View Full Version : August weather news

Little Blue
08-01-2020, 03:30 AM
:coffee: Welcome to AUGUST. Seven Months have gone, seems like this year has just flown by. Anyway give us your weather news for your local area.

Indiana is starting out the month with all day rain. Today's high will be only 77°F. Sunday 75°F and cloudy.

Enjoy your day and stay safe. .....:thumbup:

08-01-2020, 08:59 AM
Rain would be welcome here in Utah,though Southern Utah should get some. It is the start of our monsoon season. Right now highs in the 100's for the next few days

08-01-2020, 09:46 AM
Happy August from Valley Springs AR: Starting the day off with a bit of cloudy and cooler (low 80's). Intermittent rain the last three days or so. Grass is getting green again. Plenty of time for rides in between.

Yes, the year is going by quite fast, in spite of many things. :yes:

08-01-2020, 02:09 PM
Still hoping for some monsoon relief here in the Phoenix area. We had about 1/2 inch of rain 2 weeks ago but that all happened in about 45 minutes and didn't provide much heat relief. July was the hottest month on record EVER for Phoenix. The average temperature (day high plus night low) was 99.0 F. There were 16 days when the low never got below 90. August is starting out as a clone of July. No monsoon in sight. Forecast highs of 110 to 115 and lows near 90. Driving my golf cart to the pool is like having a hot hair blower in my face. The 3 wheeler is getting awfully lonely..... Jim

08-01-2020, 06:20 PM
High 87 today in Upstate NY
Rain tomorrow next week lower 80's less humid!!

Peter Aawen
08-01-2020, 06:34 PM
And here Down Under in the Adelaide Hills, our day-time temps are struggling to make it into double digits... altho we are getting a few fine days in between all the fogs & clouds & frosts!! And according to the BoM, we just had our DRIEST July since 1924!! :shocked: They're telling us we got just 17mm of rain for the whole month, and the various Authorities are already warning us to prepare for 'another' year of drought and a far worse bushfire season!! :yikes: Dunno how THAT can get much worse than the one just past!! :gaah: :helpsmilie:

But on a brighter note, I've been able to ryde most days, albeit starting later than usual (can't handle the cold as well as I'd like! :( ) and I haven't got wet in the last few days, nor have I hadta clean any melted bitumen off the RT - so things are lookin' pretty good! :ohyea: :clap: :thumbup:

Stay Healthy, and Ryde On!! :2thumbs:

08-01-2020, 09:07 PM
Today was a high of 88* with lots of sun. Thunderstorms scattered around but no rain for us.

Little Blue
08-03-2020, 05:53 AM
:coffee: Weather People are saying rain for the next couple of days. We need some more rain in Indiana. Monday's high will be only 75°F and 60% chance of Rain.
Enjoyed a Ryde Time with the wife yesterday. Sunday was a great day for us.
Have a wonderful day. ........:thumbup:

Little Blue
08-04-2020, 04:22 AM
:coffee: Got one inch of rain yesterday afternoon. It was a heavy rain for about 45 minutes and then the sun came out. Still need more. Oh, the tomatoes are doing well.
Today's high 75°F and cloudy.
Ryde Safe. ......:thumbup:

08-04-2020, 07:55 AM
After a long streak of hot/dry weather, we had rain last evening and woke up to rain this morning!!! It is really needed and appreciated!
Ride Safe,
Gina J

08-04-2020, 09:30 AM
High pressure off the coast of Southern Californis is delaying the Monsoon here so we are still HOT and dry. If you come be sure to hydrate well and be careful with dragging chains cigarette and campfires.

08-04-2020, 04:28 PM
Upper 80's and low 90's for the beginning of Rally week here.

08-05-2020, 09:41 AM
Valley Springs AR: a little respite from the heat. 70 this AM. Lows at night in the high 50's the last couple days. Windows open and AC off. Very nice.

Cool enough that I can get back to the mesh jacket again. Grass grew like it was on steroids. Great to see what a little rain can do.

