View Full Version : Wear a Mask!

04-02-2020, 11:46 AM
We have a friend that works for the CDC. He's a scientist that works on virus's. He suggests we ALL WEAR A MASK. I know they are impossible to come by. But 2 layers of ordinary cotton will block 60% of the virus. If you are lucky to posses a "N95" mask. Wear it! :chat: Spread this to all you know! It just may save someone's life.:firstplace: Tom :spyder:

04-02-2020, 03:43 PM
Interesting, Tom. Dept of Health out here says definitely don’t wear a mask unless you have contracted Corona. So many mixed messages :dontknow:


04-02-2020, 04:05 PM
If the masks don't help anything, why are all the medical personnel who are dealing with the virus patients in the hospitals wearing them?
Do they know something that the department of health don't know?

04-02-2020, 04:56 PM
Lots of information, some good, some not-so-good. The most compelling thing I've heard about wearing a mask is that it prevents you from touching your face. That makes sense to me. I live alone and don't have to contend with those short, crawling germ and virus carriers (grandkids). No one has been in my home for several months except for me. I'm not inclined to wear a mask..... Jim

04-02-2020, 05:03 PM
There are many patients who do not have symptoms but are contagious and wearing a mask will avoid contagion to the rest.

04-02-2020, 05:59 PM
One big problem is that there are currently not enough masks to go around.

I looked up the US population # as of 2019 and they said 329 million.

Medical personnel currently are saying there are not enough masks to go around and some are using the ones they have for a week at a time.

So once again, a dilemma. I am glad that we have about 20 bandanas. :dontknow:

04-02-2020, 06:19 PM
It is not the right kind of mask, but I guess any mask is better than no mask. When I have to go to the grocery store or the feed store, I wear the masks and gloves that I had for painting and mowing. They are for dust and paint spray. May not stop a virus, but maybe slow one down. There is about a 2 month backlog even for more dust masks.

04-02-2020, 06:31 PM
I'll shed a little light.
N95 mask are made for the viral and adjustable to get a good seal. Some are one time use others are disposable
The blue mask are surgical mask and are reversible. Blue side out stops germs getting in. Blue side in keeps germs in.
Unless u have goggles on virus still can enter the eyes. N95 and surgical should be for front line responders only at this time because of shortages. You can use home made shield from bandannas. or another material. Will no- Rags will work also. A lot of people are carriers and non systematic and this will help. This will not stop virus from entering but better than nothing. As i've heard they are recommending mask for hot spot areas. God Bless and be safe

04-02-2020, 06:40 PM
Also complications of beards & masks. What about Dust mask (or bandanna) that has been saturated
(least decently sprayed with sanitizer. )? Also what about this ez mask at the dentist just a string with a alligator clip on either end to hold a paper towel over nose & mouth?

04-02-2020, 07:07 PM
Might not be a good idea to go in the bank with a bandana over your nose and mouth................

04-02-2020, 07:45 PM
Might not be a good idea to go in the bank with a bandana over your nose and mouth................

I was thinking about that. Here, it is currently drive in only...so I think we are good there.

04-02-2020, 07:47 PM
I did see an online direction for making home made masks.

They suggested t-shirt material. Two different colors sewed together so you can keep track of the inside (contaminated) side from the outside (uncontaminated). Not perfect, but better than nothing at all.

04-02-2020, 08:05 PM
If the masks don't help anything, why are all the medical personnel who are dealing with the virus patients in the hospitals wearing them?
Do they know something that the department of health don't know?

When I work or worked in the hospital I was always in close contact with the patient; the reason you currently see many medical personnel with mask and face shields. If you keep the social distancing, there should not be a problem without the need for a mask. But, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, don’t forget eye protection.

04-02-2020, 10:43 PM
A friend who has a small business making skirts for racket sports is now is making face masks just to keep her company afloat. She had a very good response from buyers so far as lot of colors were sold out. Good to support a small business


04-02-2020, 11:55 PM
Wearing a mask is easier than coughing in your elbow. You don't have to wear a mask like we see the hospital workers wear. We only need to wear something that will block a sneeze or cough like your elbow. AS mentioned, we might not have any symptoms but we could be positive so wearing something over the nose and mouth will keep OTHERS safe. I'm getting some Buff headbands and Bandanas. Even one of these will do. The more comfortable it is, the more you'll wear it.


