View Full Version : Seat Belts

05-16-2020, 05:09 PM
Has anyone installed them? My co-rider thinks she would feel safer with one.

05-16-2020, 06:25 PM
Has anyone installed them? My co-rider thinks she would feel safer with one.

Ask if she would rather be strapped onto one of these or thrown clear?


05-16-2020, 06:27 PM
Without a roll cage it would be purely for some medical condition that called for it but even then not a good plan.

05-16-2020, 08:08 PM
Another NO vote for seat belt(s). If your co-rider thinks she'd feel safer with one it's time to consider a Slingshot IMO.

05-16-2020, 08:14 PM
No, and don't ever say anything about seat belts on motorcycles where anyone from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration might hear you. Whisper it if you have to say it. Often, common sense does not enter into decisions made by some agencies.

05-16-2020, 08:29 PM
I remember a few years ago, someone posed (on another forum) that his state had a law that if your motorcycle had seat belts, you didn't have to wear a helmet. So he installed the seatbelts so he could ride without a helmet. The law didn't say you had to use the belts, just that you had to have them. :shocked:

05-16-2020, 09:33 PM
Does the name Joan Claybrook and her safety motorcycle not strike terror in your heart? Another example of Jimmah Carter's weird administration.
https://www.google.com/search?q=joan+claybrook+safety+motorcycle&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS814US814&sxsrf=ALeKk02M8lPvLfd_zZXqPap9cyIYStqnuw:158968248 9063&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=kWxxbTYbi89c1M%253A%252CiPI-zIgUZM1b5M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRpH9ZVIgGtEImJwUF0ZU2hN5Q4nQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNt8Pg7LnpAhWLGDQIHedtCBoQ9QEwAXoECAoQB g#imgrc=kWxxbTYbi89c1M:

05-16-2020, 09:40 PM
Ask if she would rather be strapped onto one of these or thrown clear?


Exactly what I was thinking! I hope they never pass legislation that requires seatbelts for motorcycles.....I'm going to be a criminal!

05-16-2020, 10:21 PM
Has anyone installed them? My co-rider thinks she would feel safer with one.

My wife sleeps back there during twisties or POURING DOWN RAIN. I don't even have to give her Valium, but perhaps you should, or perhaps wine in her sippy cup. Happy wife, happy Spydering. :2thumbs:

Peter Aawen
05-16-2020, 10:23 PM
Has anyone installed them? My co-rider thinks she would feel safer with one.

I wasn't gonna, but I feel I must... :p

Sure, she might feel 'safer' if she's strapped on top of a few hundred kilos of machinery, fully exposed & unable to escape the potential damage from being hit by another vehicle &/or the scenery.... :shocked: But seriously, all she hasta do is look at the injuries usually incurred in motorcycle accidents, then multiply the amount of skin & flesh that'd get ground away as a result of those by about 1000% if she gets trapped between the tarmac & a sliding Spyder!! :yikes: I HAVE SEEN what happens when this 'strapped onto the top of a tumbling &/or sliding motorcycle' thing occurs, and I still have nightmares about it! :yikes: I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!! :banghead:

So wmjk, if YOU value her life, well being, &/or appearance AT ALL, then you've gotta talk her out of even dreaming about fitting seatbelts to a Spyder.... unless you also fit a full-on Roll Cage too! :rolleyes:

Ps: my Missus sleeps back there too, with absolutely no concerns or feeling of ever even getting close to falling off! :cheers:

Lew L
05-16-2020, 10:29 PM
No---- If she wants seat belts---- get a car. A nice convertible sports car maybe. Not a :spyder2: or any motorcycle.nojoke

Steve W.
05-16-2020, 11:13 PM
My wife has also take many naps on the back of our two-wheeled motorcycles. Starting back in 1979.

All the bikes were full-dressers, so she had a trunk to lean on for stability. Our current Goldwing also has arm rests, which just adds to her stability.

Since she got back on her own two wheels in about 2004, she hasn't been on the back of my bike much, and now she has her Spyder, so no more napping.

Please cancel the idea of seatbelts. If she wants a little bit of protection, look into an airbag suit.


