View Full Version : WELL, if this is what retirement is like......

03-19-2020, 01:37 PM
If this staying home sitting on my BUTT is what retirement is all about,
I want NO part of it, I am 78 this year and I am to young to just sit around....
When you stop moving and just sit you DIE... I want no part of that as well.
My plan is to live and ride forever .... and so far so good....
Remember if you need anything or just want to BS give me a call.
Ride Safe & Connected

03-19-2020, 02:05 PM
Dave, I retired (mostly) from my one man business at 77 years young. That was 6 short years ago. I can always find projects to do, and so can my wife. I ride as often as the weather allows and do all my own bike maintenance, as well as helping others with theirs. My wife is an avid gardener and I help her with that and earn lots of Brownie Points. She's always good with me taking off, whether it be for a day or weeks. So I am finding retirement to be just great. But I know how you think and feel - as long as you enjoy what you do for a living, keep at it.

03-19-2020, 02:12 PM
OK, my 2 cents. I have been retired now for 17 years and don't regret a day of it. I can say that I went for at least 8 years before I woke up any morning without at least one "project" on my mind to do. Every day is not always exciting but at the worst pleasurable. And as we sold the house in '12 and went full timing in an RV it has only gotten better.

03-19-2020, 02:59 PM
i retired @ age 60 (12 yrs ago).... i have yet 2 b BORED.... i average about 12,000 miles per yr on my various SPYD3RS, about 1000 miles on my TUNDRA... i build ALL my own FARKLES; FLOOR BORDZ, grips, lites, wind screen, etc etc etc..... i also built and farkle things for the group of riders i ride with: BLUE RIDGE SPYDER RIDERS...
i agree with you, that if you sit on your butt, YOU WILL DIE an early death... like Noah, i want to live for no less than 800 yrs.... i may not make it, but every minute that i live, will be enjoyed.....
be good, ride safely, and keep smiling....
Easley, SC

03-19-2020, 03:22 PM
I got kicked out of the work force due to on the job injury at 48. 20+ plus years later I'm still doing everything I can with some limitations. If I had just quit, I'm sure they would have thrown dirt in my face by now but I just get up each morning and get at it. S@#t happens so go fast and stay ahead of it.:thumbup:

03-19-2020, 03:44 PM
Retirement is what you make it. I don't regret it for 1 minute, always have a list of items to do and plenty of hobbies. Best job I've ever had.

03-19-2020, 03:58 PM
Hey folks just thought I’d chime in, I turned 62 last July, in Aug. my work went through a surplus & with the package they offered I’d have to work another 8 years to make it up, so I went... Bought my first cycle ever, a ‘13 Spyder RS ( my brother has had a RT for 3 year) and have never had so much fun, riding & upgrading... Between that, my bonsai’s & projectsw

03-19-2020, 04:22 PM
I retired three times already. The last time was in October of 2019. I liked what I did for a living so much, I kept going back. My work was my golf, if you can relate to that analogy. Well I just started back again, however this time it's only going to be one or two weeks a month and I refuse to fly anywhere. I landed a great gig teaching some mechanical engineering seminars.

My father ended up doing something very similar. He cut back to three days a week. GOOD GRIEF, I've turned into my father! That's not such a bad thing.

03-19-2020, 05:16 PM
Now that I'm retired I sometimes wonder how I ever found time to work!

03-19-2020, 05:26 PM
Been retired for 38 years! Wonder if I can get a retirement pension ? Am 87 got laid off after 30 years at 49 and never been bored at all thanks to bike riding and fret work. So you will survive. We have
rode every state in the US Alaska twice all the Provenses in Canada and all the way in Baja. Wife road her own bike. And many many side trips. Our longest single trip was 10,000 miles so its a great life!!

03-19-2020, 05:43 PM
On my fourth retirement next Thursday. You stop, you die. No shortage of fun things to do.

03-19-2020, 06:11 PM
I just retired as of yesterday and already bored. I know it'll take some adjusting after 47yrs.
Doesn't help everything closing up with this covid 19 CRAP!!!!!!

03-19-2020, 06:15 PM
Dave, I retired (mostly) from my one man business at 77 years young. That was 6 short years ago. I can always find projects to do, and so can my wife. I ride as often as the weather allows and do all my own bike maintenance, as well as helping others with theirs. My wife is an avid gardener and I help her with that and earn lots of Brownie Points. She's always good with me taking off, whether it be for a day or weeks. So I am finding retirement to be just great. But I know how you think and feel - as long as you enjoy what you do for a living, keep at it.

Dave ..... who is making you stay home , sitting on your Butt :dontknow:, I see you live in Calif. and that could be the issue, ..... Mike :ohyea:

03-19-2020, 06:19 PM
I retired in as a Quality Engineer in Pennsylvania at 67 after the company closed.
Sold the townhouse and moved to Nevada to take care of the Mother-in-law.
Sold all my power tools with the plan of moving into an apartment. BAD DECISION.
Bought another townhouse and got bored with watching the leaves and grass grow. Bought a few new tools for working on the new townhouse.
Now I'm back at work (playtime) as a Tech Writer watching the young (clueless) quality engineers.
Will formally retire, again, next January when I reach 70+. Then will ryde and consult. No sitting around for me.

03-19-2020, 06:30 PM
I like what my oldest brother said one time. "Retirement isn't what it's cracked up to be. It's better!"

03-19-2020, 06:32 PM
Dave, I retired (mostly) from my one man business at 77 years young. That was 6 short years ago.

Are saying you are 83 and still riding a Spyder. If so, you are my hero!

03-19-2020, 06:32 PM
I am going on my first year of complete retirement. It went by very fast. Was hoping to travel a bit this summer, but now things are on hold. It is wait and see mode.

We did get both Spyders washed last week.

03-19-2020, 06:42 PM
Now that I'm retired I sometimes wonder how I ever found time to work!

You know.... Ihave wondered that for 16 years

03-19-2020, 06:48 PM
Dave ..... who is making you stay home , sitting on your Butt :dontknow:, I see you live in Calif. and that could be the issue, ..... Mike :ohyea:

Believe me, I am not sitting around doing nothing, I have been working on
my Spyder, my Honda and my wifes 1967 Chevelle and loving it.
I am just saying sitting around is not for me I have to keep busy.

03-19-2020, 07:05 PM
been retired for 38 years! Wonder if i can get a retirement pension ? Am 87 got laid off after 30 years at 49 and never been bored at all thanks to bike riding and fret work. So you will survive. We have
rode every state in the us alaska twice all the provenses in canada and all the way in baja. Wife road her own bike. And many many side trips. Our longest single trip was 10,000 miles so its a great life!!

you sir are truly my hero !!!!!!!!!

03-19-2020, 07:14 PM
I Have retired 3 times and couldn't afford it. I went back to work in the mental health field as a case manager for five years. Last year at 73 that became too much to handle so I retired again. I have lots to do. Turning an old milking shed into a shop, planning a rally for my riding club (maybe it will happen), planning on attending 3 other rallies ( if they are still a go). Being the 1st Spouse of Spring City (my wife is the mayor), working on my trains, etc., etc., etc. I know you Dave, you will not be sitting around!

03-19-2020, 07:34 PM
Been retired 23 years and more to do now then ever. I have to prioritze. Needless to say I move slower these days. Still riding a Victory Vission (100k) just staring on the Can Am (4k). Like the Vission for long trips

03-19-2020, 09:06 PM
I like what my oldest brother said one time. "Retirement isn't what it's cracked up to be. It's better!"
My favourite saying is “ it took me close to 40 years to figure out that work is highly overrated “

03-19-2020, 09:21 PM
Are saying you are 83 and still riding a Spyder. If so, you are my hero!
Still??? I was riding a two wheeler up to Feb. 2019 when I bought the Spyder. See my signature. I'm a wind junkie.

Peter Aawen
03-19-2020, 09:33 PM
You don't get old and stop riding.... you get old BECAUSE you stop riding! :rolleyes:

03-19-2020, 10:06 PM
That's a patch I have on my club vest. Another is: NO PEER PRESSURE.

03-19-2020, 10:24 PM
I quit working when I was 56, my new boss p’d me off, and thought this is it.....I”m retired. Lasted I year and then one morning, still in bed, I thought to myself, this is bull.....why bother getting up ‘cause I just go and sit in my chair and watch the idiot box, so I went out to find a job.....anything, even flipping burgers at McD. Two days later I was working at a lumber yard. There for a couple of years, and had a minor stroke. Back to doing nothing for about a year and a half and then found out that one of our car rental places was always looking for drivers to pick up new cars, deliver cars, rescue people who rented from us and had trouble, going to other provinces to pick up vehicles from a sister rental firm. All kinds of driving. I went and applied, and did that for 10 years until I sold my house and moved. Bought a house with my son......and am now officially RETIRED. Still had to do something, so I found a 2014 RTS-SE6 and the rest is history.
LIFE IS GOOD, it sure beats the alternative.

03-20-2020, 04:38 AM
I'm 65 and have been retired for almost 3 1/2 years and my wife has been retired for two years. We moved south for milder winters, travel on our Spyders, volunteer at our Senior Center and sometimes sit at home on our back patio watching the birds and golfers go by. We do other things, too. And sometimes, we do nothing! This retirement thing is pretty nice. Life is good.

03-20-2020, 08:25 AM
im 72 and am semi retired from my 1 man body shop. havent been too busy
so i did something ive been to scared to do for 5 years. frunk removal.did a coolant
change ,but did it b4 the frunk. now have super clean radiators too, and nowhere to
ride. 20 degrees tonite in nw illinois. its not idle time guys, its maintenance, clean, and
shine time . gets you off your butt. -irv

03-20-2020, 08:32 AM
im 72 and am semi retired from my 1 man body shop. havent been too busy
so i did something ive been to scared to do for 5 years. frunk removal.did a coolant
change ,but did it b4 the frunk. now have super clean radiators too, and nowhere to
ride. 20 degrees tonite in nw illinois. its not idle time guys, its maintenance, clean, and
shine time . gets you off your butt. -irv

Darn, haven't taken mine down that far yet, but look at those bugs in the radiators!! May have to take a little peek at mine!!! :ohyea:

03-20-2020, 08:54 AM
Retired at 66 (now) medical problem resulted in a back operation and forced me out. Just now beginning to get activity level back Pyder was started and driven on a warm up ryde yesterday. Selling up and moving soon to be closer to spoiling grandkids and 4 hours closer to the BRP. Work is highly overrated.

03-20-2020, 09:03 AM
Double post, too much time on my hands, just step away from the keyboard, nice and slow.....

03-20-2020, 09:41 AM
Darn, haven't taken mine down that far yet, but look at those bugs in the radiators!! May have to take a little peek at mine!!! :ohyea:

got lazy after final ride last year. rads are now squeaky clean in and out.

Texas Al
03-20-2020, 10:02 AM
Just a note to say that retirement is great, I did it three times. First was after 20 years in the military, second was an engineer for the B-2 for 18 years and when I retired for that I was a teacher for another 6 years. So I decided to really retire at 68. That was 13 year ago. I have travelled the world and have hit every continent except Antartica, That too cold. Been riding bike since I was 15 and went to a Spyder 4 year ago. RETIREMENT IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT!!! So enjoy every minute of it. RIDER SAFE.

Fat Baxter
03-20-2020, 03:25 PM
Retirement = an endless string of Saturdays!

03-20-2020, 07:03 PM
If this staying home sitting on my BUTT is what retirement is all about,
I want NO part of it

After a cumulative forty three years in law enforcement, I'm doing exactly that. No stress, no aggravation, no frustration. Go where I want, when I want without answering to anyone......:ohyea:

03-20-2020, 07:11 PM
Retirement = an endless string of Saturdays!

YES. 6 Saturdays and a Sunday.

03-27-2020, 10:48 PM
Dave, welcome to the ranks of the retirees! I've failed at retirement three times... retired from LE by injury, a tour as a high school teacher (tougher than being a cop IMO!), private school administrator, production manager and now warranty repairs manager for a rapidly growing manufacturer in NV. Finally had enough of full time employment, I only work 3 days a week. Still haven't figured out how to be retired yet, but at 62 I hope I have some time yet to get that straight.

Best advice I can give is to find some activity/activities that you like to do, otherwise you're right... sitting around and waiting to kick off is no way to spend retirement! Hope we see you out on the road this summer.

03-30-2020, 11:53 AM
Dave, welcome to the ranks of the retirees! I've failed at retirement three times... retired from LE by injury, a tour as a high school teacher (tougher than being a cop IMO!), private school administrator, production manager and now warranty repairs manager for a rapidly growing manufacturer in NV. Finally had enough of full time employment, I only work 3 days a week. Still haven't figured out how to be retired yet, but at 62 I hope I have some time yet to get that straight.

Best advice I can give is to find some activity/activities that you like to do, otherwise you're right... sitting around and waiting to kick off is no way to spend retirement! Hope we see you out on the road this summer.

You will see me out when the VIRUS is gone for sure where in Nevada are you ?

Big F
03-30-2020, 02:04 PM
AMEN BROTHER!! I am one year older and this hanging around the house each day is getting real boring.. AND the weather here is not conducive for Spyder riding? I did back my 2018 RTL out of my storage bldg. yesterday and had a very short spin on my own property....

03-30-2020, 04:19 PM
After a 39 year career, retired 5 years ago as an administrator of a large social services agency covering the northern suburbs of Toronto (hence my handle on here), and after 6 weeks of sleeping 12 hours a day (just catching up) starting doing consulting work with First Nations/ Native communities setting up their own programs for kids..... work just enough to keep my brain from totally turning to mush, with lots of time available to hang out with my wife, visit grandkids and ride the Goblin... if only this Corona Virus would disappear!!

03-30-2020, 05:50 PM
Retired from a regular job in 2005. Don't regret one minute of it. I got 2 small farms and stay busy all the time. There is always something to do if you look for it.

04-03-2020, 12:49 AM
You will see me out when the VIRUS is gone for sure where in Nevada are you ?

Just south of Carson City, in the Carson Valley. It's just a short jaunt to the Sierra passes from here!

04-03-2020, 06:16 AM
87 and riding my 2020 RTL coming off a GW/Road Smith Conversion. Fun machine.