View Full Version : How to load test your Spyder battery

12-20-2019, 12:33 AM
I just thought about a way to check battery health without taking it to a shop to load test it. When the battery is new connect a volt meter to it. Or do it now even if it's not new. Turn the ignition on and hold the throttle wide open. This keeps it from starting. Push start and crank the engine for a few seconds (5 max according to service manual) while monitoring the battery voltage. Then occasionally, like once or twice a riding season, repeat the process. Make note of how much the battery voltage drops within the 5 second time frame. When you see it start to drop precipitously it's time to get ready to replace the battery.

12-20-2019, 01:15 AM
Ya scared me for a second. I thought.."How do you pushstart a Spyder?". It's late and I'm sleepy.

Little Blue
12-20-2019, 06:29 AM
:coffee: A good TIP. Something else to be aware of is a loose battery cable and corrosion. My .02. ....:thumbup:

12-20-2019, 11:24 AM
Load testing the battery by cranking the engine was in the older service manuals and has been removed in the newer versions. The minimum voltage during crank was listed as 10 V. That in my opinion is a bit too low. Since the gauge cluster reboot level is 10V and the fault code min is also 10V. I would think 10.5V or lower would be the level that I would use to replace the battery at.

Just a reminder. Using engine crank current draw to load test the battery can be a useful guide. It will be different if the engine is warm or cold, battery is warm or cold, starter condition and engine condition. So use it as a guide.