The hot weather is on the way again for the weekend though.

Little Blue
08-06-2020, 06:23 AM
:coffee: This week has been cooler for the month of August. The 70s as a high were a welcomed change.
Today's high will be only 74°F.
Ryde and Enjoy your Day. .....:thumbup:

08-06-2020, 05:19 PM
Valley Springs AR: Temps started off in the 70's. We left about 11:00 AM and got back about 2:00 PM. Linda has been off her :spyder: for the last three weeks due to a foot issue...her ride today was fine she said. Now temps in low 80's. A great ride for us. We climbed Mount Judea (pronounced Judy) and did the 10 mph twisties with some fantastic views of the valley below. Love the road, only saw four cars in the twenty miles or so of that stretch of road.

Little Blue
08-07-2020, 02:05 AM
:coffee: Welcome to the weekend, Indiana is starting to warm up. Today's high will be 77°F with sunshine. Saturday high of 84°F with some sun. Sunday's high 86°F.
Gotta love the morning rydes.
Enjoy your weekend and be Safe. ......:thumbup:

Peter Aawen
08-07-2020, 03:00 AM
....... Gotta love the morning rydes. ......

Yeah, NO THANKS!! Not here anyway!! :lecturef_smilie:

It's bloody cold here this week - all of the brass monkeys are already neutered so they've left for warmer climes; but you could freeze the warts off a toad here atm by tossing 'em outside before about 11:00 am!! Our max temps are barely climbing into low single digits (°C) and so far this week, with no let-up in sight, if it's not actually raining thick & gelid half frozen rain drops, there's an inch thick frost on everything that doesn't thaw out for hours! :shocked: We even had snow here, and it HARDLY EVER SNOWS in South Oz - in the Flinders Ranges (which means 'not very high but truly rocky & rugged hills that are nearly all desert' to the rest of the World! :rolleyes: ) just a bit to the North of us (where it's usually warmer!) it snowed, leaving a couple of inches on the ground down to about 1200ft - first time it's snowed there since probably the early 1950's; and in Tasmania where it snows a couple of times every decade, they copped a couple of feet down almost to sea level! :yikes:

So 'No Thanks' on the morning rides for me atm; they've been replaced with 'mid-afternoon rides' just so that the 'morning mist' (aka 'pea-soup fog! :p ) doesn't freeze on the RT's windscreen and any acidentally exposed bare skin doesn't instantly bond cryogenically onto the tupperware worse than a damp tongue sticks onto a freezing flag-pole! :helpsmilie: And the BoM is predicting that after this 'chilly spell', we might get some 'fiercely cold weather with damaging rain' over the next couple of weeks..... :gaah:

08-07-2020, 02:25 PM
It cooled a bit here in the desert. Highs of 108 and lows of 83 for the next few days. Next week it is forecast to warm up again with highs of 110+ and lows at night of 89+. I sat outside (with a cocktail, of course) last night at about 11:30 PM watching shooting stars. It was in the mid 80s and felt just perfect. Might have even gone for a spin around the neighborhood if it were not for the cocktail. The bike remains fully covered with a battery tender attached. I haven't seen it unclothed for over a month. Last monsoon season was nicknamed the NON-soon. We only had a couple good rains. This year is looking like it will be dryer. So far the official monsoon rain total for Phoenix is 1/10th of an inch this year. And, nothing in the forecast......:gaah: .....:helpsmilie: ..... Jim

Little Blue
08-10-2020, 06:06 AM
:coffee: Morning temperature 72°F and rain. Today's high will be 87°F. with some more rain. Sunday we had 91°F day.
Enjoy your Monday and stay safe. ......:thumbup:

08-10-2020, 06:25 AM
Looks like the heat will be back for the next 4 days. Back to the 90's with high humidity. I was kind of enjoying the "somewhat" cooler weather over the pas week.

