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View Full Version : Posting Photo's?

03-07-2020, 08:37 AM
Got to be easy, I see them throughout the the forum. My 'how to' search has not been successful, help, and thanks.

03-07-2020, 09:07 AM
When you go to make a new post click the “go advanced” tab. Then scroll down to “manage attachments “ and click the file that you want to insert. You can also click the insert image icon on the toolbar. The trick is to get it right side up.

03-07-2020, 09:07 AM
Try looking in the Forum Support & Testing area there area many post there that can help with that. Look at the stickie also at the top inside that area.

03-07-2020, 09:47 AM
When you go to make a new post click the “go advanced” tab. Then scroll down to “manage attachments “ and click the file that you want to insert. You can also click the insert image icon on the toolbar. The trick is to get it right side up.

Thanks Rapid...

03-07-2020, 10:30 AM
Got to be easy, I see them throughout the the forum. My 'how to' search has not been successful, help, and thanks.

I initially had issues with this, but found a couple of things that make it real simple (for me). I found the size of the picture can't be too large (somewhere around 180-200 Kb), but I can't find the reference right now for the life of me. I has to be really small to load, if it's too large it will just sit and spin without telling you why. I also found that shooting my pictures with a cheapo point and shoot digital camera always assures the orientation is correct, I think maybe all the sideways photos are from phones.

03-07-2020, 10:33 AM
I initially had issues with this, but found a couple of things that make it real simple (for me). I found the size of the picture can't be too large (somewhere around 180-200 Kb), but I can't find the reference right now for the life of me. I has to be really small to load, if it's too large it will just sit and spin without telling you why. I also found that shooting my pictures with a cheapo point and shoot digital camera always assures the orientation is correct, I think maybe all the sideways photos are from phones.

My sideways ones are from the phone. The bottom of the phone has to be on the right side or they end up upside down.

03-07-2020, 11:25 AM
size is important here. The smallest (on my sizer) are the ones that work. If they load for you, for the site, they will work fine. Clicking on them will make them larger for people to view.

grumpt Joe
03-07-2020, 11:40 AM
Got to be easy, I see them throughout the the forum. My 'how to' search has not been successful, help, and thanks.

03-07-2020, 12:00 PM
Good info, thanks to all who contributed.

03-07-2020, 12:33 PM
Good info, thanks to all who contributed.

Now you have to post some.

03-07-2020, 12:56 PM
:>) Of course, always adds some trepidation to the post until I get it done, you know, too big, sideways, etc., but if I follow the instructions, hopefully it will be OK.....

03-07-2020, 01:39 PM
Depending on your equipment here's my simple recipe. Take the picture with a small point and shoot. Put in an album on the PC. Open with MS Paint or some other program that allows simple resizing and downsize the original image until it's small. Save a copy on the PC. Then start/open the thread you want the picture to appear in and use the square (toolbar, 3rd from the right above the post you are making) to select the "Insert Picture" function. Hunt the picture on your computer and select it and click the upload button. Done. Practice in the test forum.

03-07-2020, 02:42 PM
Working this through the PC will be an additional step for me. I'm doing pics with my iPhone, so I need to import from my iPhone to my PC album some way. My point and shoots have long since gone. So some experimentation is in my future.

03-07-2020, 03:23 PM
Working this through the PC will be an additional step for me. I'm doing pics with my iPhone, so I need to import from my iPhone to my PC album some way. My point and shoots have long since gone. So some experimentation is in my future.

Just goes to show you how much of a dinosaur I've become!

03-07-2020, 03:36 PM
I was one, still am to a larg degree, but I was forced to upgrade, and at my age I may have met my upgrade limit. I have yet to read the book on the toggle, or experiment with it. I can only hope over time, I absorb it.

03-07-2020, 07:53 PM
Working this through the PC will be an additional step for me. I'm doing pics with my iPhone, so I need to import from my iPhone to my PC album some way. My point and shoots have long since gone. So some experimentation is in my future.

So I too have an iPhone, and when I take a picture it automatically is in the cloud on my iMac (apple computer) don't have to do nothing. Just recently/ last month I upgraded to photobucket for $5 a month. With that I don't need to worry about size etc. program does all that, I choose between thumbnail or regular size. I choose based on the story I am telling. Before photobucket :

I would click on this icon titled "insert image"
https://oi40.photobucket.com/albums/e240/TicketBait/th_IMG_1940.jpg (https://s40.photobucket.com/user/TicketBait/media/IMG_1940.jpg.html)

large size

then this would pop up and I would from my computer search all my photos, then "choose file", then "upload file"

https://oi40.photobucket.com/albums/e240/TicketBait/th_IMG_1939_1.jpeg (https://s40.photobucket.com/user/TicketBait/media/IMG_1939_1.jpeg.html)

thumb nail size

hope this helps, if you ever get out to California, look me up and I will show you, the best way!;)

03-07-2020, 08:18 PM
Thanks, Ticket, hmmm, California, I was home ported out of Long Beach for four years aboard a Detroyer, man that goes back to the early 50s during the Korean War. Yep, probably getting too long in the tooth for a Spyder trip across the US, sounds good though....

Peter Aawen
03-08-2020, 01:13 AM
I find it's waaay easier to use the 'Manage Attachments' facility that's in the 2nd part of the Additional Options that are shown just down below the text field of Reply to Thread or Add New Thread; it's a lot easier for the poster to add the images and it's easier for the readers to read/see them too! And if you use that Manage Attachments facility instead of inserting each image & by doing so forcing potential viewers to flip between the post & each image on your host site, where they may be too big to show &/or load to view anyway; you can add 5 pics at a time/to each individual post; and it does all the resizing for you, adding each pic as a thumbnail & giving readers the option of clicking on any one of those then scrolling thru all the rest of the images that you've linked without returning to the host site - AND there's waaay less chance of the links being lost or garbaged over time by your photo host or anyone else! :thumbup:

03-08-2020, 01:54 AM
I try to learn something new every other day, thank you Peter!:thumbup:

03-08-2020, 09:44 AM
I find it's waaay easier to use the 'Manage Attachments' facility that's in the 2nd part of the Additional Options that are shown just down below the text field of Reply to Thread or Add New Thread; it's a lot easier for the poster to add the images and it's easier for the readers to read/see them too! And if you use that Manage Attachments facility instead of inserting each image & by doing so forcing potential viewers to flip between the post & each image on your host site, where they may be too big to show &/or load to view anyway; you can add 5 pics at a time/to each individual post; and it does all the resizing for you, adding each pic as a thumbnail & giving readers the option of clicking on any one of those then scrolling thru all the rest of the images that you've linked without returning to the host site - AND there's waaay less chance of the links being lost or garbaged over time by your photo host or anyone else! :thumbup:

As an addendum to this, under the "go advanced" option, located in the manage attachments dialog box, you will find the recommended sizes of the files allowed by the site. Thanks Peter for remembering that for me!