05-17-2020, 03:05 AM
:agree: with all the others dissenters ..... very foolish ......... However I have attached ( sort of ) a young rider to ME ( not the machine ) while driving my Spyder. Also this was done for less than highway speeds ...... Mike :thumbup:

05-17-2020, 05:43 AM
The first thing I have to ask, is what are you riding and dose she have a back rest and arm rest? My wife would not ride with me with out them, we have gone on test rides on other bikes and that is the first thing she'll say when we get off is, it would need arm rests! But on the other hand , I have to tell you I bought my bike from a older couple from New Hampshire, and it had a seat belt in the rear for the lady that rode on it! She had a habit of taking a little nap back there I guess and when she felt the need for a rest she would hook up!! That was the first thing I had removed from the bike!! A nice set of arm rests that wrap around would make her feel a ton safer I would think! Good Luck!!

05-17-2020, 08:20 AM
The first thing I thought of:


05-17-2020, 09:52 AM
Another NO vote for seat belt(s). If your co-rider thinks she'd feel safer with one it's time to consider a Slingshot IMO.

On one of my other Dangerous Vehicle Forums (Factory Five Racing) when someone goes out on a Limb with "IS IT SAVE"? I normally suggest a Volvo.

05-17-2020, 10:45 AM
Safety is our primary concern. We DO NOT recommend that you fasten a seatbelt, nor should you attach yourself to the motorcycle in any manner, as that may interfere with an emergency exit. Each motorcycle has been equipped with a 360° emergency exit system. In the event of an emergency, and, for passengers, at the direction of your rider, please leave the motorcycle in the direction of your choice.

05-17-2020, 10:49 AM
Did you nice the "Safety Motorcycle" in post 7 steered via the REAR WHEEL? That must have been thrilling to ride.

05-17-2020, 11:47 AM
Another no vote. The posters above have mentioned most of my reasons. Drive safe. :yes:

05-17-2020, 12:26 PM
Has anyone installed them? My co-rider thinks she would feel safer with one.
Not knowing what model you are riding, I would #1 never put seat belts on a bike and #2 if she feels like she is flying off
in the turns, Install arm rests. Your wife will love them

05-17-2020, 12:39 PM
I have to say, frankly, I am disappointed by the responses in this thread. Most of the responses are about seatbelts on a motorcycle. I did not ask about seatbelts on a motorcycle!! I have ridden two wheels for more than five decades and would not consider it. But a Spyder is not a motorcycle. It does not ride or handle like a motorcycle and most certainly would not behave like one in a collision. My (unsupported) feeling is that my F3L (with armrests, BTW) would most likely stay upright in a minor to moderate collision. Would staying with the machine reduce injuries? I don’t know, and without a real study, no one else does either. Gut feelings (my own included) are often wrong and are no substitute for hard evidence.

In any case, comments about sippy cups, tranquilizers, getting a car, etc. are not helpful and IMO, have no place on a forum that I expected be thoughtful and supportive. I was always told that there are no stupid questions and that an honest question deserves a thoughtful and reasoned response. Obviously not everyone here agrees with that.

I asked a simple question about seat belts on a Spyder. As a retired engineer, I thought it was a perfectly reasonable question. Grisly photos and sarcastic, demeaning, and insulting comments are not what I would have expected from a forum to support riders. Apparently, this subject is an emotional trigger for some people. If there is anything that will get in the way of rational discussion it is raw emotions.

I am not going to get into arguments or a flame war, so this will be my last comment on the subject.

05-17-2020, 12:58 PM
It seems to me no one here attempted to attack you. You did not mention seatbelts specifically for a motorcycle...but since this is a Spyder forum...most were right in assuming so.

I see you clarified you were addressing Spyders though in your last paragraph above.

It COULD look like you may have been trying to start an argument...but that is just MY opinion.

You got a broad spectrum of answers, and I don't see anyone out of line. Just my .02

05-17-2020, 01:34 PM
I would not want to be strapped to anything that only weighs a half ton and might be going up against 2.5 to 3.5 ton, or more, machine in a wreck.

05-17-2020, 04:17 PM
Seatbelts without a roll cage is looking for trouble. You don't want to be attached to a Spyder if it flips over.

05-17-2020, 04:48 PM
I have to say, frankly, I am disappointed by the responses in this thread. Most of the responses are about seatbelts on a motorcycle. I did not ask about seatbelts on a motorcycle!! I have ridden two wheels for more than five decades and would not consider it. But a Spyder is not a motorcycle. It does not ride or handle like a motorcycle and most certainly would not behave like one in a collision. My (unsupported) feeling is that my F3L (with armrests, BTW) would most likely stay upright in a minor to moderate collision. Would staying with the machine reduce injuries? I don’t know, and without a real study, no one else does either. Gut feelings (my own included) are often wrong and are no substitute for hard evidence.