04-03-2020, 07:36 AM
Wife is making some masks now also. Two layers of cotton. Can be increased to three layers. Found the pattern online. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

Little Blue
04-03-2020, 08:34 AM
:coffee: Thanks for the Tips on the Masks. Remember to be Safe and Stay Healthy. ......:thumbup:

04-03-2020, 12:01 PM
When I work or worked in the hospital I was always in close contact with the patient; the reason you currently see many medical personnel with mask and face shields. If you keep the social distancing, there should not be a problem without the need for a mask. But, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, don’t forget eye protection.

:agree: .... imho wearing a mask mostly helps everyone else, adding the eye protection is what will help you ...... Mike :ohyea:

04-03-2020, 02:05 PM
The recent turn around in regard to the general population wearing masks is that they can help stop the spread of virus from people who are infected but may not know it. As we get more experience with this disease, they are finding that some folks can be mostly asymptomatic yet still be a carrier and of course in the spring time we have all this pollen which makes people sneeze and cough and spread droplets into the air.

Unless you are wearing an N95 mask that has been fitted for a tight seal (no beards) then you are not blocking the virus from entering your lungs which is where it wants to go to replicate. Surgical masks and home made masks and bandannas will stop you from spreading, but wont stop you from inhaling virus particles if they happen to be floating by. You see lots of RN's and Docs on the news lately wearing surgical masks, but that is because they have nothing else to wear. Only the N95 masks or respirators with fine enough filtration will filter out the virus particles.

And if you are in a store shopping or filling up gas, wear some sort of gloves and dispose of them properly when you are done. That will keep you from picking up any virus on your hands. Hopefully having gloves on is also a signal not to touch your face, which is a hard thing for most folks to learn not to do. Lots of us have disposable gloves from HF which will work very well. And of course wash your hands as often as possible.

Steve W.
04-03-2020, 02:39 PM
And if you are in a store shopping or filling up gas, wear some sort of gloves and dispose of them properly when you are done.
The local news last night showed the area around a local gas station. You would have thought it was overflow from a dumpster at a hospital. Gloves and masks lying on the ground everywhere. Seems that a lot of people did not follow the directions to "dispose of them properly". :opps:


04-03-2020, 02:54 PM
Don't leave home without it.......and stay six feet away from everyone else! This will also get you first in line and a seat on any bus.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/US-STOCk-Washable-Hazmat-Suit-Protection-Clothing-Safety-Coverall/193406821504?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SI M%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190212102350%26meid%3D42ac594 91751437ab34370daf8b06970%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D1% 26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dag%26sd%3D362955384071%26itm% 3D193406821504%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675% 26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985

04-03-2020, 03:24 PM
Don't leave home without it.......and stay six feet away from everyone else! This will also get you first in line and a seat on any bus.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/US-STOCk-Washable-Hazmat-Suit-Protection-Clothing-Safety-Coverall/193406821504?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SI M%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190212102350%26meid%3D42ac594 91751437ab34370daf8b06970%26pid%3D100012%26rk%3D1% 26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dag%26sd%3D362955384071%26itm% 3D193406821504%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675% 26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c100012.m1985

The company would issue them when we worked in the chemical plants.

04-03-2020, 03:29 PM
You are 100 percent right also I talked to a DR that rides with me ,and he explained that if you do not wear the N95 mask and wear anything else you could catch the virus easier , because it does not filter it and will just **** in it and you will just keep breathing it in. So no mask might be better than anything other than the N95 one

04-03-2020, 03:38 PM
Is he suggesting we all go naked? That would certainly keep most all of us six feet away from one another, or even further. Ah.........that could work.

04-03-2020, 03:41 PM
There are many patients who do not have symptoms but are contagious and wearing a mask will avoid contagion to the rest.

No, they won’t avoid contagion to the rest just because they are wearing a mask, mcalva. The advice from both the National and State Chief Medical Officers out here (and elsewhere) say that if you are wearing a mask, but aren’t yet showing symptoms even though you have the virus and are contagious, you will be constantly fiddling with the mask which puts the contagion on your hands and spreads it just as effectively as those not wearing a mask in the same condition. The mask simply gives YOU a false sense of confidence.


