View Full Version : Love the Forum but Reading the Manual

04-01-2020, 01:36 PM
While most of us are sequestered due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it's a good time to catch up on your reading. I know I have about wore out my usual goto internet sites, but its nice to get away from the deluge of virus news and just take a break with some easy reading.

I pulled out the Manual from our 2016 F3T and am starting to read each page from 107 in the maintenance section thru 165 in the specifications. Its amazing how much you thought you knew, but the manual tells it a little different than you thought (or read recently on the some posts). :)

Best health and wishes to all - stay safe 'til we meet again.

04-01-2020, 01:46 PM
Not a bad idea...:read:

Mazo EMS2
04-01-2020, 03:26 PM
Ahhh, the manual....neat concept isn't it??? Fine idea...

04-01-2020, 03:27 PM
Manual?...I don't need no steenkin manual. :roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

Actually...a very good idea. I will admit that I only glanced at my latest one.

04-01-2020, 03:39 PM
Don't know if these are available as E-Books or not but the series "Leanings 1,2,3" By Peter Egan, are a great read.
Ya, they are about 2 wheel motorcycles, but the stories are short and very entertaining.
They are a collection of articles he wrote over the years for Cycle World magazine.

04-01-2020, 11:51 PM
For those of you who have not looked on YouTube yet for Itchy Boots, this is a great series of travel videos. I admit, I am hooked. Now on season 1 v45. If her smile, laugh and sunny attitude don't get you, the scenery and adventures will.:D

04-02-2020, 08:20 AM
What is this manual you speak of Grasshopper?