08-10-2020, 04:39 PM
Not bad so far this month, been a little cooler it seems so far. 1/3 down 2/3 to go, I hope the weather holds up, staying below 90 will be ok with me. :thumbup:

08-10-2020, 05:13 PM
We tried a ride earlier today. It was pushing 100. Since we were not having fun, came back home and maybe will get in an evening ride.

08-10-2020, 07:49 PM
Currently we had a brief rain shower.

Tonight dew points are in the 70's.

Tomorrow temps in the 90's and muggy.


08-10-2020, 08:43 PM
We can't catch a break. We just set a record of 34 days with temperatures in excess of 110 degrees in a calendar year. We'll smash that record. The next ten days are forecast for 110+. Praying the air conditioner holds up..... Jim

08-10-2020, 10:29 PM
Gloomy weather the last couple of days, but I've check out the forecast and it seems like it's gonna rain at the weekend.

08-10-2020, 11:25 PM
Mid 80’s here, no wind and sun for the Rally. 850 miles of riding so far. Hope to do some GoPro video in the hills tomorrow.

Little Blue
08-11-2020, 05:22 AM
:coffee: Yesterday was the rainy day, got 1.2" of Rain. The temperature was very high 91°F.
Today's high will be only 90°F with some rain.
Ryde when you can and Stay Safe. .......:thumbup:

08-11-2020, 01:37 PM
Valley Springs AR: went for a short jaunt on the Vulcan this AM. 80's for starters. Gassed up and saw a large black colored front moving our way from about 5 miles off. Decided to head back to the barn. By the time I got home the front with the black clouds was moving over our valley. We sat on the front porch, watched it get darker and darker, saw the temp drop ten degrees in as many minutes and watch the humidity go from 70% to 100% and saw the wind increase in the same amount of time.

Result: we got a great soaker rain that was pretty intense for over an hour. Now it has went to more gentle rain, but it continues. We can use it...so we will sit back and enjoy it. Thunder continues to be in the sound effects.

Little Blue
08-12-2020, 02:22 AM
:coffee:Still hot and very humid here in Indiana. August is always like this, so we try to endure.
Today's high will be only 84°F and cloudy.
Stay Healthy and Ryde Safe. ......:thumbup:

08-12-2020, 09:40 AM
Valley Springs AR: yesterdays storm brought the temp down to 70. It stayed there all night and that is where it is right now. Shut off the air last night, have some open windows today. We are going to ride today for sure. Sunny and blue skies along with 70's so far. Yessssssssssssssssss!

Little Blue
08-13-2020, 05:59 AM
:coffee:Well, 13th of August already. Mom always said, 'as you get older the days just fly by'. She was so very right.
High today of 83°F with sunshine and humid.
Ryde Safe and Enjoy your Day. ......:thumbup:

08-13-2020, 06:45 AM
Looks like a stretch of rain for the next 3-4 days. Cooler temps also so I'll take it.

Lew L
08-13-2020, 07:05 PM
Great ryde today .Temps in the high 80's except at Monitor Pass at 8,000 above sea level. Great lunch at Topaz Lodge too. 39 Mpg with passenger and traveling too fast and accelerating too hard. Yes the ECU flash is worth it.

Lew L

Peter Aawen
08-13-2020, 08:09 PM
Go on, just rub it in a bit more, why don'cha, you 'still warm' bunch over there! :banghead:

I'm facing Yet Another day here in South Oz where the local temps are barely gonna climb as high as (+) single digits & the fog &/or 'rain' isn't exactly 'mist' or 'water' any more, but it ain't snow either (probly be warmer if it was! :rolleyes: ) and it sure is bleedin' COLD!! :shocked:

Haven't seen any 'fully loaded' Brass Monkeys for a few weeks now - they'd all headed North for warmer climes back by the first week of August in the hope of hanging onto their balls for a bit longer; and there aren't any warty toads left around either - the cold's frozen all their warts off & the only toads we see these days are a freshly skinned pasty pink instead of a healthy warty green!! Surprised at how many of 'em are around tho!?! :shocked: And it's even got to the stage that not only am I avoiding ryding in the mornings, but I've skipped a few of the alternative 'early afternoon rydes' too - even if I do put on all my 'usually more'n suitable' winter riding gear, it's often still just too cold for me atm.... or maybe I'm getting soft & picky, only ryding on the 'good' days?! :dontknow:

