View Full Version : How many ride a Spyder with no warranty?

south GA Farm Boy
05-10-2020, 11:56 AM
Guys, I was wondering how many of you ride a Spyder where your warranty has run out and you have no warranty? My warranty expired because of a dealer error, and I have had a hard time getting a new extended warranty! BEST would't accept me, so I am having to search for another company! My dealer hourly fees are $129.00 per hour, and at my age I can't afford to have to carry it to them with no warranty! Also, remember on a scale of 10, our Spyders are in last place on reliability number 10! So I am just curious how many ride without warranty and take a chance on getting repairs down!

05-10-2020, 12:05 PM
I have ridden without extra warranty since day one. This includes six different Spyders.

The only time I had an extended warranty was on my 2014, which was given free by BRP because I ordered before a specific deadline. I also did not purchase an extended with my most recent. If I have any issues...I still have a year and a half to purchase.

For all of those years except half of 2019 and 2020, I lived in Alaska, where a breakdown could have been a critical issue. Happily, I have had no major glitches.

If you don't have the funds for a warranty purchase up front, try banking a small amount each month to build up a repair fund. $3,000 or so should cover most major incidents. Not the perfect solution, I know, but an idea that will work for some.

05-10-2020, 12:14 PM
I have ridden and owned 26 motorcycles and when the factory warranty expires, i fix myself.

05-10-2020, 12:56 PM
I have ridden without extra warranty since day one. This includes six different Spyders.

The only time I had an extended warranty was on my 2014, which was given free by BRP because I ordered before a specific deadline. I also did not purchase an extended with my most recent. If I have any issues...I still have a year and a half to purchase.

For all of those years except half of 2019 and 2020, I lived in Alaska, where a breakdown could have been a critical issues. Happily, I have had no major glitches.

If you don't have the funds for a warranty purchase up front, try banking a small amount each month to build up a repair fund. $3,000 or so should cover most major incidents. Not the perfect solution, I know, but an idea that will work for some.

:agree: , only 3 spyders, but after the warranty expired I continued to maintain them .... I did use the dealers for ONLY warranty work ( and wasn't always happy with those results ) ...... good luck .... Mike :thumbup:

Mazo EMS2
05-10-2020, 01:36 PM
No warranty here. I've had a couple Spyders, the first didn't have one when I bought it used, and the second one is our 2016 that ran out a while back. I keep up on the maintenance myself and check things over regularly. I do more maint. than what the manual suggests as well, adding a dab of grease here n there, regular oil and filter, blah blah blah... I like to drive with common sense....blah blah blah....And of course I "hope" a lot. I hat the idea of spending money on something I'll never use, but I also understand the purpose of spending a little up front....

05-10-2020, 03:05 PM
I have a 2016 F3-T and I bought used with 8100 miles. No warranty. I figure ill fix anything that goes wrong. But I firmly believe that proper maintenance items are key to keeping the bike running at its best. ie. Would rather change the oil more vs less.

05-10-2020, 03:45 PM
The extended warranty on my former Spyder ran out last year. I bought the bike used from a non-Can Am dealer who sold it claiming "no warranty". Turns out I found that the original still had a month to go so I extended it out for another 3 years. I think it cost somewhere in the $700 range. Money well spent. In my 3 years of ownership, the bike was at the dealer 3 times for warranty work. Each time it was over a 30-day fix and in excess of $1,000 each. The last was for a stuck thermostat that happened 10 days before warranty expiration. The shop billed over $1,100 of which I paid $50.00. I had a Goldwing GL1800 with 110,000 trouble-free miles in the garage. I LOVED riding the Spyder but with an annual $400 oil change and more than $100.00 average monthly repair cost, I couldn't justify ownership without warranty. I sold the bike the next week..... Jim

05-10-2020, 04:49 PM
No warranty here. 2015 RT with 33,000 miles, no issues and no intention of getting rid of the RT or any of my other bikes and vehicles without warranties.

