View Full Version : Cassoday KS run

08-02-2009, 04:48 PM
Cassoday KS is about half way from Wichita to KC. In 1991 12 bikers showed up for breakfast Norma Arsenault who owned the Cassoday Cafe said she would open up on Sunday only if enough people showed up to make it worth while. On the 1st sunday of the summer months now 5000 to 7000 bikers make it there for breakfast. Norma set up tables in the street and the good people of Cassoday (pop. 100) helped out. Norma died last summer but the breakfast continues along with vendors, leather, knives, food etc. There is always a bike dyno running in the southern farm equipment lot and bands etc. I rode there this morning and from the moment I backed in in front of the post office people started asking questions. It took me an hour to get off the bike and another before I finally walked off to see some of the town and bikes. As I walked off "I Swear" a kid about 12 years old came up to me and asked me who I was? I replied with my name is Danny Schepis. The kid goes "I never heard of you! Why was everyone gathered around you." So I told the Kid "I'm not a Rock Star I just ride a Spyder!" I guess I have to get one of those shirts.:thumbup:

http://cassodaybikerun.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/Cassoday_KS_Motorcycle_Ride_08_07_05_overhead.9016 1104_std.jpg

08-02-2009, 05:53 PM
Danny...were you the one on the Silver Spyder? I was the one on the Red Spyder parked at the other end of the block in Cassoday. I too was inundated with questions. It's just so cool to have something different & yes the "Rock Star" status does definitely apply. Too bad we couldn't have met.

08-02-2009, 10:12 PM
Yeah it is to bad no one even told me there was another Spyder there. Yes I was the Silver and Black one. Where are you in KS maybe we can get together sometime.:2thumbs:

08-03-2009, 12:42 PM
I was there checking out your highway pegs & other mods about 11:15. (These are on my want list & was excited to see some in person) I would have hung around to see if you might show up but I was meeting the rest of our group at 11:30 so needed to get going. I am about 110 miles northeast of Wichita between Abilene & Junction City. Yes, it would be cool if we could meet up some time.