View Full Version : I just want to have fun

08-08-2009, 09:41 PM
But it seems that everywhere I was going today the law enforcement was present. :gaah:
I went out for a ride again tonight and was followed by the Sheriff patrol, so I was forced to really watch my speed. When the signs said 40 I went 40. when it went down to 35 I went 35. When it was 50 I went 50. So on and so forth. I then stopped in at this restaurant and the Sheriff finally drove away. I went in the restaurant and had a meal and a cold beer before I headed out again to go back home. On the way back I figured I would just watch my speed, then sure enough, the Sheriff patrol was parked on the side of the road to spot speeders. I'm glad I wasn't speeding! I'm not a reckless rider and usually I do obey the speed limits most of the time anyhow, but sometimes I just like to have fun and get on it now and then, or I just want to cruise and not worry about looking at the speed limit signs, or my speedometer. It just takes the fun out when you have to constantly watch every move you make in order not to get ticketed. But, I guess the police are just doing there jobs. Hopefully they will catch those that are really reckless.

08-08-2009, 09:56 PM
See alot of the law around here too giving tickets. I know what you mean. The :spyder:isn't for puttin around, it doesn't like to put, it likes to play!

bone crusher
08-08-2009, 10:46 PM
But it seems that everywhere I was going today the law enforcement was present. :gaah:
I went out for a ride again tonight and was followed by the Sheriff patrol, so I was forced to really watch my speed. When the signs said 40 I went 40. when it went down to 35 I went 35. When it was 50 I went 50. So on and so forth. I then stopped in at this restaurant and the Sheriff finally drove away. I went in the restaurant and had a meal and a cold beer before I headed out again to go back home. On the way back I figured I would just watch my speed, then sure enough, the Sheriff patrol was parked on the side of the road to spot speeders. I'm glad I wasn't speeding! I'm not a reckless rider and usually I do obey the speed limits most of the time anyhow, but sometimes I just like to have fun and get on it now and then, or I just want to cruise and not worry about looking at the speed limit signs, or my speedometer. It just takes the fun out when you have to constantly watch every move you make in order not to get ticketed. But, I guess the police are just doing there jobs. Hopefully they will catch those that are really reckless.

You're in Vermont, what do you expect? :gaah:

08-09-2009, 12:29 AM
:agree: It seems around here too that the police are always watching me,got pulled once for going 5 over the limit:yikes: and ever since then I watch it real close and go the limit even though my spyder wants to GO over the limit,she just wants to GO! I think they really watch these kind of cycles because the stand out in the crowd.just my opinion.

08-09-2009, 01:17 AM
Out in the cage this am, on a usual cross town journey thru residential areas. The posted speed is 25, but usually drive 35+ as most the resi is gated communities not open access driveways. Noticed a MC LEO at an intersection monitoring the area. Had to choose alternative roads as 25 is just plain painfull in the car or on a bike. :doorag:

08-09-2009, 02:14 AM
my humble opinion on this issue, back ground wise I have lost my license twice for 4 moving in a year and then 5 in 2 years that is how MN works. I work 911 dispatch now and the best thing you can do is work in the business, cops don't give other cops tickets unless they are the *******s that got beat up in high school and never take their cop masks off ( I have met very few like this were I work but they make all real cops jobs harder) so if you know them and you get pulled that helps, otherwise it is just a game of how to convince the cop not to give you a ticket. There are HEAT shifts or click it and ticket shifts but most traffic in MN is just looking for drugs and warrants. The other thing I can stress from working here is to STAY OFF of state hwys, the are of course patroled by the state patrol, before I got this job I did not think about this but stayed away from these because they were staight and full of cages.

Pay the ticket take the ride, it is always a risk johnny law will hit you up but any LE job helps you in a situation. Don't get me wrong I said it before I got this job "I could never be a cop, how could I give a ticket to someone for somthing I do everday" but know working with them I KNOW I could not do it, When you dance with the devil the devil don't change, the cops I work with deal with the POS people every day, dead babies, broken lifes and generally bad situations.Plus when you go to work with a badge, a gun and if people don't listen they go to jail so how do you turn that off when you go home, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutey so alot of them drink quite a bit, not my thing any more but I don't do what they do.

Anyway hope it helps you guys out of a ticket,and if you ever get a chance to sit in a dispatch center or do a ride along I would jump at the chance not only to get an outlook at how the other side works it may help you get to know your local LE and maybe learn something about the system that helps you out.

08-09-2009, 07:25 AM
Was in Vermont this week they must have some campaign going on.
there was a lot of bridge work going on INT 91 and they had Sheriffs hiding in the woods with no cars then the other Sheriff would be about 3/4 a mile after construction sight .Good thing they were making the bear in the woods were a traffic vest saw this going on at at least 6 works sights and it seemed to be very affective a lot of cars were getting nabbed.

08-09-2009, 07:57 AM
The cops are out in force here also writing tickets that they would not have a few years ago. Remember times are hard and budgets low. The state cut the court systems budget here in Kansas so much that they were talking about closing the courts one week every month. A major source for revenue is from tickets. Every city, county, and state is under a budget shortfall. They say its to keep it safe out there but if you follow the money I think theres more to it!:(

08-09-2009, 09:00 AM
The current eccomony has the local's, and State Law out to raise money. So.. keep your bucks in your pocket.

08-09-2009, 06:54 PM
Pay the ticket take the ride, it is always a risk johnny law will hit you up but any LE job helps you in a situation.

I used to teach leadership to first year midshipmen at the Naval Academy. We were discussing rules/laws and I always told them that it is your option whether or not to obey but, if you get caught, don't bitch about being caught doing something you knew was wrong.

08-09-2009, 07:18 PM
These are different times-- it's not like it used to be years ago. I agree that the police are all over, and getting a break is very unlikely. Thank God Spyders can't do wheelies. That's an expensive fine here in FL.

08-09-2009, 07:26 PM
The cops are out in force here also writing tickets that they would not have a few years ago. Remember times are hard and budgets low. The state cut the court systems budget here in Kansas so much that they were talking about closing the courts one week every month. A major source for revenue is from tickets. Every city, county, and state is under a budget shortfall. They say its to keep it safe out there but if you follow the money I think theres more to it!:(

That's what I figured! I will do my best though not to contribute to that revenue source! I was out today again and saw only one car pulled over by the state cop on the highway. I did go by a sheriff patrol, and was on the speed limit. I was carful about that all day and just enjoyed the ride.

08-09-2009, 08:03 PM
I got pulled over yesterday on my way home from work. Only going 5 over,and I didn't see the change on I-95 go from 70 to 65. My fault. The sheriff was cool and didn't cite me, just made me aware. I used to get pulled over all the time in New York, but my Dad was a State Trooper, so I never got a ticket. I moved to Florida and received 3 in 2 years. I learned to slow down and behave, at least slower than what I used to drive.

08-09-2009, 10:49 PM
Saw a lot of them today in NC.