04-03-2020, 03:57 PM
No, they won’t avoid contagion to the rest just because they are wearing a mask, mcalva. The advice from both the National and State Chief Medical Officers out here (and elsewhere) say that if you are wearing a mask, but aren’t yet showing symptoms even though you have the virus and are contagious, you will be constantly fiddling with the mask which puts the contagion on your hands and spreads it just as effectively as those not wearing a mask in the same condition. The mask simply gives YOU a false sense of confidence.


FINALLY, someone gets it!! Thanks Peteoz.

04-03-2020, 07:02 PM
Here in Vermont:

There is a new directive from the Vermont Health Department Friday, and CDC is expected to issue similar guidance soon. A visibly growing number of Vermonters over the past week have started to wear masks or other face coverings when they are out and about.

The reason for wearing a mask or the facial covering is to protect others around you in case you are in that pre-symptoms infectious phase. Per the governor, I want to be clear, this is not a substitute for staying home and it is not an excuse to mingle with others.

Sorry off topic!


Peter Aawen
04-03-2020, 09:22 PM
Back a long time ago while I was doing some advanced training that including putting on, living in, & taking off the full on Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Hazard Protective suits & gear with a bunch of other Specialist Military types, in the early stages of that training, before we got on to the really hardcore stuff (some of which was quite gross just to think about even now - so I'm not going there again!) we spent a fair while in basic Hazmat suits while we took a bit of time (days for most, weeks for some) practicing safely getting those 'mouth/nose sanitary napkin' type masks on & off. :p

First, we had to learn to put them ON properly.... so the parts they were meant to cover got a fairly good layer of stuff that was sorta like fluro foam shaving cream slathered on them before the mask went on - and when you put the mask ON, any fluro foam escaping meant FAIL - if this was real, you'd be dead! :shocked: Once we all eventually managed to get the masks on properly without 'killing' ourselves, we then progressed to learning how to take the masks OFF without contaminating ourselves or anyone else.... so for this, the fluro goop went all over the outside of the mask and any fluro foam getting on any part of your hands/face/body during the removal process meant FAIL - if this was for real, you'd be dead! :yikes:

The fluro shaving cream stuff was simply used to highlight how bloody easy it is to NOT fit these types of masks properly enough to protect yourself, and then even if you DO manage to do that properly, getting it OFF without contaminating yourself in the process is several orders of magnitude harder! :gaah: Plus, cos it stung like buggery if it got into anything moist (eyes, nose, mouth... ) it drove home to us that while this type of mask is on and before you get used to wearing it properly, it markedly increases the number of times you touch it with your hands & then touch your face &/or your eyes and doing that JUST ONCE can be the 'once' that's critical for you!! :banghead:

But it is your choice &/or that of your government/local authorities really - and given that the infection rates in largely 'mask-wearing' communities & countries doesn't seem to be greatly different than that elsewhere/in 'non mask-wearing communities & countries' (is that cos not too many wear eye protection? :dontknow: ) I guess that it could be reducing the 'volume' of viral exposure you get, possibly meaning a milder infection; and if you are asymptomatic you might still be reducing the 'casual exposure risk' for all those around you; all of which means wearing a mask might just protect others a bit more even if that protection is to your cost in some degree! :sour: Still, I'm no expert in this, my training was decades ago and these days my forgettory tends to work better than my memory on some things, so who am I to say &/or listen to about this?! :dontknow: You do what you will/what your govt tells you to do, and I'll do what I will too! :thumbup:

04-03-2020, 09:45 PM
You are 100 percent right also I talked to a DR that rides with me ,and he explained that if you do not wear the N95 mask and wear anything else you could catch the virus easier , because it does not filter it and will just **** in it and you will just keep breathing it in. So no mask might be better than anything other than the N95 one

It's not for your personal protection, its for everybody else's protection. Like coughing into your elbow to prevent others from your cough, a simple double cotton mask does the same thing. If it's comfortable then you won't fiddle with it. Only need to wear if closer than 6'.

04-04-2020, 10:13 AM
No, they won’t avoid contagion to the rest just because they are wearing a mask, mcalva. The advice from both the National and State Chief Medical Officers out here (and elsewhere) say that if you are wearing a mask, but aren’t yet showing symptoms even though you have the virus and are contagious, you will be constantly fiddling with the mask which puts the contagion on your hands and spreads it just as effectively as those not wearing a mask in the same condition. The mask simply gives YOU a false sense of confidence.