In any case, comments about sippy cups, tranquilizers, getting a car, etc. are not helpful and IMO, have no place on a forum that I expected be thoughtful and supportive. I was always told that there are no stupid questions and that an honest question deserves a thoughtful and reasoned response. Obviously not everyone here agrees with that.

I asked a simple question about seat belts on a Spyder. As a retired engineer, I thought it was a perfectly reasonable question. Grisly photos and sarcastic, demeaning, and insulting comments are not what I would have expected from a forum to support riders. Apparently, this subject is an emotional trigger for some people. If there is anything that will get in the way of rational discussion it is raw emotions.

I am not going to get into arguments or a flame war, so this will be my last comment on the subject.

Wow! I think it might be time to take a deep breath and relax! Maybe too much Covid-19 incarceration has had an effect. Personally, I didn't see any of the issues you lament. Other than the crash pictures. Granted, a bit harsh. But posted in good faith to make a point.

Though not 2 wheels, the Spyder is considered a 'Motorcycle'. And though there are differences, as you point out. Seat belts on a Spyder are a bad idea for the same basic reasons that they are a bad idea on a 2 wheeled vehicle.

It is always good to be sure that you actually WANT meaningful answers before you ask the question. Hopefully, we can get this train back on the tracks. And just chalk this one up as an 'Unnecessary Derailment'. As I think the consensus here is that there are better, and safer ways of helping your wife feel more secure on the Spyder. A consensus for which I whole-heartedly agree.

This, I think, is what we all assumed that you wanted to know.


05-17-2020, 05:32 PM
I have to say, frankly, I am disappointed by the responses in this thread. Most of the responses are about seatbelts on a motorcycle. I did not ask about seatbelts on a motorcycle!! I have ridden two wheels for more than five decades and would not consider it. But a Spyder is not a motorcycle. It does not ride or handle like a motorcycle and most certainly would not behave like one in a collision. My (unsupported) feeling is that my F3L (with armrests, BTW) would most likely stay upright in a minor to moderate collision. Would staying with the machine reduce injuries? I don’t know, and without a real study, no one else does either. Gut feelings (my own included) are often wrong and are no substitute for hard evidence.

In any case, comments about sippy cups, tranquilizers, getting a car, etc. are not helpful and IMO, have no place on a forum that I expected be thoughtful and supportive. I was always told that there are no stupid questions and that an honest question deserves a thoughtful and reasoned response. Obviously not everyone here agrees with that.

I asked a simple question about seat belts on a Spyder. As a retired engineer, I thought it was a perfectly reasonable question. Grisly photos and sarcastic, demeaning, and insulting comments are not what I would have expected from a forum to support riders. Apparently, this subject is an emotional trigger for some people. If there is anything that will get in the way of rational discussion it is raw emotions.

I am not going to get into arguments or a flame war, so this will be my last comment on the subject.

You provided a rather elaborate response to those who responded to what seemed to be a very simplistic question with some very simple answers. I am sorry that you chose not to explain what you were after in your first post but chose to be critical of those who responded after the fact.

Your question did not invite rational response.


05-17-2020, 08:34 PM
In a minor to moderate collision would staying with the machine reduce injuries? I don’t know, and without a real study, no one else does either. Gut feelings (my own included) are often wrong and are no substitute for hard evidence.

From mild to wild there are plenty that have had the same thought process as yourself,thinking outside the box is what gets stuff done so...……………...:clap:
Being the guinea pig calls for a risk profile your wife may not fit is the problem as I see it.Crash test labs are big bucks operations so we will probably never know.

05-20-2020, 12:04 PM
I'm sure someone has thought and tried to install seatbelts on a spyder or some variation of one. My first inclination on my first ride was that it was the dynamics and feel for the rider and passenger to be pushed somewhat unnaturally during cornering of a spyder. One gets acclimated quickly as does the passenger. I have seen airbags installed and tested on 2 wheel bikes...I believe there are some bikes that are equipped with airbags as well but not sure. I have not seen any crash dummie demos of a seatbelted 2 wheel or spyder. It would be interesting. However without intensive testing and thoughtful analysis none of us can factually answer this question but in that instance go with your gut . I have armrests for the passenger and squeeze my thighs when I need to during tight corners. I'd be reluctant to be seatbelted.

05-20-2020, 12:45 PM
For many years, there has been a model of the Goldwing that comes with an air bag.

