View Full Version : Do you take turns driving your Spyder with your husband, wife or significant other ??

05-09-2020, 09:58 PM
My g/f and I went on a 120-mile putt, and it was REALLY refreshing for me to "ride bitch".

Sometimes, it's just better to let others do the driving, LOL.

Steve W.
05-09-2020, 10:37 PM
I'll just say that there is no "bitch seat" on ANY of my motorcycles. :shocked:
If you qualify as a bitch, you simply ain't getting on. :lecturef_smilie:

That said, we have had the Spyder for just three weeks. It's HER bike. :thumbup:
Yes, I rode on the back seat coming home from one of her practice sessions. :yikes:


Lew L
05-09-2020, 10:37 PM
My wife, who you'll meet some day Lou, always wants me to do the driving. I had hoped she should learn ( or at least get the basics) of driving the :spyder2: . BUT NO and I don't push it. It's said---a happy wife =a happy life----so I don't even ask any more.

05-09-2020, 10:42 PM
No, I do all the driving. There isn't anyone else to drive.
In fact, I just recently named the bluetooth headsets in order to better differentiate them and hopefully make the pairing more consistent.
I named mine, of course "Steven".
The other one I named "Your Name Here"

05-09-2020, 11:11 PM
I don't have the option, so I didn't vote ..... but I would be open to the idea ......Mike :thumbup:

05-10-2020, 01:33 AM
We did this for 4 years until we got a second one. Then again this last winter when we only took 1 with us to Arizona. I have no problem riding on the back.

05-10-2020, 04:48 AM
not here we both have bikes are f3t's. all waze had 2 bikes

05-10-2020, 05:16 AM
I would love for my wife to drive, but she thinks if she dose, there will be a second ride in the dooryard!!!:yikes: WELL, maybe she's catching on to me:shemademe_smilie:

05-10-2020, 07:57 AM
We bought our RTs in 2014. Within a few days of owning I convinced my wife she could drive it. She took a few spins in the mall parking lot late on a Sunday and was hooked. Took the class and got her endorsement. Always nice to have a designated driver. ;). We would take turns drive out to our destination and back. Took delivery of our F3s in January of 2015. Plan was to trade between the two out and back since we both loved the way the F3 sat and rode in comparison to the RT. Fast forward a year. Decided to sell the RTs and pick up another F3 when we could find a deal. Trading the RT was too painful to consider after pricing at the dealer. Found a private buyer. Planned to meet at Central Florida Power Sports to turn over our baby after a full service and a warranty repair. CFPS really wanted to make another sale and offered to buy the RT and sell it to the other party at the same price and then worked out an agreeable arrangement on a new F3T for my wife. The F3s isn't a comfortable long distance two up. The F3T is better but still not the RTs. Two years go by and now we have added the RTs back to the mix if we aren't taking two.


05-10-2020, 08:10 AM
We would have constantly been fighting since we both love driving so we bought two.

05-10-2020, 10:49 AM
I voted no. When Linda and I first started seeing each other, (May 2011), it took over a month to even get her to go for a ride. She said, "I ain't getting on that THING."

Fast forward...that first summer, she rode over 10K miles as a passenger. The last week of the season, I got her to try driving it...and she liked it.

Fast forward...Next season (2012), I decided to buy her one for herself to drive (a new leftover 2011 RT). Bottom line, more comfortable for both of us.

Fast forward...in the seasons to follow (through 2019) she put almost 40K miles on her own 2011. When I decided to go for another :spyder2:, 2019 F3L, in December of 19, her 2011 was the trade in. She now rides the 2014 1330/3. Has put almost 5K miles on it since January of 20.

I am thinking she likes riding her own. :yes:

05-10-2020, 11:45 AM
I bought me a newer RT and gave my wife the older RT.
Now we are both happy.

05-10-2020, 01:30 PM
2 spyder family

05-10-2020, 01:33 PM
My wife, who you'll meet some day Lou, always wants me to do the driving. I had hoped she should learn ( or at least get the basics) of driving the :spyder2: . BUT NO and I don't push it. It's said---a happy wife =a happy life----so I don't even ask any more.


05-10-2020, 05:25 PM

I own/and drive my spyder.

My significant other has his own spyder.


Mazo EMS2
05-10-2020, 05:26 PM
I don't because she rides her own Ryker..WooHoo

05-10-2020, 09:14 PM
I bought the SE5 thinking my wife would be able to drive this one if she wanted. She drove it once around the block, thought it was nice and that was the end of that. She will now barely ride with me at all, so I am back to riding pretty much alone.

05-10-2020, 09:29 PM
We would have constantly been fighting since we both love driving so we bought two.

That was our/MY logic - - why let my husband drive and have ALL THE FUN? So we each picked out our ride and didn't look back!