Still, we had one 'chilly but fine & sunny' day this last week, so I did a quick run up to the local shop.... via a 200+ mile Riverland run & a quick spurt thru the Lower Barossa Valley and the Hills. A fella's always gotta keep in mind what that World Famous Iconic Ozzie Singer/Songwriter Bob Hudson told us in The Newcastle Song (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yZSSYqHYjxY ) and 'Never let a Chance go by Oh Lord' - so I try to ryde whenever I can - and I NEVER miss a break in the traffic!! :thumbup:

Edit: Better version youtube vid link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7GqO9M9dK9c

08-13-2020, 08:44 PM
Go on, just rub it in a bit more, why don'cha, you 'still warm' bunch over there! :banghead:

I'm facing Yet Another day here in South Oz where the local temps are barely gonna climb as high as (+) single digits & the fog &/or 'rain' isn't exactly 'mist' or 'water' any more, but it ain't snow either (probly be warmer if it was! :rolleyes: ) and it sure is bleedin' COLD!! :shocked:

Haven't seen any 'fully loaded' Brass Monkeys for a few weeks now - they'd all headed North for warmer climes back by the first week of August in the hope of hanging onto their balls for a bit longer; and there aren't any warty toads left around either - the cold's frozen all their warts off & the only toads we see these days are a freshly skinned pasty pink instead of a healthy warty green!! Surprised at how many of 'em are around tho!?! :shocked: And it's even got to the stage that not only am I avoiding ryding in the mornings, but I've skipped a few of the alternative 'early afternoon rydes' too - even if I do put on all my 'usually more'n suitable' winter riding gear, it's often still just too cold for me atm.... or maybe I'm getting soft & picky, only ryding on the 'good' days?! :dontknow:

Still, we had one 'chilly but fine & sunny' day this last week, so I did a quick run up to the local shop.... via a 200+ mile Riverland run & a quick spurt thru the Lower Barossa Valley and the Hills. A fella's always gotta keep in mind what that World Famous Iconic Ozzie Singer/Songwriter Bob Hudson told us in The Newcastle Song (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yZSSYqHYjxY ) and 'Never let a Chance go by Oh Lord' - so I try to ryde whenever I can - and I NEVER miss a break in the traffic!! :thumbup:

The upside Peter, when everyone is complaining here about the snow and ice, you will be posting your summer adventures. :firstplace:

stmike 1800
08-14-2020, 04:42 AM
Temp in the 30's C ,to hot to do anything .

Peter Aawen
08-14-2020, 05:48 AM
The upside Peter, when everyone is complaining here about the snow and ice, you will be posting your summer adventures. :firstplace:

There is that! :ohyea: :yes: :dg1:

Little Blue
08-14-2020, 06:05 AM
:coffee:It has been a long week and I've cut way to much of the green stuff (grass). But it looks good and the wife is very happy.
Today's high will be only 84°F and sunny. Saturday 82°F and Sunday 86°F.
Enjoy your weekend and Ryde Time. ......:thumbup:

08-14-2020, 09:23 AM
We had a great ride yesterday. Left about 6:00 PM. 80's, but in the shade areas it felt cool. Did not come home until dark. A great 80 mile ride.

And right on about the grass. Tall, plush, and needing a cut in the next couple days.

