View Full Version : Touring with the Virus

03-21-2020, 09:04 AM
My Spring season of touring is about to kick off,or at least it usually would.Im getting a little nervous about whether or not restaurants or lodging will be available near Nashville,Tupelo,NOLA and Maggie Valley.Also does anyone have any ideas on protecting ourselves during the trip.

03-21-2020, 09:33 AM
For us it will be call ahead, hand sanitizer. the wife hs some purse size bottles and a samll package of wipes so door handles can be cleaned etc. We are ready to get out there also. I noticed that when you google a restaurant it has there normal business hours. So that is why we will be phoning first. for example our favorite BBQ north of us has outside seating if they are open etc. Hope this helps

03-21-2020, 09:37 AM
I know it's not in that area but here in Wis. all bars and restaurants are open for take out only! Would not be surprised to see that everywhere.Even fast food is drive thru only.

03-21-2020, 11:01 AM
My Spring season of touring is about to kick off,or at least it usually would.Im getting a little nervous about whether or not restaurants or lodging will be available near Nashville,Tupelo,NOLA and Maggie Valley.Also does anyone have any ideas on protecting ourselves during the trip.

If I were you at this time I would stay home, here in California you are lucky to find a restaurant open only drive through. NO public restrooms
even the motels have closed signs. Go when all this crazyness is over.

03-21-2020, 11:04 AM
Los Angeles turned from full business to full lockdown in less than a week - I don't think this is the time to do more than ride for the day and return home.

03-21-2020, 11:11 AM
The term "staycation" comes to mind here. We are down to day rides within a hundred miles or so. We are avoiding crowds, stores, and restaurants (which now are mostly closed except for take out).

The wind therapy is good, and so far we are trying to keep as much distance from being exposed as possible.

Ride careful and ride safe. :bowdown:

03-21-2020, 11:12 AM
I'm sorry, but what part of social distancing and self isolation do people not understand? It is time to give up on unnecessary trips outside of the house for awhile. :gaah: As much as we like to ride, go see the local scenery and return to the safety of your home each night. You and I will both benefit.

03-21-2020, 11:51 AM
The term "staycation" comes to mind here. We are down to day rides within a hundred miles or so. We are avoiding crowds, stores, and restaurants (which now are mostly closed except for take out).

The wind therapy is good, and so far we are trying to keep as much distance from being exposed as possible.

Ride careful and ride safe. :bowdown:

X2. up here in Western Canada, I’m limiting my trips to 1 tank of fuel there and return. I can do that to get the wind therapy that I so dearly love.

03-21-2020, 11:55 AM
Day trip only. Pay at the pump only. Wipe and sanitizer at the handy. Other than that stay the hell home like the rest of us. :chat: Tom :spyder:

03-21-2020, 12:37 PM
Just be aware this virus isn't as much about how deadly it is, but more about how easily it is transmitted with an incubation period of two to fourteen days. People can be symptom free for several days after exposure, all the while exposing other people. The mortality rates won't truly be known until it has run it's course for a few months or more. The big deal now is to not spread it. The impacts on health care facilities and availability of ventilators are probably the most crucial part of the whole deal. I found this graphic on another page that is a pretty clear depiction of how social distancing can help. Looking at this and thinking about over 400 being infected in a community where there is no hospital or a very small one with only 40 or 50 beds available sort makes it clear how bad it can get and how isolation can be such a big help.

03-21-2020, 12:49 PM
I agree with what's been said above. Now isn't the time to engage in unnecessary travel. I would suggest day trips only and only as necessary. All restaurants in FL are now take out only. Everyone be safe. Dale

03-21-2020, 02:18 PM
...stay home until its cleared..one of the worst things things that could happen..is both getting "Sick" hundreds of miles from home....

..its expensive to ship a "Body"..

On a side note:
(Neighbor couple lived deep in the forest in the Black Hills..husband 70 years died during the night..ambulance came took him to hospital...dead. She got permission (somehow) to bring him 600 miles away to a town he grew up in for cemeteries bury, using their Chev suburban & body in bag/coffen in the rear seat..)

03-21-2020, 02:38 PM
I wrote off my tours this year, and I would recommend the same for you.

You have no idea where this thing is and you cross enough "germ pools" as it is travelling. The symptoms are to obscure. Did you know that Iceland is testing all residents, and 50% of the ones coming in hot for Corona ARE NOT SHOWING SYMPTOMS 50%!!!! Half of the infected are walking around all willy nilly....

