View Full Version : Deleting a post or reply

01-19-2020, 10:13 AM
For some reason I can't delete a post that I made . Is there a secrete way to do it?

01-19-2020, 10:38 AM
You can only do an edit and change. what did you want to delete?

01-19-2020, 11:19 AM
The "disregard" post has been taken care of. :yes:

01-19-2020, 02:33 PM
Why can we not delete a post yourselves anymore? We used to be able too before. Just asking why it has changed.

01-19-2020, 04:12 PM
This discussion came up a month or so ago.

At that time, Admin stated that was a choice that they made. Since Admin is in charge of running the site, we go with it.

There is an edit function as CS mentioned above. You can blank out what you said through an edit. It just will not disappear from the threads. It can be deleted just by asking any one of the five mods.

Peter Aawen
01-19-2020, 04:37 PM
Expanding on AR's post above a bit.... basically, the 'less than appropriate' use of the delete function that users once had here on the Forum was adversely effecting the site's standing with all the search engines (standing which helps keep the place alive! :shocked: ) and when the platform had to be upgraded a couple of years ago to allow this Forum to continue, that feature was something that simply HAD to go to keep the Forum viable..... so it went! :lecturef_smilie:

Apart from spam & spammers, the only way for a post to be deleted now is for it to be done by the Site Admin, altho if you ask one of us Mods, we can do a 'soft delete' and effectively hide a post from public view. So, if you want to help keep the site up & working as best it can, you'll never post in anger and you'll think very carefully before hitting that 'Submit Post' button in the first place, and you'll only ever make any necessary edits to facts, spelling, or grammar within a minute or so of your initial posting. :ohyea: For anything other than those types of corrections pretty much straight away, please DO NOT edit your posts content to read nothing except 'disregard' or similar, (that sort of misuse is effectively what drove the need for the delete function to be removed, and misuse of the edit facility is likely to have similar consequences! :banghead: )

Rather, simply ask any Mod if we can hide it for you - you can do that via PM to any one of us if you can see that we're on the boards (green dot alongside our username in a post, or green name listed in the users on the main index page); or you could even report your own post to alert all of us immediately! In either case, please include a brief explanation as to why you want to remove it, because every post that gets deleted or edited out WILL be hurting the Forums standing & therefore viability, so we try not to do it lightly! :thumbup:

01-19-2020, 07:20 PM
I would have to agree that is Bull. Should be able to delete your own post. Kinda a dictatorship!!

01-19-2020, 07:27 PM
I would have to agree that is Bull. Should be able to delete your own post. Kinda a dictatorship!!

Well given the site is free and paid for by someone else I think your assessment is a little harsh. As Peter explained it matters how the site is rated and found on the internet. Post activity is part of what drives that, it’s not personal against the community. We want to be easy to find, as close to the top of the first page on all search engines. Does that help put it in perspective?

01-20-2020, 09:49 AM
Well given the site is free and paid for by someone else I think your assessment is a little harsh. As Peter explained it matters how the site is rated and found on the internet. Post activity is part of what drives that, it’s not personal against the community. We want to be easy to find, as close to the top of the first page on all search engines. Does that help put it in perspective?

I understand what you and Peter are saying. But, everyone has their own opinion, and doesn't have to be in lock step with the mods. When I'm searching the web, just because a link is first in line doesn't mean it's the best, most times I find it's not. Some how I don't think if the delete function was left in place (where it was originally) that spyderlovers is going to disappear. I hope that's not too harsh.;)

01-20-2020, 09:55 AM
I understand what you and Peter are saying. But, everyone has their own opinion, and doesn't have to be in lock step with the mods. When I'm searching the web, just because a link is first in line doesn't mean it's the best, most times I find it's not. Some how I don't think if the delete function was left in place (where it was originally) that spyderlovers is going to disappear. I hope that's not too harsh.;)

You would be incorrect (hopefully that isnt to harsh), when Lamont was going to close the site & i stepped in to keep it open, the site didnt show up on any search engines unless you typed in spyderlovers.

Removal of posts that google for one has already crawled, then gets removed is a mark against the site in terms of rank & yes rank matters.

As this site pays for itself based on advertisers & NOT user donations, the more traffic the site gets, the longer the site stays open or would you'll like the site to stay open based on user donations?

01-20-2020, 10:25 AM
You would be incorrect (hopefully that isnt to harsh), when Lamont was going to close the site & i stepped in to keep it open, the site didnt show up on any search engines unless you typed in spyderlovers.

