View Full Version : Scary - Programming new keys

11-15-2019, 05:57 AM
I was reading a letter to the editor in an industry magazine today the story went something like this.

The customer owned an expensive motor home, was on holidays and had lost one of the keys. Customer called a locksmith who felt he could reprogram a new key without too much issue.

It seems the particular locksmith didn't know what he was doing, exceeded the number of attempts doing something while pairing the new key to the vehicle.

End result was.

Several computer controlled functions ceased, locking all functions of the vehicle permanently.
The existing key no longer worked.
Those function prevented the vehicle from being started, driven or any other kind of activity.
Required $9000 worth of new gear be shipped from Europe and replaced in the Motor Home on an extended wait.

I don't know if the same levels of security are incorporated in our trusted :ani29:, but it sure bares a thought. Almost shed a tear for the owner myself...

11-15-2019, 08:11 AM
From what I've read our Spyders DESS can be completely disabled by a person with a Mega-Tech license for the BUDS software. I think I've got that right, if not someone will correct me. Some folks on here actually do that for you if you're in their area.

11-15-2019, 09:53 AM
sounds like trying to save a dollar instead of getting a licensed dealer to program it.

11-15-2019, 02:11 PM
From what I've read our Spyders DESS can be completely disabled by a person with a Mega-Tech license for the BUDS software. I think I've got that right, if not someone will correct me. Some folks on here actually do that for you if you're in their area.

I am not going to correct you but add more info to make a more complete answer.

On model years 2008 to 2013. The DESS module cannot be disabled. New OE keys are added to the Spyder using a dealer master key. No computer connection required. During the programming process. All keys not run through again will no longer work and all keys that have been run through the process, new or old, will start the Spyder. Minimum of 2. The tech can mess up as often as they want. Start over and everything will be fine.
Also a clone can be made of a working key. Just need the correct blank key profile with a programmable chip T5. The Spyder cannot tell the difference between the clone and the key that was copied. Lock smith can't mess up the Spyder because they never see the Spyder.

On model years 2014 and later. New keys are added and missing keys are removed by the BUDS software the dealer has. As far as I know there are no traps or limits to doing something wrong and starting over. It even looks likes that even if all the keys are lost. New ones can be programed. In the aftermarket BUDS software and connector cable is available. Depending on the license you pay for. Not the dealer version. The DESS can be disabled.
Clone keys can also be made. It has been mentioned maybe twice that I have seen. But like the clones made for previous years. The locksmith never sees your Spyder to mess it up.

11-15-2019, 04:58 PM
Yes the DESS can be disabled. I have had it done to both of out RT'S. I have also bought 2 of the ILCO blank keys..went to a hardware store and had them cut them to match the Factory Spyder key and they work just fine.
At the Maggie Valley Spyder rally there were some Spyder owners with 2017 models having their DESS disabled.
They said that they were getting the error code also. I feel better that ours were disable. Saves any issues with
the module going bad



11-15-2019, 05:34 PM
Hate to say it guy's but this is another case of if it's not broke don't try to fix it!!! Meaning, why did BRP even come up with this stupid system to start with? I guess so some people have some thing real to bitch about!!! I feel real sorry for all of you guy's that are wrapped up in this mess!! Some times these company's should just leave well enough alone! Your not going to stop a smart thief, no matter what you put on these machines!! Good Luck guy's my heart goes out to you!!!:pray:

11-15-2019, 08:51 PM
Yes the DESS can be disabled. I have had it done to both of out RT'S. I have also bought 2 of the ILCO blank keys..went to a hardware store and had them cut them to match the Factory Spyder key and they work just fine.


:agree: I have done the same thing. Mine acted up a few times and I was able to get it started, but never again. I venture to far from home for too long to have this stupid system leave me stranded.