I am staying home, disinfecting the house, cleaned my garage, organizing my parts, grooming my pets, shampooing my curtains, waxing my candle sticks, getting ready to plant, and now that I have to have a garden this year, I really will not be travelling.walking my fence line at night, and I DO ride...at night in the isolation away from others, and I live in one of the lowest population densities in the nation, we do have tourists, but we would really appreciate it people would stay home...its too weird out here right now.

For the time being I AM quarantined. My wife and family was tested this week, my wife has some respiratory issues and is under cardiac review, and I am disabled young due to my ticker, so our clinic called us in and tested us. Mark was tested as he is in our domicile and he needs to stay put too. We will have the results by Wednesday

Please be safe people. Stay local, stay at home, stay in touch with your family. This is not a time to tour not right now.

03-21-2020, 02:40 PM
And Colorado and Western Utah are shutting down, the bars and restaurants are done, yeea they are doing walk up and drive through, but again, 50% of the people tested positive for Corona Virus in Iceland (and they are testing all residents) are coming back positive WITH NO SYMPTOMS...they are just "vectoring".....stay home......

03-21-2020, 02:55 PM
Suggestions are good...but...let us refrain from calling others out.

03-21-2020, 04:57 PM
IYou have no idea where this thing is and you cross enough "germ pools" as it is travelling. The symptoms are to obscure. Did you know that Iceland is testing all residents, and 50% of the ones coming in hot for Corona ARE NOT SHOWING SYMPTOMS 50%!!!! Half of the infected are walking around all willy nilly....
Correction, based on what I found with Google, https://cleantechnica.com/2020/03/21/iceland-is-doing-science-50-of-people-with-covid-19-not-showing-symptoms-50-have-very-moderate-cold-symptoms/ Iceland is not testing all of the population. They are testing a sample from across the entire population, enough to be statistically representative of the whole population. All other nations have been and are testing those who are suspect, either because of symptoms or because of association with known carriers.

But the 50% asymptomatic aspect should scare the **** out of all of us. We have no way of knowing who may or may not be contagious. Here is an unsettling quote from the article:

The rest (35.7%) have not been conclusively traced to a source of transmission. …

On the other hand there is this reassuring comment in the article.

“deCode has published the results of a total of 5 490 tests. Those have yielded 47 positive results (0.86%) indicating that the prevelance (sic) of the virus is modest among the general population,”

03-21-2020, 04:57 PM
Let me just point out that whatever medical information you see in any thread here should be taken with a grain of salt. It may be spot on it may not. Go to official sources for definitive information, even those are changing daily as more is known. Everything is a continuum of risk, where on that line you want to be is a personal decision. Just take into account other people when making it.

Just my humble opinion.

03-21-2020, 06:32 PM
New Jersey announced 100 % stay at home only out for dr. appointment or grocery store . They said they will start fining people if too many venture out. I am staying home . My job has me home on call only , but i am considered essicial personal and I could go out . But, as much as I would like to take a ride I will stay put .

03-21-2020, 08:05 PM
Ohio is closed for business. Schools, restaurants (carry out only), bars and clubs, etc. Although the outbreak isn't as bad here as on the coasts we have a governor who is being very aggressive and I imagine in the next day or so he will announce travel limitations. We average over 25K a year on our travels, but this may be a year of shorter rides. Our daughter and her hubby are Nurse Practitioners and they are scared. Not because of the deadly aspect, but because of the ease with which this virus moves from person to person. That along with the fact that no one has any immunity to this virus. Safe travels to those who venture out. As for us we will cruise close to home until this scourge has passed.

03-21-2020, 08:05 PM
My department @ work has been working from home most of this week. I expect at least another 2 weeks of the same, maybe longer. I'm fine with that. I picked up groceries (like I stayed in the car and they brought them out to me) for the first time in my life yesterday. Plan to continue to do that for an indefinite period of time. It's not as convenient and there's a small fee but it's a heck of a lot more convenient and cheaper than getting full blown CV. I went to the drug store today, aswell to pick up some insulin and the last of the stores Tylenol (2 boxes left on the shelves) as a "just in case". I have more shop rags than I know what to do with so I tucked one in my pocket. I used that to open doors, pick up the pen to sign the CC machine, etc. As soon as I got home and took my shoes off, I tossed that in the washer and washed my hands.