05-10-2020, 09:37 PM
Great topic !! Today I finally convinced my wife to ride with me down to the empty (Huge) parking lot at the Junior College so I could teach her the basics of the RT. We spent about an hour with me on the passenger seat helping her know when to shift (SE-6) and how to make figure 8s. She really surprised me at how good she did. She has never operated a motorcycle; so she had some issues to overcome; like learning which way to twist the throttle !! A bit jerky at first; but improved a lot in our short time together. I even had her back it up two times. All-in-all a good Mother's Day outing!:clap:

05-11-2020, 07:20 AM
Once upon a time, a l-o-n-g time ago... I started out as a not-so-willing (terrified on 1st ride) passenger on the back of my husband's bike. After figuring out I wasn't going to fall off I stopped hanging on for dear life and found that I really enjoyed those rides, and so... we became a 2 bike family. 2 bikes remained the norm except for the time I was pregnant with twins and busy at home with 4 boys.
Today - My better half rides a white 2019 F3 Ltd (with chrome) and I'm on a 2019 RT Ltd - white dark version! Oh... and our SUV is... you guessed it - pearl white.
: )
Gina J

05-11-2020, 08:48 AM
My wife has no interest in driving. She did get licensed so she is able to drive in case something ever happened to me on the road. So, she'll drive a little around town. However, she'd much rather climb on back and open her phone and talk with friends while the miles go by.

05-11-2020, 11:03 AM
My wife's mother died leaving her a small inheritance. She bought her bike first and would behind riding with our son, leaving me at home. After a summer of this crap, I got tired of sitting at home alone, so I said I am not staying at home alone while you and Curtis (our son) goes off riding and having fun, so at then of the riding season of 2013, WE went and bought ME a new 2013 RTL. It was a great bike and never had a problem with it. I don't think she ever rode behind me, nor did I ever ever ride behind her. She has hers, I have mine!

05-11-2020, 11:56 AM
My wife, who you'll meet some day Lou, always wants me to do the driving. I had hoped she should learn ( or at least get the basics) of driving the :spyder2: . BUT NO and I don't push it. It's said---a happy wife =a happy life----so I don't even ask any more.

Looking forward to riding with you and your wife, Lew.

We took ours out near Portola last weekend to check out some campgrounds. I should've invited you, but it was kind of a spontaneous thing. Plus, I let my g/f drive around the curvy sections so that she can gain more confidence in driving her Spyder. (Yes, it's actually hers, since I still have my Harley).

It was really a fun day.

05-11-2020, 11:58 AM
That was our/MY logic - - why let my husband drive and have ALL THE FUN? So we each picked out our ride and didn't look back!

I'm definitely thinking of getting another Spyder when my 2-wheel days are over........but for a while, LOL.

05-11-2020, 12:00 PM
I bought the SE5 thinking my wife would be able to drive this one if she wanted. She drove it once around the block, thought it was nice and that was the end of that. She will now barely ride with me at all, so I am back to riding pretty much alone.

That kinda sucks.

But there's always something to be said about riding by yourself....

05-11-2020, 12:22 PM
181214 I started riding the old RT when my Road King wouldn't start and we had a trip planned. I enjoyed gawking at the scenery, but my wife is very much a 1-up operator, so when she traded up, I got her old one.

Now we're a two Spydee family:shemademe_smilie:

05-11-2020, 01:37 PM
My girl friend doesn't want to learn to drive my Spyder. She is happy as a passenger.

05-11-2020, 01:59 PM
So far my wife is enjoying being a passenger and has no interest in driving. But I know her well after almost 30 yrs together eventually she'll want one of her own.

05-11-2020, 04:15 PM
No. One for me and one for her and all is well.

05-12-2020, 07:56 AM
We initially bought the Spyder for her as a follow-up to me getting my first sport bike for my 60th birthday 6 years ago. A great Spyder deal came along three years later at such a low price for a low mileage '14 RT-L that we just couldn't pass it up. Unfortunately we did not realize her upper body strength was not up to driving the Spyder for more than about an hour at a time. That killed the thoughts of going on separate vehicles for any great distances. That said, I don't mind at all being on the back seat until she tires enough to switch positions. It allows me to shoot pictures that I want instead of depending on her tastes 100% of the time.

Pirate looks at --
05-12-2020, 08:23 AM
Voted no as we have purchased two spyders so we don't have to share the front seat!

05-12-2020, 08:47 AM
My wife and I will occasionally trade when she wants to push my ST through the twisties. Now that my step-daughter has her license and once I can pick up my new F3, she'll ride the ST. Then we'll be a 3 Spyder family :)

05-13-2020, 12:43 PM
My wife prefers the back seat so she can sleep. When she's awake I do hafta turn off the intercom sometimes.