View Full Version : Generic Group Ride Safety Briefing....

05-17-2020, 10:48 AM
Generic Ride Safety Briefing

Welcome to our ride! We’re glad you’re here. You’ve already been briefed on the route, and we don’t expect more than the usual selection of potholes or road construction.

Maintain 6’ distance from all other persons, whether riding or stopped.

Safety is our primary concern. We DO NOT recommend that you fasten a seatbelt, nor should you attach yourself to the motorcycle in any manner, as that may interfere with an emergency exit. Each motorcycle has been equipped with a 360° emergency exit system. In the event of an emergency, and, for passengers, at the direction of your rider, please leave the motorcycle in the direction of your choice.

No on-board food or beverages are provided, and you are discouraged from bringing any due to the risk of spillage on the motorcycle, which might adversely affect the wax finish. This is a non-smoking ride, unless you choose to smoke. There are no on-board ashtrays, so your ash may soil the machine behind you.

None of the motorcycles, except, possibly, the Gold-Wings, are equipped with an on-board washroom, but, if they were so equipped, you may be assured they’d be equipped with a smoke detector for your safety.

There will be a mid-ride break, to allow the smaller machines to refuel, let the sport-bike riders stretch their backs, allow the Harley riders to buff their chrome and re-fill oil, and let the Gold-Wingers catch a nap.

We understand that you have many choices of where and with whom to ride, so we sincerely thank you for choosing to ride with us today.

05-17-2020, 04:07 PM
Well spoken Captain. Are the cabin crew providing entertainment today?

05-17-2020, 06:43 PM
what's the movie ?