Peter Aawen
05-10-2020, 05:16 PM
I would've thought that since Spyders have been around for more than 10 years & we passed the '100,000 Spyders sold' a couple of years back now and that the BEST warranties can only be extended so much, that in the overall scheme of things it'd most likely be that MOST Spyder owners are ryding machines that no longer have any warranty, and that MOST are doing it without any concerns or issues at all! :dontknow:

Certainly here in Oz that's extremely likely to be the case, and I know the warranty on my 2013 RT ran out about 5 years ago now and not having a warranty hasn't been of the slightest concern to me or the machine! If anything, it's made my Spyder Ryding & Owning a fair bit MORE enjoyable, cos now I can do things without wondering or even caring if it'll impact upon any future warranty claims or issues - If I do something that damages or breaks my Spyder, it's all on me! But it's been pretty damn reliable & capable so far, and anything I've played with has only made it work better for me! :lecturef_smilie:

As for that 'least reliable' bit, I'm pretty convinced that it's largely just a furphy, with a lot of it being driven by the '2-wheeler motorcycle industry & media', maybe not conciously or maliciously, but there's no denying that many of that ilk take every opportunity to bag anything different &/or anything that might challenge their preconceived ideas & prejudices, so they highlight and focus on all the 'baaad' things they see and hear!! And it's true, it might seem to be that there's a fair bit of bad stuff they can focus on - just take a look at this Forum.... how many threads are there about how great ryding our Spyders/Rykers can be, and how many posts do we see telling us that someone hasn't hadta make a warranty claim in over saaayy 60,000 miles of ryding & ownership?!? This's all obviously cos ALL Spyders are extremely unreliable & likely to spend more time in the shop than they do on the road, isn't it?! CRAP! Forums & social media pages devoted to things like Spyders are the places where people go to vent their frustrations and to ask for help about any/all the problems they might have, so OF COURSE it looks bad, when in fact it looks a whole lot worse than it really is!! :rolleyes: There's what, almost 24,000 members here, out of somewhat more than 100,000 Spyders sold.... so even if you assume that most members here own at least 2 Spyders currently (which I doubt!) that would still mean that about half of the Spyders ever made are very likely still out there doing their thing without much in the way of problems at all!! But wait.... there's only 8,500 or so of the members here who are active on the boards, so it's possible if not likely that the 'about half of the Spyders ever made' bit is waaay closer to 'about three quarters' or even more!! And you don't want to get me started on the why's & wherefores about Spyder Owners tending to worry more about trifling things &/or complain about stuff that doesn't even raise a blip on the radar for the owners of most other similar 'life-style' machines - even tho it's all there for them too; they just accept it as part of the deal & get on with the 'enjoyment' bit! :ohyea:

So yeah, I do reckon it's pretty likely that MOST Spyder's out there no longer have any warranty at all, and that MOST Spyders & Spyder Ryders have few if any concerns about that, even if some few of the minority others might worry, quite possibly needlessly..... :rolleyes: :thumbup:

05-10-2020, 05:21 PM
2014 RTS-SE6 here, and I had the manufacturers warranty, during warranty, I bought the B.E.S.T warranty, and that expired last year.

So I don't have any warranty.

I have not had any problems and I have 26,785 miles and still going strong!


05-10-2020, 05:24 PM
I just bought my 2012 Rss SE5 from a reputable dealer who offered me a great 3 year warranty. To fix anything major ,will cost me $50. At my dealer but if I get it fixed anywhere else in North America it will. Cost me $100. Of course any regular maintenance will be for me to take care of.
They just had to replace the shifter and module wiring before I could pick it up. But that was done before I picked it up because it did not shift properly, not sure what that would have cost had I had not said anything but I bet it was an easy $500 for sure.With 30,000 kms. Or about 18,000 miles approx. on it.

05-10-2020, 05:28 PM
My B.E.S.T. extended warranty expired last fall but I'm going to keep riding because it has only 66K miles on it and I sure as hell don't want to spend the money just to have a Spyder with a warranty. I'm shooting for 200K miles.