I absollutelly agree with the part you say masks are only a part. I've been speaking about masks only. But I disagrre with the part saying the mask only gives us a false sense of confidence. Unfortunately, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and due to chemotherapy we have been in semi-confinement since January. Lately total. Given the immunodeficiency that it causes, it is necessary from the first day to wash hands, keep personal distancies and that I wear a surgical mask to avoid any contagion to her. From the total confinement the difference is that the mask we wear is an N95 III and gloves when we go to the hospital. To remembrer not touch my eyes I wear glasses.
at worst everything ends up being useless but one thing is an accident and another a suicide.

04-04-2020, 10:14 AM
On the news last night was a segment that the CDC was now recommending that you DO wear a mask whenever you go out in public and it could be any type of mask would help. They also suggested that a couple of layers of paper towels as an effective barrier. YMMV.

04-04-2020, 02:09 PM
WHO... bunch of dummies... CDC...don't know what they are talking about.... but I have a friend who said... or my neighbor says....
I don't fear this at all.. if I get it life will go on or it won't... Facts... Having survived GBS I know viruses can really be nasty... My only fear is that I will be a-symptomatic or pre-symptomatic and pass this on to someone who may not have contacted it if I weren't the I, me mode... So screw all those government organizations but take the time to think about those who you care about.... Because for most reality becomes real when it affects them.
As I said in another post.. the virus doesn't move it's self... we move it... While we are out and about keeping our 6ft distance, please do not forget your "brief relief" for a bio as some of the most filthy places are rest rooms....let's not turn any area into an outdoor bio area. (Drops mic, and steps down off box)

04-04-2020, 05:42 PM
I absollutelly agree with the part you say masks are only a part. I've been speaking about masks only. But I disagrre with the part saying the mask only gives us a false sense of confidence. Unfortunately, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and due to chemotherapy we have been in semi-confinement since January. Lately total. Given the immunodeficiency that it causes, it is necessary from the first day to wash hands, keep personal distancies and that I wear a surgical mask to avoid any contagion to her. From the total confinement the difference is that the mask we wear is an N95 III and gloves when we go to the hospital. To remembrer not touch my eyes I wear glasses.
at worst everything ends up being useless but one thing is an accident and another a suicide.

Sorry to hear that, mcalva. Sounds like you are really doing it tough. Hang in there, mate, and here’s hoping the best for you and your wife :thumbup:


04-04-2020, 08:34 PM
As I said in another post.. the virus doesn't move it's self... we move it...
I was looking at the John Hopkins map of Covid-19 cases. If you look at a sparsely populated state like Arkansas you'll see cases noted all over the state. I'm mystified. Have people really been moving around that much and coming close enough to each other to spread the virus even just by touching surfaces? For me it just doesn't make sense for that to be the only transmission method. I wonder if there is some other transmission method working out there the hasn't been discovered yet. If it is being transmitted by human to human interfacing only, then people sure are moving around a lot more than seems logical. Like I say, I'm mystified.

04-04-2020, 08:55 PM
I was looking at the John Hopkins map of Covid-19 cases. If you look at a sparsely populated state like Arkansas you'll see cases noted all over the state. I'm mystified. Have people really been moving around that much and coming close enough to each other to spread the virus even just by touching surfaces? For me it just doesn't make sense for that to be the only transmission method. I wonder if there is some other transmission method working out there the hasn't been discovered yet. If it is being transmitted by human to human interfacing only, then people sure are moving around a lot more than seems logical. Like I say, I'm mystified.

Trucks deliver everything people use and many of them come from thousands of miles away. Somebody loaded the trucks and somebody has to unload them. The mail, Fed Ex, UPS, gas trucks, grocery trucks, bank trucks full of nasty money, beer trucks, ............ not many really isolated places even in rural areas. It only takes one to spread it to a new area.

Peter Aawen
04-04-2020, 09:59 PM
Trucks deliver everything people use and many of them come from thousands of miles away. Somebody loaded the trucks and somebody has to unload them. The mail, Fed Ex, UPS, gas trucks, grocery trucks, bank trucks full of nasty money, beer trucks, ............ not many really isolated places even in rural areas. It only takes one to spread it to a new area.

