View Full Version : Seat belt suggestions needed

12-27-2019, 08:46 PM
We have an RT Limited, and would like to give some rides to our 5-year old grandson.

Now before you start ragging on me and telling me how unsafe it is giving him a ride on an interstate at 70 mph, I would just reply by saying that we are only going to be riding around our development, most likely not getting past 2nd gear.

That said, I was wondering if anybody has given a toddler a ride in the back of their RT, F3, (or any other Spyder with a similar configuration), and what you used as a "safety belt" to prevent the toddler from sliding off and maintain some sort of safety.

Thanks in advance....

12-27-2019, 08:52 PM
Duct tape, lots and lots of duct tape!

Sorry, I know that’s not helpful but it’s the first thing that’s come to mind.

A realistic suggestion though is if you have an actual waist belt that might work threaded through the hand grabs, or something that goes around the top case and fastens around his waist?

I’m sure others here will have better suggestions

12-27-2019, 08:55 PM
Duct tape, lots and lots of duct tape!

Sorry, I know that’s not helpful but it’s the first thing that’s come to mind.

A realistic suggestion though is if you have an actual waist belt that might work threaded through the hand grabs, or something that goes around the top case and fastens around his waist?

I’m sure others here will have better suggestions

Duct tape ??

I was actually thinking of using bungee cords, LOL.

12-27-2019, 11:14 PM
yeah, not helpful as I said......

12-27-2019, 11:46 PM
Do little kids harnesses come large enough for a 5 year old? You know, the kind that strap around a child in two or three places that you attach a leash (yes, kind of like a pet!) to keep them from running away while walking in the mall! You could connect that to straps run around the backrest and/or thru the hand grips. I think in this case it would be best to have two strapping systems, one on the kid, and one on the bike, then connect them together when you want him on the seat.

Peter Aawen
12-27-2019, 11:48 PM
I wouldn't strap him to the Spyder AT ALL!! :yikes:

Yeah, I know the chances of you hitting an immovable object, being hit by another vehicle, &/or getting flipped by/for whatever reason might be pretty small, but if he's strapped onto the Spyder if (or maybe when?) something like that happens, you be left responsible for his almost certain death - there's some very good reasons that 'bikes & quads & pretty much anything without some roll-over protection aren't fitted with seatbelts; just as there's good reasons that almost everything with some degree of roll-over protection does!!! You really don't want to have your Grandson strapped onto something that can end up on top of him &/or sliding along on its side with him held firmly in place between it & the road surface or another vehicle, do you?!? :shocked:

The Owner's Guide for these things warn that you shouldn't carry passengers who are too small/short to properly reach the foot pegs/plates and hold onto the hand grips properly; so ideally, you should probably wait until he is big enough to do both before giving him that first ryde! There are some threads here on the Forum showing how some owners raised the pillion foot plates so their short pillions could reach better, and (at least for a while?) there was also a set of brackets available commercially over your way that did that too - either could help?! :lecturef_smilie:

But if you must take him for a ryde now & he can't reach the pegs/plates & hold on properly yet, then I reckon you'd be much better off to strap him to YOU rather than to the Spyder - and preferably, strap him to your front, (like a tandem parachute harness) so that if the brown stuff does hit the fan, you can at least fold/wrap yourself around him & take the brunt of any impact..... it might hurt you a bit more, but at least it'd provide him some degree of protection - or maybe you could fit a roll cage with integrated seat belts? :dontknow:

Before their first Spyder Ryde with me, my Grandkids sat on my Spyder just about every week until they could show me that they were big enough to put their feet on the pegs/plates and hold onto the grips, and they've both been happily ryding with me at every opportunity ever since. Still, they weren't too much older than your Grandson is now when they finally got that first ride, and I reckon they enjoyed it all the more because they had to wait until they were big enough! It was a much anticipated treat that added to the eventual joy! :thumbup:

12-27-2019, 11:54 PM
Look up child safety harness on Amazon. Quite a few possibilities. There's even one for m/c riding! Or adapt the airline one. You're limited only by your imagination!

12-28-2019, 12:57 AM
Hands and arms go through first loops, hands grab second loops. He won't go anywhere. I've ridden dozens of kids on my Spyder over the years. Campground at 10-15 MPH, neighborhood at 20 MPH.

12-28-2019, 03:38 AM
Hands and arms go through first loops, hands grab second loops. He won't go anywhere. I've ridden dozens of kids on my Spyder over the years. Campground at 10-15 MPH, neighborhood at 20 MPH.:2thumbs: looks one of better solutions but when it comes to kids:dontknow::popcorn: even if they are riding safely, still liable to randomly decide to shuck the helmet ,or any number of things kids do for whatever reasons. :gaah::banghead: good luck Hope first ride is enjoyable enough they know to behave or never get another ride kind of thing:lecturef_smilie:

12-28-2019, 05:57 AM
When we got our bike it had a seat belt on it for the rider! I guess the mans wife that we bought it from have a habit of taking a nap back there while on a long ride! It was a nylon strapping material that had a quick snap buckle. If I recall right it was bolted on both side of the bike some where up by the hand grabs, when not in use they tucked up under the seat!! I had the shop take the thing off before I took it off the lot! They also make a strap the you wrap around you and the rider like two belts that have a tether line between the two belts for snowmobiling with little ones that are to big to put in front of you and ride! That would be my choice if I was going to do anything, that way if you had to bail there going with you and not stuck riding it out!