Other than the occasional day ride, I don't plan on leaving the house any time soon. I don't think a day ride will matter. Bring a shop rag with you so you can fuel up w/o touching anything.

03-21-2020, 08:09 PM
spyder01, please don't take all these comments personal. It's just that so many of us are uptight and concerned about this unprecedented calamity that we just can't comprehend the idea of long distance touring at this time. You don't say how soon you were planning on taking off but the implication is fairly soon. Note that Louisiana and New Orleans are one of the hot spots of the virus outbreak. In fact, NOLA is under a stay home mandate now, so you can be sure visitors won't be welcomed with open arms.
If you don't have the same level of concern many of us have I suggest you take a real close look at the numbers. I posted quite a few in my thread in the Off Topic section. Nobody knows what the future has in store for us, but all indications are it ain't good.

03-22-2020, 06:24 AM
i now in june we planned to ride skyline and the blueridge parkway on a 2week tour now who nows

03-22-2020, 06:44 AM
Yep, short day trip if that even, think we are all getting 'cabin fever' but better that getting 'the Corona Virus'.

03-22-2020, 08:35 AM
spyder01, please don't take all these comments personal. It's just that so many of us are uptight and concerned about this unprecedented calamity that we just can't comprehend the idea of long distance touring at this time. You don't say how soon you were planning on taking off but the implication is fairly soon. Note that Louisiana and New Orleans are one of the hot spots of the virus outbreak. In fact, NOLA is under a stay home mandate now, so you can be sure visitors won't be welcomed with open arms.
If you don't have the same level of concern many of us have I suggest you take a real close look at the numbers. I posted quite a few in my thread in the Off Topic section. Nobody knows what the future has in store for us, but all indications are it ain't good.

Thanks for an actual answer to my question,I also found on a Graham county FB page that they are closing down some of the best roads around Maggie Valley and all of the lodging in the area indefinitely as of Monday.So theyre making it hard just to get out and ride all by yourself,this sucks.

03-22-2020, 08:42 AM
So far, my only "booked" trip is Sturgis in August. If this crap isn't over by then, their will be too many other problems to worry about :(. That said, I'm holding off my spur of the moment rips till June at the earliest. Just cancelled a Apr. 12-17 vacation in Gulf Shores :(

03-22-2020, 09:16 AM
We can probably expect to see more of this in the next several days and weeks. From this page: https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/post/coronavirus-idaho-resources-news#stream/0

Valley County Authorities: Please Don't Visit Us Right Now

March 21, 1:45 p.m.

Valley County is telling visitors to not travel to the region. There are no mandatory closures in the county, but many businesses have closed. Food service options and recreational opportunities are limited.

In an open letter to the Valley County community, Dr. Gregory Irvine, MD, chief of staff at St. Luke's McCall Medical Center, wrote in a press release that prospective visitors should stay home because of limited hospital resources in the area. "People are arriving in rural towns, in large numbers, from all over the state and country to take 'virus vacations,'' Irvine says. "I can think of little that is more inappropriate and dangerous than this mindset."On Monday, the Valley Commissioners enacted an Emergency Declaration to try to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Friday, the mayor of McCall, the county’s biggest city, asked visitors to stay away from the tourist destination. There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Valley County.

03-22-2020, 09:32 AM
Restez chez vous le virus est tres contagieux et il peut vous tuer.restez chez vous c est un massacre en france et en italie


He is saying and I'm paraphrasing a little because direct word for word translation is never perfect. "Stay at home, the virus is very contagious and it can kill you, it is a massacre in France and Italy."

03-22-2020, 09:43 AM
Up here in Vermont they closed all restaurants, ( they are ONLY HAVING doing take out only) and bars are closed as of last Tuesday.

Now as of Monday( tomorrow), the governor has mandated that all- person operations at close contact close on Monday by 8PM. That includes gymnasiums, fitness centers, and similar exercise facilities, nail salons, spas, tattoo parlors, hair saloons, and barbers.

The governor is mandating the that they close until April 15, to help slow the virus down.


03-22-2020, 09:54 AM
The guys I ride with and I have a trip booked for June to ride Vermont/ New Hampshire/ upstate New York... prepaid for a chalet rental as a base for a week back in January... now wondering if we can get our money back or we will just have to write it off if things don't get better. With the Canada/ US border closed now for any tourist travel, we may not have any option anyway. Stay safe peeps!!

03-22-2020, 10:25 AM
Please consider staying home for now. The juice is not worth the squeeze.