:agree: That's at least partly what we are seeing here in Australia now.... Little (growing?) pockets of COVID-19 infection appearing amongst the people working in 'essential services', including those in hospitals, supermarkets, & transport hubs et al. Anywhere people have to handle potentially infected patients, material, or even just goods & services - trucking yards, airports, railway & bus stations, even security guards & supermarket shelf packers!! :shocked: And all these 'essential workers' may have been infected, remain asymptomatic but contagious, & yet still remain at work for some days BEFORE they actually become sick!! So the virus spreads, because we move it!! :gaah:

I think it inevitable that we'll all have some exposure to it before this is all over, that's been the way with virulent virus infections since they started waaay back in the dawn of time!! :yikes: It's just a matter of containing the spread and reducing the total number of those affected/afflicted at any one time to a level low enough that our treatment & care centres can manage the treatment & case load without causing the collapse of the entire system. And don't for one moment think that if we survive this 'initial exposure' phase without causing said collapse that there won't be a rebound/phase 2 (& maybe phase 3?) as all those who missed out the first time round get infected as soon as we all think the worst is past & relax the controls!! It's almost certainly going to be a long haul to beat this one - that is, IF we ever do 'beat' it, rather than simply learn to accommodate it as we've done with so many other diseases.... the Common Cold, Influenza, Smallpox, and many more!! :shocked:

So for now, Practicing Safe Social Distancing and maintaining appropriate Hand Hygiene without repeatedly touching your eyes, nose, & mouth seems to be the best approach we have at this time in order to reduce the rate of COVID-19 spread and to minimise the potential viral load we might be exposed to, so that even if you do catch it, you'll likely only get a mild dose so that your body can safely develop immunity instead of something much worse! :shocked:

Altho I gotta admit, all this 'sanitising' and cleaning with antiseptics is rapidly destroying my ryding gear & playing right havoc with my Spyder's paint-work! :banghead: :p

04-04-2020, 10:10 PM
I was looking at the John Hopkins map of Covid-19 cases. If you look at a sparsely populated state like Arkansas you'll see cases noted all over the state. I'm mystified. Have people really been moving around that much and coming close enough to each other to spread the virus even just by touching surfaces? For me it just doesn't make sense for that to be the only transmission method. I wonder if there is some other transmission method working out there the hasn't been discovered yet. If it is being transmitted by human to human interfacing only, then people sure are moving around a lot more than seems logical. Like I say, I'm mystified.

I am really no expert, but when I zoom in on the map you mentioned, most not all are near a road which to me lends to the fact they more than likely they (rurals) had to travel somewhere to get supplies. Transmission is not only person to person direct... One person can blow their nose while running and another person steps in it while running behind them and later takes those shoes off not knowing what is on their hands... touches their face (maybe because they are sweating from running) or what ever and bam... Technically this would still be person to person, but not direct as in someone sneezed on me... Anyway.. back to masks, other than the n95 or better I believe it is trying to help stop the spread. If I sneeze and miss my elbow there may be a possibility of transmission, whereas with even a simple mask most of that would remain with me and not escape.
Not to lend to any conspiracy type thoughts, but he whole world has for the most part shut down... maybe there is something not being told to us as even the last pandemic H1N1 killed a bunch of people with the CDC estimating that there were over 22 million cases in the US alone... Yes, the death rate is higher for Covid-19.. but it still baffles me as to why the whole world is shutting down.

I personally like this info better than the John-Hopkins... same info just presented different... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

04-04-2020, 10:18 PM
...but it still baffles me as to why the whole world is shutting down.

I'm curious why you think that?

04-05-2020, 12:13 AM
I personally like this info better than the John-Hopkins... same info just presented different... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
Same here, actually. What I like the most about the JH site is the visual presentation. Have you noticed how some of the daily new cases graphs on worldometers for some countries look like they're plateauing and not steadily going down? Especially S Korea. That doesn't bode well in my way of thinking.

04-05-2020, 12:14 AM
On the news last night was a segment that the CDC was now recommending that you DO wear a mask whenever you go out in public and it could be any type of mask would help. They also suggested that a couple of layers of paper towels as an effective barrier. YMMV.