05-20-2020, 02:56 PM
Wow! I think it might be time to take a deep breath and relax! Maybe too much Covid-19 incarceration has had an effect. Personally, I didn't see any of the issues you lament. Other than the crash pictures. Granted, a bit harsh. But posted in good faith to make a point.

Though not 2 wheels, the Spyder is considered a 'Motorcycle'. And though there are differences, as you point out. Seat belts on a Spyder are a bad idea for the same basic reasons that they are a bad idea on a 2 wheeled vehicle.

It is always good to be sure that you actually WANT meaningful answers before you ask the question. Hopefully, we can get this train back on the tracks. And just chalk this one up as an 'Unnecessary Derailment'. As I think the consensus here is that there are better, and safer ways of helping your wife feel more secure on the Spyder. A consensus for which I whole-heartedly agree.

This, I think, is what we all assumed that you wanted to know.


Baja Ron has the right analysis of this "situation" :agree:

Cruzr Joe
05-20-2020, 04:47 PM
hell no

05-20-2020, 06:11 PM
hell no

Tell us how you really feel Joe. :roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

05-20-2020, 06:46 PM
I'm with Cruzr Joe, No. It doesn't matter if you are strapped in or not; this is an open vehicle and you are going to get hurt in an accident. The only benefit a seat belt would have is to help keep your wife from falling off when she goes to sleep

05-20-2020, 08:54 PM
Seatbelt bad, wind in your face good (on a bike or trike that is).

05-20-2020, 09:04 PM
"But a Spyder is not a motorcycle." wmjkweber02

First to answer your question , no I would never want or use a seatbelt on my motorcycle .

My Spyder and all Spyders are Motorcycles . They are tricycles with a motor so in the most basic english that makes them Motorcycles . Just like a bicycle with a motor is a Motorcycle.Attaching a motor to a unicycle would still be considered a Motorcycle ( totally awesome and scary ) but still a motorcycle .

Joel The Biker
05-21-2020, 01:07 AM
It is actually illegal in ny state to strap any rider to the motorcycle.
Basically, seatbelts may only be used if installed by the manufacturer of the vehicle after meeting federal motor vehicle safety standards. You may not fabricate your own safety belts or attach a set to your vehicle if not originally equipped.

05-21-2020, 04:12 AM
It is actually illegal in ny state to strap any rider to the motorcycle.
Basically, seatbelts may only be used if installed by the manufacturer of the vehicle after meeting federal motor vehicle safety standards. You may not fabricate your own safety belts or attach a set to your vehicle if not originally equipped.

That makes no sense, but my son lives in NY state and a lot of the laws there make no sense. If there is a total ban on installing seat belts in any vehicle not originally equipped with them, it means that almost all the classic cars that have been preserved or restored would not be allowed to install seat belts for safety. There must be some provision that allows seat belts in the cars from the 50s and early 60s. I owned several cars that were built before seat belts were factory equipment. Cars up to 1964 or 1965 did not come with seat belts. Seat belts were not mandated in new cars until 1968.

05-21-2020, 07:54 AM
"But a Spyder is not a motorcycle." wmjkweber02

First to answer your question , no I would never want or use a seatbelt on my motorcycle .

My Spyder and all Spyders are Motorcycles . They are tricycles with a motor so in the most basic english that makes them Motorcycles . Just like a bicycle with a motor is a Motorcycle.Attaching a motor to a unicycle would still be considered a Motorcycle ( totally awesome and scary ) but still a motorcycle .

Au Contraire! The word motorcycle originated in the 1890's and was short for motorized bicycle ( https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=motorcycle ). I know, my registration says motorcycle. I guess they did not want to start a new classification. This is good, because it means we can ride in the carpool lane. But if the state really considered it a motorcycle they would require a motorcycle license to ride it. Which they do not, at least here in California. At the Can-Am training course they were quite adamant the Spyder is not a motorcycle. In the Spyder owners manual, BRP constantly refers to the Spyder as being different from a motorcycle. The Spyder is horizontally stable, while a motorcycle is not (i.e. it will fall over). The difference is huge.

Finally, put a body on a Spyder and you get the Slingshot, which is also a tricycle configuration. I don't think anyone would consider that a motorcycle. There have been numerous tricycle configuration vehicles over the years. I don't think any of them were referred to as motorcycles.