08-14-2020, 01:38 PM
Temperatures for the next week..... Today 114H/87L .....110H/88L .....109H/87L .....113H/87L .....110H/88L .....111H/91L .....110H/88L. For those living in Celsius, 114F=45.5C and 88F=31C. Typically our monsoon season goes through the month of September so there is still some hope for relief but nothing in the foreseeable future. The big triangle shaped thing covered by canvas in the carport remains stationary. I am really looking forward to when the canvas comes off and getting reacquainted with having my knees in the breeze..... Jim

Update. Today was supposed to be 114F. But instead the high was officially 117f (47.2C). Eight days in row with above 115F temperatures. Wondering why I chose to retire to the desert.....:hun: :dontknow:

08-16-2020, 09:25 AM
Gonna' be stupid hot here today (pushing 100), and the wife and I have a group ride planned. :gaah: Could be worse...tomorrow is likely to hit 110!

Little Blue
08-17-2020, 03:40 AM
:coffee: Enjoyed a great Ryde Time Sunday afternoon. This week the temperatures will be in the high 70s.
Today's high will be only 79°F and Sunny.
Enjoy your Day. .........:thumbup:

08-17-2020, 09:59 AM
Valley Springs AR:

We are getting a week of respite from the heat. 72 this AM, Low to mid 80's, nights in the 60's. Windows open, AC off.

Did a beautiful 100 miles yesterday...it was hot and in the low 90's though. We did the Mount Judea (Judy) route again...but from the opposite direction. We went down the 10 mph twisties instead of up. A totally different ride than previous. We did like the views a bit better this direction. The spectacular views were on the left and a bit easier to follow when inching through those beautiful twisties. Did I say we love this place? :yes:

08-17-2020, 11:05 AM
San Francisco east Bay area 100+ or high 90's for as far as the forecast can go. AC is working 24/7 right now.

08-17-2020, 01:57 PM
Yesterday Phoenix had a high of 114 and a "low" of 90. I saw a few rain clouds in the distance but nothing made it to the metropolitan area. Today is expected to be the same as yesterday. It's not even noon yet and it's already 109. Things could be worse. Yesterday Death Valley recorded the hottest temperature on earth since 1931. It got to 130. In 1931 it got to 131. And the hottest ever recorded was also in Death Valley when in 1913 it got to 134. I think August 2020 will set several heat records..... Jim

08-17-2020, 09:18 PM
FINALLY!!!! We got a brief storm tonight. Winds 40-50 MPH with lots of lightning and huge raindrops. I know most of the country doesn't like this kind of weather. But we need it. I do enjoy a good lightning show..... Jim

Well, the monsoon lasted less than 30 minutes. A fast moving desert storm. Lasted just long enough to blow all the neighbors leaves into my yard but not long enough to blow mine to theirs.....

08-17-2020, 10:35 PM
Thunderstorms, a little rain actually managing to reach ground level, alternating with 100+ degrees. At least it washed the smoke from the Loyalton (CA) fire out of the air!

Little Blue
08-18-2020, 05:09 AM
:coffee: YES, it's raining here this morning. Weather People are saying off and on all morning, we need a good long rain.
Today's high will be only 75°F with some rain and sun.
Have a wonderful day. ..:thumbup:

08-18-2020, 09:38 AM
Valley Springs AR: 70 this AM. Low eighties by PM. NO rain on the weather map for our area.

Ride, ride, ride sometime today.

Little Blue
08-19-2020, 05:59 AM
:coffee: Got 6/10ths of Rain yesterday. We still need some more. Always take what we can and hope for the best.
Today's high 77°F with some sunshine.
Ryde Safe and Enjoy your Day. .....:thumbup:

Lew L
08-19-2020, 03:53 PM
Great little ryde with my wife today. Temps in the upper 80's ut the California smoke was bad. Across the valley and up to Virginia City ( still the tourist trap it has been for the past 40 + years). Good people struggling in these trying times. Then down off the mountain to Carson City for lunch at FireHouse Subs. Spyder ran like a champ effortlessly pulling up the mountain, 2 up, a mile high. Did I say I really like the Stage 1 ECU flash??? Looking forward to the Nor Cal Spyder NOT Rally in a few weeks.

Lew L

08-19-2020, 05:16 PM
Well here in Vermont it has been cool,days temps in the 70's, and nights temps in the 40's.

This weekend the temps should be in the 80's and low humidity. No rain.

