for a while each time.... ;)

I would hope that your gps is right every time. gps technology is based on time and if the time is not right it can't calculated where you are.

08-21-2020, 09:36 AM
My 2014 RT has never kept the correct time AND neither has my 2014 Outlander XTP ATV...I have aftermarket clocks on both...larryd

08-21-2020, 09:50 AM
That seems to be pretty much par for the course on ALL Spyder clocks.... some gain even more time; few gain anything much less! :banghead:

I correct my RT's clock about once a week, putting it back anything between 10 & 15 mins each time. :rolleyes: But the Garmin GPS that came with my 2013 RT Ltd is almost exactly spot on, all the time, every time! Only time it isn't spot on is when I start it in demo mode inside (no satelites) repeatedly, letting it run like that for a while each time.... ;)

:agree: ... I have a 14RT and runs Fast .... about once a month I correct mine ..... Mike :thumbup:

08-21-2020, 10:05 AM
My 2013 RT-S clock would gain around 15mins a month.

I had to upgrade to a 2020 RTL just to get an accurate digital timepiece! :joke:

08-21-2020, 10:14 AM
I guess I will not complain. I adjust to the correct time (a minute or two off) about every six months. All my spyders have been this way.

I can also check my Timex any time when I am on the bike. :roflblack:

08-21-2020, 10:27 AM
Until my cataract surgery a couple of weeks ago I couldn't even see the clock while riding. Mine seems to hold at about 5 min fast and since I kow that I just leave it alone.

08-21-2020, 11:18 AM
Since I am now fully retired I really don't care about the time when I'm on the Spyder I have quit wearing a watch also. Just for continuity sake though my clock does gain about 10 minutes during the riding season.

08-21-2020, 11:49 AM
Look at the bright side, if you go by the BRP clock you'll never be late.

08-21-2020, 02:20 PM
:agree: ... I have a 14RT and runs Fast .... about once a month I correct mine ..... Mike :thumbup:

Same here. I rely on the GPS because it's easier to see.

08-21-2020, 03:51 PM
2019 F3-S the clock was set 16 months ago and stays within a few minutes of being right. The only time I ever set it is when the DST starts or ends.

08-21-2020, 10:09 PM
I dont use the clock on my spyder. Dont really care what time it is when Im out riding. My hunger pains or a pit stop are what usally tell me when its time to stop.

08-22-2020, 05:46 AM
Hey folks,
Any idea why my 2015 F3S dash clock won't keep time? Any time I set it to the correct time, it goes forward over the course of a few days to be about 5-6mins fast ex. if the current time is 12:05 it will show as 12:11.

You got to slow down and run the speed limit!!! It's a time warp thing, going faster than the speed of light!!!:roflblack::ohyea:

Peter Aawen
08-22-2020, 06:02 AM
You got to slow down and run the speed limit!!! It's a time warp thing, going faster than the speed of light!!!:roflblack::ohyea:

Hang on.... if you are going that fast on your Spyder, won't the time shown on its clock be slower than that experienced by anyone NOT on a Spyder?? Cos theoretically, if you head off at 'near light' speed for 10 years, when you come back you'll find that 100 years have passed for those you left behind! :lecturef_smilie:

So either you'll hafta go faster.... or maybe a whole lot slower.... :rolleyes:

08-22-2020, 06:07 AM
One of these days Peter I am going to stump you!!!!:gaah::coffee:

Peter Aawen
08-22-2020, 06:12 AM
One of these days, Mikey, one of these days! :thumbup:

Or should that be... 'it might not happen over night; but it will happen!' :roflblack:

08-22-2020, 08:16 AM
So we have 2 identical Spyders (except for color). Both 2018 F3s models, his and hers. Same problem in both... each clock gains 5-10 minutes every few weeks to a month. Yes, I know all the standard replies “ride more, worry less”, “you’ll never be late”, look at your watch (difficult to do with jacket and gloves), the list goes on.... Not trying to be negative or nit-pick but not everyone is at the point of retirement or leisurely riding.. For the price we pay for these machines (approximately $40,000 investment for both, including 3 year BEST on both) I really, honestly don’t think an accurate clock is too much to ask for.

08-22-2020, 12:10 PM
The clock on my 2010 and 2014 were both inaccurate, a minute or two a week.
Maybe BRP Connect requires more accurate clock for some reason ??
In any event. my 2020 clock seems to be fairly accurate.

08-22-2020, 12:19 PM
So we have 2 identical Spyders (except for color). Both 2018 F3s models, his and hers. Same problem in both... each clock gains 5-10 minutes every few weeks to a month. Yes, I know all the standard replies “ride more, worry less”, “you’ll never be late”, look at your watch (difficult to do with jacket and gloves), the list goes on.... Not trying to be negative or nit-pick but not everyone is at the point of retirement or leisurely riding.. For the price we pay for these machines (approximately $40,000 investment for both, including 3 year BEST on both) I really, honestly don’t think an accurate clock is too much to ask for.

It appears you just did not pay enough. For a few dollars more. If you had of bought a couple of F3Ts instead. Then the clock would have been much better.:D

08-22-2020, 01:33 PM
@billybovine.... I know you’re trying to sound funny(can tell by the smiling emoji) but honestly, shouldn’t have to pay more for everything to work as advertised. A clock is a clock, it should keep accurate time without having to trade up to a higher priced model. A bit of a sore subject with me I’m afraid... I wanted it addressed at the first service and the svc. manager’s advice was “let’s go see sales and see if we can work a deal on a new one.” I don’t want new ones... I just want mine to work the way they should.

08-22-2020, 02:29 PM
I gave up adjusting mine and just look at the GPS time..