View Full Version : B.E.S.T. Extended 3 months!

05-01-2020, 02:39 PM
Just got an email tellin Me My Warranty was bein extended 3 months. SO Ima try AGAIN to get some answers from BRP about my machines oil useage.I know the 990s use some oil.BUT Mine uses alot! 8 OZ. Per 500 miles.A quart every 2000.Its been this way since I bought it new. 2014 ST SM5 I dont mind puttin the oil in it as long as its what they consider "normal" and NOT something wrong. BRP Told me to talk to the dealership guy about it.....I have for aprox. 4 years already! LOL He says they all use oil n he cant tell me what is "normal"? Anybody else got one that uses this much oil? What do ya think the odds are of BRP givin me an answer????????????????????????????? :shocked:;)TYAIN

Peter Aawen
05-01-2020, 03:38 PM
All the V-Twins use oil!! :thumbup:

How much each might use depends on a lot of things, including the type/weight of oil you use, how hard you ryde, how long you ryde, the ambient temps you ryde in, how high or low you rev it between gear changes, and probably a bunch more besides! BRP can't tell you 'what's normal' for you because they don't know all those things. Your Dealer can't tell you what's normal for you because they don't know all those things! No-one else who owns/operates a V-Twin will be able to tell you what's normal FOR YOU because they don't know all those things!! The ONLY person who'd be able to work out what's normal oil usage for you & how/where/when you ryde is YOU!! If you know enough to tell us that it's generally using about 8oz per 500 miles or a quart every 2000 miles, then I'd hazard a guess that THAT sounds pretty much normal FOR YOU!! ;)

My V-Twin uses a little less than that during winter time when I tend to run it a little gentler/or on a little shorter runs; and it tends to use a little more than that during summertime when I tend to run it a little harder &/or on some longer runs. It also tends to use a little less oil if I run full synthetic higher temp oil (10w/40 or so) in the summertime on those longer runs than it does if I run a semi-syn lower temp oil.... saay a 5W/30 :dontknow: But I don't think it makes a big enough difference in the over-all scheme of things to really to worry about! ;) I just check the oil level after I shut it down after a run & top up as necessary. :thumbup: The V-Twins use a little oil, it's no biggie, it's a common thing for internal combustion engines to use some oil; it's actually quite rare to find an engine (like the 1330's :dontknow: ) that use little if any oil between scheduled changes - in fact, on many engines out there right now, you would/should be REALLY WORRYING if they DON'T use SOME oil between scheduled changes, because that'd indicate their oil level was being artificially maintained by contaminants or condensation/fluid getting in from somewhere!?! :shocked:

The things to realise here is that the V-Twin Rotax engines use some oil between scheduled changes. It's normal for them to do that. You already know what is normal for yours, you told us! So don't stress over it any more; don't waste any more time or energy chasing BRP or your Dealer. Just monitor your oil usage and don't worry if it goes up or down a little, but watch to make sure it doesn't suddenly and consistently over a number of scheduled changes start using twice as much or more oil! Any short term/once off variation in use much less than that sort of increase may well be related to variations in your recent usage! :lecturef_smilie:

Ryde More, Worry Less! :ohyea:


05-01-2020, 03:49 PM
LOL..Looks like you had fun dude....No comment.