View Full Version : Garmin 660 MP3 player won't advance tracks! Suggestions?

06-07-2020, 05:46 PM
I got a new (to me) Garmin zumo 660 recently (from a forum member). I don't have it wired up but the mount is solid so I charged it up and used it briefly today. I downloaded some MP3s to a new microSD card, paired it to my Cardo and hit play. Works fine EXCEPT it won't advance tracks. The next/previous track buttons on the GPS do nothing. Not sure if this is a hardware, software or user problem.

Any suggestions?

06-10-2020, 05:56 AM
If nobody has any suggestions, I'll unwire it from the bike and toss it in the closet. I'm not seeing any answer on the web.

Peter Aawen
06-10-2020, 06:30 AM
Give it a chance Monk. The thread's only been up a few days, and not everyone checks all the New Posts here out every day (yep, who'da thunk that?! :shocked: ) Many readers only come in once in a while, and even then many often only check out the threads that have titles that interest them/where they think they can help :lecturef_smilie:

So why not leave it for a bit and see what the next few days might bring?! You'll never know unless you give it a go, and it won't really hurt anything, will it?! :rolleyes:


06-10-2020, 03:53 PM
I assume you have Garmin Express on your computer and have added the GPS to the program. If not, that would be Step 1, IMO to be certain the GPS software is up to date. Step 2, you said you paired it to your Cardo headset. I don't know about Cardo headsets but I do know from my experience with Sena if you don't use the correct pairing you might not get the results you expect. If you have not done so, why not try calling Garmin Technical Support, 800.800.1020. I have found them very helpful solving a variety of problems of my own creation through ignorance or misunderstanding of the owners manual.

06-10-2020, 04:43 PM
I assume you have Garmin Express on your computer and have added the GPS to the program. If not, that would be Step 1, IMO to be certain the GPS software is up to date. Step 2, you said you paired it to your Cardo headset. I don't know about Cardo headsets but I do know from my experience with Sena if you don't use the correct pairing you might not get the results you expect. If you have not done so, why not try calling Garmin Technical Support, 800.800.1020. I have found them very helpful solving a variety of problems of my own creation through ignorance or misunderstanding of the owners manual.

Sorry don’t have my unit in hand to test, believe the play functions were little wonky when tried before. Like it wanted to swap back & forth between internally memory “default tracks” & not just stay on the sad card tracks.:dontknow: Especially with a headset

06-11-2020, 09:35 AM
I assume you have Garmin Express on your computer and have added the GPS to the program. If not, that would be Step 1, IMO to be certain the GPS software is up to date. Step 2, you said you paired it to your Cardo headset. I don't know about Cardo headsets but I do know from my experience with Sena if you don't use the correct pairing you might not get the results you expect. If you have not done so, why not try calling Garmin Technical Support, 800.800.1020. I have found them very helpful solving a variety of problems of my own creation through ignorance or misunderstanding of the owners manual.

I couldn't find that number for Garmin support but I appreciate it. I'll give them a call.

I DO have Garmin Express on my computer and I'm up to date on firmware. The issue isn't trying to change tracks using the Cardo. I tried just pressing the forward/back buttons on the GPS. It just reloads the same track. Not sure if Garmin will help as I'm at least the 2nd owner but we'll see.

06-11-2020, 09:38 AM
Sorry don’t have my unit in hand to test, believe the play functions were little wonky when tried before. Like it wanted to swap back & forth between internally memory “default tracks” & not just stay on the sad card tracks.:dontknow: Especially with a headset

All of the tracks are on a microSD card. Nothing except the maps are in the internal memory.

06-11-2020, 03:45 PM
Do you have the owners manual for your 660? You can download it here: http://static.garmin.com/pumac/zumo_660_OM_EN.pdf. On my 590, although the depiction of the button pushes is different in my manual, they do the same as what is written on pg 25 of the 660 owner's manual. I just tested mine and it performs exactly as the manual says.

06-12-2020, 06:51 AM
Thanks, Jay. I didn't have that, only the little 12 page "guide". I looked over page 25. I was doing exactly what it said to do. I'll have to contact Garmin.

06-20-2020, 02:42 PM
Ok FYI got to testing & was able to skip tracks : tools ; media player; browse; all; play all. Might not start where you want it to, but now the >><< will skip to next song on the list either direction. That’s with the screen looking like this182480 hope helps