Lew L
05-10-2020, 06:18 PM
My extended warranty ran out about 2 years ago having NEVER used it. Not sure I would even try to get one now on a 2014.

05-10-2020, 06:51 PM
Bought mine in 2012 without a warranty. Maintain it myself and am almost 81.
Getting up off the floor is the hardest part, followed by seeing what I am doing when working under it.

05-10-2020, 08:56 PM
Bought my 2012 in 2015 at 8500 miles with no warranty. Found one that was good for 2 years and used it once for $800.00. So warranty ended up costing me $400.00. I now have 56,000+ miles on the Spyder and no intentions of selling or buying another warranty. It runs good, I do my own servicing. At 73 the hardest part is getting up and down on the cement driveway. At 8 years old I don't really expect anything to go wrong, unless I cause it anyway. I hope I am smart enough too avoid that.

05-11-2020, 04:19 AM
I am not sure if it's possible to buy the extended warranty where I live. It is interesting though, Before buying the Ryker and Reading on these forums, I had never even Heard of buying extended warranty.
Personally I would never pay extra for such a warranty/Insurance. I prefer to just save up a repair fund. :)

05-11-2020, 07:03 AM
Warranty ran out in 2018. Spyder is running great.

05-11-2020, 07:32 AM
Warranty ran out in 2010. Been riding worry free since then. Why worry when you can ride!

If I ever have a serious problem. I'll deal with it. Until then, I'm going to have FUN! I've owned a good number of motorcycles over the years. My 2008 GS is the first new motorcycle I ever purchased. And the first that I ever had a warranty of any kind on. I didn't get an extended warranty. I let it run out.

With any kind of insurance. You are betting that you're going to have a problem. And the people you are paying are betting that you don't. In other words, you're betting against yourself, and paying for it!

Life itself is a gamble. Nothing wrong with warranties. They can be a help and I'm certainly not against them. But in the final analysis, it's how you deal with life in general that makes all the difference.

05-11-2020, 07:56 AM
I have ridden without extra warranty since day one. This includes six different Spyders.

The only time I had an extended warranty was on my 2014, which was given free by BRP because I ordered before a specific deadline. I also did not purchase an extended with my most recent. If I have any issues...I still have a year and a half to purchase.

For all of those years except half of 2019 and 2020, I lived in Alaska, where a breakdown could have been a critical issues. Happily, I have had no major glitches.

If you don't have the funds for a warranty purchase up front, try banking a small amount each month to build up a repair fund. $3,000 or so should cover most major incidents. Not the perfect solution, I know, but an idea that will work for some.

Maybe spend the $670 on a 3 year B.E.S.T. and keep $2300 for other required items (tires/pads/chemicals/etc) ? My two year OEM warranty expires 08/27/2021. I'll let the reliability record help me determine what I do next August..

05-11-2020, 08:21 AM
I’m 67 years old and have never purchased an extended warranty on anything - electronics, cars, trucks, motorcycles, you name it. I can’t even calculate how many thousands of dollars I’m ahead by not paying for repairs I never needed.

05-11-2020, 08:40 AM
I have a 2013 RT-S that I bought used back in 2014. I do not have a warranty and I have never had an issue in my 32K miles (Except the heat issue which was taken care of by recall). I like to take a long trip or two each year (2-3K miles) so I do take it to the shop each year for a once over before I begin my trips which helps keep the gremlins away. So, in a way, my warranty is proper maintenance.

05-11-2020, 09:43 AM
My first Spyder was a used 2008 GS that was ridden over 22,000 trouble free miles without a warranty. I then bought a new 2014 RT that came with a BEST warranty in addition to the OEM warranty. I never used either warranty and the bike gave me almost 60,000 trouble free miles. I now have a 2020 RTL that has the OEM warranty, so we'll see what happens. So far so good and I'm happy with it.