It kinda fells like Fall! :gaah: and many of you know what that means. In 3 months or so it will be time to bring the sled out, and ride. Than in 2 months, for me it will be time to put the spyder in to hibernation!


Little Blue
08-20-2020, 03:14 AM
:coffee: The mornings have been cooler (57°F) and have enjoyed the Ryde Time.
Today's high will be only 80°F and humid. The normal temperatures this time of year are 90°F +. Seems like this year is going by very quickly.
Stay safe and enjoy your Ryde Time. ......:thumbup:

08-20-2020, 06:29 PM
We rode 150 miles today. Started out mid 70's gained 5 degrees by 4:00 PM. Blue skies and sunny. Getting into the shaded areas now, an almost 10 degree, instant drop in temp. It's like walking into a cooler. Very nice.

Heat coming back tomorrow for about a week.

Little Blue
08-21-2020, 02:04 AM
:coffee: Friday and 21st day of August. This week has been cooler and very Fall like. Weather People say get ready for the warmer weather. So hang on for the last of August.
Today's high will be 82°F and sunny.
Enjoy your Ryde Time. ......:thumbup:

Little Blue
08-22-2020, 02:37 AM
:coffee: Welcome to the Weekend.
Today's high will be only 84°F and mostly sunny.
Sunday's high about the same 85°F and sunny.
Enjoy your day and Enjoy your Ryde Time. ......:thumbup:

08-22-2020, 09:21 AM
Hot, dry, and hazy from the CA fires. Amazing that we can smell it from this far away. Those with respiratory health problems are being encouraged to stay indoors.

08-22-2020, 01:28 PM
Hot, dry, and hazy from the CA fires. Amazing that we can smell it from this far away. Those with respiratory health problems are being encouraged to stay indoors.

Yesterday, we had some smoke in the valleys here also. Did not hear of any local fires. ???

08-22-2020, 04:01 PM
Well living in NorCal the temps have been in high 90s to low 100s for over a week now with little cooling at night. And if it does cool you can’t open windows due to the smoke. I can see air. I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be like that :roflblack:

Little Blue
08-24-2020, 02:58 AM
:coffee: YES, it's going to be very warm here in Indiana. For me anything above 80°F is hot. It seems as I get older the temperature can be real problem.
Today only 88°F and sunny, low about 71°F.
Enjoy your day and Ryde Safe. ........:thumbup:

08-24-2020, 10:17 AM
Back to the 90's but sunny and blue skies. The two storms are supposed to hit Louisiana in the next couple days. Will see what kind of weather we get from that. We are one state North.

Did over 1K miles last week when it was a bit cooler.

08-24-2020, 06:18 PM
The cover continues to stay on Ol' Gray. Today we were supposed to have a high of 106. Problem is that it is now 117 according to my computer weather. UGH.....!

08-24-2020, 08:01 PM
Mornings have in the 80-90's highs last week were above 110. So no riding for me, except in the car with the A/C going, I am not as tough as Joe and Ann. They taught a 3 wheel class, I think it was last week and they had about 10 students.... gotta wonder about them!

Little Blue
08-25-2020, 05:11 AM
:coffee: Still warmer Days. Today's temperature 90°F and lots of Sunshine. Gotta stay indoors and enjoy the AC.
Have a great Day. ......:thumbup:

Little Blue
08-26-2020, 01:05 AM
:coffee: Yesterday was a hot day 92°F with a heat index of 100°F. Today will be only 91°F.
Stay safe and enjoy your day. .....:thumbup:

08-26-2020, 06:26 PM
I :pray: that the people of Louisiana & Texas get out of harms way before it's to late.

08-26-2020, 07:20 PM
Today up here in Vermont it felt like fall!

Little Blue
08-27-2020, 06:03 AM
:coffee:We are having some changes in our weather. Today's high will be only 85°F and sunny.
Its been 8 days since the last rain. The grass is starting to turn brown.
Enjoy your Ryde Time. .....:thumbup:

08-27-2020, 08:21 AM
Today up here in Vermont it felt like fall!
Here it’s starting to look like Fall. Some gold colors starting to show up in Spearfish Canyon and along the Needles Hwy.