" paper towels " .... on a thread I started the other day .... I explained how a P.T. can be folded and two rubber bands stapled to each end makes a cheap but effective mask ..... Mike :ohyea:

04-05-2020, 12:23 AM
I think it inevitable that we'll all have some exposure to it before this is all over, that's been the way with virulent virus infections since they started waaay back in the dawn of time!! :yikes: It's just a matter of containing the spread and reducing the total number of those affected/afflicted at any one time to a level low enough that our treatment & care centres can manage the treatment & case load without causing the collapse of the entire system. And don't for one moment think that if we survive this 'initial exposure' phase without causing said collapse that there won't be a rebound/phase 2 (& maybe phase 3?) as all those who missed out the first time round get infected as soon as we all think the worst is past & relax the controls!! It's almost certainly going to be a long haul to beat this one - that is, IF we ever do 'beat' it, rather than simply learn to accommodate it as we've done with so many other diseases.... the Common Cold, Influenza, Smallpox, and many more!! :shocked:
My first thought when I saw a discussion for the first time about 'flattening the curve' is it looks like the downside of doing that is the epidemic continues on longer, but at the end the casualty rate will be much the same. So which is better, a quick devastating crashing blow to humanity, or a slow painful devastation?

Maybe all the goods movement is a much greater hazard than has been thought. I agree that is the one common connector to all communities. Officials need to look closer and harder at that.

04-05-2020, 01:12 AM
" paper towels " .... on a thread I started the other day .... I explained how a P.T. can be folded and two rubber bands stapled to each end makes a cheap but effective mask ..... Mike :ohyea:
And if you think about how they're made you should be able to easily comprehend how and why they are sterile, even though that's not said. My retired veterinarian brother used ordinary paper towels in his vet practice because they are sterile and a whole lot less expensive than "sterile" towels. The pulp is mixed hot, I think it is, and then rolled and dried all by machine and wrapped by machine. There's really no place for bad actors to get into it.

04-05-2020, 07:16 AM
I'm curious why you think that?

Because for previous pandemics in my life time anyway, the world did not do this. That is the only reason I wonder that. The CDC estimates that H1N1 killed 150k to almost 600k world wide and we did not have any thing like this and that was just 10 years ago...Some studies estimated that 11 to 21 percent of the global population at the time – or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people (out of a total of 6.8 billion) – contracted the illness. This was more than the number of people infected by the Spanish flu pandemic, but only resulted in about 150,000 to 575,000 fatalities for the 2009 pandemic (I believe the Spanish Flu killed 50million). The Hong Kong flu in 1968 killed over a million... Believe me, I know these viruses are not the same, but my thinking was about people dying since straight up they have said 80% will only experience nothing to mild symptoms.. Anyway...

04-05-2020, 07:40 AM
Maybe all the goods movement is a much greater hazard than has been thought. I agree that is the one common connector to all communities. Officials need to look closer and harder at that.

My response is not directed at you but your point is right on to what I have been saying. We move the virus.. be it goods shipment or "wind therapy" the possibility of spreading the virus grows anytime there is movement. It is not only about personal infection, it is about containment. As was mentioned I also believe we will all be touched by this at some point or another, but if we can slow the spread it may give the scientists time to develop a vaccine for this. Time will tell, but again as much as I would love to go out (I have a RTL and a Slingshot) I am trying to do my part for our country and try not to be responsible for indirectly causing another's demise.

04-05-2020, 12:42 PM
:agree: That's at least partly what we are seeing here in Australia now.... Little (growing?) pockets of COVID-19 infection appearing amongst the people working in 'essential services', including those in hospitals, supermarkets, & transport hubs et al. Anywhere people have to handle potentially infected patients, material, or even just goods & services - trucking yards, airports, railway & bus stations, even security guards & supermarket shelf packers!! :shocked: And all these 'essential workers' may have been infected, remain asymptomatic but contagious, & yet still remain at work for some days BEFORE they actually become sick!! So the virus spreads, because we move it!! :gaah:

I think it inevitable that we'll all have some exposure to it before this is all over, that's been the way with virulent virus infections since they started waaay back in the dawn of time!! :yikes: It's just a matter of containing the spread and reducing the total number of those affected/afflicted at any one time to a level low enough that our treatment & care centres can manage the treatment & case load without causing the collapse of the entire system. And don't for one moment think that if we survive this 'initial exposure' phase without causing said collapse that there won't be a rebound/phase 2 (& maybe phase 3?) as all those who missed out the first time round get infected as soon as we all think the worst is past & relax the controls!! It's almost certainly going to be a long haul to beat this one - that is, IF we ever do 'beat' it, rather than simply learn to accommodate it as we've done with so many other diseases.... the Common Cold, Influenza, Smallpox, and many more!! :shocked:

So for now, Practicing Safe Social Distancing and maintaining appropriate Hand Hygiene without repeatedly touching your eyes, nose, & mouth seems to be the best approach we have at this time in order to reduce the rate of COVID-19 spread and to minimise the potential viral load we might be exposed to, so that even if you do catch it, you'll likely only get a mild dose so that your body can safely develop immunity instead of something much worse! :shocked:

Altho I gotta admit, all this 'sanitising' and cleaning with antiseptics is rapidly destroying my ryding gear & playing right havoc with my Spyder's paint-work! :banghead: :p

Seems obvious watching the state map of what counties have virus infection and how many in my state. I look at the map most every day and it slowly filled in by county all down the east coast first......... following I-95 and A1A. Then it filled in from Tampa to the Georgia Border following right down I-75. Now it filling in the counties across the panhandle following along Interstate 10. If you had all the previous maps and arranged them in chronological order, you would see the spread of the virus following the major Interstate highways. It might skip a rural county if there is no large city or intersection in that county, but otherwise, it is almost exactly following the highways as the virus spreads across the state. People are moving along the highways and goods are moving along the highways. Not really much you could do to stop it. If you stop all the trucks, people will be starving to death in a week.

04-05-2020, 01:49 PM
Seems obvious watching the state map of what counties have virus infection and how many in my state. I look at the map most every day and it slowly filled in by county all down the east coast first......... following I-95 and A1A. Then it filled in from Tampa to the Georgia Border following right down I-75. Now it filling in the counties across the panhandle following along Interstate 10. If you had all the previous maps and arranged them in chronological order, you would see the spread of the virus following the major Interstate highways. It might skip a rural county if there is no large city or intersection in that county, but otherwise, it is almost exactly following the highways as the virus spreads across the state. People are moving along the highways and goods are moving along the highways. Not really much you could do to stop it. If you stop all the trucks, people will be starving to death in a week.
Very interesting observation, I say. It would good if both the JH site and worldometer sites had previous map and graphs archived so we could see that progression.

04-05-2020, 02:17 PM
Seems obvious watching the state map of what counties have virus infection and how many in my state. I look at the map most every day and it slowly filled in by county all down the east coast first......... following I-95 and A1A.
Maybe I'll get an answer of some worth this week. Our Governor is having a weekly Q&A about the epidemic on Idaho Public Television. I just sent a question for him to the program host asking whether truckers and delivery drivers are being tested. He says he is in regular contact with the Feds, and he's close enough to us ordinary mortals maybe the question will get to the top from here at the bottom!

04-05-2020, 03:26 PM
Maybe I'll get an answer of some worth this week. Our Governor is having a weekly Q&A about the epidemic on Idaho Public Television. I just sent a question for him to the program host asking whether truckers and delivery drivers are being tested. He says he is in regular contact with the Feds, and he's close enough to us ordinary mortals maybe the question will get to the top from here at the bottom!

I can answer that one. As of now there is NO mandatory testing for truckers. As all thing related to this virus it's subject to change.

04-07-2020, 05:42 PM
:yes::yes: Found a mask :clap: & applied lil humor 180202

04-07-2020, 07:13 PM
Today at work.


Peter Aawen
04-07-2020, 09:35 PM
Today at work.


Hey Ed, nice horns you've got growing out of the back of your head there! :shocked: Anything you want to share with the rest of us?!? :rolleyes:

:roflblack: :joke:

04-07-2020, 10:34 PM

04-08-2020, 11:52 AM
Sorry to hear that, mcalva. Sounds like you are really doing it tough. Hang in there, mate, and here’s hoping the best for you and your wife :thumbup:


Take care. This bug does not understand that the guys from the Spyders are the best. Thank you.