View Full Version : Heated Gear Question

01-25-2020, 11:55 PM
Has anyone experienced both Gerbing and Warm & Safe heated jackets and pant liners? Do you have a preference?

Any details you would care to pass on would be appreciated.

01-26-2020, 12:00 AM
Can't help. I have Gerbing and my bride has warm n safe. Both have performed well for years

01-26-2020, 12:21 AM
I have both and I prefer The Warm and Safe. I think the heat is more even in the Warm and Safe. If you are an AMA member they also give you a healthy discount.

01-26-2020, 03:06 AM
Thank you fjray and pegasus1300. Wish I had gone ahead and placed my order a couple months ago. Seems even down here in MS it can get too cold to ride, when it's not raining.

01-26-2020, 09:13 AM
look at mobile warming there 12 volt stuff is great bonus also has a battery so can be used for other things

01-26-2020, 09:31 AM
I had both, but sold the Gerbing jacket because the wire bundle in the left pocket area became really annoying. Warm & Safe jacket is more comfortable. That being said, the 90-watt jacket gets warmer on the chest and arms, but my back feels cooler. So I got a Gerbing vest and it has more consistent heat between chest and back plus a much warmer collar. So now I bounce back and forth between the two. The vest gets me through most weather condition. Your mileage may very.

01-26-2020, 11:24 AM
Thank you fjray and pegasus1300. Wish I had gone ahead and placed my order a couple months ago. Seems even down here in MS it can get too cold to ride, when it's not raining.

We are finding the same in AR. And...we came from Alaska. What was comfortable there, now seems cold and edgy. And...I LIKE the heat in the summer. It's 50's and sunny...I am riding today.

01-28-2020, 06:24 PM
We both have the Warm and Safe 4th generation heated jacket liners. It's fantastic stuff for the cold weather riding in Minnesota and beyond.
We have ridden here in the teens without any issues from the gear for close to 10 years now.
With the heat troller you can have heat dialed on all of the time or dial it back for pulse heating. Too HOT, turn it off and you have a wind breaker to block the wind to your upper body.
Well worth the investmant

I think they also make the First Gear brand.


01-29-2020, 02:17 AM
We both have the Warm and Safe 4th generation heated jacket liners. It's fantastic stuff for the cold weather riding in Minnesota and beyond.
We have ridden here in the teens without any issues from the gear for close to 10 years now.
With the heat troller you can have heat dialed on all of the time or dial it back for pulse heating. Too HOT, turn it off and you have a wind breaker to block the wind to your upper body.
Well worth the investmant

I think they also make the First Gear brand.


Yes they do and BajaRon also sells that at significant discount. Call him and ask for price.

01-29-2020, 06:42 AM
My brother has a set of Gerbing - pants and jacket liners - but rarely uses them. I have a heated vest I bought back when Cortech first started selling them. I liked that they came with the controller and that it was a simple push button hi/med/low and that it had a strap to attache to the leg. I still have it and it still works, but my ride is so short - 15 miles - and the wind protection on my last couple of bikes and the Spyder is so good I haven't needed it.

I also had a set of Widder heated gloves. Loved those; they only had an on/off switch, but the heat was perfect. One of them quit working a few years later, but by then Widder was out of business.

I recall back 5-6 years ago that Gerbing sold the company and that the new owners weren't honoring the lifetime warranty. I'm given to understand that the Gerbing family started another heated gear business, but I'm not sure what the name is.

01-29-2020, 07:44 AM
I use all Gerbing clothing and the Warm & Safe remote HeatTroller. Probably 75,000 miles with the Gerbings stuff and ~50,000 with the HeatTRoller. I'm sure you can't go wrong with either.

01-29-2020, 08:25 AM
Thanks for the comments and experiences everyone.
Sure could have used the gear yesterday. Clinton, MS to Mobile, AL and back. Started at 46 degrees and foggy. Should have gotten better rather quickly.
Nope, dropped to 39 degrees and fog lasted for 120 miles. Then it turned into a great day for a ride..........except the last 5 miles back home when it started to rain.

01-29-2020, 09:11 AM
I have a Tourmaster heated 12v vest. It has a rheostat for great variation of heating needs. I have appreciated it on cool late spring/early summer rides up in Canada. This year, if the weather cooperates, we'll be heading for the Ozarks... but if the weather doesn't cooperate during the planned week, I will break it out to circle Lake Superior again (an awesome ride).

01-29-2020, 07:16 PM
My wife and I have the Hot Wired jacket we purchased at Cycle Gear. We have used them for five years and have had no problems. I also have a Hot Wired vest and like it. We once spent 8 hours on a January ride a it was 27 degrees all day and we were comfortable all day long.

01-30-2020, 12:57 PM
I have and use 1st gear ( 90 Watts) heated jacket (premium riding equipment) designed and manufactured by Warm& Safe Heated Gear, LLC which i use on the my sled & spyder. I have no complaints works well.

I also have and use First Gear Dual Heat Troller By Warm Safe Heated Gear, LLC. I have no complaints. I have had the First Gear Dual Heat Troller for 3 years, and I use it on my spyder, and sled.

I live in Vermont, the spyder riding season is from April to Oct. and sled season is from Dec. to March.


Mr. White
01-30-2020, 01:08 PM
I have the Gerbing battery powered jacket. I like the flexibility of it. I can use it when on my tractor, etc.

01-30-2020, 09:45 PM
I thought about going the battery route Mr. white, but I know I would be tempted to wear them to work and everything would get destroyed.

What I wound up going with was the Warm n Safe Heat Layer Shirt and the pants liners. Still some time to get good use out of it this year and I can find out if it meets my needs or not.

Thanks again everyone......................Ed

02-06-2020, 10:34 PM
I've got first gear jacket and pants and insoles. I rode last fall in 25 degree weather for a number of days worked great.

02-06-2020, 10:47 PM
There is a new design that uses both bike powered hookup and lithium ion battery in the jacket/pants. This way the motorcycle battery powers the clothing when plugged in. And it reverts to the lithium ion battery(s) when unplugged from the bike giving you heat off the bike as well.

02-06-2020, 11:09 PM
I see OP has made his purchase, but for anyone else considering extending their riding season, Warm and Safe, Gerbing, First Gear, Harley Davidson, Toumaster and many others use the same kind of 12v coax connector, and are interchangable. I have Gerbing jacket liner, Gerbing Gloves and a Harley dual controller. My wife has a Tourmaster Synergy jacket liner, Warm and Safe pants, a single Gerbing controller and a dual First Gear controller (If she doesn't wear the heated pants she will use the single controller.) We have all wired gear, as we have had it for a while. If I was to get new, I probably would go for wireless controllers. The gear itself still has to be hard wired to the bike, unless you go for the battery operated liners, but on those the heat output is usually less, and on some trips you may need extra batteries and a way to recharge.

02-07-2020, 12:20 AM
Guess I'll get to try the new gear out in the morning. Thinking about a trip down the Trace to Natchez then on to Red Stick. Should be low 30's to start.