03-22-2020, 10:26 AM
Restez chez vous le virus est tres contagieux et il peut vous tuer.restez chez vous c est un massacre en france et en italie

Note Rule #1: All posts must be written in English (Threads/Posts written in a language other than English may be removed without notice).

I tried to copy/paste to a google translator and it would not copy. We would like to know what the above translates to. Anyone want to give it a try...don't feel we can leave it untranslated for very long. Thanks in advance.

03-22-2020, 10:45 AM
He is saying and I'm paraphrasing a little because direct word for word translation is never perfect. "Stay at home, the virus is very contagious and it can kill you, it is a massacre in France and Italy."

03-22-2020, 10:48 AM
He is saying and I'm paraphrasing a little because direct word for word translation is never perfect. "Stay at home, the virus is very contagious and it can kill you, it is a massacre in France and Italy."

Thank you for the translation. I will put it up by the original post. :bowdown:

03-22-2020, 10:49 AM
We are/were planning to attend Americade in June. When this virus first reared it's head, I thought the all-clear would be sounded by June.... now... not so sure. We are holding off registering for the rally and will just continue day rides and neighborhood walks for the time being.

Ya'll stay safe,
Gina J

03-22-2020, 10:56 AM
From the moderators:

The moderators are just trying to make sure that no "bad" information gets posted concerning the virus. We have already had some complaints that we are allowing people to post information that may or may not be correct.

One has suggested that we kill all virus threads because of the possibility of mis-information.

We do not wish to do that...

We are treading a fine line here...so please bear with us.

03-22-2020, 11:18 AM
From the moderators:

The moderators are just trying to make sure that no "bad" information gets posted concerning the virus. We have already had some complaints that we are allowing people to post information that may or may not be correct.

One has suggested that we kill all virus threads because of the possibility of mis-information.

We do not wish to do that...

We are treading a fine line here...so please bear with us.

I can see where keeping up with this would drive you a bit nuts. 50 states and 50 different approaches to the problem. Not to mention different areas within those 50 states :gaah:

03-22-2020, 11:31 AM
I can see where keeping up with this would drive you a bit nuts. 50 states and 50 different approaches to the problem. Not to mention different areas within those 50 states :gaah:

I have made the comment a few times...as Kermit said..."it ain't easy being green." :roflblack:

And many thanks for your understanding. We don't always ace it, but we try.

03-22-2020, 06:35 PM
Personally, I think it's important that we allow CV related threads. There may be new info that some of us don't know about. I fully understand that the info posted here may or may not be correct. Perhaps start a sub section w/a "first thread" that everybody has to read before being allowed to view the rest of the threads that states the information may or may not be correct?

I think everyone here is smart enough (I hope) to know that unless I'm directly quoting the CDC or the WHO or I'm an actual doctor (I'm not but I do play one on TV), whatever I post is someones opinion.


03-22-2020, 07:03 PM
Ohio Governor issued a "stay at home" order effective starting 11:59 PM on Monday March 23rd and lasting until April 6th when it will be reviewed.

03-22-2020, 07:20 PM
The guys I ride with and I have a trip booked for June to ride Vermont/ New Hampshire/ upstate New York... prepaid for a chalet rental as a base for a week back in January... now wondering if we can get our money back or we will just have to write it off if things don't get better. With the Canada/ US border closed now for any tourist travel, we may not have any option anyway. Stay safe peeps!!

That sucks. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of stories like this. Hope you are able to get a refund.

03-22-2020, 07:27 PM
I like what most here said except for a few. This whole thing is not about "Me and We". This is about all of us. The more we are out and about (even a short trip) the more we expose ourself to the virus the more we are apt to spreading it to someone else. Did you know it can be spread through the air we breath? Let us all pull together and try some "Social Distancing" hang around the house and maybe in several weeks we can turn this thing around. When you ride you stop around others for fuel and food and that is the whole point.

Keep yourself safe and think of some one other than yourself and satisfying that urge for "wind therapy". Just a couple of weeks at home never hurt anyone!

Uncle Jack

03-22-2020, 07:28 PM
I like what most here said except for a few. This whole thing is not about "Me and We". This is about all of us. The more we are out and about (even a short trip) the more we expose ourself to the virus the more we are apt to spreading it to someone else. Did you know it can be spread through the air we breath? Let us all pull together and try some "Social Distancing" hang around the house and maybe in several weeks we can turn this thing around. When you ride you stop around others for fuel and food and that is the whole point.