05-21-2020, 09:14 AM
Au Contraire! The word motorcycle originated in the 1890's and was short for motorized bicycle ( https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=motorcycle ). I know, my registration says motorcycle. I guess they did not want to start a new classification. This is good, because it means we can ride in the carpool lane. But if the state really considered it a motorcycle they would require a motorcycle license to ride it. Which they do not, at least here in California. At the Can-Am training course they were quite adamant the Spyder is not a motorcycle. In the Spyder owners manual, BRP constantly refers to the Spyder as being different from a motorcycle. The Spyder is horizontally stable, while a motorcycle is not (i.e. it will fall over). The difference is huge.

Finally, put a body on a Spyder and you get the Slingshot, which is also a tricycle configuration. I don't think anyone would consider that a motorcycle. There have been numerous tricycle configuration vehicles over the years. I don't think any of them were referred to as motorcycles.

That is only California. In most other states the 3 wheel motorcycles do require a motorcycle license. In some states you can ride either 2 or 3 wheels with a motorcycle certification, and they also have a 3 wheel certification which only allows operation of 3 wheelers. It is dependent on state laws.

05-21-2020, 10:23 AM
Me thinks this thread may have run it's course?

Lew L
05-21-2020, 11:20 AM
Me thinks this thread may have run it's course?



05-21-2020, 12:10 PM
That makes no sense, but my son lives in NY state and a lot of the laws there make no sense. If there is a total ban on installing seat belts in any vehicle not originally equipped with them, it means that almost all the classic cars that have been preserved or restored would not be allowed to install seat belts for safety. There must be some provision that allows seat belts in the cars from the 50s and early 60s. I owned several cars that were built before seat belts were factory equipment. Cars up to 1964 or 1965 did not come with seat belts. Seat belts were not mandated in new cars until 1968.

Retrofit seat belt systems, approved by the DOT, can, and have been installed on vehicles that came without seat belts. This, I believe, applies only to cars manufactured before seat belts were mandatory. I think the install must be done by a licensed and certified technician. So, it is not illegal, at least in some cases, to install a seat belt system on a vehicle that did not come with them. However, I would very much doubt this applies to anything with a 'Motorcycle' designation.

My feeling is, with all the time and effort invested into 'Safety' these days. That every conceivable option has been investigated. Seat belts probably being very high on the list. The fact that no one in the industry is even discussing seat belts for motorcycles probably answers this question.

05-21-2020, 04:00 PM
Airbag jacket may fit the bill to make your wife feel safer.

I can remember in the first two years of SL’s there were a few members checking on them. So, it’s not just your wife who wants the feeling of safety

05-21-2020, 04:19 PM
:bdh: Let it die, he has closed his ears to us, before he got his first hell no!!!

05-21-2020, 05:19 PM
Me thinks this thread may have run it's course?

Not yet. No one has mentioned Hitler sot far. Oops. I just did so you are right!

08-08-2020, 04:23 AM
Well here in The Netherlands seat belts are mandatory if you like to drive without a helmet. Does that make sense, not in my view but hey it just shows that there are different views all over the place.

08-08-2020, 05:10 AM

08-08-2020, 09:08 AM
"But a Spyder is not a motorcycle." wmjkweber02

First to answer your question , no I would never want or use a seatbelt on my motorcycle .

My Spyder and all Spyders are Motorcycles . They are tricycles with a motor so in the most basic english that makes them Motorcycles . Just like a bicycle with a motor is a Motorcycle. Attaching a motor to a unicycle would still be considered a Motorcycle ( totally awesome and scary ) but still a motorcycle .


08-08-2020, 01:18 PM


08-08-2020, 03:20 PM

Oh hell yes :2thumbs:

08-10-2020, 04:36 AM
Yesterday a small tour with 24 Spyders/Rykers, speed below 60mph, temperature up to 97 degrees, boy was i happy that i added the seat belt the day before. It was at least doable driving in t-shirt and no helmet, it felt nice as well:D:doorag:

08-10-2020, 06:34 AM
Seatbelts without a roll cage is looking for trouble. You don't want to be attached to a Spyder if it flips over.

I second this.

08-10-2020, 06:55 AM
I vote no on the belt ,but yes on the armrests.

08-10-2020, 05:24 PM
Seatbelt(s) on a Spyder, no, unless it was there was a frunk full of empirical evidence that it dramatically saved lives/reduced injuries ... and then it could still be a choice to wear the belts or not. Just my opinion.

If an airbag option was added to the RT Limited, I would pay extra to get that model.

08-13-2020, 01:56 AM
One thing to consider is why your wife is thinking about seat belts. If it's a general safety worry, perhaps an airbag vest might help. If she feels like she's falling off the Spyder, in addition to armrests, the handholds on either side are there.
Good luck!