View Full Version : Why get a motorcycle?

11-15-2019, 10:39 PM
The best reason for getting a bike that I've ever heard goes like this:

- Have you ever seen a motorcycle parked by the shrink's office?

...and that pretty much summarizes it for me.

What was your reason?

11-15-2019, 11:21 PM
Hard to beat that reasoning; works for me, too.

I could only add that I grew up (well, maybe?) owning and enjoying a series of sports cars, learning to downshift, many hours spent practicing cornering/drifting through twisty back roads. Had a few two-wheelers mixed in here and there, including one which took me across Europe. Now, in old age, and after many years away from riding, my Spyder has re-kindled my love of breezing down country roads; it is creating new thrills and memories as I re-live earlier excitement. For me, the Spyder combines elements of both bike and sports car. It rejuvenates my soul. It gives meaning and purpose to my days. And, I love it.

11-16-2019, 04:07 AM
This indescribable, unadulterated feeling when you run over a rabbit - impossible to reach with a car. :bdh::lecturef_smilie:

11-16-2019, 04:11 AM
Seems correct to me

11-16-2019, 06:53 AM
Gump, you're a genius!

11-16-2019, 07:28 AM
I bought my first motorcycle (1972 Honda 250XL) when I was 16 years old. My mother freaked out because I didn't tell my folks I was going to do that. I just bought it from a friend one day, had a pretty rudimentary understanding of how to shift gears, and into the traffic I went.

During the spring, summer, and fall I use my trips on the Spyder as a way to clear my head.

11-16-2019, 08:39 AM
Bought my first bike when I was 9 by buying, fixing and selling bicycles. Never been more than a few months without one ( mainly when moving countries to work ) and now almost 59. Love the feeling of just riding without really going anywhere for a reason - I say if I arrive in the car then its me the parent - If I arrive on the bike then its ME.... :)

11-16-2019, 09:27 AM
I like to ask people have they ever seen a dog, with his head out the window, look unhappy? That is how I feel when I am riding a bike.

11-16-2019, 10:00 AM
I was about 10 years old when I got the first one and I got it because it was fun. I been getting them ever since then for the same reason.

11-16-2019, 10:31 AM
I got my first one summer 1968 to ride to and from work on a local farm. By the end of that summer I was hooked and bikes were my primary means of transportation until I sold my first BMW in 1980. Fast forward to April of 2000 when I brought home my second beemer because I then had a good enough job to have some luxuries. The bike quickly became my primary mode of transportation again but also my stress reducer appropriately tagged as "beemer therapy" and I have never regretted any of it. Well, gotta get ready; have another therapy session scheduled today.

11-16-2019, 11:24 AM
Back in those ancient days of childhood, I always pretended that my bike was a motorcycle. Even added the sound effects with playing cards, and balloons. The balloons sounded better, but they did not last long. Could never afford the fake muffler thingy they sold that made mc noises and even looked cool.

Well...after all that...I guess I was destined to be a biker. That has gone on now since 1966. Soon to be 74, I still have three. One two wheeler, and two spyders. :yes:

11-16-2019, 11:52 AM
Been doing it forever, and because of equilibrium issues I thought I was going to have stop in 09. Luckily I discovered the Spyder and the rest as they say is History. I did resurrect my Shelby Cobra ( it's much warmer at Fall temps ) and do enjoy the " twistie's " driving that also. Time will tell how long this can go on, exercise really helps. Don't ever stop moving - things will catch you. ….. Mike :ohyea:

11-16-2019, 12:00 PM
I always wanted to ride, but when I was a kid my older brother had an accident on his bike (he eventually fully recovered) and it intimidated me.... the want was always there but it was not until I was turning 50 that I thought "If not now, when?" so I bought myself a brand new Honda Shadow and set out to learn how to ride it. 14 years, 3 more bikes and about 250,000 kilometers later, I remain convinced it was the second-best decision I ever made (after marrying my wife!). I have gotten to see most of North America on the various machines I have ridden over the years since then.... pure wind therapy!