12-28-2019, 11:28 AM
I agree with this part of Pete Aawen's response: "I wouldn't strap him to the Spyder AT ALL!!"
As you know children must be in car seats until they reach a weight dictated by law. I believe a 5 year old is still in a car seat so why would you risk harm to your grandchild. He and you can wait until he can reach the foot pegs and hold onto the grasp rails firmly. I waited until my grandchildren were 10 years old, out of a car seat and big enough to hold on securely. They also understood my instructions, much better than a 5 year old would. Prior to that I let them sit on "Irish" as they made motorcycle noises.

12-28-2019, 11:54 AM
Children are not package I want to strap on to keep from blowing off.

My requirements are simple.
Do you normally listen and follow instructions?
Can you reach the foot pads?
Can you ride a bicycle?

If it's yes to the above, let's go riding.

12-28-2019, 12:33 PM
if they are too small to hold on, the only way would be have somebody else hold them and never go out of the yard. Might be better to take them for a ride on the lawn mower.

It would be even better to teach them to drive the mower and then make them mow the lawn.

I did put an old car seat belt on my tree stand because I would go to sleep up there sometimes.

12-28-2019, 01:43 PM
Thanks everybody for their responses so far.

Come to think of it, it might be a little safer to have my grandson sit in front of me. I remember when my nephew was around 5 when I gave him a ride on my XR200 dirtbike. His arms were long enough to hold on to the crossbar, and we just putted around a huge field at the end of the street where my parents lived.

I just posted the question to see if others have had any success in preventing a toddler from accidentally sliding off the rear seat....

12-28-2019, 02:01 PM
Thanks everybody for their responses so far.

Come to think of it, it might be a little safer to have my grandson sit in front of me. I remember when my nephew was around 5 when I gave him a ride on my XR200 dirtbike. His arms were long enough to hold on to the crossbar, and we just putted around a huge field at the end of the street where my parents lived.

I just posted the question to see if others have had any success in preventing a toddler from accidentally sliding off the rear seat....

I did the sitting in front version with my young one on my Honda 305 dream. He enjoyed "driving" the mc. He also liked to make those "vroom, vroom" noises.

12-28-2019, 02:08 PM
i used to run my belt through my daughters belt loops it worked very well

12-28-2019, 02:34 PM
Bet the boy loves it!

Joel The Biker
12-28-2019, 04:17 PM
Strapping your child to the spyder is illegal. DO NOT DO IT. There are harnesses available to attach your child to you while on a motorcycle. That is fine. I used to give my 5 year old niece rides on my goldwing. To keep her from falling off, I had armrests with locks to prevent them from swinging out. Check your local laws, but I am pretty sure it is illegal in all 50 states to strap your child to your motorcycle. There are 5 states that have age restrictions for children as passengers on motorcycles. Washington, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Hawaii. Those state say a child cannot be younger than between 5 to 8 years old to ride as a passenger(depending on the state).

12-28-2019, 07:46 PM

Check out the photo, I have the ISCI arm rests on the rear
that along with bubgee cords work great.
Always ride safe

12-29-2019, 08:13 AM
I went through the responses here pretty quickly and may have missed it but something else to consider is a question of legality. One person mentioned it is illegal to strap a child to the bike. I personally have no knowledge of such a law but don't doubt it is out there. The other legal question is likely a state by state thing. Some states require children be tall enough to reach the passenger foot pegs without modifications before they are allowed to ride and most go on to state it is illegal to have a child ride in front of you as well as restrict the number of passengers to one; making it illegal for another adult to hold onto the child between you and them. Those laws are there for good reasons that I agree with. Your grandchild's physical safety should take precedence over hurt feelings of not getting to ride for a few more years.

12-29-2019, 02:20 PM
I went through the responses here pretty quickly and may have missed it but something else to consider is a question of legality. One person mentioned it is illegal to strap a child to the bike. I personally have no knowledge of such a law but don't doubt it is out there. The other legal question is likely a state by state thing. Some states require children be tall enough to reach the passenger foot pegs without modifications before they are allowed to ride and most go on to state it is illegal to have a child ride in front of you as well as restrict the number of passengers to one; making it illegal for another adult to hold onto the child between you and them. Those laws are there for good reasons that I agree with. Your grandchild's physical safety should take precedence over hurt feelings of not getting to ride for a few more years.

I know in my state and I'm sure it's all 50. If the passenger cant flat foot the foot pegs its illegal to ride. Riding in front of you is definitely illegal. If you get caught by police. Probably a hefty fine.

12-30-2019, 10:25 AM
I know in my state and I'm sure it's all 50. If the passenger cant flat foot the foot pegs its illegal to ride. Riding in front of you is definitely illegal. If you get caught by police. Probably a hefty fine.

This happened in Northern, rural MN. My child rode with me in the early 60's. The times were a bit different then. I actually had a chat with the local Constable about it. He just said to be careful. We lived out in the country at the time. Little to no traffic. The times are much different now. And...hopefully, I have also grown a bit wiser.

12-30-2019, 10:39 AM
I know of one situation where a guy was giving rides to kids on his motorcycle on a dead end road. A neighbor called the cops. He was charged and convicted of child abuse and will forever be listed as a child abuser. It is illegal as it can be. I believe that in Wisconsin, USA, a passenger needs to have both feet on the passenger pegs. Pegs must be as supplied by the manufacturer and in standard location.
Have fun !

12-30-2019, 11:02 AM
The times have changed...very much so. :bowdown: