View Full Version : 2014 RTL Throttle handle not fully returning

04-18-2020, 02:03 PM
Just noticed a problem on our 2014 RTL with the throttle not returning to full off position on it's own when you release the twist grip. It stops approx. 20-30 degrees from full return. I can and do then twist it up to full off, to make sure, but something isn't right. I don't remember it working like this in the past. A few weeks ago I put on the TRCLED foam grip sleeves following instructions and using foaming hand type liquid soap. Due to weather and movement restrictions out here, I didn't have it out on the road until last week, and I didn't really notice the problem until a few days ago after some short "sanity check" rides in the country around here.

After trying everything to find the problem today, I did notice if I leave the outer spring out of the grip, it functions fine. The inner most spring (which you can't see because it's inside the module holding the cruise control etc) seems to also be a return spring. The outer spring "looks" OK, and I don't see how it could jam or anything, but that's where I am.

Could the grip installation using foaming hand soap have gummed something up?? Anyone else have the "not returning" issue on this type spyder at any time, new grips or not?
Also, has anyone taken apart the black box (with the speed controls in it) at the inner end of this grip and if so is it safe to do that and see the other end of this twist grip to see if the problem is there somehow?

Would really appreciate Any ideas or suggestions on this?

04-18-2020, 02:14 PM
I had a similar problem and it was caused by the extra presser from the foam squeezing the grip. Also the spring is tricky to get back in rite if you had it out.

04-18-2020, 04:17 PM
I had a similar problem and it was caused by the extra presser from the foam squeezing the grip. Also the spring is tricky to get back in rite if you had it out.
Did you fix it somehow? not sure what is being affected by that.

04-18-2020, 08:32 PM
You have to use foam grips that are made for the Spyder, they're correct length and diameter. I originally tried to use the size for my Triumph Trophy. Buy from Lamonster or SPYDERPOPS. Did you put the end caps back on too tight?

04-18-2020, 09:29 PM
You have to use foam grips that are made for the Spyder, they're correct length and diameter. I originally tried to use the size for my Triumph Trophy. Buy from Lamonster or SPYDERPOPS. Did you put the end caps back on too tight?

Revalden, Thanks for response but these are the TRCLED grips specifically for the Spyder per TRCLED. End caps tightness didn't make any difference. I went from tight to loose with same effect. Removing the spring totally is the only thing that "seems" to free everything up.

04-18-2020, 09:38 PM
It has been suggested that my problem with the throttle not returning all the way to "minimum" location may be caused by installing the TRCLED grips that are sold as specifically for the Spyder.
Has anyone else experienced this and how was it handled? I am going to ask them about this but would like any other input people may have.

04-18-2020, 10:11 PM
Not sure what you are doing with springs but I just slid mine over the stock grip and have no problems..

04-19-2020, 03:56 AM
The various instructions I have seen suggest hand sanitizer (alcohol blend) as the lube of choice, I used it and it works. I could see hand soap gumming up the works when it dried if it got into the wrong spot.

04-19-2020, 07:54 AM
I purchased my foam grips from Tricled in 2015 and installed them using hand sanitizer per their instructions with absolutely no problems.

04-19-2020, 08:35 AM
The various instructions I have seen suggest hand sanitizer (alcohol blend) as the lube of choice, I used it and it works. I could see hand soap gumming up the works when it dried if it got into the wrong spot.

My mistake ! I did use hand sanitizer, not the foaming soap I mentioned. The bottle I used is still in the garage.

04-19-2020, 11:58 AM
My mistake ! I did use hand sanitizer, not the foaming soap I mentioned. The bottle I used is still in the garage.

The alcohol in the sanitizer may have melted the foam. If it were me I'd cut them off and order a new set and clean up the throttle real well. Good luck.

04-19-2020, 12:13 PM
Revalden is in the V-ring. We're not talking about destroying the crown jewels; cut the foam grip off and see what happens.

04-19-2020, 03:28 PM
The alcohol in the sanitizer may have melted the foam. If it were me I'd cut them off and order a new set and clean up the throttle real well. Good luck.

The alcohol should not have any effect on the foam grips.

04-21-2020, 11:21 AM
Seems to me there was something tricky about the spring too. take the foam off and see if it returns. If not then the spring is not in rite.

04-21-2020, 11:36 AM
Make sure the spring is installed correctly. Looks like it has a pin on one end. So that has to go into the hole for it. Not sure how it connects to the grip on the other end. But when it is installed correctly there should be a small amount of preload torque on the spring.

04-21-2020, 12:11 PM
Make sure the spring is installed correctly. Looks like it has a pin on one end. So that has to go into the hole for it. Not sure how it connects to the grip on the other end. But when it is installed correctly there should be a small amount of preload torque on the spring.

Is the spring #68 or #70 ????? ............ Years ago I wasn't happy with the amount of " tension " the spring provided, to me it was to strong and made holding the throttle open ( manually ) a bit tiresome. ..... So re-moved it ..... I liked the lowered tension and left it of ..... I did discover that the end screw ( #6 ) pressure now determined whether the throttle would completely release on it's own..... since I couldn't use Torque to hold it in, I put some household glue on the threads, let it dry a bit and then adjusted the screw stay in place without any torque........ Mike :thumbup:

04-21-2020, 01:38 PM
The spring is item 68. 70 is a bushing.

04-22-2020, 03:37 PM
Make sure the spring is installed correctly. Looks like it has a pin on one end. So that has to go into the hole for it. Not sure how it connects to the grip on the other end. But when it is installed correctly there should be a small amount of preload torque on the spring.

Billy, thanks for the info.. if I can ask...….where did you get the diagram in your post? I need to get the part number and source.

04-22-2020, 04:24 PM
Thanks to all who have tried to help me with my throttle spring issue.
this issue is now resolved, but in a strange (for me anyway) way. In reviewing the posts here and asking a few return questions, I ended up on posts from 2018 describing this very same issue and what you have to do to install the spring correctly. I printed the instructions I saw from "Monkeyboymorton" and immediately went out and performed that procedure. It was painless and now the throttle works as it did in the past:yes::yikes:

Don't know how the 2018 thread popped up...……..but I'm sure glad it did. :dontknow::thumbup:
AGAIN...……...Thanks to all who provided info and help !