Removal of posts that google for one has already crawled, then gets removed is a mark against the site in terms of rank & yes rank matters.

As this site pays for itself based on advertisers & NOT user donations, the more traffic the site gets, the longer the site stays open or would you'll like the site to stay open based on user donations?


Are you saying I'm wrong based on a search of an item I am interested in, and find the best answer is not the first link? Please explain where I'm wrong in what I had said previously. Your response did not make any sense to me. You can PM me, so we don't muddy the waters here. It's really your second sentence that I don't understand. Also, this site has been up and flourishing along time before you cut out the delete function, as you can see by the number of members.

01-20-2020, 10:28 AM
Incorrect part: Some how I don't think if the delete function was left in place (where it was originally) that spyderlovers is going to disappear.

Also ill add a note: Just an fyi, your posts/threads where never deleted in the past anyways, they was merely soft deleted aka hidden from non staff members.

01-20-2020, 10:43 AM
Incorrect part: Some how I don't think if the delete function was left in place (where it was originally) that spyderlovers is going to disappear.

Obviously you know a lot more about what you speak, and you are speaking at level 10 while I'm at level one. I still don't understand your 2nd sentence above.

"Removal of posts that google for one has already crawled, then gets removed is a mark against the site in terms of rank & yes rank matters."

This is my level 1 where I'm coming from: My google search for example- why raise your heels for deadlifts? Then I review the links that come up?

I think we are speaking apples and oranges, and that's why I can't quite understand what you are saying. In any case, you do what you feel is necessary to keep the site up. I'm not on here much anymore any way.

01-20-2020, 10:46 AM
Another reason to not be able to delete posts so freely is that it's unfair to those that invest the time and add value via a reply to the post. Nothing bothers me more than spending 15 minutes replying to a post only to have the thread or the post itself get deleted.

01-20-2020, 10:54 AM
Obviously you know a lot more about what you speak, and you are speaking at level 10 while I'm at level one. I still don't understand your 2nd sentence above.

"Removal of posts that google for one has already crawled, then gets removed is a mark against the site in terms of rank & yes rank matters."

This is my level 1 where I'm coming from: My google search for example- why raise your heels for deadlifts? Then I review the links that come up?

I think we are speaking apples and oranges, and that's why I can't quite understand what you are saying. In any case, you do what you feel is necessary to keep the site up. I'm not on here much anymore any way.

1) Search engines bring traffic to a website.
2) When a post get's deleted that creates a broken link.
3) When a search engine discovers too many broken links it stops sending traffic to a site.
4) Less traffic, less sponsors are not willing to support website with less traffic, less financial support - no website.

01-20-2020, 10:56 AM
Obviously you know a lot more about what you speak, and you are speaking at level 10 while I'm at level one. I still don't understand your 2nd sentence above.

"Removal of posts that google for one has already crawled, then gets removed is a mark against the site in terms of rank & yes rank matters."

This is my level 1 where I'm coming from: My google search for example- why raise your heels for deadlifts? Then I review the links that come up?

I think we are speaking apples and oranges, and that's why I can't quite understand what you are saying. In any case, you do what you feel is necessary to keep the site up. I'm not on here much anymore any way.

Google search bots crawl a site & the many bots log said data, like this post for example.

The post gets deleted, the link in the google search is now broken to google, which is a black mark on the site & its rank.

The more broken links that the site has after its been crawled, the more its de-ranked unless the site keeps track of the NOW broken links in the google search console & that can be thousands if users are allowed to delete posts.

The console will even show working links as broken seomtimes & you have to submit a recrawl telling them it isnt broke even tho they claim it is.

If you ran a site & put up with the never ending google search algorithm that changes at least 10 million times a year, then you would understand.

01-20-2020, 10:57 AM
Yea what bryan said too.....

01-21-2020, 07:36 PM
Obviously you know a lot more about what you speak, and you are speaking at level 10 while I'm at level one. I still don't understand your 2nd sentence above.

"Removal of posts that google for one has already crawled, then gets removed is a mark against the site in terms of rank & yes rank matters."

This is my level 1 where I'm coming from: My google search for example- why raise your heels for deadlifts? Then I review the links that come up?

I think we are speaking apples and oranges, and that's why I can't quite understand what you are saying. In any case, you do what you feel is necessary to keep the site up. I'm not on here much anymore any way.

Me neither. Get more off Facebook with many groups on there!!