Keep yourself safe and think of some one other than yourself and satisfying that urge for "wind therapy". Just a couple of weeks at home never hurt anyone!

Uncle Jack

Amen, Jack.

03-22-2020, 09:06 PM
Please stay home and daily rides only. We're all affected by this and we must accept that our lives will change for a short while. Greater good.

03-24-2020, 04:24 PM
Up here in Vermont they closed all restaurants, ( they are ONLY HAVING doing take out only) and bars are closed as of last Tuesday.

Now as of Monday( tomorrow), the governor has mandated that all- person operations at close contact close on Monday by 8PM. That includes gymnasiums, fitness centers, and similar exercise facilities, nail salons, spas, tattoo parlors, hair saloons, and barbers.

The governor is mandating the that they close until April 15, to help slow the virus down.


This is off topic, but when I typed the above, I was using his computer.


03-25-2020, 04:09 PM
I like what most here said except for a few. This whole thing is not about "Me and We". This is about all of us. The more we are out and about (even a short trip) the more we expose ourself to the virus the more we are apt to spreading it to someone else. Did you know it can be spread through the air we breath? Let us all pull together and try some "Social Distancing" hang around the house and maybe in several weeks we can turn this thing around. When you ride you stop around others for fuel and food and that is the whole point.

Keep yourself safe and think of some one other than yourself and satisfying that urge for "wind therapy". Just a couple of weeks at home never hurt anyone!

Uncle Jack

Jack, everything I’ve read, and listening to the medical community as well as our health officials, the Covid-19 virus is NOT an airborne virus and CANNOT be spread through the air we breathe. Close proximity as well as touch is what spreads this virus. I, for one, will go out for “wind therapy” as long as the weather holds out. I DO NOT go near other individuals, and DO NOT look for getting a cup of coffee. I only go out for local rides, as there are NO restaurants, Motels/Hotels open, so local riding is the “order of the day”. Whatever anyone else does is their own choice. this is my opinion only, based on what the W.H.O. as well as our own Health Officials have said.

Many brands
03-25-2020, 04:40 PM
Better see this FIRST

03-25-2020, 04:43 PM

Jack, everything I’ve read, and listening to the medical community as well as our health officials, the Covid-19 virus is NOT an airborne virus and CANNOT be spread through the air we breathe. Close proximity as well as touch is what spreads this virus. I, for one, will go out for “wind therapy” as long as the weather holds out. I DO NOT go near other individuals, and DO NOT look for getting a cup of coffee. I only go out for local rides, as there are NO restaurants, Motels/Hotels open, so local riding is the “order of the day”. Whatever anyone else does is their own choice. this is my opinion only, based on what the W.H.O. as well as our own Health Officials have said.

You may want to check this out when speaking of airborne:


That's why first responders wear a mask. But, you're correct, we all make our own choices.

03-25-2020, 05:08 PM
Be aware that US-129 (Dragon) is closed on the NC side as well as the Cherohala Skyway in NC. OUR members are doing shorter day rides, brown bag, and keeping distance at stops. Take your own TP!

03-25-2020, 05:11 PM
Jack, everything I’ve read, and listening to the medical community as well as our health officials, the Covid-19 virus is NOT an airborne virus and CANNOT be spread through the air we breathe.
Based on the website Wyliec links to you are somewhat correct. The virus doesn't just float around in the air around an infected person which another can then breathe. But droplets from coughing or sneezing that reach another person can be ingested into the nose or mouth before the droplets evaporate or drop to the ground.

As of this afternoon Idaho is now under a statewide stay at home order.

03-25-2020, 07:36 PM
Based on the website Wyliec links to you are somewhat correct. The virus doesn't just float around in the air around an infected person which another can then breathe. But droplets from coughing or sneezing that reach another person can be ingested into the nose or mouth before the droplets evaporate or drop to the ground.

As of this afternoon Idaho is now under a statewide stay at home order.

Don't forget, those droplets can also hit your eyes, which is why you see some healthcare workers with the eye shield. Remember, your eyes have tears, and that's a way to enter the body. I always hated to wear the PPE when I was working at the hospital.

03-26-2020, 10:11 AM
Large areas of the US are now under shelter in place orders so even day rides are out of the question until the order is lifted. Our local riding club has canceled all rides for the next few weeks and will likely have to cancel more.