08-27-2020, 11:10 AM
Likewise on the color changes. Very subtle so far, but there will be a tree or two in the midst of the forest. Also partial color changes on a few. I am hoping we get a colorful fall this year. Last year was a nothing.

08-27-2020, 07:49 PM
Here it’s starting to look like Fall. Some gold colors starting to show up in Spearfish Canyon and along the Needles Hwy.

Usually in Oct. we get fall colors, and by the middle of Oct. is the peak season. I know what that means, time to get the sled ready for winter season. I don' have much down time between the 2 seasons( spyder & Sled season).


Little Blue
08-28-2020, 04:42 AM
:coffee: Now that several people have been saying, looks like a early Fall in Indiana. Nine days and still no rain. This is stressful for the trees and causes the leaves to fall.
Today only 84°F and sunny. More of the Brown grass coming, less cutting and a little more Ryde Time.
Have a wonderful day. ......:thumbup:

stmike 1800
08-28-2020, 04:52 AM
Feels like fall 10c this am ,new sled should be arriving any day now .

08-28-2020, 12:46 PM
Still HOT here in the desert. The high today will be right at 110. A lot of smoke in the air from local and California fires. It looks like a little relief is coming. Sunday's high is predicted to be below 100 with a 50% chance of showers. YEA!!!!! My old air conditioner is my new best friend..... Jim

Little Blue
08-29-2020, 03:23 AM
:coffee:Welcome to the final Weekend of August. The days seem to fly by very quickly.
Today's high will be only 78°F and cloudy, 30% chance of Rain. Sunday will be only 76°F with some rain, 20% chance of Rain.
Enjoy your weekend and be Safe. ......:thumbup:

08-29-2020, 10:57 AM
Yes, another month, and where did it go???

08-29-2020, 08:15 PM
Yes, another month, and where did it go???

Yea, time is surely flying buy very fast. It seems like Aug just began!

Before you know it the sled season will be here!:gaah:


08-30-2020, 02:22 PM
On Friday we had our 50th day of 110+ temperatures for the season. The old record was 38 days. This has been the hottest summer on record. Last evening we had thunder storms that lasted about 45 minutes and dropped 4/10ths of an inch of rain. YTD rain fall is now at 3.5 inches, well below average. I usually do a 4-6 week bike trip to cooler places in the summer. This year the covid had me staying home. Not good timing. Today had a high of 96 forecast. At noon it was 98 and our daily high usually comes between 4 and 5 o'clock. Seems mother nature has her own mind and is not listening to the forecasters..... Jim

08-30-2020, 03:01 PM
Here in British Columbia, Canada....west coast.....we’ve been highs of mid 20’s to mid 30’s Celsius for the majority of August.

Little Blue
08-31-2020, 01:48 AM
:coffee:Well, it's the last day of August.
Enjoyed a beautiful ryde Sunday with the wife. She likes rydes on the county routes (a slower pace). No interstate rydes for her.
Today only 82°F with some sun.
Ryde and Enjoy your Day. .....:thumbup:

08-31-2020, 02:41 AM
See you next month. Ride safe and stay cool........ Jim

08-31-2020, 11:38 AM
Getting ready to ride. 75 degrees, partly cloudy, beautiful day. Vrooooooooooooooommmmmmm.

08-31-2020, 04:44 PM
So weather in the Wyoming high country right now is....I'll just let this pic do the talking!


08-31-2020, 10:16 PM
Wouldn't have minded a ride today but with all the fires over in CA, going outside is like picking up a smoking habit. I can't even see the Sierras just across the valley! I'd show you all a pic, but it would just be solid gray...

Peter Aawen
09-01-2020, 05:07 AM
Well people, Little Blue has started the 'September Weather News' thread here:


So this August thread is now closed! See y'all in September. :thumbup: