View Full Version : Cabin fever!!

03-17-2020, 07:29 AM
After sitting in my chair and reading the new post this morning I come to the conclusion that between the weather, not being able to ride, and this virus that we are facing, and all the shut downs, we are going to see a out break of old post being dreaded out of the basement to be solved!!!:roflblack: Maybe we can get them right this time!!!:clap: Go team Go :joke:

03-17-2020, 10:32 AM
Yup! Docduru came up in an old thread and one of his posts was in the 6 page Elio thread. I ended up re-reading that one.

An intreresting re-read from the archives.

03-17-2020, 01:32 PM
I hand out here a lot lately. I really thank everyone for keeping things light around here....so sick of FB my head hurts....

I am remote enough t that I get to take daily rides, and that is my plan.

Taking the triumph out today as well. I pulled it off the sales block, and now someone wants it. I will let them come ride it, maybe...

Anyway, I have to read that Elio post. At one point in my life I was interested in those things, but they seem to have flopped, I quit following it a few years back.