03-26-2020, 11:49 AM
If there is any doubt in your mind about the necessity of restricting movement go to https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/. Click on the individual country links and scroll down to the graph showing total active cases. The only two countries where the active cases are going down are China and S Korea. In China people adhered very well to the restriction against movement, but what do you expect in a country where the choice quite possibly was stay home or get shot. S Korea's decline has slowed, and active cases may be going back up, probably because they aren't near as autocratic as is China and because their travel restriction hasn't been as severe as China.

It looks like the rate of increase in the US is fastest of any nation. By the end of today we will pass China with the most total cases, and we have only 1/5 the population of China. Sobering, to say the least.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm having to preach to myself just as much as to any of you! I'm a hard headed Finn!

03-26-2020, 12:32 PM
Suggestions are good...but...let us refrain from calling others out.
Keeping it safe for you and your loved ones should be your first and foremost in your decision making. That being said We have had a few nice days so far here in Colorado (not so much in the high mountains). My wife and I have done day trips and packed a lunch to get out of the house a bit. I know we are thinking about the summer and what this could mean if it is still LOCK DOWN MODE going on. But if you able to play it safe and practice social distancing with others, this will blow over faster. That my .02

03-26-2020, 01:28 PM
Keeping it safe for you and your loved ones should be your first and foremost in your decision making. That being said We have had a few nice days so far here in Colorado (not so much in the high mountains). My wife and I have done day trips and packed a lunch to get out of the house a bit. I know we are thinking about the summer and what this could mean if it is still LOCK DOWN MODE going on. But if you able to play it safe and practice social distancing with others, this will blow over faster. That my .02
I see Colorado is now under a stay at home order as of this morning. Pretty hard, as I read it, to justify riding a m/c for other than close to home necessary activities. The definition of necessary does not include riding for recreation, but recreation activities that require physical activity such as walking and skiing are allowed. But no gathering together at the park picnic table! The CO order doesn't even exclude family members from the social distancing requirement. The Idaho one does. Must have been an oversight by the CO public health official.

03-26-2020, 01:37 PM
IMO...each person has to consider the legal and moral implications of their actions.

That is way above my pay grade...so I am not going to try to justify any side of the argument.

Be safe, and avoid catching the virus.

IMO...there is no one "right" answer. :bowdown:

03-27-2020, 05:41 AM
So right Arkansas, I was so looking to ride my 20 RTL to TN for some technical mtn riding in May, uhhh, try this beauty out, looks like that may not happen.....Will try and schedule after this crazy virus dies off some.

03-28-2020, 12:49 AM
We just moved to Tennessee a couple of weeks ago, right before the excrement hit the fan. Our Spyder is still in Illinois and from the present outlook, it will stay there for the foreseeable future.

From what we have been able to determine, Tennessee is a mixed bag in precautions against the novel coronavirus. Depending upon the area, it may be pretty much business as usual, other places may be very restricted. Where we are, some things are very restricted, others give no indication of any problem. Some restaurants are open, some carry out only. Bank lobbies are closed, drive up only. The county clerk's office here has steps and a platform built to a regular window for customer access. We have only been out to pickup groceries twice from Wal-Mart and we got our new license plate today. We do the internet shopping thing, but the people who bring our groceries out don't seem to give any indication of adversity. We've seen one person wearing a protective mask and gloves. Seems the majority are practicing social distancing. Gas is as low as $1.40 a gallon and it seems there are quite a few motorcycles out and about, many in groups. Even if we had our Spyder here, we wouldn't be riding much. We are trying to do our best to be responsible during these trying times to protect ourselves, as well as others. We'll be the first to say that it's killing us to do so. But only figuratively!

03-28-2020, 06:00 AM
Wife Millie and I love to make our trips to TN to visit a Post Office buddy in Kodak, (Sevierville), we do love the riding up there. Looks like our plans for a May visit will not materialize on our new 20 RT, but we are ready when we get something that looks like a 'go'. My friend has a TriGlide, gonna have some fun, just don't know when. Something to look forward to.

03-28-2020, 09:25 AM
I have cancelled a 3 week trip to Nags Head, NC in May. I'm not sure what the status will be then but as of right now as a non resident land owner I will not be allowed to enter the Outer Banks. They have restricted entry to residents only. Prudent move for a community with limited resources and and only an 18 bed hospital. So I'm abiding by the rules set forth at my home in Central Texas and will venture out for necessities and possibly a bluebonnet scenery drive for the day. Be careful everyone, this invisible enemy is deadly and moving very very fast.