View Full Version : File Maker

Joe T.
02-02-2020, 03:20 PM
Anyone have experience using the web based database software 'File Maker?'

Joe T.

02-02-2020, 03:33 PM
I’ve used FileMaker desktop for the past 20 years. I might be able to help?

Joe T.
02-02-2020, 04:27 PM
I’ve used FileMaker desktop for the past 20 years. I might be able to help?

UUUOOOO!!! You may be my hero!!

I'll PM you so we can chat.

Thanks and regards,
Joe T.

02-03-2020, 09:36 AM
I learned to use Libre Office Base to create data bases by watching the videos on U-Tube. They have videos to cover almost any learning situation. Be sure you get the videos where the people teaching actually know what they are talking about. I have notice a lot of U-Tube videos by young kids that were full of wrong methods and not explained clearly. It seems like some of them just make a video as a school project or something and are not familiar enough with the topic to explain it clearly. You can filter those out by finding the good ones and following the stream with search functions.

02-04-2020, 09:34 PM
I have no idea if this is the situation with Filemaker or not, but you will want, I think, to make sure it's not a problem for you. Microsoft Office Excel is available as part of Office 365. But there is one great limitation with the O365 compared to the desktop version. There is no support for macros in O365. If you have a spreadsheet with macros you must run it with the desktop version. Make sure that whatever command language scripts can be developed and used in Filemaker will run with the cloud version before you commit to it. I don't know if this is an indicator or not, but MS Access is not available in a cloud version. That suggests to me that connecting various databases is too complicated or not reliable in the cloud environment.

Obviously, cloud computing is not a be all to end all!