11-16-2019, 12:25 PM
As my avatar and signature indicate, I've been 2 wheeling a long time. And like Bushrat, did the sport car thing from the late '50s into the '70s. My take on why I did/do this is I like mastering the control of a machine that requires certain skills to do well on. I'm sure some you feel the same.
My reason for switching from 2 wheels to 3 is the oft told tale here. Even though my 2 wheel days are behind me, I gotta have a machine under me that requires certain skills to ride well. I guess that's a man over machine thing, eh?
Some name their vehicles - I never have. But if I did, it would bear this name: KU'U HANA HOU - that's Hawaiian for MY ENCORE, for my Spyder really is a follow up to the main act.
In closing, I have a sign on a wall that reads; "God does not deduct from one's time hours spent on a motorcycle." So ride long and live long my friends.

11-16-2019, 02:20 PM
Retirement gift to myself. I had not rode since I was a teenager, so why not. Got a Suzuki then an HD, now I have the Spyder.

11-16-2019, 03:10 PM
Can't reach the handle of the refrigerator while sitting on my bike.

Peter Aawen
11-16-2019, 04:58 PM
Why get a motorcycle? Fixed up & learnt to ride my first 'bike too many years ago to want to count, been riding ever since, with a few (relatively short)intervals when for various reasons, I couldn't.... Still riding whatever & whenever I can. As for why keep on riding, it's simply that.....

"You don't stop riding when you get old, you get old because you stop riding!"

11-16-2019, 06:41 PM
The thrill of speed, the smell of nature, the beauty of God's earth and the sense of freedom!

11-16-2019, 07:16 PM
... enough of the polite, thoughtful answers...

at my advanced age, I'll just say that riding my Spyder is the best (maybe the only) available alternative orgasmic experience to sex ... and often better!!!

11-17-2019, 12:30 AM
Wheels for me is not just a way to get from point A to point B. It’s a way to move my soul through time and space. I have a half dozen different choices of sweet rides to choose from on a daily basis and I definitely use them all in the same way.
I use them to clear my mind and to make that part of my day entirely about have a good time and doing something purely for the fun of it..here’s a pics of my two remaining bikes ( I had four over the summer) and my Spyder... its so fun to learn to ride something that’s completely new. That’s one of the coolest things about the Spyder.

Peter Aawen
11-17-2019, 01:14 AM
... ...... available alternative orgasmic experience to sex ... and often better!!!

Well, as good a thing as Spyder Ryding is & can be, I can only say one thing about the sex.... if that bolded bit's really the case, then Buddy, you doin' it wrong! :yikes:


11-17-2019, 07:15 AM
Well, as good a thing as Spyder Ryding is & can be, I can only say one thing about the sex.... if that bolded bit's really the case, then Buddy, you doin' it wrong! :yikes:


Pete, it's not so much a 'technique' issue as it is a matter of 'performance'; the Spyder has never yet let me down, whereas .......

11-17-2019, 09:08 AM
Can't reach the handle of the refrigerator while sitting on my bike.

ding-ding-ding we have a winner!

11-17-2019, 09:12 AM
Back in 1969, when I was 12 years old, I saw my cousin zipping around his backyard on his Rupp minibike. I soon as I rode it, I was hooked. About a week later, I had a new Honda CT70H in my garage (thanks dad!!!!). I've been hooked ever since to the tune of 25+ bikes. My Spyder is simply my "next" adventure, but I foresee a very enjoyable future with it :)

11-17-2019, 02:02 PM
As a kid, riding mini bikes in the fields around us, and also riding on the back of friends motorcycles. Got my first motorcycle when I was 20 and after a couple more of those, got my first Spyder. I'm on my second one now and it appears nothing is going to change... that's a good thing.

11-18-2019, 01:57 AM
Even Bill Gates had a Chopper


11-18-2019, 01:30 PM
It's as close to riding our snowmobiles (in non winter weather) as we've been able to get.

11-18-2019, 03:32 PM
... enough of the polite, thoughtful answers...

at my advanced age, I'll just say that riding my Spyder is the best (maybe the only) available alternative orgasmic experience to sex ... and often better!!!

Interesting answer, FWIW, The Villages may be a nearby adventure if needed...

11-18-2019, 05:26 PM
I was a passenger on the 2 wheeled motorcycles for 16 years.

In 2012 I bought my first spyder, and never looked back. It is wind therapy for me. I like being in the spyder crowds, and gatherings( events).


11-19-2019, 07:46 PM
... enough of the polite, thoughtful answers...

at my advanced age, I'll just say that riding my Spyder is the best (maybe the only) available alternative orgasmic experience to sex ... and often better!!!

Hmmmm... well, I dunno... neighbor of mine back in MO was into aviation and had a T-shirt that said, "FLYING - The Second-Greatest Thrill Known To Man" :lecturef_smilie:

Oh Well... Never Mind... Carry On... :doorag:

11-20-2019, 04:34 PM
When I was a young kid (Maybe 7 or 8) My uncle had an Indian with the shifter on the tank. He took me for a ride, and I was so scared, I decided right then and there I would get a bike as soon as I could. When I turned 16 I got a 305 Yamaha, and never looked back after that. Love bikes.

Little Blue
11-21-2019, 05:23 AM
For me it was being able to tour country roads and enjoy the open space.
Wind therapy is a wonderful thing.
Ryde safe and enjoy your Spyder Ryde Times....:thumbup:

11-21-2019, 12:29 PM
For me it was being able to tour country roads and enjoy the open space.
Wind therapy is a wonderful thing.
Ryde safe and enjoy your Spyder Ryde Times....:thumbup:

Right on! My wife understands none of this. It seems few do.

11-22-2019, 04:36 PM
When I was a young kid (Maybe 7 or 8) My uncle had an Indian with the shifter on the tank...I drove one of those! In the 50s. Indian 74 (equivalent of the Harley 74). It had a rocking-type foot clutch on the left, and 3-speed shifter on the right; First, Neutral, Second, Third, in a straight line, and you had to "find" Neutral to use the kick-starter. Friend o' mine had it while I had my little 5hp Famous James. Mine wouldn't do even 45, so the only way I knew to drive was wide open throttle. When Alan let me drive his, he had to yell, "Slow Down! You're doin' 80." And we didn't know what a windshield was...


11-22-2019, 05:46 PM
This is one of the best threads ever; love seeing everyone remanence.

11-22-2019, 06:24 PM
Why a motorcycle.....? Because my mom wouldn't let me have one "as long as I lived in her house". I still remember her exact words when I showed up with a shiny new Goldwing in the mid-80s. Just 3 words....... "Oh good lord". That rings in my brain as if it was said just yesterday. When I think about my late mom and remember her reaction, I can't help but smile..... Jim

Lew L
11-22-2019, 07:33 PM
ACCELERATION, Can you say a modded ZX-11 and Modded V-Max . Still have the Max--- It's a joy when the V-boost open up. Just be pointed in the right direction. nojoke

11-23-2019, 03:30 AM
The only times that my mind is clear is when I'm riding. Making love only last so long. A ride can last minutes, hours and days.........

02-19-2020, 09:33 PM
The best reason for getting a bike that I've ever heard goes like this:

- Have you ever seen a motorcycle parked by the shrink's office?

...and that pretty much summarizes it for me.

What was your reason?

funny! I'm a therapist considering buying my first motorcycle. So, you WOULD see a spyder parked outside my therapy office. =)

02-19-2020, 09:51 PM
I have had motorcycles since 1952. Why? Because it's passion. Everyone should have at least one passion.

02-19-2020, 11:36 PM
I just like riding. Don't know why. I just do.

02-20-2020, 12:09 AM
What a great thread.
My eldest brother had a Japanese bike (a Kawasaki 250 I think), then when I was about 13 another brother bought an old Enfield. Chassis flexed like there was no tomorrow but it was fun to be on in the paddocks. He followed this up with a Harley mini bike.
My first bike wasn't until I had my motorcycle licence so about 18. A Benelli 125 Trail, a bike you could putter around on or ride full stick all day without complaint. Then came the Tornado 650S. Rode it home and parked it in the garage as it scared the life out of me. Couple of weeks later decided I was going to master this beast so started going up and down the mountains getting a good feel for how it behaved. What a magic bike, italian handling and all the mid range performance I could want. Went to many events and travelled some long distances with the Pressley panniers and top box fully loaded. The Benellis were my only mode of transport for years. Riding always cleared my head and settled my mood and I loved the forced air induction. All I had to do on the Tornado was twist the throttle slightly and the adrenaline would start pumping, then it was game on.
Had a Montesa Cota 123 that I rode comp trials (not very well) on (I was much lighter then), was swinger riding comp sidecar trials on a Yamaha TY250 for a few years and we did quite well, then marriage and the kids started arriving so substantial gaps not riding anything. Suzuki TS185 a Sachs Mad Ass and couple of quads so haven't had many bikes. Still plan to restore the Tornado.
Don't have the blind confidence I did in the early days and trucks and buses spilling diesel around our way got me looking at 3 wheels.
Could not see myself liking traditional trikes so Spyder/Ryker were the way to go and I loved the looks.
Now have the 2014 ST-S and it is magic. I still have a lot to learn but these really are a delight to ride. The sound it makes is wonderful and man does it get up and boogie when you want it to.
The ST is a commuter bike mostly at the moment running from home to the station (20 miles) and back however I am looking forward to retirement or at least semi retirement where I can simply get up in the morning and say "I think I will go for a ride" and it not be to work!
Apologies for the rambling...........

02-20-2020, 08:09 AM
I have always loved bikes, but either my parents said no as a teenager, or after I got married, my wife would say no. I fought with my wife for 25 years over a bike. I never got one. I am now 47, got divorced 2 years ago, currently engaged to an awesome woman, and I have my first bike. My 2016 F3-T. And she loves it too. So I guess what that means is I got divorced so I could finally have my bike.
And I ride that thing as much as I can. Winter be damned. :-)

02-20-2020, 09:47 AM
I am with bushrat. When I had my widow maker, I lost my sense of purpose. Even though I still had bikes in the shed, I could not ride them. I had my heart attack on two wheels, and it really ****ed me up. I started to ride again last year, but I could never trust myself enough to go anywhere alone. My wife and I have worked that out now where she follows in the pickup, and I get my freedom, this way if it gets too rainy or weird at, I have the trailer for shelter and for the trike. We are buying a toy hauler RV for it.

Anyway, the Can Am gave me a new mechanical system to learn ( I service everything I own), and it gave me belief in myself, and my abilities again. The Can Am is a Huge part of ending the "walking around expecting to die at any moment" feeling I used to have. I am way more active, and my heart doc is happier than a pig in **** that I am out doing things. He told me point blank, you wanna live, GET UP!!! The Can Am gives me purpose again, and its awesome. It may be ugly, it may not be the newest, but its paid for and its mine. Yes its fast, and no you can't ride it.....lol

I have owned over 220 bikes lifetime. I used to own a service and sales shop. I rebuilt and restored barn finds and sold them at affordable prices so people could affordably enjoy the sport. Many of those 220 were stripped and sold on eBay, but I did technically own them. I still own two 2-wheelers, but I have them up for sale. I also ride a 2013 Triumph Thruxton LE, and the 1997 BMW F650 Funduro for my Mountain trail exploring. I want a Ryker Rally to replace that.

02-20-2020, 11:33 AM
I just turned 78, and still ride my Harley Heritage Classic. I also ride my 2016 Spyder RT. Of course, I am much less tired after a hundred mile cruise on the Spyder than on the Harley, but the Harley brings a bigger adrenaline rush. But what’s strange is,......I have an extreme Vertigo balance problem,.....walking. I am sitting in my recliner dozing off after lunch, when I start having visions of the open road, and hearing the thumping of my Harley pipes. So, I stagger out of the apartment, suit and helmet up, fire up the 1600CC V-Twin Beast,.....after I struggle getting it off the side stand, then back it out of the garage, drop it in 1st,.....with a loud CLUNK,.......and before I shift it in to 2nd, my Vertigo is completely gone, and I revert back to being a Teen Aged Bad To The Bone Biker Dude. My Spyder does not expose those old Primal memories. But the Spyder still beats riding a Motorized Wheel Chair! I am hoping to be able to keep riding the Harley at 80, but plan to keep riding my Spyder until as long as I am still able to mount it, and still have my Driver’s License. My 1st Bike was a 72 BSA 650,....followed by a 73 Harley Sportster XLCH 1000, . That beast would shake the fillings out of my teeth, and Vibrated so bad, that parts would fall off it on the highway! Then, I had a 76, KAWASAKI 500 Triple 2 Stroke, a 50 CC Honda, a new 78 Yamaha XS1100,....a Honda 550,...another 82 Yamaha XS1100, an 88 Kawi 1500 Classic, a new 2002 Kawi 1500 Classic, and my last and present 2009 Harley Heritage Classic. I had a new 2012 Spyder RT, and my present 2016 Spyder RT that I have ridden 44,500 miles so far. I also bought a 2017 Chev. CAMARO 2SS last Summer , so it still gives me great pleasure, and motivates me to get my butt off the recliner, and go out and take a cruise on one of my Toys every day that it isn’t snowing, raining, or the Temp is above 40 Degrees F. Speaking of my Spyder,....my Magic Mirror Magnet Set was just delivered by FEDX from Lamonster’s Garage! Looks like I have a little project ahead of me.

02-20-2020, 12:40 PM
Nice to see the revival of this great thread. :yes:

02-20-2020, 02:57 PM
My first taste of freedom came atop a 3hp Briggs & Stratton with two 8" wheels, handlebars and a seat attached to it. I cruised the trails dirt roads and ally ways as far and wide as it had fuel to carry me. I must have been 10 or 12 at the time and when i hit high school i latched onto a Honda 50. It's the sense and feeling of freedom i guess and i can't give it up. The cops nor the taxman can ever catch me while i'm ride'n. All too often though i have to come back to reality as life today requires it, but i still ride for the peace of mind and feeling of freedom it gives me.

02-20-2020, 04:31 PM
After riding a Spyder, driving a car is not exciting at all.

02-20-2020, 10:37 PM
The best reason for getting a bike that I've ever heard goes like this:

- Have you ever seen a motorcycle parked by the shrink's office?

...and that pretty much summarizes it for me.

What was your reason?:2thumbs: with that thought :ohyea:178923 favorite patch :firstplace:& shirt found on trip to southern most point in key west (along with the assortment of things collected on the trip)178926 Appropriate Memes
178924 178925

02-21-2020, 04:37 PM
Great comments, all good reasons to ride. I have been riding on and off since 1969 and my new 2020 Spyder RTL is great. I took it out today at 33 degrees with some of the new battery heated clothing and it was a blast.

02-21-2020, 06:30 PM
Ryding is my favorite thing to do with clothes on. :)

Big Juice
02-22-2020, 11:46 AM
In 1969, my friend bought a new Triumph Trident 750. I didn't ride motorcycles, I was into hot rods (I had a 1941 Chevy pickup with a Blue Flame 6 cylinder, headers, duals exhaust, and glass packs, well, it was MY hot rod). He hounded me for a couple of months to ride his bike, no way I said. Finally, I said I would ride it around the block (maybe 5 minutes) if he would shut up about harassing me, he said it was a deal. I came back about an hour and a half later, he was getting in his car to look for me and ready to call the PD as I must have had an accident, and that was the start of my motorcycling life. I sold the truck, bought a new Honda CB450! Now 12 bikes and 50 yrs later, while traveling to 28 states, Canada and Mexico, I'm still at it! Hopefully with no end in sight.........